Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1953, p. 1

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fflfoe jvttiffl sttt ft seventy eighth year no 50 acton ontario thursday june i8lh 1953 ten home print pageisix cents this group will feature in halton federal election battle sybtl 1ennett q c pntmrincmhtnlln candmale murray mcphail mbrnl fadmte stanley allen ccf candidate hon louis st laurent will villi luiin hughes cleaver rrrsrnt rrpmvnullvr council stresses urgency of mari street bridge theuntency of constnictlnb a hcwlmdkemmaria st warcnt phaiixcd at the regular meeting of acton council on monday night when it was pointed out the fire truck would not cross the bridge to at wild tires on the crescent reaching the are b wa of a lone that is often washed out in heavy rains clerk j mcceachic reported hi had been told by department officials a new bridre constructed at this location would bo eligible for the usual 50 per cent road runt a letter was received from bcardmun and i ussnrmk touncil tht necesnarv land for an adequate road allovvanct ti pt mill construction of the bridge would be avaikjblc the procedure for approval of construction of a new bndri outlined and it was kukri med action should be taken immcdiatttv so pre pa rations might be complete for next year a lengthy list of amendments to the zoning bv lau was submitted b the planning board and a special meeting was arrunked for june 29 to review and consult r tht sug rested chankts the planning board m to bt invited to tht met tine tht cnxt insurance aktncv was givtn ptimismon to investikiili tin rate structure of town insurance with the undtrwriltrs a n prt scntatne of wi stern insurant o had been authorized to rtvitvv th town rates and submitted rati of fcring sninjt up to 301 per viar on pnmlums the norwich union fin hisiir ance companv was also authorized to inv t stigatt tht rati s follow int ihi rt lew bv the w esti rn firm rati structure had not betn invistl nndti ed a it tit r was canadian und r was th ir trror vised the norv changt of rates t moria bin i dine the committee w ntt r- cutlet si net i port ifeivcd from tin irittrs savin it school bond as plavkround urt- tht commission pointed out tht v would mill onlv bt n sponsihl if kenct w as prov i n on their pui t tav h million rt ctntlv deeded ti vvn h an indim nt palur n rdtrtd paid an usiirs for w in 576 h7 th nd i to till proposal for an i chant of pnptiu at paik avt and mill st loi iitipmvt mt nt or tht corm r w is isked it had betn sukktsltd in lift that an t xctuinm of 10 f 1 wi uld inipiovt tlit mil r tin at count frmi i a met on n ichit for st r lei s of j oojiibs during tin rtiuatiration hcinnj of list mir was again bt id up and council instructed tht cli rk to ask for a definitt amount dot b this town mr coombs was engaged as a proftssinml witncv follow int tht burlmtton and oakvill ippnb northun municipalities tjretd to tonsidu has 1m pi vi of his f hi h ied i itll 1 190 no dcfltiti pililv has he murrnv mc ins ii talliih 23 wn impostl nccordin it iht mav rt port t tht ontario prov men iolict in acton tlu mniistrjit s mimnuin if fin s i lot apil w also rcotivcd and ji wtd cton s shart of fines js jh o ml rect vitl no ttndt rs i tntion of the booth at the for tht lacrosjit siiiii sewer account in mason foulds arnup v il 10 i ur tnd vttir tostrvues as boys choir guests at piano recitals on jrida asked to con tinut a thorough investigation into the possibilitv of low downpavmtnt housing in acton follow ins a utttr fiom ci ntral mortgage and hon pointinr out that acton does qualify for rental housing sponsored undtr a fedtral provincial ar rangemenl within the terms of the national housing act onlv munict politics of tootl population ur ovtr re eligible fur this tvpe of housing the irtttr pointed out a rtxiew of road txptnditures was submitted bv tht in usurer tin til tht end of mav show ink m72w pent as compared with tht vnrh budget of 17 335 00 it wis point ed oi t thi account for oilmj tht roads was paid in j tint and amount ed it 4s w hich brought tht tot il to ovtr half tht vt ir s i dj t tht cttrk wis instructed li ask the auditors bt ut tht pombilih of a half viarlv rt port fir gmdnnct m tht balance of tht vtat a huffntgel complained ti i un cil that ifiv town was not folliwmfc tht ir agreement rtrantinit tht sup plv of ttitir thi hwmml and dt tails w t rt rt v it w ed prov idin for the supplv of water to him if the will on tht main st lot intirftred w ith his us a m rv let hid betn i tli ir s tectums ban fron the pump t frdav k k arlt was dseovtred his i ampn j m mi glhph it sib nt w rshjp btcaust 1 i hi que