the acton free press acton ontario 1hmimay januanv 3ut im always provided in outboyhood dy e recall the line loads of katdwood that kept farmers busy in the winter cutting and hauling into town for firewood we recall too the anxiety ovor what was going to keep out canadian winter wlndi when the buh lands wore depleted before this happened coal became a more popular fuel for heating homes and of course in due lime along came the es mate to forewarn that the worlds coal supply would only last a certain number of yoers at the present rate of consumption before the coal was exhausted however it was found that oil could bo delivered at a com petltlve price with coal and was much less trouble coal is still much used in heating but the nolle of loading and unloading coal is not as common now as the sight of the oil tank and the hose putting fuel into the homes garbage collec lion of ashos is much less than a few years ago matter of fact if your car skids for want of tree tlon in wmtor it s often difficult to locate an ash container to help you get on your way again thon ust as we think the ultimate in winter heating has been achieved and new oil wells are boinrytjcoveredsncuhe tulpipesl across the continent we learn that natural gas will come into competition as a means 10 heat our homes and industrial establishments another pipe line will bring this healing method into our buildings there won t even be an oil tank required 10 make the delivery of fuel v hen gas from western can ada is piped to eastern canada the other day as we saw a load ol hardwood being delivered in town the words of pack up our troubles came to us in relation 10 our fuel supply what s the use ol worrying it never was worthwhile equal pay for equal work it is quite likely that our members of parlia menl will be getting larger salaries for jjien who have the responsibilities of governing the domin inion of canada it is readily realized that ade quale salaries must be paid if the best type of members it to be secured we have no fault to find with the amounts suggested perhaps in the interests of economy and good government it might be ascertained if we need so many members of parliament we know the fuss that loss of seats and redistribution can stir up among the electors but couldn t we do with few er members and a smaller senate its a well known fact that many of our mem bers do not spend all the time in ottawa when parliament is in session some time ago a can adian magazine fold of the absentees for the member that attends his duties conscientiously the salaries rumored are not excessive but there ought to be a stipulation for both house of com mons and members of the senate that only those who give lull service receive full pay it goes in every other line of business and it ought to be applicable to the business of the country according to m the report of the magazine article referred to earlier some members of parlia ment are qettmg too much now for the service they render it s your money that pays the salaries of the absentees a well as those who do the work misinformation we got quite a kick last week out of a visit from a representative of one of the institutions which specialie in securing financial and other information about canadian business places wt have not in 25 years supplied any information to this institution beiause w are so tire d of fillmq out forms thai tht lav demands that we iisl tcm aside any inquiries v huh aren t compulsory the representative who tailed on us ihouqht we miqht likt to see what information was on file so we read it we found out that we bought the free press from our uncle and that we pur chased the canadian champion and after the pur chase changed the name to the milton reformer those two misstatements were an incentive to read on we found that our record of paymq ac counts was good