Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1953, p. 3

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thubsday october fflnd ims the acton free press acton ontario modest dairy farmer first world tractor plowing champ a modest almost shy young on tmrlo dairy farmer who placed sec otiti in both provincial and canadian championships la the first tractor plowing champion of the world tn fact so modest li james eccles m of brampton ont about his plowing abilities that he was not intending to enter this years on tario plowmens assoclatton inter national match at all he did so at the last minute only at the urging of close friends for the first two days of the four day plowing match eccles trailed bihind 29 yiar old robert timber of btoutivllli who came in ahead of him to win the ontario and canad ian championships but during the last two days when the world class is were held it was a different lory eccles was almost the last man to get started but when the final score was announced he had beaten com petitors from ten other countries ami bob timbers as well timbers placed third in the world class both eccles and timbers are past winners of the esso trans atlantic e l buchner optometrist in acton every wednesday afternoon office at h mainprise barber shop hours 1 30 6 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 class and have made the six weeks trip to great britain and europe to compete in plowfnj matches there hob timbers waa silver medallist taa tht fsso trnns atlantic in ims and jim eccles was gold medallist in 1940 they will both compete in the snond woild match to be held in furopc nrly next fall they will travel as gutst of imperial oil gcclea who has been match plow tag for 10 years is the first winner of the esso qoubn plow the world championship trophy in a field of hampln plowmen the judges rntid the first seven as follows ec cles im points odd braut nor way 131 timbers iso allan helln sweden 147 leslie dixon great britain ufl olav ned berg norway 141 and t t l van gallen hol land 144 jim eccles works a 423 acre dairy and mixed farm four miles west of limited special 1903 pack hand packed 8kylabk tomatoes 20oz tins 27c self poushmo ploob wax success 59c 99c fret bneeeii school book coven while they last 8px0ial clover leaf fahoy bookeyk salmon 37c caidt fox halloween candt kisses a 35c shellout suckers 25c jelly beans 533 ok and 9j oslb j3 pee8h chocolate hasshmallow biscuits 37c new low price cheese 29c btokelys cream style corn 2 ss- 27c free fruit juice glass with each large pacings maple leaf soap flakes triple pko 89c special custom ground romar coffee llb bto romar instant ooffee j s7 new monarch golden yellow cake mix pko 34c oranges 288s apples macs tokay grapes grapefruit cello spinach cauliflower 2 doz 55c 6qt83c ibstlc 5for25c each 17c each 17c brnmplon his form has been in the eicles fnmlly since it was settled by his great grandfather who crossed trnm tht urltlsh isles lit n sailboat he is nmirliil lo ihe forim r marga ret ford or mlltm and has two daughtir wilnia thne and henth- tr marie tight months hob timbers one of the youngest vilerans ot matth plowing fti on- tnrlo hns iwt n contesting ota intcninllonals since 1b46 when he won the first canadian champion ship this month he became first holdir of ho esso silver plow the nstlnnal championship trophy do nated by imperial od hob has been coached by his father wlnfred since hi was nine an uncle fred timbers won the 1946 esso trans atlantic award and a cousin eugene timbers won the 191 overseas trip nob owns a 100 acre mixed farm near htnuffvllle where he was born mfru u so 4ittu wita coleman oil burners automatic low coat cloan heating now available at symons hardware mill st acton diptheria ready could kill again the nhsmte of what was once s iu tiurge amongst thtldren shouhl rial be allowed to lull parents inlo a sense of apathy towards protect ive mi nsurei observes dr s c uswne county medical officer of health for lancashire england if a fiellng that active immun lotion is no longer necessary should gain ground then indeed wc should see the return perhaps with renewed vigor of what was once one of the most deadly of childish ailments diphtheria dr oawne points out that whereas in 1mb thero were 4 071 cues of diphtheria and 306 deaths from this cause in lancashire the immunization campaign which was begun in england in 1940 reduced the number of cases to 72 of which just two were tnul prior to the immunization cam pnlgn diphtheria was tho moil common single cuuse of death nmong school age hlldren and it w the third muni tonunoti cu nf death hrtwien the nrs of one and flvt years babtfat rt coeds hnvt lo he mlghly ureful with tin lr flirtatious tli days wi hiard about urn pirl under graduate who turned hi r charms in llu tm is f xxbnll hero oni day and tiut with apparent sue anfjbjmiyjitjlemoior s 341 queen st acton front end alignment bean