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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1953, p. 2

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ihe acton free press acton ontario thuflhday october 15th m first things first ontario hydro officials have stated that thu year there will be no increase in electric rates but apparently the ratepayers trt acton will pay in their tax rates a debenture issue is contemplated to cover extra expenditures in acton and some of the expenditures would it seem need inveitiga tion before approval an 8000 truck is a pretty elaborate piece of equipment and a 4000 bill ing machine seems a big item for a town the size of acton we presume that the 800 hot water heat control will not add to the convenience of hydro users and the change of frequency is to cost 16000 if memory serves us correctly the last deben ture issue of hydro in acton was when the system was put in and the entire amount was retired from hydro funds we presume a debenture is sue will have to have the approval of coupcil or that council may seek approval of the ratepayers at the municipal elections surely the ontario hydro electric commission cannot make it obliga tory for acton to issue debentures there a many things acton ratepayers have desired for years which should have priority in a frill around the fans and the exhibit of pianos that always had ag place now we hove the tractors and mtorizod farm equipment and the display outrivals in volume anything that all the harness makers m the provtno could have at tempted the sewing machines and pianos have given way to the electric refrigerators and lelo viston sets yes the rural fairs certainly keep pace with the times but perhaps you have noted in these fair ex hibits the change from the laborious tasks to the push button control and labor saving device that in a few years have come to the farms and the homes the thing that we mourn most in passing is the fine loaves of home made bread which are not as plentiful and that good old fashioned dairy butter that so many of the farmers wives used to make so expertly we mn read and read and n ad atfuln and itil find mumtlunn mv somelhintf to nuasi nnd sormtitliu to instruct llurdls idtoi are likt uurd- tnen do not huvc th m until ttuv k i voltaire theres nothing finer somo weoki jgo w look part in a discussion regarding the canada savingi bonds which are n bein off to ihe pu the discussion rtwtiitfl btw n tfc umt nearly 200 acts affect acton ontario committee report shows feu jim dttu i iedi mi cnl in htrtnlnil rdikallon in nitiiui ittl politic luat wiwk md thiouiih the oniric y of tin ontario fc rnmeiil it wtun t nnythliiu air tamlar tint 11 wu liihriatliiit iremkr frost in lit i appointed a com initio to mvtsllmilo the r lotion nhl in tux nnd oilier fields be iwin tin smulur nnmielivalitlea unit tin province hit irtujrma report loulllliil kh iints presented by thu cum- miller lontalna ihe tin 1 11 lie of proliltuut fucinit towtta like acloti ity mi nifiiiui complete ihe report of tin- committee ahowa that ttnit vuwi lutvi already been taken into conaidt rnilon in the lilala lion maklntl an uniuultrted per capita ttrunt available next year i lhtlik the reapoiutlbilllu n of hit provincial ftdiml and muni itpul to rmiucnli makea a letm tliy ut a town likt alton tun in r shiiialble in onjuni lion willi utlur ijovi rninmls for civil inn ili mat luw enforcement milu i iiiolecllon firt piolecllon ioi n i turns rt lustrations rt gulu tlnn iiiul uiaptition uliwuys und hurlor liijjiwaya rouda uridyl a mid f un a uikt rwuyi and liar itori lilephonta luultli and boa uituk mhui wt ifnrt archives iiuituiiis llbmrles sitimb nil lkis imivt mill s tirtali nnd for il nrihluila imida nnd ngrlcnl ton intrtimdlutr and ftccomlury imluati li a un n llundlalltu and aer vllt a list of acta affect nit munlcl palitira lnrhnlit about 300 that hlvta aonie nidltallon of the re nihinailillltlrs that fall on councils in 23 other town the mine hie as aclon one of tlie contradictory things that oftm octur between govern me nt kroum is forcibly under i in ed bftause of a recent municipal hoard decision trt refusing the ex it nalon of acton boundaries from tin report lei a quote this report has re or red to the expanding economy and ihe consequent in crt aalng iirbanitallon as the trend toward urban dwelling has incancd tin urban communities have filled on uud uiiilled over into tin adjacent suburban ajid rural municipal ii lea thu in tin the good old days may have seemed better to ictioi the riuit of mimuipulttlra to rt adjust llit it i hi un i ur lea arcordiligly it is taatnlial to mukt adjuatmi nla to int it tb nieda of tht chunking herniation