Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1953, p. 1

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wht jutcrn sftt pftss seventy ninth year no 9 acton ontario thursday september 3rd 1953 ten home print pages six cent majorettes debut consider town manager in tattoo monday review expenses budget alton bund s drum rnnj irt mud llulr first public appi in nhid aclon on mhixiii l 1 vi 11 win ii tlit ir pirfortmikt was phimlid nl a blind tntti ii in i linglim fiikliik pi1 in lb ti in tin htirliiiklnn iin mi alin limns bund oikt l did lit inlfnrd million i hi bund nuiliiikloti hoys nnl blind irtslnn i i gion i blind ihak 424 stju i irlon b eliinilton ikki 1li want ii mi lug high mbi 1 bund if wu ohio alimil 25 pi i with tin a inif if aclon uric il ii t i f motion mrl ind u hit r uriiii wc hereby uinl lb it will brink ii i in mtion n c t tint wi lur v n n i it r t rnntrnl aden ii w ii iii pun ti 1 b h nud r 1 it ill liwn w irk i ill i din 1 d mid lid tlrf c r rant i ii i frotn f r dim n hhntf within 28 minutes after sirens sounded fire trucks from milton georgetown trafalgar and acton had linked their hoses to pump these streams of water over the vacant lot by the pioneer cemetery behind the presbyterian church the acton truck formed the first link pumping water from the creek dammed by baxter labor tones after passing from the acton to the georgetown tn the v b runiley funeral home to the trafalgar truck on mill st and to the milton truck at the legion hall the water was shot from four one and a half inch lines and two boosters the lot was the coolest place in town on a very hot evening friday kccnnunriif1 improvement li i 1 ih 1 iltl ii f- p letter to the editor free press in home is weekly visit nnd muff lr illatu water soaks lot 28 minutes after four brigades summoned an emergency test cat summon jng the halton count mutual tire aid sjstcm to aclion brought georgetown milton mid trafalgar brigades heading for aclon thin minutes fridaj tvrniug acl n chkf sam teniiant rrlmd th call to assist in training tor pumpt r rt while trafalgar lav ork the sjsicm would bt ihi in ecnl of a bad firi in when other brigades imttiu t needed tin s lining red trucks with rompli mi nu of about six mu truck wire met at tin oulski town und halih directed to station in the prut ice this t od was used dun tlu i pumpuik tin i i the giorg victor fin tuuk ijh 8h ft grten fin just the imaginary fire wis loci i bt i hind the presbj tenan church in the pioneer cimitcr purposi fuh i vacant lot 1 1 tin trafilkir truck from wlui 800 f t of ind down mill ind mnr of tin mill u pumper or i ud 700 i t it h s knox church tin in w iv th olil one and i hilf inch boo tir- k ur d 2w1 water was flooding the spot 28 town i- minutes aftir the sinn oundid i hiu- n 7 pm with four brigades t it ion d gallon- in sequence pumpirik water from jrass one to the other ind finall irnrl although the dimonstrttion the supposed flam s m the lot prtmd the use nf the en k in an at the lop of tht hill on south iimrgcnct fin mm expli n th u main st an acton fireman wis the crcik would hiu to be dim stationed to direci the milton and med for about in hour bt fort con trafalgar fire reeh the f tumpus- pumping would be succis- waiting at barrs corner hadn t long ful on fndat though ihe to wait the georgetown truck ar couldn t pump il dr rived 12 minutes after the alarm telephone operator- ind locil sounded police platd their part in ihi fire soon of course mam aetomans demonstration handling calls and gathered to walch the water s ream detailing traffic over the vacant lot bj the old two simewhal sim lar muuil cmtttrv thi evening was crj i fire aid practices hae been held in hot children darted into the milton this ts the third and ac firearm of water with delight and tons rst the nexl ma be al oak a slight soaking from hoses was ille it is hoped that i practice more of a pleasure than an anno maj be held in each of the c ance to the firemen hot in h u in the mutual aid area bifoi fire fight ng gear cold weather this tear actons older fire truck stood b chief sh iw of oakille tl at georgetown during the praci ordinalor w is in crirsc st albans church wedding setting st album anglitan ihurlh w hit sdtitik for i iiinnii wnldu on silurdny august 15 whin an ifurmmn cnimm m irm n rluahilh sliiri the diiighlr mr mil mr- clifford stonj kit 4 acton wa- inurid to lli r willi im c inniitiv s in of n in mr- ii ii ilrunpl fiuile1 in it ind mi urn in hid bi itlph oik whilt h ft tin fit i- i t iff 1 i ii ppd by labor day monday fjrice held picnics early copy please y q tueii in mini ui l in iht bruit w i- ow mil in itngth whih slriplis kh im jukil hr il w is nl fingertip li ngth mil on tirtud i bouqui t of pink suhuk i rt ro i hiu hims ind sii ph inolis mrs ahci wilkinson sis r of tin bndi w i- nutron of honor wuiruik i