Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1953, p. 4

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iouh tut acton tort rnrvi a ion onmrio tllunhday octoner bth ibm local yets attend reunion of 164th when the l4th hal ton and out gord mccutcheon mens wear acton frrin cnnndinn xju dlllonnrj fin hi id n teunion last saturday tvcnlnn m orangxillp kkbi ml trims j mud about 110 who came frmi ni fnr lu winds ir lluffnlb aiui wnlk iville the lnl initial ji ieunini vvnn held in licorgtlovvn in imfl attnding from alton vr ja k 1 hkti mini snow james umlltl dnlton burbrr and di a j lliiih num mnn a toman nt tit rot nil when thr pore on a mm eh from i iimp borden lo hnniill hi apt nt n nlghl quntttrcd in at ion afltr apt tiding tin wlnlr nt linn ll tin idir the oi nn of 1017 ttw oldisl attending was sgl phil oop 7fl who m in charge f the hu nil bund the oilginat htglinpiital sprgpant miij tr nt it d t maoli i of n nmoniea tho kmlhi sergeant mess as xociati n waa formed in 1928 tn mar after tin armislict m sign st mayffair restaurant thanksgiving dinner chilled tomato juice roast young turkey with dressing candied sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes mashed turnips celery and salad tea biscuits plum pl ddinc or cake and t ol h i 150 children s plaits grutrostkirmnw akwfm tfi unions 175 call your reservations fhoni m suverwood school attractive with paint shrubs w an u marjon n slon vim amies ihl d nl h r h i r lu sh nl her dilal arthtir nl viii n in ihr fam 1 tin si tno e himil la looking m hniulnini in it new cat of paint lh shruhbtiy and nent ground mjik it one of the ileal lookitik mhou in tlnlton county ontrfttalftltorm congratulations to madeleine molinmn and donald sanderson who wire marrtid taxi wook and lire making th ir home in george town c uigratiilaltons a i no to marion hit hi i nil bruce 1 indiuiy who at lor rptnrnnik from tin n honey moon will muk their home on no 7 highway just north of tlu stone school ingrntulntion li muriel apple nil h m mii in the limhouse pr vtnliuan ihuich itm sundm n vi r tnneh t n jn i d show at fain sthrod worn us iiimiluti mid n knd shownik ir xhilills ind won mnm pr ps it the arloti md oormtown fill furs th displivs wire in the cipihlc hinds or mrs win norl n mi htjr com m tti mr- noiidii sp nt a div lns wck it lh disirnt diiors irniiuk m milt m 3 oth anniversary mr ind mrs irn bilkm r 1 brit their 111 h widdini imiivis l dies in 77th year f1 lwinc i lmipi nv illm ss mr jhn tivl r pi id ivi imondii in h r 77th voir she livs ti ni competitive prices plus personal service y drug stores 77th v i r i v special values and reminders for thursday friday and saturday ida brand specials sou on a moneyback guarantee baby cream- 3 oz sue rg 50c 3c cherry cough syrup 4 ox reg soc 39c friars balsam 1 oi i ox reg 25s 45c 19c 33c flaxseed whole 16 ol rag 35c 29c linseed meal 12 oz reg 35c 29c ida brand wax paper 1 00 foot roll regular price 34c special 29c ida brand ida brand a b s c tablets for relief of constipation 100 tablets regular 23c special 19c 25 envelopes reg 10c economy envelopes 2 for lie free i schick inktctor razor kit values ou can obtain full particulars from your 1 d drukkist too tired to u si 00 gem razor 1 98 rybutof free bm tho 100 unit size with rbutol for 5 91 and p vonr froo sim menner trial size ask your shave cream i d a drurkist for full particulars j l 59 value hybutol bvitamins i for 59c buy vicks vapo rub for 53c get 2 oi vicks cough syrup free vitamins build energy mead s oleum percomorphum 1 id 2 95 4 60 mead s ascorbic acid 60c 2 40 mead i mulcin 1 50 2 75 frosst s neo chemical food- fluid 155 3 35 5 90 capsules 1 65 2 95 6 60 qstoco drops 1 45 1 40 4 25 airm alphnmettes 100 1 85 3 50 15 00 atphamcue aqueos 1 45 2 65 4 85 amhrt 10d cod liver oil 100 225 innd tiiri fimih son frink on th fitm ind diiichter mideli me mis frnet benhaml ind ilwi sistr ml ed ith bormrd funenl w ts wednes day with er ico at the unitpd churrh and tntprment at rookwood cemoterv symptuhr extendod smtnpitrn i extended to tho hoyden fimily in the paeinii