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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday august 8th 1059 heading bw n tk ulwi bribery causes byelection in 1892 one candidate talked until dark its your turn every canadian has had during the past few weeks platforms promises and performance of all parties put before them from newspapers public platforms and by radio the canadian elec tion has been a maor subect of discussion for the past few weeks candidates leaders and cabinet ministers have met many of the electors and many young canadians who a few years hence will be the electors this week will see the close of the campaign it is your turn to take your part on monday whatever your choice it is a duty for everyone who has the privilege of living in a free democ racy to get out and make that decision that is yours and yours alone if you cannot make up your own mind there are always plenty who will supply an argument in favor of their choice we could offer guidance ourselves to those who might be doubtful but we believe every canadian over 21 years of age is quite capable of making his or her own decision the important citizenship duty of every can adian is to vote on monday do not let it be said that the government to be elected was chosen on a minority vote do not let holidays or other mat lim vfflmljgba j jaolhn ixxrthsonmonday it takes1mletime the polt ing places are open sufficiently long for all to be served you wilt not have another similar oppor tunity for four or five years and the government which the majority select on monday will be the one which wilt make the laws and regulations under which you will live for some time the choice is for not only the government that will be in office but also the individual who will make the best representative for halton in that government which will take office you have three choices for candidates in halton make your own selection but whatever you do be sure to vote on monday in canada your ballot is your own secret a privilege which many people in other parts of the world do not en0y a proholidaj news item in n ni iehbonn daili informed its readers thil mondai garbage would be collected on s turdaj pre vious to the holida tml worths of b mj called news who is to blame we picked up the ttem which follows from the fort erie times review it is not necessary to make any comment but it would be well if all parents read it and made a self analysis three youths were recently given suspended sentences in court here following the theft of a car they were from families in toronto none of the parents appeared when the case first came up before magistrate johnstone roberts and when the accused were asked where their parents were it was learned they had very little association with their homes and one youth did not know where his parents were bt the time another explained that his father and mother were about to leave on an extended trip to europe and did not have time to come to fort erie always showing a keen interest in young people the magistrate remanded the case and re quested the parents be contacted only one couple appeared for the trial upon police request the court was appalled at the parental neglect m letting juveniles go uncontrolled with no home life encouraged the magistrate said the parents were as much to blame in this instance as the children and following a senous talk with the lads he gave them a chance to prove their be ng able to behave themselves one youth will report every three months for a year and appear once before the magistrate personally dunng the course of a year tine under the unemployment insurance com mission we who have lived over the last 50 years ere perhaps mono likely to notice these constant changes and benefits that canadians enoy today many of us in this age group were raised and raised families without the benefit of children al lowances mother s pensions compensation bene fits and such like none would want to revert to those days and the over 50 group will recall the struggles that many mothers made to keep famil les together and provide food shelter and cloth ing when fathers had passed on great strides have been made in the canadian home life in the past 50 yean the years ahead will see more advancement as we are able to meet it matter of fact that over 50 year old group now anticipates the benefits that will b ttssstt when they reach the three score and ten and are not able to continue to earn a livelihood these are indeed great years to be living in this canada of ours every day sees improvement in our living conditions the holiday season is nearlng an end and most folks have had fine holiday weather the past month or so beating flfie indians last weekend a not that police had to quell with tear gas occurred at prince rupert it started after the beverage rooms closed in nearly every city from vancouver to halifax police report dis turbances regularly and it is not surprising that most of them occur around the beverage rooms it is not surprising either how many of our so- called accidents on our highways are caused after folks have taken too much intoxicating liquor the indians called it fire water and the white man in his jurisdiction over the indians was smart enough to make laws that intoxicating beverages