miss pn th first i ind saturdiv tvmini and 6 thi pupil of miss kt rinj a rc t ir s md n tht liockwood tiun hill rim opnid w th cod sivt plan operation of swimming pool ali m it una ulafluit-swiinmlug- pool committee last nfght a group aixhq5eu10contact 4hc parks committee of ihi count 11 to ar raiikr for opt ration of tht junior poo this mimnur tht committee lnsptited thi pool and made sunn sukktstums to tht tontraclor n kardmk lavuik of thi ctmint apron which rois on h four sides it is planned to um curltin pipt to mk tht tonntction for tht supph t wattr in tht pool tht committee also distnsst 1 with mr banks of thi firm of bar mil and hiedt r anhitects rt 1111 d ink hinging of building mau rials in iht tonsirui tioti of thi drcming rooms and ilimmition of ctrtain ittms with a vnw to bnnjjtik thi coiisiructiou cost within tht siop of iht fund now on hind it was fill that pivmtnt of pltdkis at tht prt si nt tnni w ould tri ntlj sp t d up tin prokriss mil ust of th f n ilitits fr nil di tn thi hiutu of it utid tint iht o111 1 uliblt 111 1 i ims of 2s jit itiit if thi inn mil ixptndid up t a nnximum uf uimx on thi prnjict if siiffirunt innniv avulablt thi drtsmiik roonus will bt t rt ltd to ihi wisl of thi prist nt jn it pool tomphtion of tht junior po l us now w uiinj for ninfonitik hul i mi tpi 11 thit 1 all nt th wi hears paper on queen elizabeth on june 11 tht sihtr wood w t met aj the ttomq uf mr ih marchington it was 0 coronation meeting the opening song being then ii always be an england and tht roll call arum c red by nun mtmbtr with an inttrtsting f about tht uronation tht prt sid tnt mrs h nrbttt was in thi chair a donation was soil tollhi ftil 1 ration of akruullurt toward thiir field day to be hi id in lowvilh prk rut makiiik was dniditl up on is thi piojecl to bt undtitikt 1 this full ami ihi iiutlttiu hulid ly in giulph wis planmd bv 1 mini in r of 1 idits plan wm ilso mndt for thi forthcoming canada la to in htld in maph ltaf irilms 0 atikust ii titktts an alloted to t uh institutt and 11 of tht mim bus plan to atund on thi d iv sit isidi duniik iht triitinial onft r tnct of tht assikih tl counl wi nun of thi world th distrut dirttloi mis w ntth n k 11 spltndid npoit of th dixtnu annual hi id 111 bulling ton m j um ind mrs 11 m mh short libit to ill nd and 1 lit t mr go 11 ndi 1 2000 square foot addition at plant hahoa campaigns begun 28000 eligible to vote or than 21umn halton tl iial dtlkti aukust 10 ountv h it luniiiik of 1 1 lilousilml 1ss oiiiii ii is 11 tin uut luo tin in 1 tin will lhhiihu to voli tn ilit com itinidliik to prt llmiltnrv estini tl s inudi 1 p w 01 k tht total von will im filni howivti il iht vituii r lulu ioiitinui 1 ll in jim im mi t mill mmun 1 f hi lm i 1t1t m111lj in pnpi nuii nidi ss ii tvny giiallhid imiisi inlls will has appointed for t at h rural mllm dhision ami two for tuth urba ihvlsion a tot il of 1ihi for llaltoi 1ti tniinit nit inn will ix com pit it two presentations at supper meeting w 2000 squire foot ttmin hlock uddjuun to bcuatal fut itui ke is undtr ronslrtii tiun at ih north tat tinur of iht hjixu laboi atoms plant ost f iht tn largtment in tstlmittil at 11000 ontriktors j btgan work hi itlng atttnded by s and frli nds uf tilt ly kioup was hi id tuesday 0 the home of mraj i wo fpae tnn wednesday jifftht ibv mm j david us and v in fills 1 ih addton two ms mlkn rmitn si mrs it h mhott ind ml si lam until y showtil lolored slldts of uni trips liny hail taktn a piano lo by mis meknlght and a solo davidson at t tniiianietl 1 ihis tk tht iid and walls nt lo im ft 1 1 by 4h fi 1 1 of ihi addition mrs bruce leitch churchill hostess u of i hosl unit th bt in id in st hoi i pin firm f m hurt hill w a sd ly iftt rnonti tht pres m ihim ml m11 it k th ilv it ions hi i s of bll 111 wl ill 111 w ms think ff ink t 1 july ind ihi sundiv i 1 ih sun pripiud i spttndid pipt strus of picture on th hfn if mwh crowned qtitn flibilh which wis much tujoved ind pniiattd b th mi mtit rs will call tenders immediately on high school buildings sam lovely fined years ban imposed 1 io tlv ncidt 1 1 wus involv which mrs njurcd pit d d rct lhirilt iv bch she p ma cm 11 ranked for ih pia nos ami plived in joan pickirmi nd m in 1 a mist n ni 11 th birds i htrt apui w 1 sunk tv 1 im ch ir triineti in diresteti bv mum i armstrong st v compltte plans for the new high school bulldincs nt acton milton ind gtorgctown w 1 n pr senttd ti the north hilton high school dus tricl board at their met ting 11 sttwirttovvn on monday nighl ml barnttt the archiuct advised tht boird thai tht plans and spt 1 u atians would be ready to cill fir nder within the