it jvttim sftt ft seventy ninth year no 13 acton ontario thursday october 1st 1953 ten home print pages six canti wyj 3e v r l foundations are completed giving some idea of the size and layout of acton s new high school now under construction at the east end of mill st the 19q 000 one floor building is to be ready for use by the beginning of the 1954 term in september this school is part of the 350 000 building program being carried on by the north halton high school district boardith additions of 140 000 at georgetown and 22 000 at milton j b mackenzie and son of acton and georgetown have the construction contract at the schools visitors retord 999 calls in sunday church census ovtr 1000 pit takers sundav aftu formation inn in conpregitions this lal colls lo acton horms made b volunteer ctnsus in n suited in 999 cirds of ptrtinenl church in hands of tht in nisttrs of tht lour proustant k just om short of 1000 tht tirds indicitt thi nutnbtr of familits which claim iffiliitmn with locil churchss as follow knox prtsbvttnan church 344 families acton unittd church 292 fimil ii st albans anglicin church 26 finulits and acton baptist church 47 fimihts catholic finulits wtn not tabulated in acton 34 purs com red thi town knocking it doors and rtiiinl dooibtlls in tn linmtdintt countrvsidt 13 pairs drove from firm to farm rntrurnr the infnrmnt on vh u most of the cir d with poster note revive fair recollections tht h stor cal nou rtctrtu pub hslud has brought to lijhl dim mor information regarding earh acton furs at the fair this n a pour vva on displav annount int he annual exhibitim of aeon horticul urt and agriculture soc en of 1r95 mrs weslv murrav hid round tht id pi cr am iif sim pipirs her hu band hid kip it was wtll prctrmd and i go d ini i of what vv is know i in thos divs as i chromatic po cr it had jlor mr murr ha fim 1 i affiliated albans angllcai prt b f an church cton bipt chur h or ac on u ted churcr about 35 showtrf olh r rehg m j enntic s tht ir sihi i n a rm on fim iv quake s one p it ecutai jew h tw jehov ih witni s one duuh rtform hrt du ch orthod x om dcpli tw gospel hall one luhiran tw church in the home two aln included m this jr ui i undtcidtd two no particular church two not r en ed inc wih ng no con art scvn ard- t utr aht hostile ont included r tht lis f tard i omc turned in for fim 1 ts whic t- id bun d n th contat t su div othtr cird it 11 b dublin wi rug quilt are winners the orig nalh des ened rue rr in dubl n women s in itu h idtd for provincnl compt i u tor nto f how ng he i n uramui this week it the convention n guelph hit it bin iwirdid second plice in si idi tci romptt ion tn k ndh i th press ifter the fai later in the wick hi follow ne ifm fi enurbrook formtrl s tphu tm 1 knox ss teachers on area executive clarenct colts of acton was el ected president of thi guelph prtsbter church worki rs as sociation it the annual metting ind banquet tuesdaj evmiiig in hesptur alsi on th extcutivi from this district are ken minn alioii corresponding icu an ind murm mcphnl of cimpbilhilk gutlph district rcpres ntitive attend ng fnm knox church win rev r h armstrong mis inez miulliii mr- h oturbi n mr j price mr r o hin mr k minn clin net c c k n minn ind jim gnr f e iddr f in rto whiih h ttlh hegi im mr ji m bi la id tit m t f the fai it act r h the let ir r ht v uil f r d is u d d 1 f oil h ch three cars crash