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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1953, p. 1

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ht jutim sttt ft seventy ninth year no 16 acton ontario thursday october 22nd 1953 ten home print pagei six cent sell high school debentures at 9735 111th anniversary for baptist church 14 johnson of toronto post prexirinl of tin oulnito and quo- bn ctindruiu of buptisl thurchea wiit mutt sptnkti both morning and venutg sunday when tin ac inn uaiilinl inuri li oust r i d its 111th umiutrsaiv mcmbr of other prolt stunt tnngn gallons ill town mind in tht tvuuiig nrhiit at tin morning serv ic mr john mhi spoki on tin hand of god stressing tin impoiuinct of letting god hold oui hand and duett our palhs thiinikh truutiu and mihok jmanna plensuts wiiisiki inji hopt was sung by tin tin ruit arni mtiv it id and htun uinrishoiough mid the sain ihi old hut med oiku pi let tuiii hi smplun ut ttuviuiim mlvnv ind hcv h h aiimlionit led in pmi sp mil wu again a li jliight mi and mrs co n i u am i dint and mnntf satn thp tfidtts select on was eventide tin thuuh tin i lsni ii onr niotm oui tmn and lali ill is staj mm mi loiiimn ritluiid in his aririnv chimlns mini ilwms i builduik on ih1s foundation ilnu w s o ki llwtl tn th ill tht t inn ill filld in congratulate wi on winning prize dublin wonuns tiwlllulo lul thli t mular mtulntt at tin horn of mi i blink and mis j 1 blink 12 nnmbtis nnswtnd ui roll all with i hi ih u r pit usuri f gnetpli hoi k t li o old of hr hip i is in ml mid hit unit id slulis nporl of llu disin inn w ll i s of otll s jonnl wilh tin hap m pin burning sawdust that failed to breik through the walls of the building or rooi was quickly contiolled when the brigade was summoned to the a p green plant on friday of last week the blare was spotted by a passing motorist who warned the workmen of the fire at the north east end of the building it was one year and two months ago to the day that an early morning blae completely destroyed the building on august 16 1952 damage was slight and the main plant of cement block was undamaged firemen are icen here battling the smouldering fire under a heavy layer of smoke brigade douses fire out of control puc names c hansen chairman unanimously condemns editorial hi- i litnpu linl b prx ni urb tn f r mid prud ids lsit r wu dmdid n snniiirt tfratrr r employees battle a p green blaze tdwnrd ryun and fir huh qui hull it siorngi plant f hriduy i iliairri honids li council sells high school 190000 issue at 5- tin immiiu old ul 117 it by in pliiij llu hli inkipal htuiu icr 100 cans plum in u bat t ly palnnd of lilt ilium qui tn llu hiil shut t v j i j jnauu4ulkuiuuluiid bt i i2s unty plawi ti v miitff watt 3urtktr msjwirttixt ffitiot rht r nni um m mnii attn mil i lomiklliv iil from 1hu17 ii mill itk ukl co ii 1 i yn elmer taken down as pupils watch ihur dav iv ill tin rs siood i istibh h it bb i ik woodm hue hid tnd io smottnr tht fluius with t shovtl th buzt ut the 1 tntrinc to the farm imi w kxttnieiiuhtd by host from ill ac l ion pumper chartct hansen was appointed ctiairman of thf public utilmt comm itsion after subscribing to the oath of office to replace j r macarthur who recentlj resigned at the regular mcctinc of the commission on thurd evenng of lasrt w rek the secretary treasurer k u thortzed lo issue cheque in pa meivt of the follow ins rccoun hydro 497 25 water 177053 an editorial in the arton free pres dealing w h tht propose debenture isue wrr read bi tii commi3ion and excep ion taken to th statemer s contained hiri in it was minted tha n ncreae rate had been fnreram b the h epc bu apparrn t acton wi p n i tax rate commwion ponied out li noi tht fio t anv debenture request 1 bi h oonimiion for hdro purposes irf mm funrfl art-nil- triw h sale of tlcctricvr lo he e numf no lrv i made en th x n e f the tor the m 000 b np machine ha no bea- nc wha-wvi- ir he prop debe- urc vmi rommwtn q th cv f ih machire j o b bot m krneral funds in the fii dept- mrr corcencd wi w h mft sti thr pca or f th m ch cwtriior jvttid ou as the c- grw v d he idm ti buinc and l on j k i u r pir ice o kttp up k ihr rk 0ed tm naclirr w 1 i funds at the expense of the con umcr instead of hawnk i rduct