Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday september 3 1dbs we warned you one week and over 3000 miles since our last editorial writing and again on monday we write these columns on the cnr somewhere in north ern onfno we ve been to saskatoon out on the prairies at a gathering of newspaper editors from coast to coast and we warned you last week that these columns would undoubtedly be filled with only the things that have occupied the attention of your editor for the past week according to the railway time tables and our calculations it s about 1600 odd miles by rail from acton to saskatoon from the statistics published in the literature concerning saskatoon it is a city of 54 000 today which is roughly a growth of bet ter than 1000 a year since in 1903 the population was but 113 in 1953 saskatchewan is celebrat ing its 50th anniversary it s a young country and many of us can recall when the trips west were considered almost as globe encircling as a trip to africa now the trains and planes carry passengers in both directions in luxurious comfort with sleep ing and eating facilities that the pioneers of 50 ears ago would have thought impossible and have taken a spirit of adventure from a trip any where across canada we always are amazed at the travel time to get away from our own pro- vinca of ontario and sometime we re going to memorize for reference at all times ust how many times btgger our own province is than- ardstick of texas which seems to be used by most of those who live south of the border more western than the west it didn t matter whether you came from nova scotia british columbia or staid old ontario ar rival of the trains in saskatoon made you aware that for three days you were going to be western ten gallon hats plaid shirts and overalls were the ordinary attire around the bessborough hotel in saskatoon for three days and only sissies wore ties or buttoned their shirts at the neck the delegates didn t wear badges but had brand identifications they assembled at the trad ing post and meals were known as chow we doubt if saskatoon in years has been as western in make up as it was last week one large store sold out of plaid shirts and western hats in the popular sizes we doubt if we ii ever wear again the monstrosity in which we garbed and it was an even more horrible shirt that won the prize for being the most colorful it will be nice and cosy appearing about next february and perhaps less scratchy we ii skip the business sessions and the things that interest only those in the printing and pub lishing business but we do want you to know that on only one afternoon was business tossed overboard and only entertainment prevailed breakfasts started at eight each morning there were speakers andor entertainment at every luncheon or dinner gathering newspaper editors from other small towns was a challenge and a real source of pride they com pared very favorably with the leslie bell singers better known in ontario who have all of toronto from which to draw talent they are a delightful gioup of singers at another luncheon given by the t eaton co we heard vocal numbers by mr vic lester a very fine tenor singer and mr harry jones who gave aelightfupnumbers on the electric organ premier and presentations we ve been wondering just how we would describe to you the evening when we were the quests of the province of saskatchewan and the speaker was the premier of the province whom everybody it seems calls ust tommy douglas perhaps we might describe this boyish looking leader as both speaker and entertainer he had his audience in a very happy and receptive mood when he gave some heavy statistics to illustrate the greatness of the province of saskatchewan the only ccf premier in the country is a fluent speaker and an enthusiastic booster for his province he doesn t use a prepared text in his addresses but just some hastily compiled notes he reminded me very much of the late mitchell hepburn a former premier of ontario mr doug reading bfw n th uift city people lack many things that are part of small town life by hartley colea a recent article in n popular mngnrlne of amiricnn origin iiimpnrict living in n small town w ith life in n big oily the writer h canndlnn was nil in faor of tin xmnll town hi hnd livid in tin illv of inrnnti until he gut ills fill of hut iv the ti lulling im- slon mill nlkndiml iiuifuitnn lu his miiii ho middled to a mil smut town tint ii mnntl city ixil an lionit to mxhiikin place wlitn the population dldnl ex- ikillhi 1 0m murk his mow ho mild win tin hist uhtu h iver in bnlh fur hlmiilf ami tils fnm h hi kih i mnnv itnsous for his tn w fount imppliksn but the one hint struck us at ixlng most pointed wni his remark that he had erased to xlst and in gun no long r a nonttity a mimbir