traffic is snarled rally day sunday at united church on rillv di surf lav u tlu hn i i d churi li sund iv i h 1 pup ivt riclition pr sentnl a littli plm ind sang during mi rtfulu morning church strvn abou 15l voungilirs with tlu ir sundav schikil teachers joimd thi con kregolion wi h the fnindl cirilt mi m 7 tttnmtl cli s sitting titther in the cas galli ry ictt cloi ks spec ilk slinlid for the j nintstti wis given b rc f curn the whok sundav school snuj sivtril rhoru i- w th fnnk b n it thi pnno ind the kmdt riiirlen ilas lsd tv miss jim flloit smi inothtr hmn tlu sololst w is m s jim mi pher n of t i into tiking pir with ret it it ns ind i pla wrt tdni jinn nt kith inn gnrntt i ill mkaih p ir wolfe i ut1 is rudditk dile w dluirti piul uliult jin mi n judv mis n mil darlin iimbirt fmih sml tu th off rt rv pnver ind thi off nut wis t ik n in bill inus 1 s winlliw ink qiirni landr h cose tht scrv in w is cdiiriiu ted in mrs n mow it sundi school up ennttndi nt thi ihuri h prop i nnd pirt of the gillrr were flllfd fir the rall da service dousing lights fails to cut lacrosse donnybrook ill ripixt it of ih t i o i a ml rnutli it m ind nmiifinl th whit tlu onliii ffu i illttl a n full s s i mi inmil and w n ih miond iksii i instil ih h ill 1 hit tun lib ili nnvlirook brokt ml in thi 1 nil il ut th t mil rvn spilnt a i n and nrmiroid lift nncs with th u i th fin is hut s nt iti u up mill h ill th w r t l ih slrui i tu say safety rules as elmer raised wli n th fh sif tv hi li nl ii d list hr i publii- mhuul u h nh 1 m ih fl u tli ft if i iff r it 1 r r ind soon how with tin 1 in i d to r si htlp of i onli r ih v imititl tlu i w s iblltv iii k h l livid vr illhoii h atl n i it ill toui koi u h uh fi ll n 1 1 if nut iv to bt m bid u 1 id with s 1 ft to in 11 ill d lids l tl i 111 f t it 11 ours on on f tilt miutlm n i ill tit ml hit but wotil in in rs wis t commit report two cases of polio in week two new cases of poliomvelih have been reported in halton countv in the past seven da dr bull medicil officer of hcilth re ported this week one of thi sc wis a five year old girl from mil ion and tht oiher was n ounj woman from oakville this list cah occurrtd earlier in septem ber the lolal number of cases re ported so far ihis vear is approx imitelv ihe simc is in 19i n tattd there has bten one fatahtv rtportcd this year lis it d strc i rev cu add h th u- ak r i r n n burhnt1 n in jui th nt rut wi a projec of tl up his rir th i b rrier u 1 b ro r an ing i i di i ii th siladi ti i ii m t r i lto2 thi quilt k ffrt n n in hibtn r n on h i 1 irt d 1 1 p s ib u led m if mi 1 hu k h i r mi- b but th 1 flir i m lion ir c liidid w th j gtirteiwii cir n no 25 h li wiv thru m is uiih f ac ot sa urdu n mns in actoi cir lullidid w th thi itreidv dfrmnid m im hie e knock rg i off the highwiv dwn it intlrt nto th i di i et i r t i m he rii vi h j il 7i d w th chtsl ind fin injuries and mr pm trial run success fire chief declares tht highh s trul run i acton wis n ported lo the sept t mber meeting of the halton ountv fire aid servlcts m tri filkirs no 2 fire hall represent tives frm nurlmu n at ton iorffl wn milton him it ir niach oikv lit itid both tnfiltir brihidis at nd d oikv lie fire ehuf frt d shuv pokt of the run t c n which drmnsrited i nuilt pic h k up phi sintirv ai i phill ps tn prt inline 1 r por on tritalgir in sunnct iiveran of f remen car