the acton free press acton ontario ttluiutday octoiiu1 22nd 1w along the back roads midoctober and last weekend delightful summer weather prevailed so delightful was it that we did ust what we urged our readers to do a week or so ago went on d drive to revel in the autumn glory of the countryside and record some of the coloring on color film we found plenty of autumn glory right within a few miles on no 25 highway and all the concession roads leading off in any direction we found other interestings things too on one concession line ihe residents seem to go in for unusual mail boxes or for different supports upon which to mount the boxes there ore too many ornate and unusual farm entrances and no doubt the outstanding one in this district is that on the farm of dr paul beer it is the design and largely the artistic work of the late mrs beer the farm surroundings of this and many other farm homes are much more impressive and pleasing than the row upon row of houses in the new sub divisions that seem to be getting the crowds but then these roads arent as well travelled it s surprising though how many folks are build ing quite modern homes and finding a oy in liv ing just a few miles off the beaten track and all of these homes now have the same conveniences which are to be found in the built up centres what is a secret ottawa circles are upset over the public s learning of avro s flying saucer and other defense items like the air toair missile for jet fighters and the radar system called the mcgill fence if these socalled top secrets are so loosely guarded that the public can learn of their exist ence through the newspapers or through rumors what must trained enemy agents have uncovered now at least officialdom lias proof of the holes in the secrecy curtain there is a second issue as well the financial post thinks are there too many things labelled secrets are we trying to hide the location of the st lawrence river or hudson bay the military mind t to look with disdain upon the public s right to know how its money is being spent how or whether the country is ade quately defended the rubber stamp secret is an easy way out it can hide inefficiency and waste it can stop questions without giving an swers the taxpayer has the right to know every thing about defense except those things which w quid actually help his enemies it s his country his life his money public entertainment costs the recently published annual report of the canadian broadcasting corporation does not make cheerful reading comments the toronto saturday night the television services operating loss of 2 563 1 18 00 in the year ended march 31 was offset by an operating surplus of 2939478 in radio broadcasting the report showed but tho cbc did not earn that surplus its earned revenue in radio was 2513714 00 and its expenditure was 11389133 which means it would have been in a pretty mess without the 5 725 000 00 it got from the now abandoned radio license fee and the 6 250 000 00 its gets from the govern ment each year as a statutory grant what it all adds up to is that canadians are paying a stiff price for the privilege of not washing cbc tv conclude j the saturday night last spring the weekly newspapers of canada through one of their committees presented a brief to members of parliament on the radio commit tee calling attention to the cost of public enter tainment provided by the cbc the daily news paper report of the presentation was very made quate we read the presentation several times and were quite in accord with the presentation ll is rather interesting to note that while many editojaaxpaciod adttusatoa jaf jfaflt repgruobn o contentious discussion atthe convention tn sas katoon that phase of the report of the committee was not discussed at all and not one soul lifted a voice in protest or commendation apparently many who had discussed it in their papers before the text was available have since read the report and find that the cbc expenditures of public funds on entertainment are something that will require a second look hxhtfnq tufw n th uhm it- new faces sought for 1954 will you be in towns service u won 1 bo loiifl now that what utwn futlim mwi ciinnil ore sayllik about now tin re clrlaln happliuu m elm hon and nomination men ting draw near for town council and ullier elected urmipi hie miuillu re coding thai linve hold ihr lu mcellntfi lonil dl uaslon und responsibility sit over nd some there i tcrtnln huiipliunn tilitil thr end in mm no ntltr tn i uud 11 s in tt lookid minks durlntf lhi thiri lit ii lit of wor little luillafnrtloti for imlei rit wlui lakr llicir uud llmr from thtlr wot aflir he imttrhh of