of mr heyden lait wpok funenl took place fridiv mornink and n tcrment i in oikup eemeterv alio sympathy n extended to mrs oiwald meadows in the sud den dpith of her ustpr mrs percy mitchell of ferg b parfiea congratulations lo mr and mn frank kolo on the occasion of their lllh wpdding anniverw october 1 a surprise weddinr dinner was given them by the i two daughters and relittves of thi family friend and neighbor of mr and mrs albprt shultis hpld surprise pirt on optobcr 1 i honor of their 34th wedding innk ersar fuchre was enned and derorntpd wpdding nke formed the centre for the supper tabic the bndp ind groom of 14 eirs were cilled upon tn open minv loveh gifts mr dn h lis wis i tniot i irir curpr cd he w eddim pirl i tikmg i number ef flah p rtures i the bride and groom cut the ptiotuu aoted of artonlnn vlntlny out of town paints and of visilort in aclon homei ihvlllx ml ml mr- of hraretirldgr j maitiev lr examining wishing midline soon to lie olfered for bidding al the ys mens motion sile situr tiiy is donm pinillon hie third iniiuil sil wis held in the nreni with a good ciowd inspeclinq the miny domtions aiout 00 silos wtte m ide by ihe mctionters t lotlimg ind hooks were sold separately mr a hollduuiig in liledi mm wm nraler- vlnlted mr and mn lout tliursday mr and mrs hillock tnirml vlxlled mrs sayen and miss gib bom rerpiitly mr mid mrs chas orisch il wtmdlirldre called on relatives here during the week mr fie irge mnsnn n turnt d tn arl in this wtk after a trip to fnghnd find the continent mi i iwronci rolibins of kit hen r visit i siturday with mr and mr o f rohlilns find imgle mi md mrs wm hmi un ind mr md mis ale frank fmtid n fliniri ind lmdon ivor tin weik surprise shower is held at manse whin ib nit 4i if tin rirtin ion trnalioii md iilihbors klhrtd t wl nn mr i mi mmisi r of tilt thin oil md mrs jord mil ixiys lo th illigi and the in nut gimcs wtre pliyed and 1 kod prorim wis kivin consisting of tommuintj singing sol is bj mis c r ss ind mrs will ilhck ind i dint tn miss ada ind mr frrett c in ri ind s i ral spot eht s of w t icome a mc llancous shower w is pttmntid to mr ind mrs ford for which mr ford vtry gracious ly and sincvrily lhaiiktd everyint lunch was st rved and the gain truij disptrsld aflr sihiuk lilest h th tip that binds fillowed by ln mizpih benediction mr and mrs john alton and muss jennie tovell visilid on sun d ly with mr and mrs albtrt alton guclph mr ind mrs harvey jistin and bobby spent the wick end at kit chentr with mr and mrs rlxrt mccutcheon and dianne rev and- mrs hcnrj ford and family mimd into tli manic last wednesday is lois black roctusur a ii l i few dis with mr and hjitj hortop ind family s maiun lundld ui maul he litr met miiid th m snn in lmuii i uu u dm div mi s s f n f m run h i yj luillmr i trnwllunrt fnm ly tnnnti it their summer home il k i i din i i hi k n i ijr mi a wii m mr mrs mi ind mrs compinud mr sir elsmll fn nds in st t wnd tcntly and is n ic ed willhmson i vlsit w th k- rc ntly mt krip k and misk ixinn i andirs n itlmdd hit wedding ot un form r sinler i ilhan knpk to edwird miniiing in st marys romm catholic church hunt villi on silurdnj olioii r 1 mr- i mx mr- mow mrs mill ir mils e iliwthorne mrs h burns mrs s holmes mrs n menibb mrs c w mason and mrs d i mdsay ittended the autumn tei in the united church milton lost week ruth flnlay mrs doris and mrs rlsle jihnann al i uu convention of ihe auxiliary of the canadian i at ottawa inst week mike gotoe plumbing heating new idea air conditioning hot water floating enterprise space heaters phone 25 81 miu st acton eeweresf cab phone 38 m k c hhonc f ac on his n oer 11 f bulrhrr shnp 1 t of mrs mitt mel n ind he d openintt div fridav oeltiber a he nrke s ipper n ennnertinn i the preset r m church an it is mm i led for the orra w and sundav visitnrf mr md mrs miur re hurd wc v famine e loci oelucaps 30 lu jj2 95 i d a vitamin bl tablets 100 s 300 s 37c 79c lda halibut lner oil cap sules 5c 129 4 79 o o ton reconstructive tonic 16 oi 1 25 lederle vi delta fmulsion 168 2 92 aumbur s hahboranr 1 00 17s 3 