ti d n f n di pirtminl i holt ul idt in li lhool of ij gjlh if t ru s ailn wn th fust j um f tho rtpca ld ul but in sutn scries list biwrdaj in dlbradfordo tuahlwuw iafii g wen hi in mnh u 1 i hun hill pi du t is cichini hit ns jhn kirkw d and k ith dunk whtn tin hrmr fl ig rt ichid th top principal g w mcki nzie re minded the gr up that now hi hut rtichid the lip it would lake f foi from ill tin pupils md tnch trs to ketp hun thi rt eich clas room his itr idv di tussed sifttv rule nul hild siftlv projects the ifetj mls u irmd bv all thi miung tirs are 1 look both wivs bifon v u cros th strei 2 ketp out from bitwetn parked 1 ridt buyili nft plu aft i 6 if v u h ive to roid wilk on tin it if inv on if hi s his an ict irtt nt flm fhphint will bt low fligmile itx 1 hildnn r tht sifuv id fnm ih for fit to iccidt nls nonth since flmcr d it the si hool li t i t bet n liken down churchill church 115th anniversary would hut mvin tli ru i two kimt i id ih s ii s it sunns ti silur d iv nifht in hndfoid iituinni in rt nt xt tuisdiv nihl for the fourth game thin art many m rsions ot how llu fighting started but spectatora win unanimous in tht ir disapprov il of tht h mdling of tht game tho offitmls wouldn t tuununanct a hard look in tht first two chapttrs but hi plimis of both tiajns get iw i with nothing hort of mayhem in hit sttond half rinully ont of tin fit id ford players walloped bui btnnelt over the head with hi slick km woods of tht rams took t ci plion to his dishing dropped his stick inrf htiidid straight for the visitor with his fists while woods wis i in out tin bridford plajcr wound up nnd applied rtptutcd ap- plcitinis of his slulhlih to woods htad nnd should rs om thing led lo iiiolht i ind win n jiik mnnn of tin it mis was foultd in tht shoving nil piishint hi hid ff on intton of tht visitors rinii tnilkkr and imlhi r tlradfoid plnj r tangled tn h f how id in burton ind br ly tin floor was htti ml with glows md sinks fins s inn d onlo the si in somi of tin m midlng to the c ntniou bv lending i i lp ng hind on sp rtitnr tt itu d ivi r ind punchid a hr id ford pi ly r whil his i uk w is liiimd and in jui uit ids tfti r h hff nd i i ttii plt ind hrmsi i iht d 11 out t h i a r mur f sh kc- vis ti r r ink rt jus had i v v back of h of ac on cirint ibu h10 pi ited bv dr w i the cene l piul 1 hilsbtir ui ttd i th miest peiker w un id rhurch ih rv inn vemrj k i tin i iss dei ind the need of ill prnel d b h mi rm ifide5 ftr ih s tvpe of tovtrig ntsrnis riirt iv f tie m ircot i s 1 t wis john k tilling o providtd a demontntion f gutlph with piriil music bj ice waj ridi i ued n coord chunh ch ir i it frfjhing effort si ndn k n irni n russ the m f i ti enr out to cn rr i sizeibli iht attnctive wh te tram ttiin of the tow rush p minv it t nded huh scrv h hi idf rd ffn i tin dis ilit the fo w ig their v biinnv wirm and jl n n he c niple re urnd i d church baem n whi their name were olneked f t 1 ard he r cards or i d f riual w nler fn r t ifu rfp nc add 5 o s equipment hrrkinc hrrce h iking whs furii through lh cr of pirt nf thi j me with tho hurch m nlftrd i luh b in mrticulirlv in iw chekiis fining fist and urssiv tln ti k i fust ipiirti r i id w ith thn i jo ils t acton a om but t kmiis mnt on in i gnl t ipiurter gut ph mnndu tib e red erk- ing ht f ur pntest rds it pit ir k lightning strikes tree beside house i hibet nl irder ard