Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1953, p. 9

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thursday junz llth 1mj the aaon free press acton ontaric te prepared for hospitality thi okammvllu mtium wotw onngnffla om nwn u7w poef i corner springs arrival by mary ellen varley oh spring has come wfrh dancing vtrts through the sunshine and the rnln with daffodils and violets blue bunting from the earth again spring hai come with a winsome to kiss tender leaves once more all lanf clear washed while on can hear bird mng through the kitchen door oh winter tired and weary folk let the snowi of borrow go come out and look where nature calls and taste of 1u o erf low shootin cousin i v got the quickeit shootln cousin in the weal yeah well my cousin is so fast he ahootln his gun before it s even out of the holster oh yeah what s his nam tot less mike aim iircvw the i mmmmmmmmmmm limited of course readers will readily identify the building plrtured above h is the block owned by harry mainprize at the corner of mill and john slret ts the date gien by mi phdlotnph is april 6th 1900 just fitly thro cars ago it was the occasion of the op cning in acton of the first chart cred bank up until lhi time what banking business was done carried on h henderson whose banking qunrt cts were nt the rear of their general store in a room just off the millinery parlors the men at the bank win mr wallace the ftrst manager and his assistant mr gentiles and reuben mcnabb the gold let ters on the window arid the im posing signs on thi building and acmss ihi street wire impress ivt whin thi merchants bank of c hindu opened in alton in iimo thi quart rt win small but tht sufftnd until the bank iniiuil into the present building of tht bank nf monlrlal mntttr uf fact the priiint building in thi 1ji limit bliuk was always i cupit d by the bunk mr mcnabb also had an oirii in pact uf bu builduit fur uhul ing it thl window b that of r j mcnabb if memory seiws us correctly the little white terrier idog tip in the piiturt belonged to mr mcnabb the store on the corner was the fancv goixls store uwmd by the misses pcrryman who also owned the buildirg at that tune here was sold materials for knit ting and embroidery and mini ailiiles from tht skillid hands if th missis agnts and suah thiv resided in thi hung nuurttib of the building uid k pi hnim fur tin ir fithir thi late th unas ferryman ivrhtps you ean noti tin bo ird walk that was on mill street in 1900 and the lnst bit of april snow ilong the edge of the sidi walk the lot adjourning whir thi fence is s was taken and the y mx a building wxs erected thereon wt m bien wondirinj how many of our readers llnd interest in tluse pictuns and rt ollections and if they would like them con limit d is a fne pnss feature if you like them mint yi u let us know f feature cojiyi ijjhteii pump montreal-toronto- chicago on busmen or pleasure travel the fast and comfortable way on canadian nationals international limited put usable time to your advantage aj the engineer does the driving work or relax in modern coaches duplexroomettes fhrnnifiihil bcdtoonhiuffetloiinge cars over night enjoy the wide variety of restful sleeping accommodations from berths to drawing rooms dtnewcllinbnght uptothemiaute dining cars for more than 6fty years the international limited has served montr eml toronto wtndior detroit cbteago on dependable all weather schedules pool serv ice montreal toronto only go b the international limited and arme refreshed yw local camdbn natioal jt rwmmir aent ak abovt rate trowl q orttfaatai tipsontouring by carol lone t travw aut hardy which is mure ex pensive one two week vacation oi two one week vac a lions on the average 1 belici the split j week vacation 1 cost slightly more than the single vacation ind here are the reasons c 1 with the two week icaliun vou can get by with one wardrobe but with a spilt vacation your wardrobe ls dotbled with onr week in summer and one in win ur for eximplc ouil need tw i complete and dlffinnt seta if clothing 2 although you may dne the same distance in both the split and the single vacation it is probable that vour road costs will be slight ly higher with two separate weekfc most people with but one week of freedom arc inclined to press too hard drive too fist uid tiki less time seeking out the kss cxpmsivt but just as good places for en tirtainment dining and lodging it i psychological but nom thi less true inclination while the long vication mn be slikhtlv less expensive the spit wtck champions point out that they spreid