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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 19 1953 its the time of year while municipal aommationj arent scheduled until next week theil has been the usual pre election talk some of those in municipal office have already stated their intentions for next year as a year of municipal life draws to a close we dont blame many who have served for feeling tired of public life only those who serve on municipal bodies know the time and worry it re quires and at the close of the year are very tired c it all the best way to get an understanding of your town is to give service for a term on one of the elected bodies but such is our method of municipal govern ment if it to be earned on effectively we re quire those who are busy men who have been successful in the conduct of their own business end who have the interests of the town at heart it is not an easy task it is not one that should be continually loaded onto the same shoulders but some continuity is desirable on councils school boards and commissions if the programs are to be carried on progressively nomination night will soon be at hand during the next weeks it behooves all citizens to give careful thought on then home town affavs nexj year and the years ahead are all important in this growing town of acton we neectthe best cifi rens we can secure to serve the town it might be in order and not at all commonplace either if citi zens were generous with their praise for those who have served in the past and have helped oive our town such a fine standing the old cycle the two items may have absolutely no con nection but a new wage increase was granted last week to the pulp and paper makers also in the mails all paper supply houses gave notice of an increase in the price of fine papers and of course the increase will go on down the line to be paid by the user of fine papers we don t ust know how it will finally reach back to those who got the first increase but in the course of events it surely will get there of course there s no harm done in this series of raises as long as we use in canada all the fine paper we produce the chain of increase can go on indefinitely the trouble arises when paper makers from other countries decide they can pro duce and lay down in canada products at a lower price that s what s happening today in the tex tile industry in this country textiles can be im ported cheaper from other countries than they can be produced in canada its the old law of com petition and now that european countries are back in production again and not fighting we are go ing to see more of it whether we like it or not it need not be lower wages but the answer may easily be in greater production spectator sports the day of many of our well known games that used to be played ust for the fun of it are past down in bowmanville the intermediate hockey club has folded up because the manage ment wouldn t pay the players in smiths falls the board of parks management which is a public body and m charge of the hockey club has agreed folump thesalartesof flayers and not give them individually when making their regular reports the day of the amateur sports in baseball la crosse and other sports has gone for some time we wouldn t pin the blame on anyone in particu lar the fans demanded a winning team and if the material wasn t available locally urged the getting of the talent we don t particularly blame the players for asking compensation many of them suffered injury lost time from work had families to support and when they slowed up and couldn t play the game any more were soon for gotten there s ust one thing that we must beat in mind if we want spectator sports if we want to see these sports at the time most convenient to us and in the most comfortable manner we ii hawe to pay the price for our fun whether it s in winter or summer or in the fair days when football has a short season and hasn t yet gone under cover the old twobit spectator game when most of the participants played because they liked it took abuse without flinching and practiced every night in the week to attain good form is ust about gone you ii find it in some of the very small vil lages and we could name one not far from here but in the towns you re going to have to pay more for spectator sports as the years go along reading between the lines do you appreciate hospitals i do after ive gotten out tht hnding on mav remain tht san but its intirpritatmn be allowtd a lillk i can justify the is column this week ill have to lttway so tent well interpret iht heading as rinding bttwcln tht lines of beds no i won t bore you with a blow by blow dtscrfption of my opt ntion my knowledge of that is rathir limited nt best thanks to the invtntors of anaesthetics i sptnt only a few days in the mighty palace of healing on uni vertily avi in toronto and above fill else i learned again to be thmkful for what is thire you hnve lo run into n ihmg in tht iiish and hustle of todays living btfort you understand or ap predate