Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1953, p. 1

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tt tomntrbghth yoarno 44 acton ontario thursday may 7th 1953 ten home print pagessix cents to board up grandstand in park plan redecoration in sunday school mrs f j mccutcheon was hostess to the ladies aid of knox church on tuesday afternoon the opening devotions were taken by mrs a j murray and mrs a k mann the summer projects were dla cussed and plans made to begin at once on the school room and vest bule the floor covering was chos en and the work is to be completed before the spring rally of guelph presbytenal meeting eaily in miy whin the ladies aid will c ttir to the dinntr and the akrl evening auxilnrv wilt be in chirge of tht afternoon lunchion mis r l dividson eonlribuled i iding on spnng housed minj ind miss rtlli mi rmiii icndir bwood snow r r 1 georgetown landed this w inch speck lec trout weighing one pound to win this years free press contest garry snow is shown holding the weekend beauty that was caught friday night about 8 30 within eight miles of acton dew worm bait was used but of course the exact location remains a secret mac logan speaker for annual junior farmer church service church knox prisbjlen ton wis filled to cipicitv on th occasion of thf hilton junior firmtrs fourth anmnl church scrviri held on sundiv evening wrv 1 chioaing is hi text the lord i mv shcihcrd mir leg in junior firmer from osfoid ceunu dwelt binfh on i ich sen tenet of the twenlv third psilm hi emphasized the import nice t f chnmnn living from day to diy and pointed out th it thi tvunu third psalm is just as true t div as it wis hhm written b div id 2500 vears ago in conclusion the speaker stiud the twcntv third psalm is reallv the philosophy of life in i psalmists liriguage counu president hirold tvrrell conducted the service and led in the pnver the scripture reidint was given by county past pres ident mac sprowl the haltnn junior firmer choir led bj thomas allen added to tht sci vice of worship by their re dition of tht beiii ti fill mthen bits thou the loid and bw this ii mse ushers wen cilvin spmwl douijis anderson firl snow jo 1 iiktt lohn cnrrie and dive lilli crop miny of the congregition missionary sunday brewedwkndx the innual missiomrv sunday wis observed it knox church on sundiy miy 3 with tht rev r h armstiong in chaise of both ser vices in the morning the seimon tmphimztd the mission work be ginning in the homes with tht ftm ily in the evening rev james sutheilind presented the usponsi- bility of our church in the young peoples summer cimp it glen moir on lake simcoi an impressive tonclusion was the innual fireside in ihirge of the alert fvtning auxiliiiy when in- vilitions were extended to the other church rioups in town mrs a k minn the pusidenl piesided the dcvolioml strvice w is leti by mrs george musst lie insisted bv mrs r omiid mis a mclsnc miss bella mm hosell ind imludmj hit solo den sum bv mis hirh the folio ii i th v l chi cnls giorm newell fivored th mdieiire with two solas a shoit suit song followed ibly led bv dive pellelteno two mimbiis now let everv tongue adoi thee ind non nobis domim sung b tht choir concluded the evening s program the members of the choir pre enled mr allen with i w illct ana mrs newell with i bouquet of flowers in ipprechtion of their ef forts us choir leidcr and accomp 400 halton students in music f c more thin 400 hilton count studmls pirticipited in the 22nd an dual hilton countv ft stiv il held in knox t hurch milton n thursdiv ind fndav of hist week adjnrtic ilor dr rov ftnwick provincnl director of music ht ird mor than 300 ndmdual entries in the two in t mpeli hon of choirs se los dints md d ublt inn shitlris tr phirs ind medils wen ivnidi d winner- in tht 40 ftshvil classes with the mtdils goinj to solo and duet winners