uiittrn and to read just lit rt titlluushiua between miiniluilllka jointly iiaponlblc fii tin mala of li i tain tascnual sirvlhs hut thank you fo in munium uov alrullmi the education back in 1903 ttkn frsb ihe hm w ua free tjwm af thnraday october is t im during the past aummer u large number of englishmen have arrlv acton to work in the uiiner lea a number of tliee are family have settled down here and are making very deairuble iltliciu an addition of 14 arrived on satur day and these being acquainted number who had come nut previously enjoyed unite a jubllut ii on he evening of ibelr arrival there will be regret in many circle when it la known that dr s a mckcague hai bold out hi praitlce and property and will leave acuin in a few weeks fot wttmlpcg ur mckeague sure ted ed dr w if ixiwry who removed o guelph ii years ago last august he h to le alii i reded by dr all t of jarretl a corners ntur orilllu formerly of aullnvillc in slormoni eouiity schools closed wtilneaduy ufltr noon fur tliankuglvlng studle will be resumed mi monday to day being tliiiikagiviug in a pub 11c holiday ll waa wilb ad ml rub l uttn l1lt iht a ton iilae i r u 1 harold jurvla hie k tmrili m soloist nt detroit ut unusual ix nenm for ihtir miniil iity back in 1933 rrmm uw isbmm af mw pre presa tkmn4r october ix 1iu tlie flrat turnips for sharping have atarted to come in lillly turner lm bruughl in m brant li from a rsapberry buih in the garden al home loaded with ripe raapbcrriea pretty good picking fur october fire of unknown origin comp letely destroyed the fine harn of mr albert tkunlon near oaprlngc on saturday morning the kergus high achiml rugby team opened the season n tuea day afleriioon whin they defeated a ton high school 10 to 0 tlie committee having i barge sending the car of provisions to our canadian west havt their tan vaster at work the enrolmtiit at ailn high siliool this yeur has n ached a new high record when 11u were regis ered una week ilev charles d draier of lieamcvllk wus the spei ul ajhak cr on tli ottasion of the aimlver wiry rvlpb f the united iliurrl on sunday bofcn vinclnt in art m wedim ly oi tuber ii 1 03 j o mr and mrs t h vjrient a daoghler died t-a1fc- attna liome agues bl atton out on sunday october h itijj elulm wesley ijine be loved husband of ci ira griffin tnrrt73m yir v dobenture issue for instance there is that sid- walk on cameron street end sidewalk repairs alt over- town as well ajlmoreperma5enlrsto oofroada that have been asked ciovncil for many years today plenty of materials are avail able for this type of work as usual our sympathies go with councils who raise the moneys for the expenditure of other boards and have little to say except meet the de mand if h e p c is to be added to the other bodies for which council through the taxpayer must pile on more debenture issues it would seem that the last straw has been added rate payers should hear the story of hydro expendi tures which require a debenture issue of 35600 at municipal election time before the issue is giv en final approval was concerning iliesf meihodstomakecanad tans acquainted wilh the excellence of this invest ment during the war canadians bought victory bonds freely the investment by canadians in their own country has paid off handsomely in the excellent state of affairs of canadian finances they were more than an investment for personal gain in our own finances north e-a-s- west s outh 0 recording and production we have often wondered if all the records statistics and files that are kept throughout the country in private and government business are worth the effort expended upon them clerkocracy according to a survey of in dustnal paper work and office costs has already gravely imperilled the efficiency of industry such at any rate is the view of u s management consultant emmett j leahy who says that m the united states today there is one clerical worker for every former in the country here s a sampling of the high cost of clerk ocracy in the united states the chances are the figures for canada with its smaller population ore relatively much higher clerical salaries in the united states claim one ninth of the nations lotal income in banks and insurance companies 52 per cent of all em ployees handle papers rather than produce new business in the chemical industry the figure is 16 per cent in textiles 26 per cent of all the work ers are in offices rather than tn production based on an estimate of the cost of paper stenography office handling and equipment it costs 20 cents to create a single piece of business paper what do we do with all the information com piled usually it s filed away and requires more clerks to keep a proper record of it of course