line up equipment texaco gas oil marfax lubrication general repairs phone 1w wa congregation hold joint meeting thi regular monthly tn ming of churchill w a and ihe junrti ny mi t ting of hi i nugi egatlon was held riccntly til tin homo or mr and mr ilruti i illth the divot loitul pirlod hi id jointly woi taken by mn halph i nny mrs archie kerr took charge of thi bualnesi owing to illness sev eral mom bun wen absent but the ladles prnn died tn make plans for their baking salt and christmas basnar ruports were madn on cards fruit and flowers si nt to member who are on the sick list lunch was servid by tin nvrm hers of the uimmlltn and a toe in i time enjoyed fashion hint hi y t i lit y you nerii nny mink rrfngs ilt in plenty of places you tt mvti t xptt tn nt it it is hut k in pitpuliirllv as trimmings for winti r kintk itml in iiiho ust d as tiltntnliik fin jinny wool or other 1 ii ut i v art r vt nevi r ih athli i n you an nfftptl hi hi formally tt ilnnimi rid un i it lot inylliliig lo tply nitfhl h why in what did y u hivt in mind will my wlfi and i want lo go i j tht nmvls and i wondlrcd if yimd bjiotu s iuw i tiu otn4tsby-r- cecil a carr optometrist oueiph 8 douglaa st frewiyfut metropolis a dty of absorbing interest new york offers to visitors of all inclinations a variety of activity and a host of sights to see on this delight ful tnp you have 3 full days and 4 nights in new york of america i including a visit to greenwich village and chinatown yo have i your choice of severol other features that wiu make your tnp both m- teresttng ond enfoyoble 52 76 w vocovaaav harold wiles agent phone 207 oumd n fa- fiom lonomo swlct to tkamo wcwdcs hotii doom foii 4 mams 2 im mm itipsontouringl l rcarwl u womens trovw arffcariry no woman driver should linvft mure limn 11 mlhs without inking di finite step to t nsure 1 her pt rhoiml comfort 2 tar btauty 3 her pi at t of mind knr personal com fort make tertoln the tar seat if i enough for your leg length d to strain log rmistlos by pi rilling on tht fiont of the seat and us actually dmigt rous to drive intt lilng tin sit i ring wheel for iiipporl to ktuji that position a hut nicond sens djiifllin nt and pillow for ihe small nf lh hack will iti uhli your driving comfort why not inry tuituly iilils in th ir an a i riiinm nt thing the hivt tompuitiik nt in iilrtady over- iwdi i so hung an ini xpt nslve plnnlli niidi bag from hi hark of fiiml htitt and iihi tin cketa a makt up kit tl analiik pads i pr paiallinn imntl lotltin s wash doth a ht ltd starf and ir or low hit lid shots for drlv- antl why tin fuss with ibat n in vlt w mlrn r when you un v iillmli n ihik out to lln buck ii mini vihoi r jk hi i of mind ilmk lo make in vu havi i jiu k that ai tiiully 11 in i liihjjjing loolx a stout i j and ti fhihlillghl with fnsh hi h 1 mht oiii f fn diivnrs unl of the ikwj hum ml who ikii the 11 fin sin band of inn ml from lllhluhlill fill ly walth aiu on r inodt 1 1 in t in i v nmit kwn iihxl iii hiiih tiny ki h ihll t ton dlffl ii t dllhts to re adapt ollaih or a straight ik foi b tok tould mil dill d fur trim n hid any fur talis hi i aught ittgitln r a lai brotitli and ur of a high nicked ihi htlll good but i bund you need on tisi ininth for ideas 128 service representing tom al henry royal city laundry and master cleaners surtly lln tons punt h k in the alujii binary in lovi conqucra nilhii k by pmlly hilui its truighl biitkiuiira rhnl from cover i j fovir and us about people w know ivhidi h an iinnrlut fnt- or in good gossip you rtmtrbr ildy hamilton iht friend of thai poor fellow nuboh well do you know that btfon ihi mtl him and aftt r- ward irmly pjit would riv r hav ap- pnvid of julfua cjtsar and hires wliy cleopnlrt and anthony mildly in lovi tht y had other iritlui up lhur shtvis hiv y u notlcid hi nry the pighlhs muity lltl month and wlut a tw ii d htad thai anne i liyn he sh it ttui ly thinks wh iii nil v vi ry vi ry csre- fully ivoj d y- y ill j i ti mi it- i ryal h ii i h h r f 1 v 128 2 lines to central 9 main south 9am 6 p n from grilles to glass iveit ideas in bank premises are designed lo give you speedier more conienient seriicc they are part of the easy informal way you like to do your banking canadas chartered banks built on sound banking practice continually adapt their services lo meet changing expanding needs the banks serving your community ir i i ur f p jrt or ib l c i ad idu ry in hi klwirri i lai 1 snk i r r ani amr r ihr iivcn ojir c marjfir jr ra old get pep vim fmlmfviorytwiy lp tolr tbmdiu lal of fait fa u f 0 aal t os free pyrex bowl botiims tasrai aid ererr gmi pnucni 5op ilaici ttas nan umf tol ti gvrnr4 besi rtatani coums i coaiplctr nt bowl ogcrrd rt to ft1l try pnacn ut frr totf ikn lui ro clocbci taffr whn fti ut to stild tkey caa bctbaltt b twed is bah hub today gi the giaac s pnmcm fukaa with i in frr prrea bowl inaiij

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