thursday august till ibm the acton free press acton ontario page sevkn farmers attention wantha number of progressiva farmers in western dis tricts who would like to set ouf a commercial block of rod raspberries either for your local trade or for shipping to re commended city dealers recent ontarioquebec production figures prices at 30c50c per quart and dealer reports would indicate short supplies everywhere to encourage a limited planting of new high yielding patches a well known nursery is sending a special representative of many years experience in commercial production lo personally inter view and educate interested farmers in raspberry culture this should result in higher unit yields longer patch life less labor and when translated in dollars a high ratio of profit is assured because of the present shortage of good planting material book ings can only be made for fall planting 1953 limited to one acre if genuinely interested in berry growing as a sideline to farming write box camfbellford ontario on or before august 10th giving location of your farm our speciallst will call later and completely analyze the business soil requirements and preparation uptodate cultural practices home markets and surplus shipping cost of planting estimated yields and prof 1a per acre late replies cannot be covered african zoo train llamas pythons tigers lions kangaroos to be an a of a fine animal collection coming to acton u ho di like lo l the n i mill at th ii now tin at ton s mens club brings the zoo to vou good peo 1 or vrlnn and district and then is fun and educational entertain nun for kiddu and crown ups ahkt to bt had by visiting tht howard ybnrrj afric t th zoo train will be at the cnr station of acton from 12 noon unt i 10 pm tuilaj august tht ilih new on a trans canada tour thi threecar zoo will make its appear ance in acton mxt tuesday included in this collection la the worlds larflcm pthun er captured it vmghs 160 pounds and when stretched out is 31 foil n kngth mtthustlah is his name the ixhibit also features thailand a bengal tiger flown from si am lost fall tapirs llamas and an assortment of other interesting ani ma is tht re are no games of chanct or concessions in connection with the zoo i ha been described as a showing of a fine collection of animals galhtred the world oir by howard y barry famed explorer and wild life collector tht touring zoo which apptared at he canadian national exhibf hon in toronto two vears ago has been given acclaim in wtswrn prov inces where it has appeared its trans canada tour started in british columbia in alberta it was ruled that because of its educational value it should nut bt subject to amusement tax the zoo is brought to acton through arrangemtnts between the ys mens club and george de beffre of montreal advance manager for the zoo train want ad page where old friends meet chronicles r of ginger farm written specially for the acfo free press by gwendoline p clarke well right now i am wondering if coming events really cast their ahadosws before remember lasi weejt i was referring to the ease with which accidents can happen on e farm it must have been premonition or something of that sort that prompted my remarks as last thursday just as the last load of baled hay was leaving the field partner lost his balance turned a somersault over the bales behind him and landed on his right shoul der on the hard bare ground re suit a compound fracture of the collar bone that is certainly bad enough but it might have been worse h could have been his back or his neck that was broken as it is he is practically helpless the strapping across both shoulders makes the right arm completely useless and the left arm nearly as bad under those conditions we were faced with nine cows to milk and i am about as useless with cows as n office clerk mainly through nervousness so the two of us had a great time getting the milkers on the cows partner would explain exactly what i should do and do h quick bu i w loo sl t w 8n cow and then tumble around tbna letting the air out of the tubes and the whole thing would drop off gain we tried it again next morning and then realized that to keep it up was more than we could manage and that strugglir by our selves might even result in a more serious injury to one or ihe other of us if we had needed help only for a day or two we knew any one of our neighbors would hive come to the rescue but this business will be a matter of weeks not days so we put in an sos lo bob to come home until we could git our elves organised we certainly cin not expect bob to do the chores indefinitely ns he is already work ing twelve hours a day one way and another besides that he his other plans ahnd of him for the coming monlh however we have been very fortuna t in getting promised help after the hoi id 2 week end from n young fellow whom we both know and likt very much indeed this seems to be a w iinn for casuiltitt iround hen first bt ttj with her shoulder in cvt then mrtchiewhite iming hi r leg al most covered by the power mower and now partner with i fnetured colhr bone i ihink i ihall hav lo get a foodcut tiru machine for the mjiirtel folk who cinnot cul up the fixd in the r iwn plates betlj wi her iriin this ek tid jum ibout is food is new whtn she wis htrp be for pir mr teased her quiic a bit about the things he conldn t do ind how nicelv site was