but ust how this was aciomp lished is still a bit of a puzrle there was listed what we had suppostdly paid for both newspapers in acton and wilton and after 27 years of labor addmq new t quip ment and new buildings our net worth ai 000 less than our supposed original invest ment we were asked if thert should be any chanq es m the report on our business affairs we re quested that the reference to our unc le be dt leted and that the fact be noted that the canadian champion was still trie name of the paper being published m milton we also told the investiqator that we considered his estimate of ov worth well within bounds and po ted out th it apparentl the firm he represented d tin t haw a current price list on lmokpe mach nes automatf presses paper cutters and f equai ed assess tt c lands and buldinqs i ha i ton we are ius c m mi n n ii a ed about business a t as nai att as vw u und ours and what t se c id t ve be iaot s t information abe i adi i am jo i ing in every fofi v i h reai us o ot s uyt still are iniepnia n atxi a o t law dcar t coipt i o vxt hs ws ft an enouq o if e news i v if- v e pari aient -vs- t te loses s s pre n ccvies ie e it s x f t e real tvs ness o a w i ti are i it t si i i f i i t x w sfot to watch a touchdown htom isnt iti the good old days may have seemed better p noith e ait wm s outh back in 1904 om thr luaue of the iree pre thumday january 21 ibm mis i- s itiu bus opind a stun tin pninisis lulih inupiiri in back in 1934 building a young country canadians talk in a very general way about what new settlers contribute but here an some actual figures from the financial post these million people which have iome to canada since the war mean a potential market for some 250 000 houses 220 000 radios 100 000 passtnger cars 100 000 ret i iqeiators 200 000 washmq machines besidts all the food and clothes busy people can consume as well there s no doubt thai new settler have he i ptd lo kt t p canada s birthrate high hdlf of rhmi att in rht 0 yenis to jo years aqe hrackt k lh child irttsinq yt ars titt r s a much longer view as well at pre sent ratt s of natural irn reuse tli s onr million im nuqranls will tot il k o million xtr i vaiadnns by 1990 what they cons imt is only out s de of the story whaj they produce is equally important we could not have our rapid expansion without a large increase in the labor force and these people have provided it for us at the very time when low birthrates during the depression have reduced the number of teenagers in canada who would normally be joining the country s produc tue force thr lnsur of thr rrrr preaa of trom ihr ik op of the tree preaa ol ihurada january 18 1934 al uu iiniiuil mutiny nf arlrni rull ran nil n pints s uu fun of luj had in own mtrnfaful assts uu iilud at 4073113 ami lialulilks pliui ul 7 in tht nudi tors rioi i pi isnlnl fur lflu is j r itiluitsui v h hunil v vio pnsident second hi pnsid nl g w munav 1 kupmun hsnusmt council ixptndtd 5fl i iiiitiiik i in of 111 lounslup lhk l 1111 inlij nt r nl to h nruiiunm i lli horn i mi li 1 mo 7 lo t tropouu for ttin tn m ik n w m nmy lit mntn i ii tot on vlllimi t rln al tin iiiiltiiiitl mi unit of i mini il itn w i s 1 i iltli iniiili hi folluwiiik pi itia is kiiiiiiiiintlm or i ffortn l lirinil lln ni w dlmikt llili sdioiil tn ti allalloii fit ipilhlliun of n lions liik connlnitlion pitikhim fftn in t tstalillbli u iikitm viimltn ikmtt is iiuinii buimii ttfmlh lo intnlilliti n romblntd linuoi unit im r mini plun lo bpind up in 2tl in advirtls injj th vlllaki with nuik of mini strthl and pavinit urul uthlnk i chinch street a 1 hue ihm of htrm whnt could have betn a mlahap with fwjious const ui nci s riaiiltid in no mnrt than a utile ions of ateam at the onkvllle trafalgar hospital lectntly a minor explo sion tn th ihitkr the journal rt ports cut iff bieam in thi laundry and