it htnee tht sudden np pit cut ion of hospitals a ftw days factd with the work ind wondor of t hospital product d a jolting impact no mitti i how suk you an or ftil thin is sonn out sukir compintut ly spink ing 1 wnsn i vtry sick but tint tiitin t ntctssnnlv stop nil pun un til 1 started to look aiound surroundid 1j intiavtntius bol tits hirdlv nbli to tnlk ahovi a whispir out dnp wis rt tovt ring from a si i ions opiiition a man in a nuihbonnt bid hid bun then fii weiks rtiovtnng from a ntnrt attack and was looking forward to jutting home a btd was vacant just nixt to mini brit fly before long n young chap came along and climbed in how long do you expect to be here i asked three months wns his reply when i recovered from the initial shock he explained hl wns to have n back operation that would put him in n cast from neck to it gs for two months the result of an early injury but bisidis iht condition of other pntiints thit makts one thankful 1 couldn t help being thankful for what florence night ingnle nddid to hospitals and what scientific drvi lopmtnls have ndd ed to tht skills of the doctors and surgeons a hospital is a grtnt pi tfttr you ri out smbulii innstnnt iitivity it is never all tuut nieht and day tht r is al wiys sonuoni who nt ds spiciil can th it stirs thi aetivity of thi nursis and doctors i don i doubt but thai most peopli nt think fill for hospitals and whit tin v do tht constant sirvui th it is rendiiid to men uonii n ind childrt n in thest buildings is still btyond the imag imtion of most ptoph but now out from bttwten the tows of htds 1 ni ihinkful for wlnl bospjtils do of th the good old days may have seemed better s oul back in 1903 from the four of the free preas of thursday november 19 ims an enti rial runt nl uniqui in an ils of local history was the first nnnual concert of the high school department of acton imbllc school hdd in tht town hall last thursday ivtning thi i vt nt wns an un rpinlified success the decoration of bunting flowi rs nnd school colors wns attractive mr 1 htnderson m p took tht chair the first number was a comet and piano duet by missts tittit and haiti mason followed by a maypoh dance by 12 pntty hih school girls louisa auotls drama little worm n was next put on by the following studtnts misses ida 1nird myrtle matthiws jennie smith fm pearson sadie devttt maggie johnston and masters liar old nlcklin and joe arthurs miis i aura grty oni of actons ni wist musicil ilistis rmdered the blush of spring a delightful pnno s lt in t trj skillful man tier miss griv is nking high standing in hi r euurst in music at thi toronto culleri of music mr stiwnrt thanked the citmns for tht ir bpundid support of this first puhlicvffort arid said the pro cuds oulifbi txpmded in furthir etnupmint for iht siitnit depart the clo mbi r pinto mimic representation by a idrge uumbtr of studmts of whit we re who in some of our exchanaes we read an article headed should we have an historical museum the answer is yes in every community but in these days of rapid expansion and need for funds for so m e collection of articles and the founding of- a museum either in county or town seems to have little prospect of success in the meantime many articles of value and topical of early days here are going to be lost for the want of a place to put them just within the past two weels a verv fine spinnmq wheel came into our possession because the owner required the room we have over the vears taken m many articles and stored them m the hope that some day a museum would be established and we could turn them over for safe keeping lo a lis toncal society we know of another fine collec tion which was kept for vears and finally scatter ed when the man who qathered the earl relics of early days passed on and no ore was interest ed or had the place to store any of the collect on whether it would be a county assoc at on or whether the society would find enough interested persons in town makes little d fference tl s county of halton is arow nq so quickly these days that there seems 1 tt e t me lo dwell on the past or preserve the trunqs that our forefathers used the point is that the lonqer it is deferred the more articles are lost for the museum knowing the neighbors an unfortunate aspect of development of the last 50 years has been the growing gulf between urban and rural populations in the old days each group knew all about the others way of life because of close family relations a great many urban adults had been brought up on a farm and the usual place for city children to spend their holidays was back on the farm where their parents had been raised and which an uncle was still operating these old close conlacts have been broken it is quite possible that a fairly large proportion of cur canadian children today have never even visited a farm that is true not only for children but for a considerable number of urban grown ups as well these people have driven past farms or flown over them to them a herd of cattle or a flock of sheep or an orchard in bloom are