t r e vp 1 puw c cirds vcr dis it r v cu- rev pr e rev x md mr cos rru w h i ti i i h eiva5sers and eerk i u e hi abulitmg o nmtnk h them r t ite- r cast h v n urn rw cinad ar wh could s a fgl h vev it iv df mr 1 v i mir hills hi 1 i i h 1iv r t wh r t t ick a e tu id he i v t f is ai n t ui l pump houi attend nnivrnrv itk rumber om di pa it rt 1 i jn v irv c l r s idiv ih r m f i v i gi h i 1 i v n di ukd h i b i chur th a r vi h d ir v r oc btr we w n ir tht ei f t t w c t c d wt ried t iv tack a hl ta r our me i i s hu c- lad d r v c d h ir tt a i mint a teau t mrs thomas ei r w i ident ind mi m her m s a v stiph i soi wis the rei u thev had the qui a t 1 j k t i i yui t ni ii had t v war d th t c r t r ippi entlv intend ng j i s c ded vi h h giorge towr cir uml le s p n m a third cir dn en bv ocir ixirk t o ror wi r r i r vv h i he m 1 or car tht n elson ci wh ch w urred ove or i de i is cot der d a ital wreck c rt abl dimag wi dine to the m ltnn car ir r wo irrpar mir imige to the front of h icke i i resul ert the cir from mil r i used rr d r i ek hi1 ju been pu chaed tticr wl ri ti irr ci- were hell ip 1org t- h khwn r bo h direr s me d i c o av c h scri t v w ri r wh 1 ho ktt v iv d v lef nit oikv ce wh ivetkale irivcd seek more land for milton school chlk t li d bf ri hilf ir pist norm m j i k i c win mndien fnnrnl held 11 f v id purchis nf o r 5 000 wtrlh f u iqu pmr r h ih sehn is i a v ton ind corn vn wi nith nr it d mood n ght bv the high sch o m d tr r b ird md approvil wv gvn fir cor tu ng negnt i ft uf f the purchise of idd tioml la d h the add 1 r hardw r er bndng f 341 ir vl asbe a 1 areas o m th i num in the pub c school 1 hi st cun d fir ccrti n periods i r s c month fir iht t tl requir d i hv f ht villi cilv man c ur ng ji dundis showed he ud the r ab i for the sc encr i n rd r is phced for lib acton ma ch ht s i ihr libl n i n ust 1 if i t to is to d w th the 1 ii ge rg wi d utile et t arc mmodite to pup s rha r ord f i f the fall color scheme t i p a at september tea v i t- a i s r r r- f 2 400 p r t w psd itn- 50 r the m r i h r w a re ll l u a d m tw r dsk i rod f r h th itm ii t thi v liih in m giv a in v tl s w pitt n f fl r ihshinc i urnd li tl n ke latk minn i ft is w i 1 sn th ist k n ui in 1 r i til imill i irt th 1 tins went kir irt f brdford in f il fourtn i th opportunity d h i ad in ihe visitors were th another goal is u irth of the n i pm th pj- rrv r h chj h f fi r ter i r n bap c- f sav par of hovst during sj 500 fire 1 prri mb v caused b fault hr rrce rh knil rn i pl 1 lltht twirr 1 ind had mtntrkid and i a- ln hd d ict m th ice nov rrbc p ms 1 ch r w t i m v n 1 t- mpsor a 1 m mj garc lic if o argri c ca ad a ia rr- haa hi f tmtrda th m m mrs r br mid or m e or r ds d ft gi mcfe murr uian 11 b lii n mile a vear t arplmnrtu nuw forest fires t j beei anl g i rrgard rj v r rad rd r nclr ah ir i an n fl nf1 llmri thltf r clerntnt rlpor ih a hjdrd tnrs as bla had started in the upstairs u o a man tf iffa hrt mr and mrs harllev ere nrth mer ca t da lk there ae about 5 000 buffalo i pei tirr r c t b i i k v drr ors h v re d j app ca ji t d t- cl i o i certrr t rr i nhldi ui r k m dr nrrnj ard ttnr yitr mes3 it- tc 7t t oju mar e be ued for ph r ab n th- co k d icati r a a c of 500 for b arrt m rr w p th or and r georgetown he cha rman l pickett prrtdng e liotit t macphr t i here o try the rrd