bilkrini i ngth k of pink nit over tnffita topped w ih i pink liu jukil shi cir i ii ii i bouqut i of llow rose- w hitc kims ind ti ph-iuoti- and viin i matching bindi in the bndtsmiids wri miss mir im king md mis km c unions siur nf thi groom who wor blui and j i how gowns of biluruu length strapkss lhe win lop ped b laci jickius miss king carried- red rosrttet w hic pmni and stiphanotis miss cannons carried orange delight ros s whii poms and stiphinotis both won matching bandeaux miss norma anne storc cous n of the bride was flower girl wearing a ballcrim linglh dresa of green organdy and carrjing a nocka of pink swtelhcart roses and a matching flow i red bindeau wese storcv brother of th bride acted as groomsrmn ana usjnrs wire robert cannons bro iher ot thi groom and edwirn store brother of ihe bndi solo ts were mi s marjoru mi domld and mi- fcimi mcdonild receptor followid at s ai i u par s hill th nut her f hi car treasure hunt in town country a treasur hunt b i ir is highlight of th wi your rifiders from wi i k in weik rtjuici in your sue s n tin rutin tonlist of wnkly n wh pup rs of your pin ticuliir tluss your sikh ss tins brought honor and dislimtinn to our loan n wi ii ua a great tribute lo ttu oiillir j und iniinagimiiil of vour pupi r tin weekly visit of thi frer prisi in our hom ii lookid for ard kith i agt r itnti n sting and lh tit ws boll distiiiui is ably don mg li iii guils of 111 ii l cool inst hnd ly vi ii in t it lh rim nh und youi thai f th i and hunt tin fir hool to j u former resident dies inbrockville lutil three sons survive mrs alice gordon rndnik irr lift ityrti r tlud ilrm kvilli on thu rsd y aiikusi iflc r hnkthy illi russ iu wi hi- 77th y ir ho rn il acton wis tlu son of i tin 1 it j ii it mi i r ind tl f rim r fi ii mirlin m r rydtr who for i niny yi hid b n i n sidn nl nf llrofkv ftls n tired km mi rci ll fjvi ind had been an empl iyi nf slor y olov i aork s inri wolth mis ahci gordon whosi tins t bind tlu inti divid gordon cl ar ed thi 1 ind whin the g org iis j by farm now stands du d on mon day nt ttu gmlph gncnl hospitil in hih works hi rtlind in l932 due to ill heilth mr rydtr was a member of thi first preibytenan church u brockvihe in acton he was number of walker lodgi at on burn in fnmosa township the me h wns a active member of dnughtir of thi lati mr and mrs the commercial travellers assoc jimes ritchie siil married in litsi ulion and wis later in honorary in gmlph and lived in arkill until member tlml when she moved to guolph interested in sports pirticularl shi wis n staunch member of the lacrosse and baseball he had been knox presbyttnan church gmlph coach and manager of i bas bal where htr husbind was ont of the ti am pionetr ildirs ii1 survived by his wife the surviving her in thru sons r former alice b chisholm to whorr i indsav it row ind russll l ill he wxi mirned in 1902 and twr iph thin irt also 13 grand daughters mrs hirry i itij lilt h id ir i t trallrrh tourist imp of ii city f if no it n w s il lift for fiifti liiiussun tin oikshup 11 rcetninmudtd ern tirrettrfi rrnc t tmihr tiy- itlsfli t hnd t i i fi th tov qn ii hront ifighw road low id liltir i il i it hall fir pre hi id from i ml rut off cm uy 25 lirni iv a litter from tlu fir write again infonntd council 1 was n reived from i in v ntion week in hi of idghwiys staling oilohir 4 lo ii i his yeir ii ii tin friction of a map oowirik th 1111 t le tionil signs on tin phone area si rv d by the aclon ibfth hiiliw iv it the ixchuigf w is prfli nt d to council 1 flt lint is a litter w is lo rminites in acton i tht head office ci it ion should ik il phorn compiny hghwiy am ihrr posilnn suit lo tin 1 pirt reconnect pool acton c iilncil permission wis giv n lo the swimming pool committer to con iinng on rowirlnect their intake pip to the main lirnss h ii- w is al thi street lint md to dissrmncl hi rojil romniiltn i from ihi fiulty hydrint in the forw irded lo hill tele rung acton i it to nmedy the delay oimtructlon ii im pn nf rti w all i nf nd for th fiv should b of si w r yl lo i tht elf rk w is requ sli d to n pure from th p ii ihe ex i f tlu work yi 1 lo be competed or f df b n v old hi vould he requent cort revlrw oiincil s repn si ntat ve on thf i f was instructed lo request i ri vii of the s wrr ind w iter to divisi n nf costs solid tor iatherlind thrt iftrr deducting offiri es ihru fifths of the fines roller ed undi r municipal by hws were returnable to council council re ci ives nothing nn convictions under the highvny traffic and public commt rcnl vehicles art iquor control act and crimiml code r v anderson and associate hid forwarded to council two cop ics of an igrtement to be signed appointing ihem engineers for the maria st bridge the clerk was nstructed to return these to mr anderson for minor changes sug by council before signing hildn fum nil 19 gr