the acton free press acton ontario thursday january 21st 1954 farm news farm forums review prices marketing purchasing cooperatives questions farmers buy time at the b of m from haltons farm lands mac alexander heads halton jeney club beating the cost price sqiueze was tfat subject of prof ralph campbells address it tin annual meeting of tlu halton jirscy club held at the triifalitit mtmorirl hdll on tuesday of last w i k tlu n in two ways to meit tlu orisinl mui tion stated professor cimpbill wio is hind of lh rlpirlmint of ann cultural economics it th ontmo aci icultural coll i tmilv bv btttei mirkdini mil pius ml secondly by farm m inu ntnt in nrtsentinc tin outlook with in aid of tjnphs ht point d til lb il pni tidily ill conimiiditii i hi i berf attlr in tin cisi of bof cntth tlu icl in us from ii to h entll niniihi rs in rt u ill t mi tiih namely 94 nit lion hi 1 hojrs hoih on tin otlur hind no n ll htvi iboul i finu mi til h j in ii ki tines hit th lntli i m in 19 in ordtr l prim n hn ctnt flooi it was mcissiiv n cm some 9fi million pi und i o irk n low most of whiib h is 1 i n ii dosed of in txporl mirkils tinea hk- in dicimbu wi 1 i ii i inht ptr ant liigrui lb in i mi ilo miud tin sptoki i win pi idle led 1h it hofi prices should hi i nod toi hi first mm iiionh f lm dairy cattle or juni 1st inst sfitid prof t intpbill wi h id six pi r cent tnon da cattle in milk than 12 months previously and prospects poiixlo a lurthir increase of loin pit cinl in 9 whik oui nopuluioii nuicisi is around ivg pn ymi lb fluid milk consump ton on i pi i iiula basis has decline buu stocks he stated win up 25 on ducmbcr 1st cheese on tru othi r hand pn scnts a much bitter picluil ri terence was madi bv t i ti ikn to tlu sale of 10 million pounds ot cheese to gnat bril mi ind ilsolhit cheese stocks wi r 21 bi low i year ago tlu pictun in us hi stated is very simihi to that in camda then thiy hnvi tlu high ist ratio in hislorj of vouni inimals to milk cows a sicond way to bi it tlu cost prici suimzi is by taking id van tafii of the season il nidi xis in tlu can of beef cittl thi it an 3 more than normal on thi nnikel in october and novembt i tlu high prins com in june when mirkit inns an it their liwisl i bo si iti d tht genial prof bim muiajrement cutting costs ihi firm famih living cost i- i bout double whnt is was in 193 he stated on thi nthi i h ind tix u intinst rakf around iw per cent of tin iwi level in contmat to this inpment and nuiti rials are miiintl i2 or 211 of their 1935 b and farm wagt rites 476 farm labour varud from i2 to 20b mmiu or an uttaiii of a 4 muiuus when computtd on a yi ulv basis it means that ihi oni opcnloi vus spending 219 hours mon time in milkinr than his fi how operaloi h milling a simi lar mid herd undi i simil ir condi ions mdnl kf ti hi i in i ti ndin i mmid b vtc person il xpcr ound ww h i ti 4 hours pei djy i imll int i ti lor ih othi i d ii n ii s w ho wnuki brn fly knth of timi b ni bided piimdinl of the inidun itrs ittb club gio silcnv pnsidiiu of ihc ontanojii s club mil hub ainistnmt see n t u ol thi latin oiiniitnm ihi dietlon of officirs for 1954 iisulud is follows pnsidinl mic al x uidi i 1st viu pnsidmt wm m ilbnsloii 2nd i pnsidi nt st oilev mittbi ws seereldiy irensu- ii j t wliitdotk dinetors psiinsuik finld gi iham ken fl 1 1 fnd nurst nissi iweya dun i in moffit co hiwn nilson r i nest dimis w i- bntkon tra r iiktji h l fltat w h devlin r rin ind erimosa f n d moore dinttoi to tlu out irio jirse club j iek fi itherstone dr j rennle addresses ii ol stein breeders om hundred and forty halton llolstgiti b were in atlend inc of