kitchen foi nvi r an hour no oik was fnjund only miiiil filnss shattered and plates tnil nur of the abuidoned calf itectnity tht onkville dlntnit hiimnne society shelur found btwtldtrrd calf on us hands somi ihidy uft the youiik uiilmnl in a parked truck ovcinikht the trucks ownir dihilaimed impiitihibllity for ihi alutttltiimd liovini and shiily officials took it in tow list w k ntw found a ikiiui with i hmii pat hi tic blranger vou- auditorium for school with n no provincial krant policy irjtiuililiiiitim span iriihtns in southwist li italnnr nomthelow b clitiiinans billot vold 1 tn add 3l0 tn th pxsnl st of in2ikm mid iali ih ndddfacili tls and ih intnis if m uidiloi nun in th n w mord n pnllii hit things in iturllnston hit tliuiks mi in vi w in hurhnii unlit sp 1 if tll pill sum im tusdav ik piipwd mi hinlitini tor th itus was disuss d with mr st km ol tin hidii ni d fnuu i turn v is takn 1 i ois aii nmjjtsmnj favorably t i iip iiiiii in iin o of th t 1 in 1 iihlu sihool linns diiiink lh isll i hlidis sid oi ndl indiirrlrv lo irnlun 111 townn oh my all hlkhlirhti f mnvo smilh s maiikinal addrtss drdleale new united hureh in modmti f ih unild t hinh in aniilii offlllated al th maikil uu offhial opinn of the liandmiiik in w iurl ni innn unit it c inuih in unit uiili llrr toll in irorietown uiiikilown had u heavy fire toll liintwuk uu lit laid n vials wh n n house and contints wire deatru id a barlur shop kiitttd and on in dusliial office bndly damaged in thm s puinti fins which brought fiurnn out in mtb iru wtather to batth the blan t eonomy la the word hioiiomy hums lo ht ihe by wnrl for oioikitown lonncll this yiui a i i in inauuiiral nitellng mayoi aimstiniik i x plained any coun nl inn mki a wonderful town with a lot of nioniy bill its our job it maki n liiltir town with as liilk mom as pnshihli two boys in accident two fit iirui low n lads will spen 1 a xpi 11 in luinpilal ns n result of ai udinla hokii silniflld 7 suffered a liiokin ut in a toixikknn accident tasl wk wtiih philip wade 13 in i ai hi v 1 imihap iiiffcretj corn pmnl fi n tin ii to uu rikht li k induslrul movement n rxtt him miiriuf it lurini i mil hav hi mul m il nt and sf i ip i ill ns lu im onto lnihhli suit tin mauai i if in w ilkiiu ill ind ch mica co plant it ml t ton announces pro ion should in kin in rt bunny milton hrirade speaks mhi is f milton fin urifcidr lu n d ouniil rmntly for i jh li ill p mil il out ttnl pinnl uh d t iioiatliik raiul id snpi i il i i ipist by lb in i i mi im in lu is k m is althmikh the sole beneficiaries professional directory and travellers guide mhh al hhtlnaky mml old lldllss f till modi i 1 th 1 ii 1 d inuih in i i iijil 11 pi 1 alii tl m or i i tutu- on isi us ait n his v isiis fnuu pi moore but not oflh ih in m f nil v i ntit nihl hi n that t is j stun for tht loc lis ps ih tuiiisl burli scpii r wiln ssil in alton le rtrpus bos could be hun lh itnii inlorn ud ih in rt im ti ins tint st slumil i n i u t 1 il ml t hu is 1 th uni p pi i lid th r 1 1 ph we dear a great deal ahou tht enormous ta revenue tlie qovernments derive from the sale of mtoncflting beveraqes unfortunately there it no vay of taliulatinq in dollars and centt what it costs qovernments at all levels to deal with those who drink intoxicating beverages broken homes traffic fatalities and usuries murders and broken hearts are tfunas that are hard to add m dollars and cents put thmt of the police duties the hos i a irh sober i o san tar urns and mental n stilto rht cost of collection of revenues and me loss of productive man power through exce- 1 ve dt nk nq that t com oi t of revenue add f i s tie ii or r a i se i n bus ness va s r t v a a ik o t i vl t that the h vi it ilk hi ik i t itih of th frll uint m dunnn was p n d siti rdiv nikht 1 m mipl ii niinullors th kmrs mil kimbli is l t n n v or coition gi r innb