ht jvttrfm sttt tt sventy ninth year no 5 acton ontario thursday august 6th 1953 ten home print payoi six cent 31500 ballots for halton s voters polling divisions for acton listed dont forget to vote next mod day august 10th the 85 polling divisions in hal ton will be open from 8am to 8 fmn standard time acton fur division arc no 22 comprising that portion of the town of acton aouin of hill st and west of willow si and extensions polling station at y m ca no ascomprising that portion of the town of acton south of mill sl east of willow st and west of guelph st polling stauon at yjkl ca no 24 comprising chat portion of the town of acton south of mill st and east of guelph st polling station at hiss jessie mc gregors corner arthur and young sts of the town of acton north of mill st sod west of john st polling stations no 39 a to 1 and 25 m to z at town hall no 2s comprising that portion of the town of acton north of mill st and east of john st polling station at town hall concert and picnic acton park sunday acton park has been proving a detlghtfal spot for many from town district and other apats on 8an4ay afternoon acton cfuseas band plans a concert from 4 onul sjt when every one la invited to bring their ptcnte baskets enjoy the band concert played during the map per hoar and hr a fine com munity satins the band boys are taking their nlrnlr anpper to the park and mill enjoy it there after he concert the park and concert is open to everyone for their summer enjoyment fine summer weather b all that h needed for samday afternoon fur breeders elect slate reorganize ill tin ind win worth fur br til s ssoenlinn wns held in lh mr mi 11 til nt witrhmn thi itk d hits presided otr n shr si card lo chinfjnt th nam kanizntion 14 employees in actons most recent industry production increases steadily at ths corona shoe factory where 4 employees are turning out 150 pair of hitjh quality slippers each day for distribution to over 200 stores in ontario and some in al berta started only 10 months ago the fictory is acton s newest in dustry and it is expected production will be doubled when the staff pletely trained lcxalcd on the farm of e verted farm building william manscak and his wi ol mr graida have established the company enthi success the firms products have received officio expanding the promises as machines become mote ip limiting i little regard for libel in first halton election of lit dis inn the i ii n r mlh inndutitcn with i h uhction l tiltmi of i h hi7abft1i knvrlrall ton think tf n tltluin in wliu ti r nt nii im iiiik to t in 1 1 htstilv f s stnn mi nl and minijtss limr n 1 for tin lws lilx i 1 inmi m i indiii ilts huild in opihlill 111 ii lh fils ci i d iti ritircnnii under thi iinmr of smitlii rn ontnio 1 ur rniiins association c vhwtll f tliimlumn pr sided fur the election of thi follow inj officers insidtnt d ellis m dershol secret ir treasun r fred rotd acton directors d gibson finn r ktur and l a mckari cure of flimbom cintre thtr ftluri- v to 1953 oters 1b67 w is ntcred on th sm ni roll f n cluholm claim d hi it am n kd w is kivn t tin lt i- wu1 hi toiintrt lh uh dub th t liiiiiip r bins inn iwa iboii ins begin blue springs leader training tin ibm so ik s r aitiin i n of john 1 district spniigo li hist sat it mn old uf ontnrt i h umhip out rull u out irio v tin fin pu k st iv fu in uulu enjoy garden party at campbellville inimht w ii hiv i t n th mom st o i tl whs lukh mid u irding mlkhlv olhs f illtl in i on n v in i a i ii uni inlunliv in ioiiiki 1 mill ml n i in iii wtnl into piodiitllo flint itllppi ii t t ff iii pioilnitlon lint hiik ipoib thin wk th tinriluki ww uniii 1 now ih ilium 14 iiupl vtth ii liiinini ml ulool ill pirn u nlipp in ii iliiv with itli in iihtiifl tot 11 ikk lo 1ihhi pnii k n liinldi mid his fiiinllv imvi plmid thtli iinfilt u t in mi hklll of wiiiiiin mtfl k iiiii hi wifi who mint lot fioru t