next week or 10 davs tenders will likely be avai ible tn mid julv for the board o awird contracts it was arranged thit when en oers are advertised there would o romplct sets of plans available in each of the three towns the agec ment with birnett and reider ar chiticts wis signed and their ac count of 2 200 for work done to dale was approved the serrrtir reported that le had betn advised that mr tost would acupt th boards nfft sfiooo for proertv required titorgetown accounts parsed imouned tt s1s1jm5 for the past month aprovai wis given for paint n th xtm r th hills and th bov w ishroom at the pn sent acton v lettt r from ii f b isideration for scrvici tinders for coal were to be ad ertiscd for in milton and george a builiaiiau and mrn j 1 lltl pltmlltlltldus t kifts tt iindl y and miss will m aving ar uh 1 ollu 1 who mid of orauutvill i uk maplistln of cutlph is d prinrlpally in f pulp and papi 1 u thi llilttsh con of soft win ds h manufactui are the lurgt st unwialth ti siitnrdiiy mil a pn linn ny ii i pilsted in 111 h lolliiik dlvisi 11 by monday itevistil tirs iihiswiiiu ixim tl lattr no it is atlvisiblt f u rt n hi nti of th innniv lo 1 link the pn ilmlnary halt for tht ir n nuts nomination day is oftii tally july 11 but the campaigns uf ih trine lliiltun randidalta will hav boen in gun some limt ix fori that date stanley a allen of georgetown r tandidate for hulton bejfan his campaign at vera days befarn iht tlttllon date was set he plmu h rsonnl visits lo tht horn of as many voters as possihk rather than holding a number of meelintr littrature was distributed by cf d mr allen invited residents t tht lown to meet him lottr in the tvening at a central meeting place the progressive conservjtlvt tandidau mbis sybil bennett of gtorgctown is also placing mor t mphasis on personal colls than on large meetings she has already made house to house visits in many ii ilton districts tht liberal randldah murriv miphiil of umiibtllville a ill bt gin his campaign this friday at a meting in hornby the county 1 ib ral association imiouned this wttk that llalton has iwin includ id in th hlnenry or ihe pre el t lion tour hiing mad by the hi hon iiuls st iiiurnl the pnmt minister will iddrets a r illy to bt h id in walla park oakvill lit in jum equalization in halton provokes hardest battle rord ft h 1 volt 1 b law iduik of th- the igtmtnt committee not submit a report on the teach ers salines at this met ling will have a report readj for the next meeting the following motion was pass ed that whereas there has been a gi nt ril 1ncre1se in starting sal ants ind wages in al lints of n dustry and in order to clarify the boird s position in regard to the origin 1 snliry schedult put fo wird bv tht teichers in march 1950 ind jdopted bv rhe boid in april 19v wherein the board add ed the clause and thai on hiring i a new teicher the board ma vir the scheduk if necessirv and whircas tht board has found thit in s m rises tnrhlrs tannot bt hired it tht minim im sdarv ihtnlon b it resved thu any refer net to minimum alary b slnuk from tht xistmg schtdule john m kiiiltv in 1 chargt dm inj ind was finid 100 mi costs or three months in j ul in tourt in guelph list wek the ic cid nt oc urred it rockwuod on j unt fl migistrate watt also issued an ordtr prohibiting lovelv from driving an vthitlt in cimiii for rn yeir tht court w ts mid that a car drivtn bv lov ly collided with a k i truck ind in thtr car as he ap the p guelph through rock wood seven persons had been lished fr treited for injury and mnsidci dimigt was flnne r un hardtst battlts 1 vt 1 fought in llaltoi 1 cotint onincil nttd it thi r on lust tut sday 1 a inn b irlington ight lo hiv t li iuaut i asstvsmint bv law arnnrfd to in ims pud bv municipal us in thi south and to rill vt the llll ipilllllts ii wis s 1 ikorously runust 1 d thit rctrded km on i li 1 tpistion th amindm nt vas dt ft med and 1 ss squint li v law is rti ummtnded by tht county assessor nd 1 1 ot nubs municipal consultant wi is approved by a tut itiklon ind oikvillt 1 t pr smlativis tl t liiutl i v u n nil t orkvtou 11 mil itnin t voted agiiiiist it isl fou with bur or rttord 1 ind bv uanv vtars btrs mint f ur h milium ht im ndtnt n with ptrctntages uch mi nit ipnlity would be required to pav the imi ndment culleti for oakville to fin 1 ipprov il akretd thai if im il is liumhed bv any mut iv it is to bi h ard by a imi up bv th mi nisi r of tht dt part mi nt of municipal affairs thosi opposing tht bv law arkued ig900s p figurts sht uld bt estab afltriheir 7m2 r r nl kinst ih 1230 pi r ctnl recommended in thi by law burlington imj17 pt r tent as against ifi 0961 