thubsday october isth 1853 the acton rte press acton ontario page seven itipsontouring woaws trovw attory with the days getting shorter its j time to make sure the headighu of your car are in op working order al though easy to maintain headlights are among the most neglected of all safety aids follow these simple rules 1 turn lights on in low posit ion and check to see that both are lit then flick on highway beams and check again 2 with lights shining against garage wall check to see if beams are cock eyed if even slightly offcenlre they not only rob you cf illumination but may glare in the eyes of the approaching motorists 3 dirty lenses can diminish ef fectiveness of the lights by as much as onethird a wipe with a damp cloth is usually enough keep them clean 4 if your car does not have the scaled beam type of headlight the reflectors should be cleaned as well 5 if lights are erratic in any way have your garage man check the entire wiring system and as an added precaution be sure to check your parking lights tail lights and stop lights its smart too to carry extra fuses your glove compartment and know how to replace a blown fuse in an emergency canadians during 1932 gobbled about 1 45 quarts or strawberries each kl j dresses 80 dresses to clear 495 to 1195 chinchilla three piece girls sets hat leggings and coat with fur trimmed collar 895 odd jackets and girls teen suits to clear ask about smaller items to clear mildred bell ladies and childrens wear can do more work with less fatigue early to bed and early to rise is not always true the rule works for iome but not for others other pot theories about fatigue are true some arc raise if you could ac complish more and tire yourself less a knowledge of the facts and myths of fatigue will help it is true that a halfhour nap equal three hours of night sleep nccording to an article in the read er i digest many people who boast that they bleep only a few hours at night are such nap snatch ers it is also true that relaxed rest without actual sleep is almost as effective as sleep in restoring energy small tensions wear you down more than inrge ones because you cannot identify most of the small ones in a big crisis all your re sources focus on it the belief that sitting with your feet on your desk rests your feel is a sound one false is the theory that high pressure workers are most efficient only partly true is the belief that passive types of entertainment like watching tele vision are most relaxing active ones like gardening sports house hold puttering are more relaxing to many individuals because of evening fatigue de cisions made then are not as re liable as morning ones extravag ant buying sprees are definitely fatiguing standing is more tiring than walking for when you walk each leg rests half the time ou have several jobs to tackling the hardest one first makes the rest easier simple plan for dressing table if your growing daughter is fas cinated by the idea of her own dressing table hercs a simple way to give her and her room a treat transform a square window in the room into a dressing table setting first build a valance on top of the window and extend it well beyond the window at both sides then build a shelf over the window sill and extend it the width of the val ance above construct small narrow shelves on each side of the window decorate the side shelves with a bright and gay shelving paper pat tern use the same border to trim the valance and the edge of the sill- shelf use the sill shelf for comb and brush small mirror and other regular dressing table items devote the small side shelves to miniature dolls favorite pictures vases of flowers and other little girl show off items canadian industry produces some 815 000 000 paper drinking cups each year 1952 of 1949 900 000 4 uortwuiiwslkiaiutuiiole jkjmlee m come weathered next sonne it cer- marksmanship or hold r jtamdtan optometrist 58 si georges square guelph formerly occupied by mr e p head complete eyesight service homes for birds decorate garden birds always self sufficient about finding a place to nest are often tempted by houses to settle in a gar- den here there is no housing shortage one firm at long standing factures 50 different kinds of bird houses not just as novelties but be cause different birds have their own itquirt mints a brand new house set out may not draw tenants simp- come weathered next spring it cer tainly will prove more than orna mental your floors are our business armstrongs nairns dominion inlaid linoleum and tiles rubber and plastic tiles quaker floors and congoleum congowall quaker wall plastic wall tiles venetian blinds plywood aluminum moldings waxes and cleaners sanding machines for rent clement floor roof service tales on tintypes the above picture is of the acton gun club which was quite a recreation for the sports- mtn of tbt laic nintties and in 1900 there is no record of when the above picture win tak en but appircntl it was just after returning from quit a sue ttssful hunt and the rabbits fair plentiful ind the sn1aitpthgropws good then s quite a bag full shown in the foreground of the picture through frank mcintosh wc wtre abk to identify tht group willi stark left to right for man yt ir ttu bookkeeper with the storey glove co t t moon tht principil nf acton public school for minj y ir jake baiitr who still retidta in acton chirli quitner and tht nixt one hnk coulcln t nami but last in tht row is john recolkci rebn the gun club wji quile in actke group in those dns we tan refill tht trap ind llu cla pihtnn th it wefe used down la t brown of fall shooting rmlches in which live birds were released for targets we don t know whit kind of bird ihey w rp but the bombardment was very similar t that ubioh wit heard when the duck hunt ing se i on opened we have had some colon d pictrucs of the gun club sen to us and- placed on frrrerintlwhnfier hive reproduced in the free i ind wa likely taken fifty tht park ind also hnvt copyrighted plastic curtains please most tastes siy it with plastic curtain- in at least one of the rooms of your home this