til aciimu cunndn is in llnu is driiwlntf dint who lin i ihmildin d th sltillltv of town nffiilr ui lit iimn ull uml yeiirw irk wilh tin ihohl vol uri otln i ny ihi dtl hh i pi ivlllllltll yiur nominal oils at umiiiiij poorly iiumdul ullh uth ion tin punt toupli of ye rmclinhi hiivi nllrmlid inursi uiifuiluiiiiulv i tin du nnd fin is dinuiiik tin r to lu i luivi iu promod thoimlits of individual immlioia of iliu year 11 is u he hoped i ho littlm will ho filled with capuhlo men who will nd- iiilnlntor widely uud fairly hut whal aiu you dolntf to m that ihcy uio ituvo you ever orved u mm on routn ll at hool board oi publlo utilities tuvt you evir limed uny nu willi po hi lily jfkulei lapubllllltti to d no llttvt you ov r tried to un dtntiuid uir proltliiiin of munu lil aduilhlblnitloii hint if fulled on lo mrve you would bo ipinuf lid by kiiowlnu prt ity wlt wlint lius horn ik fun have you i vi r mil in on a annul lulitink with out in l uk unit to ii sk iinni thlnu nomlnnlloiifl i hi cnr hnve bet i for no vi nbir 27 llh lbir 7 a may or neve deputy rivc nnd iix councillors make up nuilcil ihi public utilities commission re tpilris oni to be clot led llns year sihool bonrd requires the tkclion of ihrce members the question or rrilarkiiik the com miisi ii to fiv members will bi put bi fori lectors ibis year and if approved tin ixlri memoirs will be appointed in the lt4 el vt lions for mrvici in 1955 thtrc is just about a month to decld what help ou will rjivl the fiiitln rnnci of munuspiil ad minislntlon this yi ar arc you prmnd lo iervi the good old days may have seemed better back in 1903 pram ihr laau rf ihe free prnaa of thursday oct be r tt ims thousands of ptopli from tha svir loiindiiiti ounlry thronuod frlu vll u slittls und fair kromifu tin day following i lninksl vlllk 1 hi ipts wi hit m r than any jr in v ii r ov i pm ht inn taki n ill kid riiklitt of all klndt had nwiiih for a onaldi iiillon and i ihi noclty dilvtd l ilmi i he l sunday this aloi it is only u ft w wli im klim train tin uiiihih whl i nd in tli cj i it yarls ust sun day 11 wis here afain with its ijiintf of uoikin n and di rrkks ihnrink up a wriik whkh wuirnd urn ihi rulv rt wi ht of tin i nrliie in dm nt idotk on sntiirday n hi tin yard was roll of trains und a luav ilouhli himlir lnukid vt lonstv ml imothi r fn ifjit stanillni n tin mail with hraki s si i tin n milt wn two flat earn loadi d v ith inn wir orivrul into sphntt rs th sdnaphm lim e ast west s outh no easy way the hon arlhur meighcn c inula s qrtit clil er statesman slill hird m work as lie ipproiclies 80 gave some good philosophy and advice lo the aiaduating class at selwyn house school mont redl recently says the ottawa journal ll was that nothing worth while in life neither achieve new assewior 11 i iii lit lliplrsl iiiiim1 world news m l i i in duiks i nsul in h ill hi nl i 1 jim imiti diill hiuhi x tl nks i v in ml rpott that n on ui j i sh bis iiiim t up t ks in sud vhih tin in not just one week in the super abundance of special weeks that are observed every year it seems that a new one i injected every so often perhaps that is the tea ion we didn 1 know that last week was business women s week and was an opportunity it seems tc pay tribute to the women who work we agree that m these days it is well to pay tribute to all who work and pay day usually occurs every veek but when we read of that special business wo men s week we thought of the countless wives who work m factories and at home in a quiet way tc get homes esabl shed and give encouragement ana he p n pr vae lls ness n an unseen oen make the husbands ar y success have ac eved pe iaps he farmer s e s the r ost out sana n c cmple of w a a aood pirtner in i fe can jc o f j v a ji mate a su t ssf i live cxxi but cf er eamples can be found every day of tre veel af good w vis are do ng n nal ig success en vw wouldn t tn nk of n et ng anoh er spec a week nto thi year cf spev a veevs lut ve do h n ay to h ch they w ves t ons oi ho e crow jed k ihe good ake no c aim f spf ia c no spec al wgamra deserve more apprec at on than rhey are often ac corded indeed we woutdn t care to see just one week named in their honor because they are so neces sary every week in the year n keeping the homes and helping to guide husbands toward success we pay tribute to all groups but to the good wives and their contribution to successful homes we think a great tribute is doe at all times ment nor fame nor oy nor security can come from olher than work young men starting out in life asked of their employers what is your pension scheme meighen s answer was that no pension plan no insurance policy no trust fund