thudsday october lit 19u tht acton free press acton ontario paok tiara jtotrrinr srrnratiuij ixport color tchomt tugflnrlont suporior workmanship and tho latest sunwomy waterfall wallpapttrs call ru e ulttt decorator rockwood 51 kino s sok stove rbuwha jttw worked out way to cook food by tun- power a poluhod aluminum bowl napended above a cooking pot dkaoja the un rays to a minor which nflecta the heat to tbo bot tom of the pot it aounds a ml mbphcated to ua hot the act 4s tbtt the aolar cooker turns oat a meal ai fait aa a 300watt alactr to move its juat one more mdicadpa mat food and aluminum go to gether in contaioen ih fail and in the equipment uaed by tit dairying and food proceaamg tastatrlca aluminum company m cauda ltd akan vttbil ehrtl farm news from haltons farm lands hall exhibit oataundlnt a milton today friday september 2flth we had the privilege of taking a preview look at the exhibit in the main hall at the halton county fair at ml ton the officer and director may well bt proud of their hall to u the highlight as usual woi the women institute dtsplayi halton may v ell be proud of her women a institutes their exhlblta are in keeping with the aplendid program und nccom pi hh menu of tht year we were alio impressed by the flora dls piny and the gentral arrangmicnt the baking cliiai wen a sight to behold not only did lhy maki our nicjuth walir but according lo mr alex mckinney of ttrnmp ton a vturaii judgi of many yeara handing juit miout tin in hi she hat iten any when tills year neirt li is lo add that whs no mirpns i tin wrltir becnus durlni iln pit t l vi irs we hait hud th pi ill of luting in many hull in rnr il horn s we haw uls ill mini many galhi ting md dinntis m t b i irinw hall n gi up nrj inlrnlloiik the varloii icctlons al the milton fair thrvi entries in metalerafl tray about the aame nurftber in cer amies frankly folk 11 dot n i add up we realize the prtie money i mhall wt ay limited but can t help but wonder how many cattle would be oul if the txhlbll era only thought of tho prlie money surely with an enrolment of 472 in imtl year night school we should be able u get oul a display in aria and crafts which would bt tho uilk of onturlo thi officer and director of the halton agricultural society art talking if mother new hall for 1wm itti pack it in idm lor farmir section nl ihe ciiunlj flrct junior hhowlng the tint houulng lln sptiiul jun alr wn tulutnly up to tin jam md of iusj in fml wi nvtrlitan a numlnr of folk iluti ii wua btltci ml w tin lii slnl tin j art tops l t at hit milton if winn it huli- diauupiu ii in 1 liuu aiidiiih titi minn wi hunk of lln in of flk ia lui-tliu-ltim- tllu- mt tjn- o jujikrnviiavclukcu wmi nn nf iin wxhlji uxmiiyj jxmlijitb m cru ijciafuual lhmiun night ohrtol and f lln spit ml d w k display d it lln mm union f lu nigli sihoul tul yuir nalinallv w would ixpitt lo hn a tot nniri roil fi jfamjm optometrist 58 si georges square guelph formerly occupied bj mr e p head complete eyesioht service limited montreal- toronto- chic ago on business or pleasure travel the fast and comfortable way on canadian nationals international limited put usable time to your advantage ai the engineer does the driving work or rebut in modern coaches duplexroomettes or luxurious bcdroombufietiounge cars oienught enjoy the wide variety of restful sleeping accommodations from berths to drawing rooms dine welt in hnght up-to-the- minute dining cars for more than fifn years the international limited has sened montreal toronto vc wdsor detroit chicago on dependable all weather schedules pool serv ice montreal toronto oni go b the international limited and arme refreshed jtlory in k rid ilbb norval initituu inlng ail ulti fiom on yard of cotton wluli iulcimo in a colorful dl play prtsinled glfl suggthtion wrapplngs for a hridiit bhowi i tin llomt making club numily acuin ah aaltgrovt hornby east hornby west llmehouic nor vol nelson omitgh and ial crmo displayed a story ccnurlng around either sleeping garments or the milky way and what u job those junior and their leadirs did incidentally acton norval and omagh all took