ifltjrsday june 4th 1903 the acton free press acton ontario page ml a jtemslb ortomkimist 58 si georges square gurph formerly occupied by hrtp heed complete eyesight service coronation bound en route to london where they took part in the coronation parade and other special events being arrang ed in connection with the coronation celebration are 46 royal can adian mounted police horses canadian pacific rail and steamship facilities combined to handle their unusual transportation needs accompanied by a 10 man party qf mounties in charge of staff sgt c w anderson of ottawa the horses are shown bottom being loaded aboard four palace horse cars at the c p r s ottawa west yards while top photo shows loading operations aboard the can adian pacifies beaverburn at montreal harbor where the horses were placed in special padded stalls with sufficient room provided in the between decks area to allow daily exercise of the horses 12 tractors work one field as farm forum helps neighbor thl storv f n hnlliiii ciiuntv farm forum it die third in a aeries s s no 0 north trnfnlrnr forum hives it own account of orfaniz atloii and niciimpllshini nla this wek in this ytar of ibm wc thi members of s s no 8 north tra falgar farm forum look buck with a certain sense of latufactlen in 1m1 an attempt was made to organise but to no avail after much talking and phoning arrangements were made to hold our drat meeting at the school house when broadcasting common ced in 1046 to many the first year was a trial basis with a small number of interested members we were able to send a donation to the china relief fund 1048 meant real work with u community spirit for good causci the canadian save the children fund was our first objective with the total netting 28106 parties were arranged euchre croklnole and chines checkers made up the games tickets were sold on quilts and boxes of groi cries one member after receiving the box turned it back in to bo auctioned off the red cross and canadian crippled children also received hedp with an average attend ince of sixteen we started into 1040 50 season this year the hnllon cnun ty recreation centre at lowvllle was making a renovation were wi interested why of course a party was arranged was a success and we were pleated to add our contributions to the project in 1950 with seeding well under way sickness reared its head not an immediate neighbor but one whom we all kntw well a day was rtrypjiyj jfuffitt j3cs canadian xmswt durln work there was a brick wall knocked out to mnke a garage we nil agreed it hnd been s day of work wi 11 enjoyed with our neigh thi iait two years we hove kepi up our outside contributions but have worked to better our own community a delegate has been sont to the oac short coure and folk school the school which we call our community has been equipped with card tables dishes and coffee um and this year we hopo to help with baseball diamond and land scape the front yard you might think that all we have used our forum for la to raise moneythat is not true for wi and through our discussions with the help of radio broadcast and forum guides we are able to make a contribution towards the enrich ment of life as wc know it in canada life in our rural com munity has been more closely knll together since participating in ou farm forum after our dlscuilons the ponty club has their game mostly n bul of lalo the ladies have been ndmitted its good to see the neighbors having a friendly game ours is a forum where children are welcome and everyone is free to air their opinions and meet theli neighbors what would we do without farm forum canadian farmers lent 98 million mike coxe plumbing heating eavestroughing phone 25 acton continuous quality ijear after ijear mmvmmcmkm the orangeville bottling works oftangcvue ont phone 137w wifllnajnen with jcaclors and suit nblt equipment look on the tak and tfivi n lift both physically and spiritually now manitoba was the cintre of our attention after holding a sue ctssful euchre and dance in our township hall wc gave sixty dol lars who ian t aware of the need 6f re fores tat ion and the assistance given by the government our forum sponsored s s no 8 north tra falgar one member donated the land and a number gave a helping hand to the teacher and pupils thi day the trees were planted three quarters acre was planted by 11 puplli the teachur and the govern had id 653 ftf j ment fleldman were more than cclimu totai proud and happy to announce wc won third prize claims paid to the banks for what community is free from amounted to 12133 an in fire and sickness one family li of marl not always the victim but so was ar when ore struck 1d52 under tin rnrm improvement i onus aet this information was cont nid in thi annual report tibl il in tin liousi of commons by ihi mnilster of finance llonourabli douglns abbott this npnsenls thi greatest amount borrowed during any twelve month period since the inception of the act the increase over the cor responding period of 1051 is nearly 13 million dollars since the coming into force of the farm improvement act in 1041 farmers have availed themselves of 331040 loans the dollar volume of these loans amounts to 353 m0 at the end of 1932 farmers seek retirement death relations cornell university has embark ed upon a seven year nation wide survey in the united states to de lermine whether or not there is any truth in the belief that involuntary retirement based on age speeds up sjmptons of disease and even death why all this concern about older