it i icl mondv september 7 ta labr dai and like manv othent the staff of ute free preo is takint i the opportunjt of doing as little ubr as possible istnee the off ire w til be c eop for adt ertisemenu and news toriea will be required as earty as possible the office will be open as usual saturdsy morning our thanks in sharing honors one more saggeuon has been made this week for a name for uie luibdu isioti now known as the wartime 1 1 amine a note snt to the free frew offic reads as the land on which the hartinv houses were built wa formerly known aa ihe warren grove a lovely spot w here e osed to bold oar bnnday school picnics and day school picnics i would suggest the name of warren grove thu very suitable name is now added lo the list of other sueeemtons which includes glenwood brlarcrenl sann liew flm lhe nnwl drie ttrmalc and the ixiop h l the bride fen w h i irsase of wh th j if lh blu taf ind wilku tuntr ph on wtdmsdii in thi fxiin mills willi unsxm of km n church offici ilttl nlchildi i thi mcln laudrej i ird mr bent barbara dav d ernest l chu ont gnidsr the pasi i n- pit ent ifter nc v l of c iseg il indi aff r i were on one half r f g payment s s ooo son i s 448 v3 7194 ms01 pastpresidents pin given to john goy fill itu diseurmd its regular ind th gii edwird rdr of i i r- mrs robert b th of tnrr iator u n khl md ornivi by acton rotary c m eting tuesd ly v r mg a rom m ttu a is ippfiiiid to plri for lidies night a pist presidml s pn wj pn senbd tn johnny goy by g a dills v r rumley expreed cmgratulations i t free ptlk n plicing tirst in n wspapi r three more cases of polio in county dr bull medical officer of health for halton county atatea that three new cases of polio were reported last week one of the was a young adult in burlington and the other two are 9 and 14 year old boys from vaxaagawcya township the number of cases reported up o the present his y ar r halton county tlthough arger han last ir s not above avenge he says ro fatalities re- f i id n he eou h ped ha ipproach of lc ih h r hnhih i ndthn edd rj r of w h i orch d out of town gut ts from de roi m chtgan l t g brant pitirbun v cileait rd bramp soper park gait for baxterpicnk- th uril n ec- it d rip pridici ied b wo us and is in ridn wo s s ers mrs w 1 am nri mrs ardrew varce fun- re rs exhibits quiz skits precede brki lo n ss jrdj soptr park in gall wa he ii irmu jt made n t ng h e enr for the ar uil p r t jl oikland cemeterj of bax cr laboratines empi is heir fam 1 es ird fr ids t11 buses ind p v a i ca s lo k o i etter to editor to lo th p cnc spo awards to halton garden clubs i survey power line to relocate poles congratulations on winning of shield wa considers fall activities tvf ikt e- in nr ih rd work and tht six rlulis pn pnrd i displav h i- lirri ns n- climixd f il i ist 12 unit s f vcetables a ton ci is and th ir 1 ad- rs fr m h r thrdi ns md im i com ii- c i 1 2h ohn six mntary mil tn hntinumn the gil i its n i thur eirls gas 10 m n t 1 monstrations nt nl dt- t ht tn hill nt sk is r 1 s s i a a irirden r th l il s tak ni n 1 in i flf rs 1 is r r 1 h s h h h nb m it rot h rsnted r il hiup a in 1 f 1 t i i r md win- u iiti he r i i r vero m r i n t j h club shield frs p 1m2 c fv bt i k ii r hi il f th w- piir- w n f ir h n in f ih i nued for t pie iirih i ll n in on tusdn hi be id t ti tht him of mr j r 11 n thi meel ns opened with the ode hae been atl prair ind tht dexotionil per- honors that i d u takm b miss e haw have come to acton through the thorn and mrs thttford the roil home town paper i was answered b haresi mvii wi k ird t s td id eki sh3tdl if ch drtr ni rs and m l i the d r and bird place u onal page thanks to all v sharing with us the i s erpec ed hi h w 1 b cleired of thi bi he midd t of the that construction can new school building changing the 1 ne w proe buildmg sues on ations in this disuct 1 b id l m r f m of ha i m bi h i fc of ne pa c ef tors not on i for he con fei pr s- dd von secure recogn on bu tor the canadian cbampiori m iton third place aa n c ngra ula ng you oi i pulp and paper accounts for 10 your success per cent of revenue freight car i i am your sincerely canada each year richard ham ntrs sam snvdcr sof ba i and howard charge of catering i loadings ssitd v j- msrn mnten firti gardt n club rr mlra pi d i pr pi i a a d n b boik txhibu si sartties of tai its tr m kr cardtn show skill at fliiwir arrangemtnt an a garden qui ad juage wo ci i cretables additional require- k ub es first i a ca ping carmnls iilki fecund viar oard n clui ert 1 ci rtificates of nl awarded fur the corn- two units and each mem- ed a silver spoon for one mtnis were made of the eight third unit the girls leaders were given tear members including a special i madonna lily bulbs in appreciation exhibt and poster of their work

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