governments have such a finger in everything nowadays that records are in most cases compul sory wonder what could be dont to costs if all this labor ot keeping records were turned into production of materials changing exhibits the fall fairs are over for anothec vyea and some of is who are olckr cannot hut make torn pansons with the exluh ts and events that have disappeared vitli fheihana ng times the ladies mill compete ir ihe bak nq department and the fanc work and qu its st ii have an important place lut there aie no buttermakers any more with the pound pr n and tin pound crocks of good old dairy butter perhaps many of our readers will remember the exhibits of the harness maket s finest harness for the farm and the sewing machines that put a tbdi and coon ivneonbtcra afur baitinc his hook wilh u min now whilt fishing in tht slxtcn milt crctk a wet k or w ago lloyd filzsimmnns 9 oakvillf noticed a canada savings bonds are the simplest and raccoon mtandcnng along the bank finest form of savings the interest rate of 3 is attractive a feature that will appeal however to the individual with limited savings is the fact that at any time the savings bond can be sold at full face value and accrued interest matter of fact the eighth series of canada savings bonds seems to have been made especially for the small investor because a limit of 5 000 has been plac ed wiany purc the bonds can be purchased in instalments and bypayroll deduction yosjr banker or local investment dealer can tell you all about them and arrange any purchase you desire as protection against a rainy day there ust isn t any finer thing to be tucked away than a few canada sav ings bonds iinc closir and closir intending tn snd thi coon scurrying mr r itzminmons flicked his casting rod tht minnow drupped right in front or tht anini il and instead of scoot iiik it continued snooping right on top of tht bait tin fnrnrni in had siiim bns momenta unhookinj bia mirprisi cakh mr rilmiiiiiiions undid o 14 1b 7 uiinii piki und j inn v irdtn uud k hiwlxox miid he jlluvnl lh ihlumolh wisibout hujillukst llls min bin iboub tin fjunlj kivi il iv iv ll tik iii ul tin spin m tin inn trophies leave town fmtmkmn fair ulmoit h t a r rri with in ittindiiici of i r k rly us h j 1 our mi fur which tnli 1 f v tion b nihil on intel 1 on ih m iijiin mt ri uly of iii hd lh 1 mu ni thi show in the buby john hiadley of hornby won first for dressed tiacon luitfi with wilfred 11 aril in k limt house second und lloyd mcentry of limihoue fifth slhus speaker anon ldwin jacques who lrucud lust sunday at st john a church nassattawiyu und st dtort s iowvillt lost his sight 12 yuiis uko with tht hilp of his wilt und tin bralllt edition of tht riblt md otln r books iroduccd through tin canadian national in titnlt for tht blind hi was a lilt to tail on his tarisli dulu a vtn munich in was sijhtl ss riirey iri io ht was apimmted thrhinttot of public kdutition for tb nlli 11 iwa forinir rt lor of aiii1k in tlmuh m swan cvriimt a galaxy of talent will 1 provldt j iirogr un whu h will huv siuliilned inlere i ft m tart t j ll flttiua quett hul-iuiveruihh- 1 11 i a fad that illness is ufltn tht result of drinking well wjier guelnh busintis colkij mie only builneas college in canada ivuit full up to dale commercial stcnoifraphfc pen art fngliali german and spanish couraea jhilp and ixijxt standfi first 11 employment and to la i wages paid veti indeed an old lady waa sending a illblc to 1 fntnd ovtrtnaa lxa mining th iwtkagt carefully the poaul clerk enquired if it contained anylhtng bitukuble only mie ij oinmandincnti waa un reply professional directory and travellers guide or w g c kenney itn w hid m 111ui d mi it mm ry inltrtm r also uddr vsid another ux u 1ii011 sunday but 1 n a bl 1 to iiscom r v huh 1 tjis it will ih m miih of t st of this more llouhra t nder f onntrurtlon i 1 iii of im nwli uss r to lo i lull in otki bw 11 kiirdini to ihn wis k 11 1 iiumtition m tin k hndiiift mi ijlirsl n in d un j iimiihn m lnd form rly iiw himiltnn f ihwlitti ijilctd lwt d 1 t n m m n iinssfrom insliluti acton j infhkbun home owning for the many folks who want homes there ll seems only one choice and that is to decide if tj home owninq is as desirable as some of the other sikh r inubli things we consider commonplace m our mode ot i f living for instance the price of a car would hous make a substantial down payment on a home i 0 the cost of a television set is quite a chunk of a copped pn early payment on a home a short lime- ago announcement- wit- that new regulations would be made that would make home owning easier it is to be hoped that such regulations will be as easily obtained in the small cities as they are in the