competitions were arrankod in ae roups stirt itu from st v e n t irs t id ind utidi r gee rge tow ti entries from scho s carried off tht most ri7 s with i lou of 23 win- seven firsts 11 sr nds ind f m thirds oikvill wcs next with five firsts fmr s onds ind ft ur third f r j teitil 13 wins mitlon hid i t t il of 11 wins with five first tw s o ndv j mid four thirds th ml ip i- i park slide bought by ys mens club a slide has been purchased by acton ys mens club to be placed in the park near the swing it was announced at the last regular bus iness meeting of the club thurs day april 30 cost of the swing is 146 25 the ys mens convention held recently in acton wis i iremtnd oiks success w wolfe reported a number of letters of ipprecialion hive been rtetived from eluus whi h visitid tht town on thit or solo tht meeting dosed loids pi ijtr ind tht usu sou il peuod when thi strved iifitshmenls ilh the fiendly immitut lei shin at tht pitstniiti in or tht irif mrs slmrl smcl ur offt t fftr id the mis r h armsiioih mtr tht utst spt iker r sutlitilind of nut b ihill kim in uispit ition it lilk duced i nut s w ho m the the in wl i f tht ind ishn lub ijit cd to lend suijpiiit md nd finititiajiv i mcgt uhie w is ehosen i j te to rtiuestnt acton y s i it tht intt tnitioml eonventie be held it dmpport low i in projtltsior the coiinuj weiooutiiuedbvehmi smith many members of the club pi in oi piying i visit to mount ilimil ton club in two weeks movies talk solos on iode program the duke of devonshire chapter iode held its regular monthly meeting nt the home of mrs w j btatty church street on may 5 during the business meeting a dis eussion was held about having a tooking school in october it was de titled to procure the books for the school fmpire day contest ind the annuil tag d iv for the blind will be held this snturdiv miss m z bennett gave a very intt nslinj talk about tht colombo ll in md inform d tht members about tin tconomie net d in inrin him new numbers were wileom td md insttlltd m the chipltr b th ii mut mis a long they w ii mrs j m i lehu mrs w unit ind mis f meculchetn in pi mo salos u thtn render f b mil f ii her c hopin s fan ml rutttrflv bv th illv riked mi- ind m he ll r mrs o robbms ihovved of ht r trip to fiondn it chrtstmis music supervisor teachers engaged chin mm wilson presided it th re gill ir met ting of tht school boird on tuesday evening v all members present principil mckenit n ported thit the duki of di vonshire ch m i o i f wis pnsenliix i fligpok flig to the tin md tint tho likcsidi chiptt i iode ws donitmg flig fin i ith rlissroom mr m kenh ilsn shuwd tht boird th frimd putuirs of the quin don attd it tht iiening of tht nt v i ldiis auxili ry l id i i i t f i no repairs planned on weakening grandstand the grandstand in prospect park will be boirded up iccordirig to tht park committee of acton council when they decided at their mond iy evening meeline not te rtpur tht structure the committn rt ported that i builders roiih eitim itt of 1100 hid been received ind ifter the rt pairs the stind eould still not t guir intt ed to hi id i ct rtnin weight it wis poinltd t ut thit tin b ick supporting posts would havt to be rtmwtd md fitil n dmnl foumhtions ouncilh r j grtr deetued i w ouldri t spi nrl i nu k i on it t i line illor i indsiv suggi sted ht w ould r illu r spr nd th in m m llu in n i th in on i mnldmj th t s nu used mi i i thru ti us i w ouncilhi mtlxod de i ud the imildmj wn nd post i fit ii un font part it- mi nt but n md often discussed highwiys ipprovct ilirt all of tht then n h thc cnrnor hid signed the until dtudtd h 16 fool widi n id wis iiuissiry is i r n tir intion of george st rather lhat tht ifrttd 49 foot road lot il is tht piece of property whith no clt ir title is obtan ibe nd strvts is i possible eontinuil ion of ctorge st from mill st ti v wirtimt housing