could bring the reward of work well done this is the answer of all history of all exper tence with not a whit of subtraction from it by the conditions of our day under all circumstances tc the last syllable of time there will never be a substitute for work no reward as great as the oy of work well done mr meighen concludes the formula is sim pie find the ob that interests you learn at every opportunity to do it as well as you can then work at it ll will always be interesting for there will always be new things about it to learn this is the greatest reward but no one else can ruarantee it or will it to us each one has to earn it for himself imk ii iii vt i- 1111 lt olf hie nrus lln form linn of tin north mil ti n olf md country club at the foiimi willoiikhln piopntv it dot j town tins turni d ijul lo bi tin bikk st m ws of llw ynr in ciioi kliou n ilcordini lo in t di tornl in ihi hu ild idito wnlt ijithn ss never huvt wi noticed ich c mj sinli nc tli c botirj smtiinl sti 10 pii nrn publishi d a fine occision of the hie plrmnnr rmtrh held nnrthnt buy at home an ed tor al on drinking which has attracted rons krable attentio i appirenmy ong nated in the snill moociy tt is cour er oiie of trie few ren am ng hand set iwspiptfs on the continent the ed tonal addrtsstd to t piers read if you i inot ibsolutek ref i from dr nk ng start saioo i n your own i ome be tho only customer d d cu w ii not r ave lo buy a i cense give your wik s2 jo buy a gallon of wh s key there are 12u snorts n a gallon buy all your drinks fjpm yhf wf at 40 cnfsia snort and n four days wl en the gallon is gone your wfe w ii have 39 0 to put into the bank and will have 12 to start up m business again if you live 10 years and com nue tobuy all your boore from your wfe then die with snakes n your boots your w te w ii have s35 750 50 on deposit enough to bury you respectfully bring up your children buy a house and lot marry a decent man and forget she ever knew you tivity in town and sinn thi nouncimtnt of tin propertv pur itnsi b k m la n gd on and tin of ft ring of shares to iht public last month thin is scnrci l j di kocs h ih it sormom doc not nu ntion rolfovtrthi htnld office countir hi nportiki thit ovir half of the 22 shins inilnbli for tru hilton district had bun subscribed population rur gorkitown s popul ition his in en istd by 300 in thi p ist i ir now stinds t 3 779 burlington n ci nt popuhtinn spurt brings the towns total up to 7 181 with 2h nu homts under instruction its txptcttd ilu totil will me tjnjn hnrtti wild kin for wild 1 ifr with th it m to thi wild llfi to tin in ith tin onkull tod and in i il is pi ioit t lil sun ill in in h vii imly of tin i m i d i i n l f ii fi rn milton i will i istoi roi dinks as i l i il ii i list it i ltl ll lib is 1 m iii i lint suu ikhi in s i m di up i i lb sixli n winn it irlii i of i ui list wiks trm advo full 1 ii ws f t fn for s r ltnirthi nahlicd back in 1933 from the iue of ih pre fttm af thuradmy ootober ifl iu ideal iiutiiinn wi nthcr favored the 117th unnivirsary of knox church luht suixtay and at both llio morn- irik und i v nlnu wivttts hirc con tirautloiift fllud lit idlflto scr vliin in tlu tlnitd and doptlat iiurthth w r withdrawn nnd rov 1 poole und it v mr olfforrl nit ndi d nnd iiwilhtid in thi morn ink ttrvkt iuv a stowart ma of halimnt church toronto a foi nu r nunihlor wan kuiat sptnk r a iiarlt louiptrnd of main a maim win llutti n r salt and muss ii and hoios by mm c uistunah and miks edna hinton duriiik untlumi uiixt lh miniver arv music a f iiluro of tin olciudoo tin rukby kanu s in which ihu- acton hikltnchool boyn have pnrtlcl- patid duriiik llh w k hnvu not bun won by tin ioiiiih but huvtr bun rich in ixpiritm onfllder iiik this ik lit first turn tin acton hoys hnvt plav d tin umu thiy arti a inrm crowd of siotclun n fiom all uil ouutrvkidi who oil ndi tin stolih suppi r on thiiiiism ititf iiltht art not yd hrtd of ti ming about th lunw hiiiis thi ooh i bam nks tin nttl akh the short in tad hi vour month and pin i u k ilk niotln r madl in tin hikiiiiihih hi haj was parade j about kni x rmr h tiftrpiiknt to ritmint ohio ptpt ai only iip r murray can ikjil th i afui al and lit i i s ill tho- wlio t in th inter national plownik mulch al owin siitind from flu distrit t w r harold 1ltkt i loyt last rbrook willnrd hiathirstoui and john i iitu at tin itimtuik 1 isl rridiiy jfur noon of th onki uf hi voruhln inpti r of tlit 1 lh mrs iftath i i of kit in n r w is km si hoi ak r rollowliik tlit mi liimon of th ad rhton wnaitrird hrn the iffi nt mis w m pound t and if i rrajii r v v ti i mi- r j llaniuird hs it huns i mis w nitbfi i mis ik i w 1 hi ii