hiih iisulld n i scuit i f 1 to 1 uid 1 ihn hohirts n in not f ih 1 rrm r l uu first mtttirik of cl n pub gu iph is i nvi i mw spit ul lu siho 1 bnirtl for i1h ni inlwrs i ill tr un uid in iph p pit will p ism 1 i rtsohilion initr iclinc the n w m t tort to thu win pr iii 1 thit i f ts in johnstone in 1 co untlrmkrn in idincr or pupils in t j d im iln id it ndd fiv inmriu nud th pmilm of ittndihf mhi i silurdav last want ad page where old friends meet np at the or w g c kenncy ihitrlan and surfron off in in simim hloik a mill st r a ton offloe phone 78 rekldenee us hureh st f ihone 150 dr d a garrett rhjsiclan and surjeon tinier of willow and hler st fntrante rivi r stmt aclon ontario phone 238 r d young bvsc c i young d v m veterinary surgeon offin iliookmlh ontnilo ihoiu mill ii llttiril f g oakts bv sc veterinarian fin mid liisidiini 24 knox ave acton iliont 13u hiropractor itfntal offi dr a j buchanan denuu sarceon uishman jlock mill st hours flam lo 6 p m x kay thhiione 148 d j armstrong ikk tor of hlropractlc 6 john si n arlon lffal dr h leib denui surgeon offici corner mill and rrtdtnek struts offict hours flam to 0 pm tflfphone 19 acton mlh llantqtts pa a ci ae o j io it a st ve a a h d c a a clef ce the op f ef a t d s l se the iope fen t but we uense and icierai ne sa e of ntc cat ng beveraaes for the bene o t se od ce th sti t eit axtnu jurr t88 hr onli pnpe- ere pnhiuhd tn a rem t ndrd m 1f5 pjblnhed eetv thursdar t sl mil e crm oni member of the audit bureaj o cirula ihr c w a ind the ontarioquebec d vision of the v a drtlsln rate on rrquest subscriptions pav m advance c 50 in canada s3 50 tn the i n ted stain i month jl 50 uncle copies 6c authorized as second cass mai ptm of ce department ottawa c a chiti editor end pahluhe united church of canada acton ontario a frifndl church rer e a nrrey ba rd mm mir pirvomk 21 bower m ir phunt 0 mln o m lampard a t m oianim and t h r 1 ad r tn mm k 4 a th i ht tor thr baptist church acton lai h cotf a pa presbyterian church in canada knox iiircii acton rl rorfrt ii armstrong m r d mlnlater si ia jam ar 4 4 hi t j s st albans church i njhran hall h f pnrt b a bd victor rumley son funeral home funeral home heated ambubui- phone 10 nirht or day sirvinj th community for 46 iari olivf aa lampard atcm rmt teraeher of piano stodlo i nlted t hnreh tharadaji 14 park avf cuelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines oa iifs i taf afton fat hound r in it h yi a m 1113 i i i i n 1iik jm fi 13 p m x 3 i 1 vi pni hettmund c f leaiherland barrlater a kotlellor notary pnbu offn houri 1000 am 1200 am 1 00 pm 300 pm snturdiys by appointment only if fn 12 phone ria 151 acton lever hoskin hartered accoantanu buect ssors lo jfnkinh and hardy iw milropolltnn bldg 44 virtuna st toronto frn 4 9131 gerald a candler hartered accountant 1 nidiy t fndiy 7 0 pm urd i m vrt alfpfo j bishop t ertlflrd puhlle areounuru pt s inr s jnd- i p rr tn kh and hoi rt fstxtf and insl ran f wright ptal fstate an insurance 1 1 a h st m mir i 1 v hkht dunnll si lh orl ii- au w 1 tor kt r mil ml i inaarri m il h 1 ml u4l 1 n 1 dilru uulrt business and editorial office telephone 17 si ndal jam r inn t v r w 30 t ever r r iw tt bypl iiiiii 8 p t p re f i wed b eo f rv meit g b pm ah ha i all church hou d be pree- canadian national railways standard tine eaa4band ilhoim dai y exrep sui 1 w am 7 10 pm sunda s 16 p m da rxrrpi sun fi at geflrgefwr b oq 10 1 w p bractcfn n trfwt inraraaee phone 26 i ml use flattop urdaj dd v i 28 am daily dn ml im 650 pir aa p m daily except sat urd ard sundar b 10 pm saturday r 235 pm sunday only 9u a jo i flafslopi sunday only riyer a guelph 7 08 pm rn tiusinew aith uj we invite ou t farllitiei in leeiiring a purcha our property r h aahman p e m itfin lr2 r r 1 campbellville r f bean limited mletc tntlum serrleo 83 mix st acton phone 585