subdivision i cil i tht nilt tpoit j mill md mjiii sls providing th- ttwn in rt the totil instill ition ind mnnttninci uu costs were ti ir invistigited ut road subsidy r id gnnts were ipproved on 18 000 fir tht vtnr by the de p irtmi nt of highwiys the town hid ippliid for ipprovil mi sj2r41 clerk me ci ichu it ported that the i utl ng if tn e s em c imeron ave hid in n ippnid for the 50 pt ci nt r nd subsidy ind officials n id ili intimilid i jnnt would i ip d fe l tent bndgi if t i pin eh ls the i whiih 100 per t i id md ipproved i ith iiilt i it nix t ill i il ty l i fi m th 1 dulricl ne wis cons tucted to spol planes r ind iv r p rted thi in hi s p r unel ok iv c ps hid thi d i mot nt e kt 1 d by tin by the imtuisi in if ins misuci r audi rs il txpiesstd tht ts i f tht ii oup to mi sutlit i ind 1 ill win ind ht iptd i mis lmn l is called forwird md ltio of hi i dtvotid m mv vt irs mis suited htr with i lift mimbiishi ind pin from the kroup ane ther mi moriblt niht in th tffoit to cirrv on mission wnk i knox w is concluded with pnurb rev r h armstroni a p i ii d e soc l fellowship wis injovtd w ht the troop in charge served luht rt fnshments esquesing oks building of school the building of a school in school section no 7 of esquesing township wis approved bv the tuwnshipcoun cil it its meeting on mondav mav 4 cost is not to xce ed 0s 000 co g o brown wis ippointed a member eif the plinning board for thru vnrs gtorjt somtrville i ur fr two mils and fdwm irv c v kkv for phthtps solo ti v v ind proper sh 85 hople orovr- 4 bnvne r3 solo til md under karen bngden sherove 85 map bi er blur mountain 84 barbsmtbrtak mccurdv s 83 choir school nrotmnt 20 pu il ind imde r m curdv s 14 cedar springs 83 sola bivs 9 ind under rinaid arpa pitncia 85 chns canham stewarttown m chnstopher risk cetar springs 82 solo girls 9 and under kathleen e r n b vn h rivm id rc i shent n tommv lyu lipt- grew ft kuril 86 bojne 84 si g i 12 md over fli7ibe h mi in wiurlo 85 doreen how den sixth line m josephine greinwood no 16 tnfilgar 83 soli bevs changed voices john worthinglon merton 84 keith cartw right bels 83 harold wat son nelson 81 choir rural 2 and 3 pirt maple grove 86 patricia 84 bass solo bovs under joyce farmer sc 100i stud nt is vis tmq ottawa ins weev as guest of acton and ottawa rotary clubs one of nearly 200 students miss farmer meets the prime minister gover nor general and sees tl e nalior s capital two brigades fight fire in orton area n d th 5 n irted i iipt t irt bnides from ind frin rushtd to i i firm hone f willnm in the orion distiict thi putlv d ire tk the htn flu the house id bv brick bnlduk tie t 11 of the teip flu isidmt loc m fi m dublin pupils owinj ti ill hnlth mrs i m te tide n d her n sifn ition ind th boird secured the mtuus of mr k nnidv fr the bilince of the sduel term miss dorothy w irru md miss vivnn menougill wu i l im d for the ensuing school v ir mr flliotts nsigmtion i iiiusie snptrvesor w is itct pted ind 1 v ipphi itions wen receiv d f r this vitincv thit of cnwford doughs at 1 300 ind thit of mrs hi nd for s7t0 mrs heird was tht boird r irettcd thtv c uld it emph with the rtqitst from ir lakesid chipter iodf f if the gem r il purposes room r the coromtion dincc a n quest r the use of this room by the j legion ladus auxilnrv for their zone rillj on september 10 tnulj net be cnnh as the room is in 1 iblie us t school day en unk h est m i iu irb aeeount- if si 393 21 were ip wtll inej ilthough the ipplv of pr vd in i ordered pud ind th water did not last long the ground seeutarv wis authorized to issess floor and a section of upstairs was the nt rth hilton high school sived both brifidis had ughtl distiict board 2026a phnt op r men ition for april broke tied cm upper firtrr limestone 85 marguerite peacock sixth line 84 choir school enrolment 29 pup fls and under bovne 85 