itohn omhtvii i i- at ad in ii wl iy l 1 i il hill to mr i m a h si nit i villi i professional directory and travellers guide mini ii distn i il llrlltflll fill y i j i t 111 s it ord for aiu d in list ni il ri in of th jnii of tht lonl i si tn my mor ii full pni list ft om alton nnd disli ict who pi li d well iiiclud m i adv jcss mfnuy llody mcfn r iimthoiisc i f rt nhnm ltokwood mcdonald bros mrs hay eiiik billuiafid w j hitch hoikwood clark w winur hock wood j p bcnhum and sons fvtr ton hon good ill rock wood i loyd mick rock wood s o btnnctl marv grieve rnckwood robert ktrr md son j i iriiiu j f ivir m rock wood mis norman rn btrtson and mrs c f italhirhnd new milton hchool millon public school board has phnnrd to nin birnitt md rudir to d sin n n w publit scin ol thtn th tmird mttts th rchi ttcts i his vk to outlint rxpnrt mints for thi n v school rirrutt md rudtr im adon hih shol inhittcts is wll dr w g f ktnnrf tliynlrlan anil fiunrior ofri ill shi n ml k 41a mill st f- a t ii ofllrr ihonr 7k rpiidtncc iis hurch st f phone iso or d a garrett phymclan and sunron cornir nf willow and itivt r fnlrinci itivir strict f uatmf kamd dental dr a j buchanan dcnui sure eon office- leishman block miu st office hours 0 am to 6 p m x ray i telfphone 148 dr h leib dental burgeon office corner mill and frtdlnck strtils office hours 9am to fi p m th h honr 19 acton barrlfttrr a hollcllor soury pabu off h rs 10 of m 1200 am i k p m 00 p m suoniys by pinintmnl onlj uh u p ltrn 131 ac ton icvfr hoskin hartrred acconntanli sunt hhiirs u jrnklnh and hardy ij01 m fropulitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto fin 4 1131 gerald a candler harlered accountant monday to friday 7 9 p m s murdiy from dam if ikoift actor puip and rxiper uses one third of all ihp poufr ucd b irniustrj i ftfrinary b p young b v sc c i young dvm rtrrlnarj surfronn off i h i m 1 th oily ppr tvtr pwtuhd in acton founded in 187 and published eery thursday at m hill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of clmila dona the c w n a and toe ontario quebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay ible in advance t2 50 in canada s3 ml in the united sutes tlx months 1 vi tingle copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu diior and publisher jusiness and editorial office telephone 174 united church of canada rlon ontario urn di chi rch rr f f iirret b bd i i mu ml o m lampard a t c m oikurminrt cnorr t ider si m oc torfr fi six sri iftlkl i rr s i sc 00 pm fi mj wirth i g i tpeikcr thr rc gilur 1 arx rr f f si st phrr l trd church toronto ihjrtghr for the hek st albans church lancllran li htli h f ini ba bi it d r twfnt first si da mttr trtmn or t ti vkx f g oakfs b v rterinirun f md ll i 1 r 1 i i 0 j araa5trong doctor of blropracllc 6 j ihn si s i 1iosf 5wi vuhtfli anfcols imf victor b rumley fufjtpal home tunrral home heated ambuiajkm i i n vt n hi i i- ri h i rr in u for ivf a iv n t m r m t tearhrr of piano stodlo t nlted burrt thurvdays t i k f ihi r l fstatf and ins ram e wright rfal estate and i jf travellers guide i mi ii n 1 rhi insurance urirht n r wright 1 bur st 61 macdi nnell si n onl cm iph jni th ne i915w realtor insn rr ai l we1xove nsop p- presbyterian church in canada knox chttrch acton rev robert b armstrong m bj wnbrter sinda octobfr 25th 19s3 un mini s sunday 1 m church school rip a m mr m m c c 00 rm sen te in the ln led hurch a wam wei ome awaits iou baptist church acton rax h costeru pa- aire lift b rr ph ne i06r thusdax or br 23 i 1j r s rx ci 8 00 p rr slma october 251 m 1000 om s idax s h i jc b bio c a- ii 09 am m rt u r1 30 pm exrn p s alnatara mem tier pra ul inxlilute of c anada mttilnr g irlph and district rral estate board mrmbrn g irlph and d strict insurance agents association w r bracken phone 26 acton list tour farms business or house with us we inxile vu lo use our tilitimui ecunn a purchase lot x our property uy e aaltfte wedretdix 8 b m pv r f bean general basnat r3 miu- st acton grav coach linev i oa hfs itayt acton i astbvuml l-arr- mam 53 ajn w r 5 0rf pm 633 pm ui i j9mpir hrtthovnd k r a m 2 pm 25 psav 2 pm 2 pm 9 12 pro 1112 pm i am sun u kit rhtre i nli a uailj except sundaj and hnll dan t saturday sundaj and hou- cana01an national rabways daily 840 am dally except sun day 9 si ajo 7 10 pm sundaj only ml pjn da ly except son- day flyer at georgetown iffl am daily flyer at georcetoim iftjl pm daily 1j3 un daily except son- ma tjd iso pm flafitcp sattadaj phwi us tti mb dmllt except satgrfsj nmrp unymc sunday h9 pnv snturdaj em- off1ce hours 1m pj suwlaj only ms jb 9 a m 3 pm fjaour sunday only fryer at s30pm 9 pm cuelph 7 qs pjn