ion in the rates the puc pointed out thit in m far ai tht man thincs requ rtd b the taxpaers arc concerned ihis pureh i matter for the council ctr ainh he commit- on cannot b criticized for neglect of ts con umert n condemt ng tht artiu n hi ing cnlireh too much iuppii mr and no m uh tacts tic cmm si r i nnltrilsub mi cd for pubt ration doclird thit i i cr bird to indcrtind h w a nvli w in th txperuncc o h d t r- bth tht nrtt papi f id ind locil mm c pal pol tic cu i publih uch an artirlt w ith u frv mikini mire of the fac a c mpli t breikdown of he 3000 prpmti dibenuc i wu is a i lab c at irv time to he ed i ot d w pepe nwl rev currcy choir anniversary guests n amplifier carried the church mric to ihe bisement whin i capacit crowd filled the main church auditorium at brown corners un ted church on sunda evmnjt re e a currej of ac on ut td church wa ihe anmv rir speaktr ard the acton church choir pr t n cd ihe special ik but lin iflu util ju i not fh t fr d tl ei grt ithimv i and ung b tht martum tl ridiin morn hith pns d aw i ini therefore with jo mr r robb n anr a olo ea tr my god to thte- over 0 numbers of the choir were prefer 1 be for chunh ac on isttors ard her rierds cjtud refrshmcn a the pir nig of r v a c so lare lunch c tig 1- w me1 bi e hurikc c id erf n c hirseri and r kcd hi mh r ir idink eh bas lo di dec r ui iipa- r tic bta the add taff io- be eq i ed ke i u i h gciwt r pi c f tie ccitit i mpiasred tha the 800 r 1c ho wa heater eo to wit ia tv tht opm on xreej erailr he i the consum p tha evluets pwik ad vei br odue ng th cost of re- he c miti tmor h c iaa v passed or i th i ha i g t ij pn a he r sha- b e s a he r i guir mee rg or i da cv ob 1 1153 u ject hi append of the commit on tn acccur of j b macken ill sor f r r add r ti he wa fk purrp usc o the am mt of irafo re ud rg he i 1 room ac i r wis pised 1 the hepc of onta ad ed c mfti r he pi e j thre vt c-is- truck a w taa a school attractive with new shrubbery t are be ng planted b ft r for f bu chwl bnard riowet n he new shrubs aread cons dered ttie i a pos i vime of the tmno raed e pup is ihough such projects e recent sa e of chr tm may be ued for such a principal g w m1k1117 inli dueed the potirrmnn to the ounj sir cons nbl itobbin- told how thtr ftllow pupil wis injurtd up parently darting from bilwun two par kid cari h rtmindtd tht m to cros trttls betwetn tht markid lines and otnued thi infetv ruls agnin if ou don i obe un rules j ml arml roohng a pilicimin bu vou art fooling ourthe ht told ihcm the of elrr lh flag with th p 1 sifit eliphanl d lakiti iw i tur ul lh f-tidi- childrens youth sunday observed sunday octolur as childrins iay dn throughoul th chin fnglnntl in canada at si albnni church hr 185 partnls and ihild itn pirticipiltd in hit morning strvice families sat ingtther on mm sunday and worshipped as a thi sermon was n simplt ont based on the wondir f it by pi r sons of all oris n all lh wundt rful things god ihe crnlor hi plrd in the world wonder said ihi rector ri v r f pnri is out of h biggtst ports of worship ti wonder i in worship bos of the church school aett d is sld srmn tin offering i is ik in bj bos of the school and tin junior choir s ng thi irilht m flirt st lord jesus it s hoped hat each ar lh s sundi will bt m irked in 1 spec lal observance r ishui of imihk fni fivt pt r nut uv r 20 yt ura wo un ii ut llx inntliiu on monduy night tbla i mini la to llu 1 in lion of llu tuw high mliikil in acton uufora 10uu1ii in art a iilttr of upprovut of tin 1m no fro in tho hid r insi ntnllv h of miiih spt nr anil co and bell uadttl 11ii1 1 i lit uuiilon 10 lutkil tht eullnble fiuturo vas ft it 11 low r prln would 1t bimircd if tliir will ru- tlu following moli mid mid it slvttl of un li tikpluf and by law haling umh of 1u1hi0 for u 11w nlhli tho 1 th it only rdi d viu be liktn on i vol in f mtisr o wnek an wr m11 lyl di i irwin utlti udvi motion c urried r tht motion wvro r xfindauy stewart on km mid oppuaed thomiison mcletid hunnufonl and l ll fin hit lounly rait ibpltlll ihli ly clerk unit tin 3 a mills 1 at ton a tho itffittren in tj tytt tuiiit of four ptr n alltmid if paid m ty motion mtliorljd t pay mix 1 llllltllt f tilt m i sum dill i is miggtsl d a map mil all 111 fai pr m hill co lh f a