thaacton feu ptm acton ontawo thinwdar nm iia m special dinners this sunday oast youno turkey dinner wttfc ll th trimming of ctkhotf of roast veal and ohssmo 1 25 100 au kinds of sandwiches wm and cniw momono mot doqs and namturoms n wt0warey chroniclfm j of ginger farm hhllvn tmhnlti for lh artvm fv rm by wftfiiim r nark eramosa district league schedule lllllk ii lint few iwiltn l ailni a 1 111u2m tmfmt maxwell house coffee 1tb sao 97c srcttx suatsckk feidk choice tookadkd peas 7c javex btu 15c 2sc 4s cleanses wirrs x n 27c surf 38c 75c peo 39c 77c freepurlty pie crust mix cake mix- z7c paam f id booxxyx salmon 39c special tilbe8t salted peanuts 21c solo kasoabihilbs x00 good lwckr 39c vinegar p- 17c i he wimtnernmn iitiitly i in the tj htllllte vcrv ltw nf ill fnfeud of lute base been uhtimte aid the hkiirml itlu him be nine minitnl jtml dlalitulful hi inu niw m rint iuv mill wv get n tlnwii ihiih vottiw mid it beoomea hoi ttrtil llkv ilenrlng vlea and we waken to the meady tumble of itiiiliitm r tt i moat mitiinytnn when the mmwti and the actual wealhet ww to eon trad it ttrv mpthlallv when funnel gardener f landmen mill ut ordinal v folk unnlng an out in it nave riiun lo depend no rmuh ontn the day hv inv fine in the weather office aa we know ehange in atmoanherlc condition are regrvtored on aenatttv luatru menu that haw atood tho teal of rm il them ihr w eat hernia n know 1 tho typo of weather tliat ahottm normally follow according lo the disturbances that have been re iorded then why hae these forr iftsts auddcnly become ao uiircti able wet what about thi atom bomb until the last few years did the weather bureau eer have to deal wth the effect of atomic wen pois imagine ordinary etcrvdaj air 1 ui n nts flouting n round in thi ether just minding tlulr own busf according to normal pre sstire condi t kik and then these tame nircur unit siddtnh find thuosekts thtt t 111 r direction in hurt itomic extlomoiii without nihunct v ir 11111 btuifc riistcred bv wntitr offut biinnihurs and hid thi rtputilion of the weathtr nnn in blasted as coiiipkttlv a tht maihtr hi lias betn so unfortunate to predut iteciall if ht ii imi4ti th ntxt da would bt warm nnd dr nnd what ume was wit ant wind ah me who would jc a weatherrmn in this atomic age lung awake tht othtr nirht lis it nint unwiumglv to the crash of thunder and trwnj not to watch tht hhtnink a comforting thought suddtnu came to me never yet have i heard of a tornado or twist tr unleasing its furv at night as far as m knowledge goes it always happens in da j light am i right or wrong well last wctk this column was written on the evt of ont of the i most memorable events of our time the coronation of elizabeth ii vow that too has become history and time marches on from 5 am to 1 p m on june 2 and then agatn i from 3 o clock onwards our radio i was never off i don t think i mis sed a thing nor did partner be cause he was milking the cows and following the procession at the same time on his radio at the barn i it ws such a wonderful broad cast but such an emotional strain that we were both tired out after i wirds instead of going down town to enjo our local celebrations that tvming we were glad to fihish up our chores and get to bed a little eirlur than usual but if the broadcast was tiring to us what must the actuil proceedings hae been to the thousands of partici pants and to the queen herself it is bevond imagination m n a1i011 tl n a vtu n mill itm w llmhw i i tl a 1 kitfit mil it kvriloii ai mil jun j1 tlo ksvoml hi aihm kilih mill l t a iviiiii i uft alien ai rdm mill t a i ui fviiloii llihw 1 lum w ki1in mill 1 hoik ml a inn lillr itmhwmi1 l tv itfili a 1 n ailon rlp mliu luh t uai nl it miiwuhi kv otloii nl rdiu mill- attn 1ilv l a 1 rtl miikw i ha i l fln mill- kviilim jnlv 14 kilim mliu h ai hu ktxmk nl a muikwnixl jnlv if llmkhoixl it kiikii mliu l- nl alton a jnlv it rveittn ml hiuw1 aitnn nl a mrn mliu july 31 hook wood at oac wipukmfmm trlemwwmolmventeothc frst6as0unep0wero automobile saw mo future for autos i othout ooost the famous mmuthon tire vtgqcwm 15 the best but in town ituve kw l0nc ntoueuffree mioa6c atkdckbtmwtoctrxiaraejtffift i too uke all fsoooyurtirct seeusrtihtaway discover hot honov dark dottrloratoa nl iimiiih of luln uwly lmtllf1 hfv l imuli ilm ifvtiti inllh dnlnlkllcil tiffnrt i itm nl ihr nrinlii i mont 1 fni ltli nl hi i vm f ml y and iiimim hikitt loiidllldiia ilm inniiir in wltlili 111 initona m linkorl l i 1 1 nnlili intilti ltiiinrtniii n it iihn imiii ahitwii iminrlinnnl mil v lltnl whno t y la lr1 nl iihovh hi dugfnua c hiihp ifirt4tii lixhld whlrh rmnlrlttiitff ihirkiniliilc nml minlmy dwtci loralloo if the 11rodnl llnaod itn ihu irla wii iirfiln by hi niirtdilkirlala ml lln coillrnl rnitlmfoilnl rrrn ottnwu in intnimln lht heal lil 1 lug iniinilly of honny whin hotllai aiift he id in 1 loavnljr pilnd rartina a nltif larlori alaik wu mil it up in a rnfrlnnratlofi inhitift pr uiihk nt dngrena v maaiura meula of thrt turn ra turn drop nl the honor war taknn at various ihilnla ttiroiighoiit thn atak from an orlulnal inrnpornloro of 130 daga thn trrflperattirn of thn bone in the nutnr cornora of thn atark drop pod to 12 dogma in eleven houra diirinu thn anmn