iim uf indicia thousands wrapped in their own smnll world lu tuiw irnlirtil the buiindiirkh of uu universe didn t itop at the cilv 8 gntii piopu win mindly and nctnalli inlirikud in liiin ii in aim a personality inilmd of mi mlomalnm could afford to laugh it tin iibsiirdithh of tily llfi and kfus lo fill fur full tllll plague ily dv in his itithm town lift the i iy diy lift for tin ill i putt of iv iivtrngi inr- sop in tt slkks w accept hum without any thought nnd must of us pinhalilv don i nallto unit 8hi1ii piopli are doing with out llu in slmplt llilms lih ihady struts knowing umi tu kt dooi m ighlmr akiut impminliitui ship ok tin thu mi tt iioiliin stilt tid to his lutghl is and hi hutdi fin i mrldnl din niwd i tin lo vn ri mi i an who in ii of frit nds isn t liki ty to liu i licit i ho m ighhorhnod giniit biililui i nip in mil duu i st filmd pn lialily llvts 111 illltulllb thru in walk fn ing and in l car inuti m wly atiivid in a city from a small lown is nt first dismayed by liu nldnrss of his m illinois and uu lilth things that go tugi on r in tnnki up the almosphiu of ii town ilnl after a whll hi nut pis uu fntl mid falls into hie mini pulti rn and illy thai maki h a good i nidi nl alhd t found ium at hoi nut uu iiiwding and nnim oilumtis of niiinv popli an likely to ii now willi tin hustling ood plnee for mils lo live speakers and features t r melville ness used es the subect of an address people in the news placing them in three classes the ordinary folks who do things without though of publicity or recognition and the other two groups who seek publicity for themselves or their products and the third group who wanted to teep their names out of the paper in their escap ades that made the news that evening we heard donald gordon presi dent of the cnr in an address entitled how would yeu run the railroad after listening to mr gordon and after spending five nights and fcur days on the cnr trains and three days and three nights in the cnr bessborough hotel in saskatoon we haven t any suggestions to offer mr gordon on how we would run the railroads matter of fact we think they are being run quite efficiently and we are quite content to leave the cb with mr gordon and hjs associales this canada olours-with- us-wie- expanses ha q a problem in getting people and goods from place to place m its big and small centres that evenmgon the program was a group of oung girls known as ths rosetown fireside chor us they drove 90 miles to saskatoon for tho oc casion rosetown is a town of 2500 and the group that mrs john p ckney presented to the las is ypungu aggressive and has a ready tongue and while we met few people who claimed to be- jongthecgjvpaftyrlie i a- fnond of most everyone and a very approachable man in high office that was a btg night of the convention and the awards were given out for the various compe titions and mrs dills and the editor brought home a certificate acclaiming the free press the first in its class for an all round newspaper and the champion third in the same class with only a few points separating the papers in the judging there were presentations to retiring officers and the introduction the new president ken walls editor of the barne examiner with slim greene western broadcaster of neighborly news at the piano how that crowd of 400 made the banquet hall of the bessborough hotel echo busiest man of the night was dean miller of p canadian weekly editor who was everywhere ll wi1m photographing the events of the night ltlt nc e ast west s outh tint timer mlss sybil bennett is likely lh first hal ton county resident u have her picture in time rmjn mi a rectnl ismh pa lured mis bennett mrs hllin r un tough ant mr ann shipkj thru of ih four lndy members of uu tux dominion pirhami nt hot hope ilu hoi peupk in norgitovu ar hoping a slart m iy in m id on i dimming pool for uu lowt this fill a lommiltee is eon d r ing pi in- hie ilion tost ind fin me ink on uu committei in thin nun uli clirk winlny ii hi rt mi mi m iii j dm hit sid silv jick hirlov i md diek i fatory published pioph mho liv in duih m ire hkel pnlty proud of tin n idilors if hdi cndortn vh western entertainment hs hid u ry publish d t i r r- i mjclean s magazint mrs c id the afternoon and evening of friday were til 1s uu mothir of tvkt y anri headed as western entertainment there were no a girl and beside writing helps lur business sessions that afternoon and evening we jj suss ciirotu were guests at a real western rodeo held at the she lsmhe only vtomm member o fair grounds we took pictures of the mounlies p trler with pretty girls and when the bucking broncos him busimss md professumil wo were let loose crowded close to the fence to get mtns club shc wnle flcl1 close ups in color there were plenty of others taking pictures from