hoidovikli wlu lh out uihl itfhn lobhitlthi pull of h ho flu loiy with i vi nploy n i urn rluff i 1 jhl c to the editor 12th century acton church oak forest ii urkv ns huvltn ijiii s july 11 luw dtiu mi iiih iltltx llmoiltllmi kliltlillh iii tit ir o i kipool tlilouuh lh inonltii of aiikiini it nil sept nihcr tlll lllltlv j pilnmll tllloujih 111 low lit ii aloii of nil it lh n liuut piiiihi nun niintulti in hmhlri nnd t think intiht i tli oriiitmil atot lh i iti inortlh of ii sum hoi ii hi i ii iiik 1 uiolml d in mm hv lh noimitih who nn tl huiltl litdr own ti ll mint toons fiom at antjlo rn oik inn h it unit ihtiiml ml huct foinlh of uk iivir ilili ll in nikinl dnvn al i ii in i liiutlfiil mtljin if iiiny if tin hi l ihiil ihii ioi rionlttl the nun h hind oroim sl wluen- iht duff n ihmiliitly iiaititd pre- ihliomh nn ihul piixliidiin will mult lh mx iir i tin it vel this riirouttd atom that has nj itvt i thi jmit u iiifinitis i pnnvidiik un- nuikl wiui five ilirf ri ill nlyltn of lipp in initl hi n i lltolit i fivt diff itni ityles of illpjh r fni tntiiti mr hraldu mum ixlu onlino unit in all h w liiv mort ordtit ihnii w iiiridb ul i he ifff l i hut- mi lktu oimrxnldl i hi i a floor nv rud flrntl imildliik wits iriiotifonii 1 to it fiu- ory to ti y oul th piodiitli iiml irr how tin y would l noivl o the niiwkf t if iiriii ii tin it loot poin th wuy it won i t jong before ri xpi foi niik ml ii i iinii uif tn j71h i i nil poi lljy albu mm km mi hi uk lluoiinh tal prupit of jitual i noxmwd lo 41 i i il3c- t 300 ai d imtd rhrrrt ind mr tntl mi- hft i aw- t s o 200 meeting beim cliimp o of nnd fairne thr i th ch audit not k th que r- fi tdurt august easter lily there wis tumf con hen the stand j crow tied w th friends of the rin has i4 1arge bloomsj i and finally ccmplctcv ctilapsd th linth flower in the harden compared the 31 pre nt it of mm cleorce bollon at orion halvn 1953 xominihon meeirf boltoi hae ofii n caused comment but ihi now mrs bolton has a flower that tops them all an fstir lik cam into full blixim thi- week mrs bolton plant t ed the iih after the blom died off i fr two lears ado and it ha be n in u hi r turning andidiles thn ill marched their own committee rooms fir s nior jmchts md the nmpa i proper was utiderwa 1 gj i at mim miiniks tht lntildal ff i for both partien ippearisd and a silt j jiow of hands wa- asked for after i ho hid jokn and arjjin d in the importance k old gives way as school bell retired ind mi- flo m l fll st 1 ltro old x lh th ind foi ntti has pnxttit ed now j tach i it net h and fit n acmiss tht beautiful lib it in iiciisi mrs bolton alst and initt tarictus rard n e well incr 1 000 four cand dates were n n two for the hous of c a- ottiwa and wo fr the o jrn txpslaturc tin b inc ht fir me thv i n preeet ii t fo the lical lepislature i u r ed ip for n lee on a lh fveti rifom cind dat was j wiic oiptd h e contti e col g k chisholm of oak ul w j thvh ker- krirtit f jo ph bran- wa the chore c ipjvvce r 1953 tacts ted barb- i 11w7 ndidait ith h aid in not mmh tim meeings but o pergonal eon vol rs cand date 1867 that he had o spare for publ c hi ihwikh thtrt he was will nn i cin he ould n i n th k it alioh thbuc hhoot i ir old school bt ii w n its slipk th tx need and mounted low sehiml btnrd bill iron ffic ordir ele a epecnl t r ti ti chimp on publ shed a vurs i tfsiewmj co cb sholrr amntirv iiret r of thru ma it oitinucd on page five plifit prim ipil ith ih ffuitl- md kilbrid tir h iiik thr nwst bride and uronni onnn biikts tf stony rtk wn thr n- f st tntn nn thn ground ind mr nd mis albt rt si imiiu n f hj 1 i to pli lhilh hid the lirtst firnik on thi kiounds farewell party held for mrs e gibbons hold hi m hit buck ad bridal attendants at golden wedding on twda juv 28 mr cbn m- tt id da el c hom i ouf ttn 7 pots he le il ve ouldn- v c u ri help t iiiukvt m mr jh- hi o tfi gir d mrs w i am kt- rer aid m ail