merely interest ing subjects for their color camera not an invest ment of several thousand dollars which may or may not prove profitable it is not good for any country and particularly for a young democracy like ours to have two mapr population qroups with so little knowledge of each others life and problems various cul tural and service organizations in both town and country might well give them careful considera tion financial post i other papers say cranbrook b c courier the people who can make the b ggest dei t n the car accident record are the drivers of cars the ace dent that doesn t i appen i ever costs anybody a d me cow ic an leader duica i bc it s an accept ed fact that canad ans by and large are a caul ous people in iew of th s fact they f nd i fe nsur ance part cularly attract ve canada leads the world i the alio of i fe insurance m force to national income vounq persons shoe d no be d snayed n con templtinq a farm nq career and the cost thereof po it rig out what tan be done the bowmaov lie statesman o t 1 cites the case of dutch f i es commq to canada 5 nee the war of a toal of 4 500 such fam hes c assed as agricultural work ers about 1 50c had settled on farms of the r own bv the n d le of las year they are prov ng i a real asset to the community adds the paper was seed house owner the owner of the dominion seid house and one of georgetown s pi ominc nl citizens willnm brad ley died in toronto general hos pital inst week he wont into the mill older buiiks in 1922 ind in i92h added a line of novilly setds which was the nucleus of the pre st nl busint ss thi dominion seed house claims to be the hrgom up plm of nml older tirden seeds in iht country fvtiv yt tr hi took i tup hunimj niw milt tits of nils to idd to ins husintss his moving pictui hdt s hun oftt his slui- thi 1udei i ht hi uty sp it in orn chin member and i formci member nf liiiu scots nnd c etiji u n bind ht wis out of the die ml of tin git i tlow n 1 ions i mi mbt r of credit mison ic i orific on teleiision it wis inluistim to wttth tht i it cists of tht opining of pirln nt nt ind of risinhowirs speech to t if w could ot hilton s mem tr sibil bciinlt ui think i iw ht r in the nnu ri s tye for bout n stcind wiiiuif i light col nil dnss tnmmid w th fm new attraction forthcoming she warned that ther would be no help from oulside an 1 tint all the support must rami from within the commumtj we suppose acton has the only y in the county south for christmas a new angle on a trip south fir christmas thus year we need only go ts far south as burlington for a different note in christmas festivities the burl nfit in cham ber of commerce has dcudid spons ir i c latest with d cah prize of 525 fir the best mtdtior christ mu decoration open to hiirlinjloii i ind the immid ate in i i isqiirslng fair j dirittns of tin fstpjisinj agri eultui il st i it tv mt t n 1 1 ntlv it the i home of mr and mrs j shnrtill inmhoiim is jousts of iht presi dint hirduif pint first v lee pnsititnt sptnitr wils in conducted iht nuns met tint ind iht fatly president mrs j e ellerby tht htiits mttlinj tin fin mail re port chowtd the fur in gtorgitown vis mitiissful it wis urud that tht buildinj committee continue ef- floors m nthii fin motid n id it ml dulits i win biking in bibit ood of fit i while the il swupinl stwini ind back in 1933 from the issue of the free pre of thursday november ib 1933 a snowstorm that assumed the proportions of mid winter did not deter a larrt rnthcring from as htmbluik and participating in ac ton s innual remimljrtncc day- reeve thetford opened the service tn the town hall and the od ivm by rev c l glf ford on sunday last a large gathering of ptoph ct it bralc d he unveiling and dtdicalum of the beautiful m monal gates which have been i ncted lo the memory of the tarly pioneers of the edm mills district nt the iritrinct lo the fden mills ctnutiry the rates were built through tht efforts of the edt n milk womtns institute thi innuunct mini board recently iretlid in front of tht united hiirch is proving tpjitt a feature in announcing thi vinous meetings and strvieis thf iticnl hock y boys start d tin ir truninf activitus this week undtr th vtteran bill eccleshau the in unit pal officers commenced putting ice in the acton arena on tin sd iv nitlt be w i ro we ithe r on november 14 mt i nil winter start for this iir the sleighing has been ex it lit nt sint thnrsrfav mr f j hnssnrd instien on a hunting trip in nurthi rn ontario ntrvrcrri3rmritrtrpil1ilfir nti purs tils darkest div of the jeir then wtu i eotid tnuiv complaints when thi electric turrent wjs turned off it ft 25 in the morn inf but thanks to mr lirruthcrs were profuse when it went on again it 3 25 in the iftirnoon after the lei storm on moncfay morning the rinds and sidewalks wne in erj tie itht rous condition dier tin novtrnbtr muting of thr- c hurchilt iidits an wis ht id it the hum of mrs john gnff the prist ntation of i bible was made to mrs ri ink fmimn nei utindn riff vvhiis mirrne was the first lo bt soli mnued in churchill unit