per cent trafalgar 22 137 per cent against 21 2010 per et nl nelson l7b70pcrctnt against milton 3 793 per r u c honors pair prior to wedding in mrphu with thi st i as against 3 9603 pt r cent stt down i georgetown 960 per cent against ty judgi following the c 2m0 acon 3 69 per cquliztd asstssment apptal of last a 3 8635 per ctnt bron vtar hughes le iver appearing on i l 526 p k 1 t0 per bthalf of tht town of burlington rnt knesing 8 282 per cent said all n w nsstssmenl figures on ataint c9 pfr cvnt n pruptitv ilong th lakishor south wp 3203 p r ait 3 3450 of ih quirn fhzabeth highway p n hould b iddcd to thi judge s fig ouncil agreed tn accept the coun tins whil mr ooml s insisted that ty assessors recommendations and ttoiduik li ihe art ih last n figures as st t out in the bv law con vistd figurn should be tstabhshed sidering the dt partment was estab ssment rolls thr lished to providt a set of qualired c uh nnc it th h mis bb m narlhur fd 191 fik uluik ti th stitd ppti tht i v liw inst died to had i drv and a do meir st rv ice was installed tt the houm from main st n the owners request mr huffnakel siikgested he should not be billed fqr water i from the domestic serv ice mr huffnagtl was t bj advised that council felt it was mainlainmc its part of the agresmem the cost of a flasher light for the corner of mill and main streets was quoted t 187 plus installation the road committee suggested that the precenl council forefe the pur chase of a light smce it had not been budgeted for council considered the collection of dog and poll tax accounts and considered the hiring of an inde pendent dog catcher who visits the town periodically dogs caught running at large are taken pound and can be returned payment of board and fee shv nd and on the road tt mandalav it was an add tl i itmisurt to w airh iht children s fic during mr mcarthur entmre the big brtwn bear savs 1a hoof on saturdai evening the ust artist was miss frances spiars urso of guelph w ho delighted the audience with ht r numbers and tn tins on the marimba miss spiars also sang one number and duplaved a vers lovelv contralto voice the txits sane wo fine numbers the dutch sailor song and the puf fin iong the remaining piano pu pils piavrd thirolos were follow ed bv two lovelv selections fantasie impromptu and minuet in g ptaed bv miss mane land of bockwood the boys last number was my to ajjown canadian home of which after t r k ngsburj fiw wiw a id tittle gordon just four vears ri the hvdro electric power com old the final miction acknowledged the council two piano arrangement of malag letter holding them responsible for i uina plated bv joan picktr ng and ny accidents that might occor from muriel armstrong their hijh tension power line cross this s followed b o canada ing property leased bv the puwicisunc bv all womens insntute lembers from dublin acton bilinafd silver wood and bannockburn enoyed a day long bus trip to nia gara falls and buffalo on tuesday of this week about 37 member participated m the outing that included a stop at niagara falls for a tour of a cotton mill continuing to buffalo and back to the falls in time to see the illumination of the thundering cataract member are shown here before the bus leaves on the trip the tour began from acton at 8 30 a m t figurts most eq iable to feutlts with th blanket obsolimnce discarded all aiwa- mt nts w re adjusted throughout the ro inty to bring the figure u a pirity it was claimed mr cltavr critlcied to mil for cmploving a man as a i nsultant who had been engaged bv the town ships of trafalgar and hon to givi ividince btfore the jjdg at the apptal hearing we do not nmjidi r the rt port to be fair as ft shows a distinct favoritism to the township of trafalgar mr cleaver charged mr shannon furthtr stated he ai chairman of the assessment com mittee did not receive the coopera tlon from the rouaty uiyur in y- rangmg meetings the report of the by law was hastily prepared and only presented to the committee last friday thus not allow ing them much lime for study mr coombs emphasized the work that had been done on the com pi ing of figure by the various muni ctpal aaaetsora seven or eight meetings were held by them to iran out ail the difficulu and in con clusion they wen in acrecoiest that the figures as set down in the report were as fair as could be expected be said total rateable assessment as stat ed in the schedule attached to the equalization by law according to municipalities were as tot owe oakville s11sk 88100 burlington i 05 1 2404 hilton 2jmm0 acton s2523434 gergetown 4 oss iso c m ftos-foki-j-

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