ton it i prtpand mill louil nd ai ton b h 111 o lui mount wii- 1 a hltr from th nintttl out thai ado v k ml fir pnlut thi ot itillgtnt ip to stpt in 1 013 oil jwmiti of 1 lo be paid in murtihal would jtill nil if ull cl- s rvtur was mt ad- utd bill had betn paid 1 uld be ouni il ntitifnd un pub l mnuaiiuti lo discon- ldin strvlit on tho n it w im found thut for us tin hi rvitc hjd nut ibly trtn th4 rdu in list wai huh w i- fill should bt n ached from alton txthmim should nnglily b ihosi of tht fire art a north lo no nd youth sun i 3l ll ui tin iivliiiii lnu of knmosa in tht wuthtrn direct 1 11 this material is to be pnpir d and further diseutstd thi approval of council on the purchast of a burroujjhes senal miln mirhiik a a cost of 4 000 d vi loped consult roble divlsion couniillur mtlxnd questioned f town finances permitted such an txptnditure and doubt d un riht of this ymrs toijncil lo miki an ixptnditure that would be paid for by ihe 19m council councillor tyler contended tht town hadnl the funds and there wtri plenty of otht r ways in whitn uch funds could bt belwr approp three quilts sent to korea by wa the womin s association of tl united church met at the home mrs b v idhtu on tu sl w the prendm mrs h burns id ng devotional per od wns tk by mrs e a curr th r 11 c wis nnwired by he word fruit the lid r have qu lied s r qu 1 s and hrc wr senl o k a domt or is being trt n his 94th birthday was marked on monday october 1 2 by john smith a former acton resident who now lives in kitchener mr sm th spent many yean of his life m the acton area both on a farm and later in town at the cor ner of mill and john sts f 1 ialv it has beer p- 1 1 hf voed dojbt this c pa pais in a tr kk- cmmnh rip a ird hat it cvnsdred ha ork oe deb enturr issue hat ner ide ake- bt the sgaks ik as t m hawr tha -ma- fark g 0ke ice cba tnar w k j moea stcreta lasjer t e amd s irr re authorities he ac pjbt c uj t rs cwnm fk g oaks ard j he g ppo d as ho- d v s bv x ms attm se e comisser wen a t t im mt iv purf rd oer the rras k j h 1 m- r th con-tv- s of h add- 1 deb cvrm -c- ed r h s re fr v k q- v w st ar tt1 t ivrtrr w cra vi- if y m h a aid ak a the bod sa j sa a c i- thankoffering speaker describes trip to europe praises wms ladie from ebenewr rock wood m- c l poole ntroduced mrs ball na fad and arton protertar 1 lon ei who s a ead knowr lo churches gajierrd in the sundav some of the local whs ladies scho 1 room of he urred church she conducted a serv ce r ac or r h wonior j v narx society r 1930 and poltf rockw a thank fer rg meeting tuesdav easter -xt- trr spec- dale lal to oaks ta ii1 schu wf- ch made for sever ire tik ng place full was sercd by mr is ed b mrs c i l elliott mrs d mrt e jenn ng veld poole drjs of thanks klxi ms vc dhu s for her home the lunch rnmmitee sjmpalhy was extended to mr c tt viior through be pass ng of her sitr also to others who hae been bereaved congratulai nns wee exended o mr and mrs w am gamhle nr he oceas on f the r 60th wedding anniversary land mt r ojkes who had gont lo hespeler lo m a amitlir machin jiid olhir councillors cinlmd d llu ubor sjmiijj mvolvtd uarrant- tri tin txpindllure muntenance wjs 134 per year md on the pre tnl equipment 129 per year m d bv greer seconded by l ndsiy md nolvtd that we ac ttpt the rtcommndalions of thi rinnnce commitlit regarding the purehane nt a mw burroujrhes sn nutc mathtn jnd wt acre lo piy our share of th 1 am ount 1 g to 1 000 on deliver of ihe p- r p- lrr bvwr ub tpeateei wa a w lail h t arced ued mss oart fom ch na world mrs longrt dec artsd the mrs lorg es who spoke of her are considered he cream of curch iok a wel as her tip to chuch r the r work erop duirg her np o rire coun r ms bcrctt the petider wa of epe his yr mrs u ng rt- rtve mee largest attendance at square dance education urged by toronto doctor dr mi ore of the psychologic serv ct cntre toronto addressed membirt of the acton home and school association at their meet ing in the school auditorium mon daj evening finding ones inter est is of prime importance in hunting a job he told the rather ng g ng on to consider perional qualiies ind the degree of romp itxiy a which one can function w thout too much difficulty he declared that everybody should have as much education