year and see what a difference ihey make plnslic cur s have come out of the kitch en where they have been employed for some years and now are avail able to grace every window in the house with sparkling beauty their new textured surfices fool the eye and almost fool the fingers for living room windows there s wide choice of textured damask like draperies lined textured floral prints and shantung textures too that look and even feel like their costlier antecedents to complete the living room indow decor are both sheer and translucent glas curtains ar the bedroom there are won derful ruffled sheers with either dotted or ribboned surfices is isp and airy is conventional mar quisettes although the new plastic curtains re moderate in price the art rich in appearance and look per fectly at home among the mot legant furnishings pltrtlo cur uns are availible in sllos and patttrns for the modern period decor ind in a good sel ion of sizes and widths they offer the budget minded useuift an oi mi ins of smart ndow dresiiil for i small fin cta milhy the buy of the year and a year to buy it the 2 f t ron o spnn priductd in t modi rn camdian paper ud tmtr a highwn gordon oder manager cf the rink of montreal in acton ls do ing sonu tall hustling llice days tht rt ion he tells us is this th new cinadi savings bonds go on lk nxt mondiy jnd already tht orders are flowing in this year he sas the re tht bet ever in fact they re the buy of the year and if you wish it is manj ptople do you have a full year in which to pay for them the increased interest rate may be considered the chief itlraction this ear said mr oder ind at 3 per cent per annum the bonds give a splendid return but tht features that appeal to most people are the case with which the bonds can be bought just 5 per cent down 2 50 on a 50 bond 5 on a 100 bond and the balance in easy monthl instal ments over a ytar ind the fact that thtj miy be redeemed by the holder at their full fice value at any lime without loss plus interest to tht end of the previous calendar month this said mr oder provide a golden opportunity to carry on i pergonal savings program with the full backing of the govern ment bonds in the 50 and 100 deno minations carry 12 yearly coupon it the rate of 3 per c nt while 1hos of larger dt nomimtions can be obtained either in the sama form or m fully registered form with intertst being paid to the bond holder annually by chtque new wrought iron lovely decor note christian mission un work topics this vear wrought iron mikes its chn tian missions ind the unlt- wij out of miur garden ind into rd nation wit the theme for vniir living room dnssed up with idv nd hicussun for hc af- nu colors it sits prmidlv beside t rn i n aux 1 arv wmcns mta- thi prittnst ptnod furniture m mn s ct v of st pml s unlt- ouchi s chiirs md t ililt s of d church whin tht member wriukht ir m com in tin pn ttiest fori ei i rr fl it th home of miss colors imifimlli trnn iqua rosi illume mv i st nn thursdiy af- rnnl grnv tmd tnliqui ivorv to lernonn nf it week mm if vv ird r he il r hip of mrs h on mnurictiini tvnffrsnn j nn ks a rf iloi mplicil with nttnbh in nnph pint ind nnhog rf rm t l nl le wtrk or the mv unt c duoritnih trimmed un ltd hi if d its sp tiaiixed with wroucht iron in lh nnnnrr of agencies w s pn s ntirf bv five th nw orlans fr nch qinrter mrmhr r th u rk f the chnst- 1 nn church in minv verse as mi- narv ircn it was learned had mill the new dumont receives more the new dumont gives more the proof is m the picture the living dumont picture and the proof s in the distinguished cabinetry superb authen tic that will delight for years to come mont picture guard protects against interference admits only true picture s gnals the new dumont receives more at the turn of a dial you see that super sensitive dumont circuitry receives a better picture from- far and near y s how du there s proof of greater value too in the price the surprising new range of dumont prices that brings finest television wi iho jnant of -all- visit us today for proof you should choose dumont mill st acton i roved i f undat weekend specials friday and saturday only lamb slips white lace top 1 19 rju fashion hose 19c itt rawnm b lan kits 7090 585 futfk table cloths colored beautiful fruit patterns 1 95 mens jeans 7 4 oz denim sanforized i- mnt work sox 39c 295 mn craam rib combinations short sleeve ankte length sizes 36 to 44 1 99 larg asaorthmflt of prints fast colors yd 59 th family outfitters wish to thank their many custom for thwr patronage for thom who have not yet boon in h i us wo havo a largo vanoty of quality merchandise our motto rgooos satisfactory or your money refunded faaaity 0utw1 across from post office d solid from which many phas es or tht hiimir ir ii rk of the ui id niims had bifii launched in its ureal effort to mi ntiin ttia peace and security of the world a chart illinrating the main or- kani of tht u n is agencies and cnimin ns had been prepared and 3i ustd by miss hume in a brief talk on the set up and funeu ions of the main orgins of the u n n the earning out of the great purpoe of the charter mr gnrre k ng president was in the chair for the opening and closing of the meeting and the pre sentation of reports of the various departments mrs j e taylors report on the clothing effort for ki rea indicated the keen interest and ork being accomplished by the wa and wms groups of the church mrs king announced that at this autumn s special sunday for the presentation of whs wirk the speaker will be mm t mcnsir the third vice president of the do minion board of the women mie- suinary society this for the men- ben and assocate members of the auxiliary will be a thankofferlog occasion be buy lo you should check you should when buy u consider i c haracter of the surrnundlnf noighborh wd its nuisance and at tractions clikmss to hnpa churches parks and c immun t facilities the public utilitiis and other sr- irrs avails tie and are they paid for tlon accrssibflm it schools particti- larh elemental schools trskic conditions on the street where you propose to buiid