people remarks irving lndimer m occupational health published by the us department of health education and welfare probably because we see more of them around than exer before although the population or the united states has doubled in the last half ctntur the number of middle aged 45 to 04- ha triplod the number of persons oier 65 his quadrupled one in cer 12 persons to day is 65 or older there are min pros ind cons on the question of compulsory retire ment at a set age mr ladimer goes on in its favor arc eise of opera uon fairness ce rtainty and ad vance financial and psychological planning for all parties against it are the arguments of known varia tion in aging and ability continued participation in production possible money savings by reduced pensions and the satisfaction and well being of the man who can and wants to the issues with which industry has to grapple therefore are i how to use older people profitably or else shoulder the cost of supporting them directly by pensions and in directly by government benefits and welfare serwees and 2l how to introduce them to the future when the job is over so they can help themselves the community and last but not least the company firms with successful pre retire ment plans not only have captured worker approval but also have net ted profits by using skills which less resourceful managements have overlooked notes mr ladimer ball fan a baseball fan decided to spend his afternoon at the race track be cause his favourite ball team was on the road not much of a bora expert he wrnttxi a big ua for the attractive long shots and placed ji0 on a 100- to 1 dark homo amazingly enough his steed start ed off fast and the baseball fan al most went completely berserk when the nag was still leading in the stretch he waved his arms and madly shouted encouragement his horsey hope but then the favourite began to bear down clos er closer came the favourite and as the hones approached the line the short shot began passing the long shot his face red his veins about to burst the ball fan waved his fist and screamed hysterically at his panting nag slide vou bum slide dew indensmg on case here wc immediately gave as much help as we could the next day clean up crews arrived to assist the un fortunate family and clean up a plice for them to live the following spring sickness struck this same family with the help of two neighbors the hired man did the small grain seeding the corn was to be sown can vou imagine the sight of twelve tract ors in a thirty acre field all of different sizes and colon each ben on giving a helping hand crisis meant a closer commun ity why not continue the theme with something constructive home bcautificauon was the sol ution into the hat went the family names the winner hid the privilege of setting the day and jobs to be done on i bright jun diy e arrived dressed for work men were put at fencing and cem entmg women had piinting to do wc all know the story of tom siwjir and his fence the fenct was not the only article pilnted but the nice shiny car of a certain young fe how has to this day a beautiful green spattering after a hearty lunch back to ix thousand dol so far no accural estimate of a future loss ratio can be predicted but at the end of 1952 losses represented 01 per cent of the amount lent during seven years opera tit as in preceding years by far the greatest amount borrowed was by the farmers in the prairie provin ces roughly 74 per cent of the ninety eight million obtained last year was in this area howcve- markid pi rcentage increases were n corded in the maritime and when cognizance is taken of th farming population and the valiu of the farms the mrreise is sig iimcint ontario and british col umbia showed slight increase while qutbie firmirs borrowed op proxitmtclv cm million dollar m ire hi ui in 1951 poets corner i m e1 id tin skj ls purrte i blue an i th firth is p iintcd green with su h a 1 t of nici f n sh ilr all sindmiched in between acton taxi and snack bar 10 mill st w phone 260r 24 hour taxi service our cars are radio dispatched out of town trips a specialty phone 260ft for prompt courteous service picture news from cil houris of annual reports malt fascinating reading when tbey come from the chemical industry an interesting item from the record 26 million ci l spent on new construction last year if ioi new coppercliff plant hare it control panel of mil poftv bntton plant where waste gaaea an tamed into the liquid ml dfcndde iitqiitl to palp mills in the rnanafaaun of paper congftatulatlons to donald garrard this years grand award winner on the popular nation wide radio program ci l singing stars of tomorrow receires his award from internationally known musical figure dr edward johnson over 4 000 in musical awards were recently awarded to eight talented young ca singers who topped the 44 contestants heard throughout the past season on ci l singing starsbf tomorrow fv fabric of 100 orion will hold pleats well enough to withstand countleu washings and the pleats can be set and removed with your own hand iron ov w i tmr id acrw t k4 canadian industries limited montreal come right in when you walk into a bank managers office you look to him for reliable information and sound adi ice today he can do more for you than eier before through the tvider contacts the specialized services and accumulated knou ledge built up by his bank through llie years canadas chartered banks haie kept pace with eier uidenmg eier growing needs the banks serving your community