were not to be sold to indians the red men got out of hand and caused damage to the white man s property they staged riots and became the tools of leaders who wanted to have control over them trouble seems 1o be that the white men aren i smart enough to jceep intoxicating beverages away from themselves of course they have the same effect on white men as on red men many a group of pale faces has been led astray when they were loaded with fire water the indians couldn t make bigger fools of themselves when loaded with liquor than many of our citizens are doing today but so often we put profit and money accumulation above the things which do harm to our fellowmen seems as if it won t be settled until everybody goes on the indian list better every day some times in our desire for greater th nqs in the future we overlook the things that are hap pening today we all want lower taxes but we heard little comment on the tax reduction which affected every pay envelope on and after july 1 last week a small notice appeared in all the news papers stating that effective august 1st benefits will be paid for days of illness mury or quaran our changing fuels as a source of fuel coal has yielded first place to oil in the united states for 50 years other energy producers have been riibbling away at what once was virtually the sole source of com mercial power last year notes the financial post 39 4 per cent of the power generated in the us came from oil only 34 per cent from coal and that lead for the rival fuel it is generally expected will tend to increase irt the immediate future what is true of the united states will certainly be true of canada here too coal is losing out to oil and especially with the two principal users the railway locomotive and the home furnace for years the cost of mining coal has been rising because mining wages have been rising if coal is to continue as a mapr source of fuel and the coal mines a maor source of employ ment then real costs of production must be brought down to a point where coal can compete with other fuels that s the fundamental problem many of us can recall when grandpa worried about depletion of the woodlot and good hard wood was the principal source of fuel for heating our home many of us recall the first coal stoves and the advantages they had in keeping a fire on all night and making it possible to put a foot on the floor wthout astocking on it it was coals advantages and very reasonable price of 5 pr 6 a ton which established it as fuel for homes now o i seems i kely to be its successor for more con venience and lower heating costs 8hj artnn 3ttt fraa th oop paper kncr pkhushed l actus founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 58 mflj st e acton out member of the audit bureau of clrcula uon the c wha and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a advertising rata on request subscriptions pay able in advance u0 in canada oj0 in the united states cut months 1150 single copies 6c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa g a djus editor and pnohxher business and editorial office telephone 174 i realued that elections had changed somewhat over the last years accord inn to reports from those who have seen more el ccttons than i have but while search i tin for some other infor matlon in the files of 1892 a definite example came to light evidently at the gmcral elect ions on the previous march 6th 1892 david henderson was elect ed by a majority of about 120 over his opponent john w oldie the election was protested and at the trial on the blh of nov ember was voided for bribery by an agent and a new election was the result the 11m report extensively on the meetings and in part report ing on the liberal conservative nomination meeting tell us mr henderson on coming forward to accept the nomination was greet ed with loud applause and he at once began an address on the public questions of the day and in an exhaustive speech of one and a half hours duration hi id the close attention of his audience as he clearly unfolded the policy he dealt at great length with the protective policy of the gov ernment and particularly with the sugar duties binder twine question hogs horses and barley as they were affected by the policy or the government two candidates were in the running one david lundcrson the conservative candftatc and j d mcgregor the nominee of will contrast reputation ability nnd supporters during the com ing week and measure condui ions ot the close of the nulls next thursday evening thi fill reports one of the meetlncs that had the two candidates on the plil form is recorded u was late when candidate mcgregor arrived after a few introductory remarks he cilled for the opposition if rmy to take the platform mr hend craon went forward imid ip plmsc a somowhit stormy tlmi iuuid in arnngnik ihe time he should occupy the patron and thur frund di sired to limit him lo hilf ind hour mr hi iid erson ippcilcd to the audience sfitmn that he had conic ill the wi u oakvill t lltud hi inciting md wanted in hour ind a qinrti r it h ist hi v ts ji ed an hour iml th rm i it pror cdod tmi vi cillid ind mr hind imn romludid mr mcgr ror thin hid hus inn nw rnmmi the good old days may have seemed better era who were lo follow finally i thi chalrmin wni appealed lo and after