metropolitan areas in view of the announcement that the banks may be getting into the mortgage business it would i seem that every community vvouid be able to lake t advantage of gettinrj assistance in home building because every town and vtllage has branches of united church of canada ml slum pin lh ur nd m 1 id t tdar il farm pn ih rtv fnm r tj hith roijs of biiusis in 1 t n ii f tbout smi ikk hearing adjourned mltns hianng to im acr s from trfii town iwn hummed until v i hours of niditici wt 1 wk with th towns ib r jammed will rcnti acton s nr as rci ntly n fusid luht r rt orficc in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence iis lhnrch 8l e phone iso dr d a garrett physician and burgeon corner of willow und river sts rntranct river strict ai ton ontario phone z38 m tai dr a j buchanan dental hurt eon offict ixishmun block mill st office hours 9im to fl p m x hay ih m honr hh dr h lftb dental hnrsjron 4 fffic ornr mill and t durick jslrci ts office hours 8am to fl p m tflfphonf 19 acton c f lfatherland butuler solicitor sfalarf suturd tys offict ll 1 1000 din 1200 am 100 pm 300 pm y douolntment onlj 1holie its 131 acton lever 4 hoskin harlered accounluu slkmiis to jtnkins ani hardy mtlintiolit in hldic 1 si ioi jlito 4 1131 v11 geraid a candler harlered arconntanl mi li t fndy 7 j pm sit it i iy fi un b im i rr i i r mxi m ii s i i 1 e mil ai ton iiiropractor vftf rinary np at the d j armstrong doctor of hlropracua 6 john bt n mihft i arlon ontario a fhiemm chlhch urrry b a b d miss o 1 oruani mm 29 b wcr awn 1 f hone 60 i ijinipard a t m t and cho r i jad r one or more banks located in them but no m racles cai be worked m own ng a 1 honit we heard a stor the oher day of two women being in conversation concerning the r 1 t udaet and the statement made by one was i j old john f we cocld skip th s months payment on the wash ng mach ne and next month s on the i slndm octobfr refr aerator and then the one after on the wash i l j s mg mach ne agam we would be able to make in m t u the down payn ent on a new teiev s on set j l it s ust mposs ble to have all the needs met v m p tg r at once on any budaef but first and foremost s i ome owning should take the top place for any family st albans church anglican itil i r ilin ba iii nought fo da tht r ddrjd pa h d t selt tomb ed b 0 young 8 v sc c l young dvm veterinary hkrjrona oftic br kill ontri i horn milton 10irl f g oakts bv sc rterlnarbui ic ind it id r u km x al tstate ami insframe vright real state and insurance f i ttlicmt s b wright 20 w bur st 6i micd tin ii st act 11 onl gtjilfjh jnt ihunu sti- i 1mjj 4si5w alnatwn reaitan inarrs mtmber appraisal institute of c anada m nln fjuelph and d strict k al folate bard mmwrs cuelph and district insurance agents association w r bracken the victor b rumley funeral home mrral home healed lintiiillllm i hi m 30 tunht or day s rvinjf th community for i y r ohvf m iampapd ati m rmt terher of pismi stadia i nlted burch thnradays it i ark avl uli ill ii 2u6 travellers gjide gray coach lines hfs imf acton ibi bound fvtam h33 mm n pm fx pm 6j3 pm b953 pm weitboand ilt im ij s2 pm 2 57 pxn pm 72 pm 9 12 pm 32 pm i 12 am snto icu- 1 du nctpt sunday and hou- j saturday sunday and bob real estate phei act canxuian naflonai railways staaatar4 tiaae 1 6 40 1 n 955 km b 18 pm till artnn xw tbb the only poper erer published in artott roundrdm iflts and-ubluhad- rvthursdj4 46udt st e acton oot member of the audit bureau of circula qoos the c v n and the onurio quebec division of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pav able tn adx ance s250 in canada 3 50 tn the united state mx months si 50 single copies 6c authonied as second class mail post office department ottaura g a duu edttor and pu business and editorial office telephone 174 baptist church acton ra h coteru pas paone 115 bower ae phore a06r s october iftn ibaa presbyterian church in canada knox chrrch acton i 1000 11 00 111 h rnfan m sundiv school lost your farms business or house ul is wr invite u tn use our faclhtia in secoring a purchase for vour pcfpert uayd e aallhe rr no 6 gjelph p hrsp 701 dany ecept sui 10 pm surdaj da ly ettceir sun sales s d j hr- 30 pm mr sd jihr r morda oc aber 19bpl u ilx a ptr or j oc r 70 tt5 ptri m v r crce tharkoffe rg sund october 18 i tirjtsft k surdav thurlav october 22 i n ctp 8 pn -i- 00 p rr eve wi w 1 r f bean geseral inskrarc s3 mill st cton rhone 585 office hours 9 am 3 pm i 30 p n ipm liet getowr 03 a georiewmn 1011 da y 128 ajn da ly excep sun dai su rr pm fapop 44 p t daily exctj saturday stir4 lpnv -saitlay- t 331 pjn svrday orly 9 43 am flag- p sunday or y flyer at c r t-

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