their cost over an entire car making expenses a little eas ur to meet split tr single take v ur choice tkukb th ontr taltsrar iriving alt tin utoyincts hi ik brown are vou u skates tonight yes i am afraid that i i spit ndid then vou woi linding me vour tux mrs a johnson interred at acton rev ralph pnci conducted the funeral service in the victor 11 rumley funeral home alton on thursd ly june 4 for the late sarah ann johnston who died at her home rr 3 acton on june 2 mrs johnston loaves her hus band andrew martin johnston and itve children muriel laura imrs v stewart viola andrew and john also surviving are sisters mrs ida king mrs ethel scrimshaw md mrs barbara philips all of s eskatchewan and brothers thomas harper ernest hnrper and bentley harper all of alberta one brothe r robe rt pn deceased htr mrs johnston was burn in mil dnd siskatchewin shi wis mar ried it prince albert saskatche wan and camt to acton in 1044 pallbearers wirt stiwart mi donald dougljs hi iwig hugh johnston vi rnon stew art edwin stewart and carl banas intirmint was in falrvltw ceme ti rv acton moral tributes were received from the following family mrs j f johnston mrs jessie john ston and family mr and mrs arnold shuler mr and mrs jack johnston mr and mrs hugh john ston and family mr and mrs douglas helwig and family mr ind mrs james ebel and family mrs isobel mctyre mr and mrs oscar johnston and family mr and mrs david stewart and family m and mrs stewart mcdonald and family mr and mrs frozcr i plummer mr and mrs norm mceachem first line neigh bours mr a barber mrs helen i dirby and family mr willnm bracken mr and mrs w lam birt mr and mrs f hipbum mrs f binn and mr cirl banas mr and mrs alvm tox mr o wstburg mr and mrs f titr the lsarvk familv t g rdon n mrurtion co scott jt kson con struction i id fellow workers scott jackson construction ltd c i in ton hydro club manager and staff bank of montnal rose lawn and younge st br management and stan bank uf nova scotia toronto mr jnd mrs c o ran nev mr and mrs g gadd and mr and mrs g bowcn in coufncr fnmcrim inquired murphv is inn what they re niym about obnetis behivior at thi wake list n uh- sure an lis so murphv a dis hi to thi irish hi was anil milloiy witntin to fight fiybody is that tin truth ah malloiv was a erazy divil hi is worse than o bnen its uneompliinenuiry n ports i v in lu inn of burkes deportnunt i was hi guilty burke passed out cold l ni be fore midnight its an im harass nt hi ii nevtr live down 1 m ishamed of our old friends finnegan but l ii mi confidential ly was i there riadern digest llas till ada s knov rces an one quarter of can n hydro electric re now in use white rose ultra gasoline canadian oil companies limited want ad page where old friends meet masseyharris machines now tested orvboftttue k ih ify you will likly do some boating too dunng your vocation but rtmwnber the safety rules that will ma1teyour holiday a happy one for added enjoyment travel by bes to yoyr favonte resort ask jout ioou accnt asout htc- way routs ro att rvurrs of rw u sa round trip fares sutton gtavetotlfltst knctano 5 5s 50 7 subject to chanoe tvcxets aflw informaviefi at harold w1b agert wikk8 cbos8ed in a small texas town where all phones were on party uneaatml the nptghbdrs tqtened in for miles everyone was disturbed by the pro longed dry spell one nlm old ed a shred cattle rancher fat a call front a kama city b who understand you v well now dickered ed im not sure i want to sell rtftit now ed for heaven sake broke m n ssjormed voice from the party line eu sell them steers yoo know v ou aim got no grass hit home the dignified old lady shook hands with the pastor after the ser vices wonderful sermon she ex claimed eerything you said ap plies to somebody or other i know using flripntifir apparatus for atren analysis research engineers put masswyharris machines over the mamyharrs fullscale test tmck specialty designed and built tor studying and proving the sjangn and construction ofrnod- azn power fanasng equipment this lectronic equipment records the maide story of strains aad stowages set up in firame members and working parts in npprnhnn anrh fnfnrmwtf in most helpful in the development and production of new machines and unprovements in design and construction masseyharris machines offer the latest developments in modern engineering and root arch bring ing advantages that enable work to be done easier quicker and at less cost i masseyharris company limited mokarf of high quality farm implement aiaca is47

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