rd he rom na of m- c- so t mrs he r h lo momid w r w io s- c- id cnii d m for mr jrd m- rb r wanc onn cirida spak ou i h used o lisjteand to celebrate he gold i ippoi m- ws but he ee wedd ru of mr and mrs george r t refe- o he easw f- h s po swirdlehurst nee ehel ktrtr dorg j row i wis vel kc on widntsdaj jui 29 boti we- speak out mr 0un iraistnn residents of ths wmniiiri m hj ttsieei i hae doic sr have their xourver das had enouch laukbler the weddinc took pl 50 e dav d ge o nylson proceh ed o om rate join white irreit chcernic wht sw wird a the wo icheers i ghent claimed to i be he oldest man n he county j of halton hating been 62 rear hy ai tic hvnie 61 the bdc ball tn fad tnth a number a el atives and friends present- mr wuham kentner ince ella hills ru bridesmaid mrs robe r warne inee phoebe h lts and mrs i the countj henry hilts nee viola kentner the chances of s mcoe kerr fo were flower irta these three the local legislature were appar- with their husbands were pleased to be with mr and mrs swindle- burst for their fiftieth medding notversarr and to meet theu- fam ily the groonudun oavad kent nex who uvea near port wilhsm was not prearmal entlj in doubt from the beginning for his seconder said be would be elected if be got the votes laughter after the nominating speeches which win bruited id five minvtes each candidate poke lor half an rtli uiiy ol j a i h ii 2w si h j in a j tn j i n n pur ii it lniir il f at un i iduuy mugistrate sells local law practice r uvt vpe l hr 1 mo jmehouse it sit thianirr eiqht flowers bud r duff t r r pit on one calendula iri of the trio ladies aid picnic held on farm lawn mr thoutlon iirkttj rit rail n dub fr t stiurty vihich had ikltl opn f on three inch st ri s r d p n k iiik frifi ih- iritw f hr- mntn how- mr wlkr i troilwaii a vtllt- with miss ivnn last k and w ilkirifhjm of swansea mr rid mr john vimi and nd mr w jf jutft of to itt mr ind mi c a toa- th mi ul p i f k pr- intt r ir f irch tdi s ad ai htld n tslij jk 2fl r lh m 1kn u wilh own ii ft rrm h m or mi- h fl r f s w wright and mrs i lidson h rd i wrieht mr f r id ms tk miw mh 1 hnwnndge of george s mtr ai r r t n w h tr f t browns rt r pr ijinm f jimi s mis ar r spit r spent last wck st it i d m i umbt s mih tr smfrd it waubashn tls j ija f mj mr- a m r b i u there this mrs t y 4 f rtr aftd mr ft r rr t d m w karn pin ft r- usl k m ss am min spuur is on t v r r iri ptntj n th i s a tl- fnnds frwi ijj hold vth reunion of smith bell clan mr h sp m i b r h b 1 1 c td a b30 mr gw u h irla ip north tr m j sotji and mr jik f ard fam ii si uk htliirtng at i u mrs a i h nerids fr i r d nd- hr irenta i n f hihrd iii 3t siatfnrd one but mi i im r ttt act 3 e ged t the clan n erded he haki to m- and mm etas dr fir he tibpit1t ratt national leadess represented locally in the federal election on aacndy aucust 10 are from the left prime minister louis st laurent represented by murray mcphal liberal george drew repre sented by sybil bennett progressive conservative and m j coldwell represented in halton by stan mien cooperative common wealth federation citizens are urged to vote on monday between 9am and 7 pm daylight saving time hreed control the blkjiesi traffic killer ti speed oo fast try o remember tha when jrou get the urge to dnif faster than the ported limits watch the car ahead and leave i dstance between your vehicle equal to one carlength for every ii miles an hour of speed this u a minimum distance in which to control vour car in an emergency pm i mr ard m- trd 4ari and children motned to olawa and le is g jebec on holiday tasf v- fed brown spn the week- md ai bau mrs bon reiuraing w ith him after her holiday mr t ti prce and mr j gumt motored to manitoiiiin island for a holidat last weekend rorxst exfokts lcad canada exports of forest pro- duels are 10 per cert morr val uable lhar her exports of agricntt- ural and vegetable products