a wordy contdst of sev ml minutes the speaker con eluded his address mr hend eraon then came forward and spoke until dark giving the il ectors an able and exhaustive addrets the third speaker was never heard a week later the free pnss reported that tthc by 4 lection in this county last thursday resulted in a rrcnl victory for mr henderson wcio has now been returned to the house of commons the third time wtthln four years election week 1853 seems lo have a different complexion by n fcrrtnj lo 1 hi fi hindrsn hid bun hi ttpportcd p ist ind in th nil t tint mr liic mi corruption i i d s ii th pi n plitforr to thi mothir c mntr nt i ibditi i ot thi s ml accord inc li thi i irly npoits th v wvs lh firs lim in ii il1 i thit thi reform party hid no cirdidiu n th fit id thi mm ina ioi meit nj p fit ihi irl idinliini of poliliril githci nk thi hill wis dciiml croud ed bs propu from all pirls i f thi count ind min could not pun idmiltinci thi tw piirorb ot tndnsm wintrd a timt limit ixi d for thi spiikirs tut to this mr hindi wn would not igrcc expressing a w lllinr niss to haw cither mcgregor or robertson lead off after vpeaking for ibout to hours it became appannt that he mr oregon was determined in taki advantage of mr henderson s arrangement and spcik ill ifter noon there being no time limit the audience showed signs of uneisiness as well as the sptak can shorten life with overeating over two million canadians are reducing their life expectancy by over eating and overweight per sons arc currently our primary public health problem states thi readers digest thai overweight is a major fac lor in many of the diseases that cause death after 45 is shown con clualvcly by life insurance statist jcs heart disease whatever its specific cause is always aggravated bv obesity a recent study of the health of army officers revealed a groattr incidence or high blood pressure among overweight indlv contrary- to popular belief liver weight afflicts alt economic groups about equally not primarily thou of high income physkal cxamlnat ions of 5 000 employees of on in dustrlal firm disclosed that over weight among executives and non executives was about the same- one out of four todny because of g ncrally improved living stand ards the workman is as likily lo dig his gnve with his teeth as the executive the great mnjonty of over weight persons acquire thi ir ex iss poundafii simply by ovircnt tng on proper dii ts such indlv iduils can bring thilr wi iiht baik in norm 1 1 ind miintiin it so tht articlt w irns howivir ihit no y way to n dun is sifi no sifi wiy to nilui i is eisy diets should m vi r omit ismiitiil f hi 1 k m its or di i n is i ilorh s lo th pi nit whin wiiht loss is loo n pid spmil rooking is lint ni i did unbilinnd dii is retommi nded by food fidusls ink nutrition it s si mi ik mil m iv sin iislv impnn hnlth dritks too should r iv oid d c insult your d ctnr on nn wi ilt n dueinr plin the articli omnsils onlv phy irnn his lh knowlidm mil skill lo eviluati it ith ihi phsicil and i mntioni stilus of thi individuil as will his dtri nf ovirwcight back in 1903 rram the lsae of the free press sf thursday asgoal 1m3 the congregation of the knox church gathered on thursday ev enlng in rifereme to the call to tended for a new minister the opinion of the meeting was unanimous in favor of hi v j c wilson ba of stoupvillc who made so favorable p impression here some weiks ago rev mr wilson is a married mini and if lu becomes pastor will bring tn his work here a helpmate who spoken of in the highest terms a lady who takes an actlvo interest in all church work he all a small family from inside information it is learned lhat the election will be held on october 12 says a mont real despatch to the mall and em pir it is suspected lhat sir wll fred would appeal to the country immediately on his return from ihe coronation after several unsuccessful elect tons the conference of cardinals at rome have elected cardinal sarto patriarch of venice as pope to succeed leo xiii he now reigns over the catholic world as plus x dr john lawson vs has re turned from a trip to thi west in manitoba at the oak lake fair he tells of seeing the grooms and caloe attendants exceedingly well dlamwnfl studs etc ho thinks anyone who is congenial to farm ing or ranching and anxious lo make money can make no mistake in going west a very comfortable automobile of the louring car pal urn passed through town on monday evening from ihe advertisements 3 puci parlor nuili parlor tabic 30 bedroom suite surface oak springs mnttrt ss table chair rocker 25 kitchen one table and four chairs 3 90 the pavement t o is making good progress with the paving on church street already two blocks from quelph to frederick street are ready to receiving their cosrt of i iml back in 1933 from inr issue sf the free frees sf thnreday aagnal 1 itsi punica in aclun pork are quit popular these days mrs margaret slammtrs has sold her bungalow on ma n street v mrs margaret rahairi of copper cliff on monday evening a town softball ixague was organized with teams reircseuting beard more cut sole bcardmore tannery hewetsons shoe factory and s town team twilight games will be played two nights a week it was just thirty four years ago 1809 last saturday july 20 that the acton ictosse club defeated ihe gait