ill thurch th iddress wis read bj miss fivj peirtn i imi house correspondence this rwedntsdivi morning tht thirmo mi iti stood it 10 hi low ero at 7 i m wt think it pretty told for a st irt professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in svinon block 43a mill st f acton office phone 7r residence 115 church sl e phone 150 i huildir ipi th dtfitit i ndn pirk he dares sa 1 1 ran hilh stho l s h id some difft ri n nuns pipilhm act judum b the sports i id is n iis dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river fntrince river stnet to bu ih r t i hti haiis itundiri hi b confirms assessment h oikv 11 m i t a ir t h gh the impi il o i i in compai1 wuhdriu i ijk tn another sptak tie ii iodl iv in oik c hl vvci k ll uibi from the acton de the foot i i ttim dental u th confid nnmc hilh inrl tht if iis hid plnti ii un with th cor s ml i dh s1 ihi ibsdluti 1 s ntlir annexation for tlilton miir nrvvt n iht mill i chimi ivn lt week w a he irid t on tt tht town of 572 irr s tni r lo vi h p hnd the hn int v i h id it t thursdn w tli ht doi inn delivered eirlv n the if i r noon ol all the hnd on when hil on cen rrml minor i tui ed i ncludid anil 1 s is bting dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours jam to c p m x ray tflfi hone 148 dr h leib dental burgeon offic corner mill and rndmtk struts office hours 9 a in to 6 p m tli fhhone 19 acton 1foal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary i office hours 100 am 1200 ajn too pm 5 00 pjn siturdiys by ippoinlment only office 11 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin hartered accountants succt ssors to jfnkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bidg 44 viclom st toronto fm 4 9131 gerald a candler f bartered accountant 105 mill st k ii ikopr actor etfrinarv ry at the b d young bvsc c l young dvm eterlnary surceona dffir briiokvill ontirn i hon mill n ltwr1 g oakes bv sc rlerinarian e ind lit d j armstrong dortor of hlropractle 6 john s n mlist rllanfou- the victor b rumley funeral home neral home healed ambulaoo i h n 30 niht or day strvini tht community for 4fi i ars cti i idt net 4 knox ave phone 130 united church of canada aeton ontario a friendla chlrch rev e a 1 urrey ba bd i miss o m lampard a t cm orcin si and choir leader blds nofmbfr 22rrl is 1000 i m suri t srh u t t dop r a d a t ii 00 a m mor j w p su jee thi puu rg god st albans church l n riv ralih f pnte ba bd i rtctir stda nft before advfnt nnvembtr 22rd i9il 100 i m hol commu un 1100 in chuch srh ol 3 1 00 a m beg rr f c a 11 00 a m morr r prajr a sermon 00 p rr ever ng pavt r a strmon ai tt come rel estate nd 1nsirance olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of piano studio tnited church thursday 14 park ave guelph phone 296 and wwti prrbg thr only poprr ver puhluhd in acfoa founded in 1r7s and published er thursday at s6 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bunu of circula tion the cka and the ontario quebec division of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pa jblt in advance 2 50 tn canada 3 50 in the united states ux months si 50 single copies 6c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu editor and publuhr business and editorial office telephone 174 rimns vu nought for t tiri h hearers u baptist church acton fro pas or 11 baatt ave wright real estate insurance f i wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 69 mjcdonnill si acion ont cui iph ont i hone 9a i hone 49i5w alnalora realtor insurer mtmber appraisal institute of cinada mimliers guelph ind district rtal estate board mi mbcrs guelph and dustnct insurance agents association w r bpnckfm presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rf robert h armstrong ma bj1- minister slnd novtmber 22rd 9a3 9 45 am church school hoc am d vine worship i 8 13 pmevenirg auxil arj fire st nday 10 00 i m b ble 11 00 a m 10 pm 206 november 22rd surdav schcn ca morr ng w hi even rg s v ce bpl real estate insurance phone 26 acton list our farms business or house with us we invite vou to use our faciliuss in securing vour propcrtj uoyd e anllrte rr no 6 guelph phone hespeler 701 salesman travellers guide gray coach lines towiifs lfaf acton hast hound im am b5d am 1133 am h pm t ok pm 633 pm ts2 n b9 58 pm wentboand 10 2 am iu pm 2 57 pjn pm it pm 9 12 pj 32 pm 1 12 am sun to klt- nr onlv t dul excrpt sunday and holl- w saturday sunday anj hfll ide a wirm welcome ana 15 large qiul ed c ev ng a 5 cent eaiher 1 red t r si p0 a pair r f bean general insvrencc s3 mill st acton phone 585 office hours 9 am- 3 pm i 30 p m 9 p jn canadian national railways standard tim eastbomd dai v 640 a m daily eacept sun dav 9 55 ajn 7 10 pm sundaj or v 8 16 pm da ly except sun- dav fiver at georgetown 0 03 an daily flyer at goreton 10j1 p m daily 1 28 ajn daily except sun- i day afl am 450 pm hantop 7 44 pm daily except saturday i and sunday 10pm saturday on ly u6 pm sunday only 9 43 ajn flaptop sunday only flyer t guelph 7 05 p m

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