as possible no matter what jpb he or she was p anning gerry candler introduced dr moore and he wan thank d by george mason president w wolfe prewded and introduced the executive of the home and school associaion it was announced that new play ground equipmen paed i re home and school had arrived a 1 e her 65 the urjes- nd ure to date gathered in the od aeveral volunteered to help j pa- hall last fridav everlng 1 it to n evirg of old time danc ig peggy and frances oakes sn 1 he d bv h square dare club 1 two duets accompan ed on ihe 44a- s- k brdr calhrd iff pno by the- mothi mrf g ed tu a- cvnr ssor rx e- uf- a v ac bee- aj s no d c u- a v p-wr- fab bf aa c-c- he cc- d- k v ere p cd 1 fl p4u v sff f tf mm wou d be evef x c- ic red br hs c-v- r ad beer back saurie i o fo- accujrulatg septer or ocobr of 1954 was gen tj ms harah and h- frm a cov- d tajl jusi rj t ht mm c of the rhythm ramb oakei v- bv m m ma np- ic the wrs m rse- abbev es grade mothers will be chose- co ec takei bi mrs lam m s e a curer w d ms mrs vvse won the door p i ard w 11 phone he mother of be- i3s b rr e isdedcad lyirg ev g v cardler anrounced ha pupils n each claas before home bv mt oave l beriet gave a vaued member of he x et 1 r e per- s sqjre darce set ad school meetings t was ex ad rg on he gu dance f ms r j mar w s w r e- a he c v e and champ pla ned god ered w h g r of her onur wou d mi a gers grade one class won mafksu mitibe- ee g ve- bv l inch wis served by the arton itvp ex b cr darce at he nex he pirue and 2 for hav ng the mrs r robbing who aj wo ut ed crmr ladie t eoee c ub danc an 4dtm frdder mosr parent present- 19 this is so os ad mrs j godoi who wher the g- up erjoved rforma w a so 0 me to one of he dances the firs t me tbe new prize of 2 plav ed t 0 p f se ec lors chats aj guest arjt has been awardtsl tit lift w3b opinimg hid not lyen passod aa met ham ally fit mr gardiner hid howtvn ordnd a new ar and tin following motion was piss ed we issue a licmse to don girdintr to ops ral n taxi cab within the town of acton provided he satisfies the police committee that all rciulrtmtnts of the town by law and tht serial number of the new cur be provided when ob tained a i gid undertaking wait pres- nted by john shehy in which he agreed lo hold the town blameless for any action that had ben madt regarding issuing of a taxi license mr srwchy has been granted a license and agreed 10 the terms as set forth in the town by liw an iccount of an indigent put it nt was approvid and correspond ing rejd from toronto general hospital where aelon had refused lo pay a hospital account the ft re marshals office sent notice of ihi annual training course bylaws in pit para lion for lh municipal t lections wrre read and approved a ques nn will be submitted to the electors chancing llu public ulilius commission frnrrrtrrrrr membersto five mem- bem munu pil nominations will be held on friday november 27 t 710 pm ind elections will be held on monday december 7 with al voting bung done it the town hill the clerk was to endeavor to irrange with the same deputy rdurnmg officers to rt who had done the work at the last electioi thi clerk reported voters lists were ready and was instructed o have advertisements inserted n the free press requesting that all ratepayers examine the lists to ae if their names were properly enter ed councillor thompson drew at tention to the nuisance of motor- lata precedi th 4 calls and hampering the work of the brigade the highway traffic art provided for offences of motor ists who followed a fire truck closely or interfered with the equipmen reemng the scene co operation of the police was to b ought in enforcing the laws accounts were psaed a follow and also an amount of 9230 for henry bitlorf for attending mutual aid the following accounts passed for payment whit ham t garage j b mseaefisie wer mil -w- irne garnet ut symon hardware tom w d talbot tt 44 towr of arton hydro 38103 bell telephone co s arnrrrpttc kjm 5pvt lions for sept m1j9 uncillori l wieck j greer ndaiy e tyler wm mcleod rwin and reee j j stewxrt deputy reeif r tbootpaoa present and mayor t g oak- vswded at tho monday ufhtt prize of 2 1 meeting which adjourned tuesday morning at 130

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