the best suited corner outside the fence we hope we got some good views before a horse named sawbones threw his rider to the giound and headed straight for photographers corner and cleared the fence we lost a great chance to get a close up of horse steaks in full color because we didn t even run backward and forgot to point the camera in the right direction i ma bt eliminated vm all the rest or our rodeo pictures are taken burlington gizttte from a distance and when the three brahma bulls i po try and plis one of her play won in otlawa little theatre ward last fall book wins award farley mowal of palgrav ha- im the ainisfieldwolf iwird of 2 000 for his book the peopli of the dtcr which wis publish i last jear mr mo v at wis mint mnrd in this column at trnt time when hi visited rchlives m h- aoulh of the county no toll toll chirges on telephone call between hamilton md burlintfto i read in tho waerdori be included in ihe in u i r l i arts- rates for burlinrton wjuld tossed their riders and went over the fence at the t n be the ame as hamilloi same corner we were in the grandstand western rodeos are rugged sport we saw the cowboys who ride with only one hand holding the strap and ride bare back on both horses and hulls the ambulance is kept handy and many of the participants get hasty falls then there the calf roping contests in which the calf wi most occas oris as the partic pants h throws to catch the animal and eff h s feet until h ti ck riding and rope twirling are rodeo feat ures which are seen in ontario but the chuck wagon races are western thrillers each has a four horse team with out world firet hilton counlj rcsidi nt he first look it dtii i n v drive in iht nlre- to be opened ill m shorlly on lh ninth lim brtwenn the qui mi fclitibith and hit dun d is hikhwiiy ihiniud are rncilllim optm nl for 1 hid i fulun annexation hcarlnx rtidint a column and ih front pin of the ojk riiflcir journl on tin lu pirn of lili nkuik uu illji snakes nd p ih story ihe w is tin hi ihuui 111 in aeros ountry lor oil pipl llll is hi dill d ii ill in louril in s ptimuir 11 is ixklid hi i uu lui i sun oil co ptljjmt fun w n i in lud uu s th ounlry in julj 12 uiikii t iimttl ib mi five mill south of millm the 200 mil kitik pipi is irupmji al i nt of about two miks i d iy water water fverywhere waler water iverywhcn lu not enough lo drink just iboui di scribed tin situ ilion in milton list week with plenty of wiler ihe ible sprin uu lo pump enoiirh down ior local use the pump us d to fill ihe reservoir broke down to m ike mitltri worse a new pump house and new ind largir pump will bnn belief from tht shortare lw important newn my wifi has jusl had quinsy gosh ifow miny hiv you got oikvtll earlift in history ill hn histor ihe the irliesl indian wieks septerr il be open lo i tort wayne hockey team for a two training period l ginning tu r 28 the arini manager ns thai th club is enmpir i ontirio ruor a cahbn key arnericin learn is clled ihe is and i hopi t to be ex plored in oakv ih is that the komits md tht kelton khpprs iwuld ftkih m in exhibition kon kould be were i ns on i t only two nust not erk hm s being tied up fv at tm6 the good old days may have seemed better back in 1903 from the infiur af the lrrr vmn of thumdny spplemlirr 3 1103 ih pi of ilu instilut wn pr sild al i of w i ikiui liinni w ii m i f utlph a i the nfl in n to tint mi inuihting pap i vwis iid lv miss maddoik on hi si aid nfl i width tiffin rn win appoint tl for hit itoikwood loaneh of ui itinlitult in iltl nt mm william hums vl prikidint mrs hoy finild m li t an mrs llotu till tt lor mm iiinui crny al ih i v nlng htislon mist miller inivt an uddrihd on butlermaklng iintl mikh maddoik ont on foods alton piop rly h now moving pant f i w wm ki at good pi hit ih laltnl n poiutl to us ih uu pureham by ho- lti i a n w inh or tht dominion lloltt fiom lohn hlsholm of sagl niiw muh of ih putlv lriik hsi thru on 1iuk a vi whuh has bun tiitupud by hi v a 1- smith b i as n mtthodlst pirsonag mr ag nt w paid si 100 lohn lhiv y ims bought tin urn ill mtliim at hit i in tu r of mill nnd rrdtrkk ms fiom ftotm wiiltr ilu ftonl will in inimtl and mud n stony and n 1 ilf nnd a conifortnbh addition will in put on tti ih n ir tht aulumn rivivnl of learning llus full land niofifh itpwurtla or to puplln tfre hard nl work in alton sehool and tht following txtt ii nt staff of teaclu rt hove the itttt m ntudlcb for tin ti im alt ndy w ii m hand ihomtis t moore prlnclpil w h sltwatt nnd miss molly dingmui in tht high mhtiti tlparlmnl and missis young howes holrnia find fanmdy in ilu w vt nil di pnrtmt ntn ovu which ihty pr sidtd in for tht vik itmn back in 1933 trnm th itmun of tho frew pre nf thumuy aujttwt 31 1911 tht i trui i lo blu tli ii sunday f d iht idg mien d cmitery hen aeton