ashgrovc 81 solo boys 11 and under johnny wilson ptnegrove 86 paul mav mccurdys 85 lorn thomson ligny m solo girl 11 and under eliza marshall ash 86 marv dow ns prusl georgetown 85 donald an derson georgetoan 84 solo girls under 16 donna mc millan acton 87 jacqueline grj ham georgetown 86 heatheranne hayward milton 84 baritone solo bovs under 21 michael armstrong georgetow r 87 peter baldwin burlington 88 jim tiinleck georgetawn 84 conttnved on pop ftee 30132 reluf 14118 suinlv j brown fix claim 3 sheep claims dr h a mccullough 1s horace btll s11s a n stark valuator jfl bell t lephone co tinsis he pc six br town of acton to brigade attending fires at r h armstrongs and bert dodd s s100 grand vallev consprav tion authoruv assessment reeve george leslie presided at the meeting with all members pre sent hello donald travelling business or pleasure pleasure laddie pleasure wi twentv per cent reduction f h mid k ir n t n t i n ii ti in ms ik n 1 nti ii s ir v th e i i t fulh i inform in n it tt f r 1 iti r eon si i i iti i c un 11 r im i it p it 1 b bud hi n i i hi i 1 i h iv r tens nun x i t the t iwn a miiiii air travel films i s invtstimt stock i- airy itkr at regular meet in 1 ippr v i ii u st ml f jiw ii 1 d it t inv v i ry iak t kid with n r fish diev ilsu th ricuhr munthh mi tin n ipj rov id the pn se nt n ime of thi mm of km x w is h id in th pro peel pirk ind did i it pi in m in t in mond iv t vi rung th- my chinge mitlmj pmi i with i hvmn the ippnisal i f the v il le of the ijoxuloty tht que n md tht hnb mca buildmt md town hall wis rctived prt s nt repli cmetit rt v armstrong hd in i mi n s1v east if the y was set it 52 000 h tnd with di pre im iris it 47 000 i lift kilch of th father e f th rtpl iceiiuiit cost of thi town hill r form it in mirtm 1 ulher w i stt t sfioooo md with deprec th president g irdon odt r i hit n it 33 000 the insurance is l ok the business which cons sted te be mvi sin iled by the financi of the wcrctirv s report and the inisurers report he ilso in resolution wis passed thit the niunced th it this was the last u n u fi truck prtsently in bnnt muting of the yeir id i m ipnrs hive the hoist re bill munprtri hid chirge t the recre ition ind showed the purchise of i steel cibinet f 1ms ibiul nr tnv 1 iroimd th i ti ixtud 75 wis approved by v oild in i r r ihc ls essors ofpce te muting elotd with prayer no thalrment granted ge t ri binson ipplied for jn hi runt if his business t tx sir i tea bazaar held he hit sold his ice busines s ice s n u kinj businisj wis till to by church guild i i 1 n no ibiteme i c mid he r n it vis p lintel mt h it th r n ki is w re not p y 1 g pinning on medals won at the helton county music festival held in milton last week are blair hotchen acton and anne fraser oak ville the girls were silver and bronze medallists in the class for girls solo under 1 1 years old u iv centri d i f pink npdf indies rfnd t ibus hid small silver v isi s it l w agi ixed spring flowers 1g sun the sale f w irk us i de he ei i t br is f fir t v c pdnt it5 n di r mr g hrgrave i id asmslan- aeon f e aire se mg tabli ms wm coon cards and mrs neil patrick rndv tablt armco drain mr bob redfem and mrs clinton products ltalor home bate ng table mrs f tvler exj irewe mrs g candle and mrs g a cexik broom handles fountain v h donnell w elding mrs v bnstow old flavorings k mcphail fire trip to and greetings carets the following woodbridge won door prizes leather purse acton puc town operat donated by mrs frank oakes won ions march bv c e nelles cup and saucer ont prov pol salaries donated bv mrs h dolphin won acton puc hvdro ace t by mrs t ironsides relief j j mcgeachie expenses you say she has an impediment mellor const hauling tn her speech 1 hadn t noticed it i know yes she has to stop talking tot breath 4 00 3 00

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