team in the royal district by a score of fl2 and there were 1500 spectators in acton park to witness lhat event llmehouse and churchill united churches held a combined picnic in acton park and a splendid ume was had rev and mrs g i stephenson were active in aasist- lkc the even such a firm iszjbl born watkws in guelph general hoxpltal on thursday july 20th 1933 to mr and mrs john b witt kins a daughter iulp aid pipr fortsls ari man agid in the light of the inst scien tific knowledge available- professional directory and travellers guide seek opportunity not job security t d o i coll u tndin d e i t fine tw loots limit srcunu h h ird our isks ibout p ns on plins whin li 1iok f ir i j li it oppor or it hi iftir is j nn er j plan mint ff c r an mdustr n pn sci lit ve who intirvuwid 1 wo a pin mi thi i ir said onh ibout five were re ill conci rr ed oer perimi n its ind hoi das nltid of lh k nd of job thc could do another told the financial post thit an ivcrar of one- student m 15 femed to rate sccur ty mon impor ant than ppportun ty but he felt some or this is because pen ston plans are now taken for grant ed and the student looking for a job never questions their ex stence of at the united church of canada acton ontaris a friendly church rrr e a cnrrey ba bd minister parsonafic 29 bower avenue phone 60 mbn o m lampard a t cm organist and choir leader sunday algust 9h 1953 10 00 am sunday school for character development 1100 a m morning worship thoughi for the week this ts what christianity is for to teach men the art of life and its whole curriculum lies in one ord learn of me anonymous baptist church acton dwigfat l patterson putor lfl wilbur st phone jj sunday august hb 1mj 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 ajn- aloming worship too pjn united service fnday rypu cancelled more than a botan new trees grew in the forests of the pulp and paper companies last year presbyterian church in canada knox nutftcn actov sindm august 2nd 1953 9 4i am church school 1100 am re mix j ilder r a bd 00 pm serxice in s albai church a warm welcome aai s i ou dr w g c kenney fhynlrlan and surgeon off in in simon block 43a mill st f ait m office phone 18 residence 115 c hurch hi e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon iirmr of willow ind kivir sti rnlrdiici rivir strut drntal dr a j buchanan dental hnrgeon office 1 iihman block mill st office hours 9 am tuopm x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental hurgean office corner mill and frederick streits office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary off in hours 1000 am 1200 sjo 100 pm 500 pm sut ird iys by lupoimim nl only offici u ihom ids 151 acton lever hoskin bartered accountant stirci isori to jr skins and llry liji m ir pi litin illdg i st t j 4 u131 nto gerald a candler hartered accountant mindly lo friday 7 9 pm s it ird iy from 9am hirqpracto veterinary d j armstrong doctor of chiropractic 15 frederick st n acton phoe 530 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary snrgeons office brookvillc ontario phone- milton 165r21 f g oakes bv sc terlnirum offict and residi nee 24 knox ave acton phone 130 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated a l phom 30 night or day st rvink the community for 46 years seal estate and insurance st albans church anglican re ralph e price ba bd rector wright real estate and insurance f i wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 69 micdi nnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 9s phone 4915w valuators realtor inmsrsrs mrmbtr appraisal institute of cinada members guelph and district rial estate board members ouefph and d strict insurance agents association w r bracken krai estate insaranee sunday august 9h 1953 tenth sunday aftei- trinity otrasn holy rmnanurnon 7 00 pjn evening pia and sermon members of the pre brterisn united and bapust churches are wetvwied hesrt uy to this efcntfi service lfe that folknreth he snslketh rast in darkness satin the lord these are the words of christ by whsch we are taught to imitate his fate and manners if we would be truly enlightened and be delivered from all blindness of heart let th our chief endeavor be to meditate upon the ufe of jesus christ tho a kempt all welcome pfio list your farms business or house with us we imite vou to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property luyd e anlsffe rr no 6 guelph phone hespeler 701 travellers guide gray coach lines toaches lfave actof dd ght sav ng timet last bo and fi3fl am 8s8 im 1133 a jit w pm iwpm 133 pm uft p m b958 pm ftcatboand 10 27 am 12 52 pm 2 57 pjn z7 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm ii 32 p m 112am sun to kh- chmer onh a daily txcrpl sunday and hou- dav canadian national r r f bean general nsssrancs s3- mtll st acton phone 503 ofttce hours run 3 pjn 5 jo pun i fjn daily 5 40 a m daily except sun- dayi 9 55 am 7 10 pjn sunday only bit pm daily except stan ds y flyer at georgetown 902 uh daily flyer at georgetown vllt daily except sunday and day 222 am sunday and me only 1x08 ajn dafly except 1 day a8 am sj0 pm flssjftep 7 44 pjn daily except ss and svxassv mb pbi tevordsry s- ly 1ji iubu ssasssy only in am ftagstop soodsn ooty ftvar guelph 7 0s pm

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