pair groi pupped with im an tfystem thin year on saturday ivu w k anthony dm he diseovi red that from hh farm hid bumper of the cui from the farm on t thos h briickc roy a iptifymg sound i mr n m of the hens idden on th all tht way fifth lint iiledo had ihe distinction of winning th fifteenth prle for red winter whifil at thi neont worlds gram rxhibitlon in reglna a lovely summer wedding was floltinnled in st albnn churrh acton on saturday last win u mnrjnrlr johrmton diught r of mr and mrs h smethumt bcnmi the bride of mr wm garfield mc fadrli n irfiit sunday rt v p a sawyer ith nelorofst albma church announced to ihe eongjtgntion that ik had accepted a call to st pauls churth caledonia ind in the rourst of a month or so would be ri moving to the new charge died roi5inson al st josephs hon pilal gudph on friday august 21 1931 ernest edgar rolmwon of natsagnwtyn beloved hukband of hon net m iy diiinia aged a minh wood it used for fuel xl in canndi ah is hnvslcl by pulp md paper mills professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney rhynlrun and hurjrron office in symon nioek 43a mill si e alton office phone 78 rrnldenee 115 church 81 e phone iso dr d a garrett physician and surgeon orner of willow and river su entrance river street dental dr a j buchanan dental surfeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 nm lo opm x ray telephone 14fl dr h leb dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours- 9am to 6 p m tflfpiione id acton veterinary b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary surfeom office bniokville ontario phone milton i65r21 f g oakes b v sc etrinarun c f leatherland harrinter hollcitor notary pnbtw offit htuirt 10 00 im 12 00 am 1 00 p m 100 pa salurd iyt by appoinlmint only cjffit ii phtin r 131 acton lever hoskin harlered accountant jinkin8 and hardy iwi metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto frn 4 1131 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 7 11 pm siturday from 9 am c h irq pr actor d j araa5trong dor tor of chiropractic frtd nek st n ihonfc 550 miscellanfotjs the victor b ruaaley funeral home funeral home lira ted ambulant phi ii 30 night or day strvink th community for 40 yars i lest starts with loading vagon xhe con g the equipment doing a figure eight around two barrels and then a race around the tract with wagons and riders m a swirl of dust one race saw a spill of two wag ons on the first turn and horses wagons drivers and equipment rolling on the track fortunately no one was seriously mured continued on page in united church of canada aeton ontario a friendly church ret f a nrrey ba bd mlnkttr pirtnnaje 29 dower aenue phone 60 mlsa o m lainpard atcm organist and choi leader rtal rstatf imi 1nmrance st albans church anglican ralph t price b a b d rector 10no a m sfptfmrfr fi1 1953 folrtrfnth slndai fter trirn s i mbtr 6lf ttt m 11 rr chonl c mmvii r 700 m eers n i a m aftot i a f h n p- i uficomf baptist church actdn iikhl i pill r n pallor wright real estate and insurance t l- ajulht it iuught y 20 wilbur si 69 macdonmll st acton ont gut ph onl phoni 9 phone 4915w aluaton realtor itunrors member appraisal institute of c anada mtmtirt gnelph pnei district rul futile board mirrtirt cu 1 h ind strict invirnu aiik awwinnn w r bracken real i utr iiuunnre travellers guide gray coach lines oa hes liavf acton iol ght saing timei fantbound 3h am aytam 1133 ajn- weatbonnd mm p n 2 si pjn 7 27 pm 9 12 pm 1 12 a m sun lo kl- tcipt sunday and bou- 1o s jndav and holi- canadian national railways si e ttu oniw paper fw phhri 1 d in lfi5 and published ttr thursday at sfi mil acton ont member of the audit bureau of ctrcula ht cjtt i a and ibe ontario quob- division of tmr c v adertising rales on request subscript ons pa mi in adance c so in canada 3 30 in the united state ix months si 50 tingle copies 6c authorized second cuw mail post office departrhenl ottawa c a duu editor and pubtwher 1usiness and editorial office telephone 1 74 presbyterian church in canada kn ch apton rf robert ii armstrong mj bd mlnbter blndw septfatber 6pi 10s3 9 45 am church school 1100 am morning worship evening worship wi t nraunrrnbr last bound 40 a m hdilv ex tpl sun- lm 0 j m su i xcept sim- n 902 am ilon 1011 a c canada s pulp and paper nut 00 pm evening worship exceeds in alue her output a warm welcome awaits you heat and all other ferain crof r f bfan genetal insurance a3 mill st actcv phone 585 office hours 9am 3 pm 5 30 pm b pjn hestboond diih cept sundav and moo- da 222 a m sundav and monday on 12 06 am daily except sua day 848 am 650pm fucrtopn 7 44 p m daily except saturdaj and sunday 5 48 pjn saturday on ly 138 pro sunday only 9 03 am flagitopi sunday only flyer at guelph 7 0s pm

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