intorvat the honny in the centre of thn stack cooled to only do riii frees fly way of omparlion alnglo iwitllea placed in the some cabinet cooled to below 70 degrees in lejia than an hour thi tests indlrau says o if austin that in order to avoid dam ago from stock heal honey ahould be bottled at temperatures below bo di grres f and thi cartons sep uruttd on all rtlds by an air apace road neurotics in s afr thompson motors at the innuil milling of the national road siftty council t smith africa h j crocki r d ill with the probh m of rind neurosli in that counry in jnrt he said a cimsidcnbl number of veh ich dnvtrs in the union today should be it rnly disciplined or put off tht road thisc ire the neurotic p rson who negate th most devoted and skilful work of roiil sifey pfopigindists and who cannot bi reached by reason or injunction today these road stiikrs go their iclfush way feel ing thil the chante of detection ts so slender and the punishment in llicted on the few who may have the rottin luck to be ought and convicted so relatively trifling that they can do as they please and hey do often with shocking res ults to decent roid users who are innocent of offence the grant of a drivers licence must not be taken to imply that the recipient can handle a moving car with discretion and intelligence there are broadly two classes of drivers tho one class is com prised of persons who can be trust ed on the road because they possess stability of character a sense of social duty a steady mind and hand and a capacity for decision that is normally equal to eery situation and emergency thi other diss is comprised of persons who cannot be trusted on the road because ihey lack some or all of those quilities ind dnve their emo ions order your quality corn seed now w ham imnl ama f mm farwuf wwtafai tu im t fmfurad ramntty in a fsftm dally star arfwu 0rt b pi wmi rata kh ham wnti warfarin frost fence in ttacli wa hava a aaarf fanca ttrar 1r rmaa wnw pwrdiata thalr ajvahty tartca kara miikino mafhihc beplarf mef i r fhf rotatoh tl tlalg acton farm supply xiw mill it toatk a ichum- clothing stores going out of business after 22 years our high grade stock is being offered at sacrifice prices before we finally close our doors bargains galoremtactlcauy at youb own mkt i dont mii this opportunity to outfit younoff and ovory mom- bar of your family at a fraction of tho usual cost buy for now buy for latar youll ba glad you did rachlins clothing i special fab blue ud gold wax beans 1601 ttjib valencia 288 s sunkist oranges doz 25c tomatoes cello pack 27c ontario head lettuce virginia new potatoes il08idau2i- grapefruit watermelon 2 for 17c 10 lbs 43c 5 for 27c each 129 rite another impor ml cent is in the making the lung iwimd armistice in koro it his hunt fir for so hint one is ilmost tfriid to hope and if in irmistici u signed then what time will ti ii but wi cin be cr surt h it vr happens in korta vill hae sunt impact on the lues of i ich oni if us when e maj iil wi hop mon attmtion will ik kien t i betttr distribution of thi foods t n so tint ill mtions in ih mrld mi binefil producers and ci ns imers alikt without nfl or kmd r mm the look of thi fi ids in this district thtrt is likeh to tn i short u of ex real train but thi re j ih ild cirtainh bt phnt of hn ilthi ugh e r thing dpnds on the wnhir th alfilfa i r hfiv but ti prtsont thin is no bloom i firisn happv das ahcid whin we mirt hamng v ith so much sjp in tht si ilk it v it uln a lot of curing before the ti can handle it good drjmg i tht r is e niessar is hav hv t dry quickly these days t n ii down call the baler dn it to t tnrn the quicker the better lljl nftni to be the idea now ha ui no longer in t erf res with what ui womm want to do an intra ti i al or two perhaps but uv wo in n hae to sta home now to dne the team on the hafork what a ho duaty job that was and how ttia the whiffle trees as we urted hen turning the horses back t the barn and that awful fear that the rope might break or the ha fork go slithering through the side of the barn however when joure young you take rt alt in tout stnde it ts only now with those das behind ou vou remember thank the powers that be i longer is such work re quired of you you can get onwiji our ordinary work go to iour teas ir me tings- the having gors on ihether oure at home or ivat th wont ads are your community marketplace kis in case he din t let mv father se 1 iining me he but 1 m no kissing ou h 1 juai thought- id u t case folks have been noticing the dif ference in both the newspaper and printing done its been nice to have the compliments thrown our way on the improvement we made no announcement of that change and also the installation of other equip ment but folks do notice folks will talk away last fall we installed in our composing room several new type faces with some other equipment this new series of type faces added to those already in use gave us the latest in modern typography for both newspaper and commercial printing these improvements are in keeping with our policy of giving to acton and district the best possible in their newspaper and in commercial print ing thanks for your appreciation in acton since 1875 ftye cton jfree res 56 mill street acton