gelling out of wash ing dishes and other iittli chore- now it is bottv s turn to tease her unrle and she isn t mining the opportunity this is august 1 and loely wct ther for the bank holiday we ud to call it august bank holiday over in england alia in sudbury where we lived it was alwivs a big day a dav we looked forward to for weeks for as long as i can remember we always had a regatta on that day on the river stour there were all kinds of sculling races singles doubles and fours also ladies boat races and a game of water polo there were also competitive sculling races and it was a great da if our boys won a championship against the ips wich team tt was ail good clean sport but i suppose the most hilarious fun was right at the end of the after noon when the creae pole was set up actually there were two poles one in a horizontal position across the river and the other at right angles immediately above it at the extreme end of the angle pole hung a square tin box with a trap door that could be opened by the cord that hung from it and which when pulled would release the ducks that were enclosed inside design for slavery 2i miles north of huntsville no 11 highway marshall spring mattresses light housekeeping phone huntsville 8mw3 your hosts pete and marion hunter write r r 2 huntsvilte ontario the box the trick was to reach that cord men and boys in swimming trunks and with bare feet ried to walk the greasy pole trying to keep their balance so they might again they made the attempt some times getting only a little way other times almost reaching iheir goal but invariably the end was the same a vain attempt to regain their balance on the slipptry pole and then over they would go into the waler backwards head first any way at all it all added to the fun eventually the grease would wtar off i bit someone would be successful in pulling the string and the ducks would drop into the water then inert was a mad scmmblt to dive in after the ducks as every duck was a pri7e for tht out who caught it when i think of it mm the only thing un i woirits mc is wondir ing wholhir it wis hard on the dutks poef s corner a hoarder ot beauty by mary ellen vartey the moon has dropped her duster on the skeping earth tin pint trtts frayed tht edge of it ind now thtir mtdlis hold all throukh hit ciuitt darkness i iinfjimtnt of kd whilt th brirht stirs hint with cunspiratj of mirth down where tht drtimini willows by tht smill brook inn tht ir young i ivis hi id in will mg for thi stir of diwn oiih i puff of bnip ind liki trembles but a moment ilong tht aisles of green often hivt 1 gone here while oth er kope slept to hold against my heart thi lovely calm of night to fttl against each hurt an easing of delight yet too long within me such beauty have 1 kept unbreakable bowls mixing bowls made of squeti bottle plastic are unbreakable and can be used for hand or electric mixing reports the financial post fonncabdckiimbaabad when the bowl is in the natural mixing position decreases the chance of slipping or spilling and a sharply pointed lip makes pour ing easier item comes in three loi ors and sizes the productivity of the canad ian forests can be maintained for ever we buy wheat call at the store for complete information howards barnfiy spray livestock spray insect bombs king calcium sprays and dusts stockade and pratts sprays big stinky fly traps in thr sizes frost fence in flock we have a good fonco ttretcher for thom who purcham their quality fence hare first grade sisal hay fork rope milking machine replacement parts ovffirtslotiriiotflf baier twine acton farm supply the easy way pick the best time to travel by car drivers are advised sometimes an hour or two makes a great difference in traffic volume drive only when you feel rested if you become sleepy or tired on a trip pull off the road and rest it s surprising how refreshing a cat nap of five or ten minutes can be what a severe hazard you el iminate by taking a little rest when you need il let us do unto others countries like india need our farm implements yet recently thousands of workers have been laid off al our farm implement factories people in africa and asid need our food yet the liberal government docsn i know wha to do about our surplus wheat and dairy products it doesn 1 make sense but the ccf progam for world trade does keep our factories rolling our firms producing that means prosperity for canadians and good will to other people of the world the brotherhood of man stan allen ccf the farmerlabour candidate fortalton electors of nassagaweya township are invited to meet stan allen who will be at the farm home of mr and mrs george robertson rri acton lot 25 con 6 on thursday august 6th 830 pm everyone welcome what we desire for ourselves we wish for all j s woodsworth founder of the ccf sponsored and paid for by lh holton ccf attociation do you realize farm markets have always been best under a liberal administration vote murray mcphail halton county liberal association i for the convenience of the citizens of acton and district we are opening our showroom at 46 mill st east on saturday august 29th next to y mca east w will carry a oamfokoto bit of floor covonngi in ritaa and roll armstrong dom aod ah othor popular aukoa we will be glad to hp you xvrth your floor covering reeds please drop m and took around clement floor roof service k dick1 ciement