25 ld ctd liver oil capsules oneaday multiple vitamins 1 25 2 50 4 75 squibb 10d cod liver ou 100 2js squibb plain cod lhcr oil tv 159 squibb special formula 1 25 4 00 watirburv s compiiund 123 na diet multipu vitamins 1 15 20 1 1 h wempolt s extract 1j6 ida s famous cough remedy ida malt milt cod lii extract 75c 1 29 2 29 mlss kiv sinrlur london on mr ind mrs hirt ijimben vnn mr george torrance moffat friends of mrs jarne kelw re grot her serious hness and hope for her a speedy recovery mr and mrs j stansfield ind members of the family palsy rindv and robin were recent vs itors wih mr ind mrs fred lambert mr leon lcs of the roval bank naff is on holidays miss loie mart n of the roral bank guelph is relieving the executive of the school and home club held their ocober meeting at the home of mr and mrs george day a large number of rock wood people a tended georgetown on saurday an evening of barber shop harmony ftaiurinr east tork chapter p ejls qs auction sale i- arm stock lhfllments iia grain and llot bbhold tfrtctb fro i kxn ul tht ltl dcncan keid tu t 1 bi publ c jutlion at lot 5 i i towiiihp of trdtjljr mi l win of m hon on i- kid ay october 16th 4w oelttek irp ik following hurses and harness 2 1 it ui gtidiliki ated u ol liaw turn harntss twllars br dl i t c lows young cattle and ral cattle 1 reg hols ein t w dut 1 me of salt 1 grade hols e n cuv due time of sale 1 ii t durham cow dut in dec 2 rii durham cows milking brtd dkj n 3 ktd durham cows milk ng brtd again 1 red and wh te durham cow milking bred again noti breeding dale for these cos gvm da ot sali hoi t n heifer 1 yiar old not brtd t fa l steers about 1100 lbs 2 du nam steers abou 700 lbs baby beeves farm implements etc c ckshu tractor no 70 with 1 ghs jnd t cs loaded cockshult 2 furrow jaciorplow b ssel 8 fl rac or d sc 3 section drag cultiv alurs cock hu 7 fl grain b ndcr cockshu l 7 f mower mh grain dri 1 13 disc int marure pread ir cocllbhutt corn binder side de- 1 vtrj rake rubber tired wagon and f al hay rack stl of drag harr w ei of seed harros rg u o utrn clec r colony house iox 2 u alcd brooder stove fan rg m 1 roll of barb re elect c cm quan itv of cedar posts re s retcher leg vise fork sho cha ns bars etc hay grain etc 300 bus of new crop seedless 96 s grapefruit 5 for 25c sunkist valeria i 288 s oranges doz 25c ont fancy gra i- mrlntosh apples 3 1b 43c eatmor f ivonte thanvsgtmg treat cranberries 1 lb cello pkg 25c maryland golden waxed california fine crisp large heads sweet potatoes 2 lbs 15c lettuce 2 for 29c fresh spring lamb legs 65c lb frts37clb ib 65c quality boneless prime rib roast fresh shankless pork shoulders lb45c brookfield sausage capon roaster chickens 5 to 7 lbs 1 lb plg 49c swifts eversweet sliced 2 ib cfello pkg bacon 49c prizes prizes enter the iga 200 00 contest our own store pnze is a beautiful sunbeam electric fryer now on display in the store just complete the sentence i prefer iga brands because in 25 words or less no purchases are required the entry may be made on the beck of an iga label or on any blank paper and deposit ed in entry box in our store rf the entry is attached to any six iga labels a bonus of 100 will be added to each of the five regional pmos the winner in acton di- trict will receive the electric fryer and the entry will be advanced to com in regional contests the grand pnze is a beautiful ib foot deluxe amana upright ffiodfjrezer pl1200 in food 200 in snowcrop frozen food and 1000 tn any i g a brand merchandise contest closes october 21 1953 ledgers iga 1500 bus f 0 q ian of r of bronchida prompt relief 75c coopers drug store cooper phm thurs0ct15 8 30 pm acton public school auditorium auspices ballinafad w i tickets available from wi members and watson s restaurant admission 50c 35c fvrmth dar e e ectric wash rg mach dj lead iw rg mach ne a fct cjpboird ex ers on able ad cha rs 2 btdroom sui es con i l i5h ads beds odd sudden of sale no reserve as a dt uth recess ta es htntjley and elltott ph 19r3 rockwood or 177j milton geoge cum clerk b

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