red ribbons jat but not least were the gar den club displays wo were 4 little dlsappolnltd that mon club dldn t exhibit but thoao who did namely hornby fail hornby weil lowvllle and omagh put on u splendid show here the two horn by club both took red ribbons the dominion stores special for the champion exhibit of the entire junior farmer section was won by the hornby weal garden club to the members of hornby west and their leaders mrs lloyd may and mrs genr sinclair we extend heartiest congratulations on their achlovcmint in fact to all who ployed a part in any one of the displays may we add you did a job whleh was a real credit to the county of hallon we were nol surprlsi d but novcrlhi less it was gratifying to owrhear one of the direct rs of tin hnlton soclotj stall this if tin init year you ii xhihfl in n lent this dls piny warrants a m w buildln for it junior farmer section halton 411 calf clubs hold surcexarul achievement day sixlj oiuht mimberi of halton three 4h cilf clubs vied for hon otttit ml i ton fntr m sililriliytfrt jtifire fnd campbil mating r if k yirds conriln litd all m mbi rs on ih inalil i f iku i xh ib lid md for tin aim ml ifissionit mintnr in which th j nwd them anitlur pleising fen tun was the nd sportsmanship which was in ndmtc throughout thi wholt prukrnm which lasted from 11 00 nm until 3 00 p m add woodli i ehiirmm if the club ixnders a iinalim and all the club leaders wjio issistod j e whitelock and art bennett with the 4h club pn grim ih i put summer wore pleas 92 nf those mem need the cilf club rr licet last april exhibited nlis il he fur some of thi tip iw irds art t foil iw s lullon 411 jeraey and gurrrwey calf clob 1 rs i section juni r cahes lou alexandir valerie tndr jem al s n r ci i s grant smdi birir i sect shall charles 1 lain hard carole hunter hoburt shlllum bmward segawortli carol ni eland cli m gi illrd senior calvis 21 intrle flrl prise culvi doug starrett dor ei sinclair ntlson iiw tenet don cleave hurry at tin r edwin d stghwortli barry james dorothy mu mhall juslihltu t limit show nmnihtp 11 to jo 1 14 entries fht pru group lluiry archer hnruld llraln lion have ken tittitluud idlwoid umwn harold i aw re nee tnlercuib showmanship 20 int rls kallurltu merrv john will moll tom hunt i hany anlui uinl 1 vlln mary uu alt x nudtr gnat tiihtlon announce winners ield crop contest s griffin and st n pliictd flnt in tin fl hi crop ctimpetlllon in iorn iiiiih hold in ionuncllon with alton fair george s atklna nf 1 he woodlands m route jud grd the inlrle on saturd ly sip tenth i 12 winners or the top ten poltlon were h k orlfftn anil hun 0 c w iiwmkhamer 71 1 loyd tliomu 7tirt m hprowl 7cvi it i david on 7ft robert kerr 74 flwood jihtumn 71 e 11 iasmope 72i mlvin miculloiigh 7i ired moon 7 hatink1kdt sandy and mai wi r having din in i togttllur when to mut s disgust sandv in i inly in iped himself to the la i ki rish on tin plnltir mno niaiuii rs yt vi iit sandy mac ad ininirih i in 11 i if id in tuku the youi null i toth service station 12 no 7 hlpliwty w acton ont phono s3 lorne garner motors ltd acton ont phono 4s2 ai canadas trade has grown the chartered banks have built up and extended banking and commercial contacts around the world today quickly and directly your local bank manager can obtain market information arrange letters of credit transfer funds and provide all the other banking services that help to overcome obstacles of distance language and custom tht banks scrvinq your community hon record ng your buinti and pojr travl coitnih your local canodkin national wb f a abetrf ala mnl g national railways s omr aiirr iiiyino ah rn riovincts acton phone 110 where every attraction means show satisfadion continuous nightly from 7 00 pm matinees saturday and holidays at 1 p m frisat oct 23 all color double feature mil i rflddlucoowal roifkiei- montues oct 56 burt uukaster mayo plus technicolor cartoon chuckc0nn0rs rmiwv i extra so youre going to tft dtmtist and color cartoon wedthurs an all laugh double program october 78 snikflua extra world events in the news plene sott show ttmf f es bbh man motn a z0