theannunl mnetink ochat- ion holstun club held it trafalgar on wednisdiy of list week dr j c rennu of the animal husbandry dcpirtmml it the ontario agricul tural collect was the special speak r for tlu occasion dr renme des cnbed t new reseirch project which was initnted in april 1953 at the oac peitaimn to dair cattle breeding with the iid of ibm midlines they can now measure the ibility of herd sires to trtnsmit type and production as well as de termine more accurately the chirac urs which hivi hentabilitv in the opinion of d s dunton nitional direetoi and othirs who spoke this niw work is tht mosl promising and forwiird step mlh ruation to dairy cittk breeding taken in many llruf r itsi idi b pn cimpbell to i timi study m idi b his departnunl on 42 dairy fimis with pirlicular i ft unci to b w long it takes to do chores i milking routine thcsi n vtali d i wuli variance for i x impli on tw firms both with the same num in if cows ind with similir bain h outs the one operator w ilked at 0 feet during his ehons pei diy while tiu second operitoi wall id 200 feet from a vearl stai d point tht first opentor walked 281 milis performing his chons and the snond operator 497 miles or in per fm mini his chores dunnj tlu ear ht w dkid 215 miles furthei lhan lb first opentor milker on too lonjc cluck wis ilso muli nlitivt to lb kngtli of tmu thi milking iiinhim was kfl on tin vinous tows this in tlu can it tin first opi ralin virud from in mm iiu or an ivenge of i minute it thi cisi of tin siconi operitoi it geo drennin holstein fuldman presented lifetime production eer tificites as follows harold bingham and ion i gold si il ci rtifcili for th it gr il cow kithariiu mi rci di s dutchiand that proitutid over 203 000 lbs of milk and oti hooo lbs rf making her thi sicond highi st lifetime product i of tht bned al the time she made hir last rtcord thi sumi brtidei id blui ail trtificati for mono it a piebi which cow to due his prudiitid 110917 lbs milk ind 527 lbs b f ashville farms i td i silvi r si il e rtificili on ashvilh mirmidikol lint has pioduied m 10 i ictalions ho 352 lbs milk ind 5719 lbs bf m dearldk i siti si il eirlifi i iti on km 1 ind ormsby idi il that in 12 laet ttions ins product d 150 401 lbs milk and 5415 bf r j mrjrhor estate i r il si 1 eirtifieiti on oltiw i p ibst duihi ss whuh tow in 0 inctitions produced llilwblbs milk ind 4441 lbs bi g i eslie peer and son iv rid s ils on ildlndil shuliy ki yi s whose ilk lim production to d iti in mm het itn ns is 109 776 lbs milk ind l7 lbs bt j bi ii and son i blm s il eirtifieiti on hntoi liminn sadk whose lifiltmi iirodoilion to dab is 13017 lbs milk and 4475 lbs b others who spoki bi n flj al ihi dinner follow inj thi introduction of head table gui sis by agricultural represintativi j f whiklock win f g stark riprisenting the mapli cittle breeders art btnnitt as socnte agrieultural rtpresentativt and llojd pickird of hays ltd nd ross sigsworth halton direelor on the nation il boird the election of officers ind directors for 1954 re suited as follows past presiilent vt w thompscjft president gordon sinclair 1st vice presidmt geoigc pelltttino 2nd vice president r c alexander sec retarv treasurer v j lawrence directors fsquesing f o hun tcr t h mcgee ind h c reid nassaaweya wm mahon and per cy kitching nelson fred bell g l pier ross segswarth trafalgar j c marshill w r tovell lloyd pickard ind w r royle cfjb to feature reps tht new ndio sti ion at bramp ion cfjbi which comes over the 1090 wni knfth has offered to pro vide a fiw minutts eich noon hour when tht agricultural representa lives of dufferm halton peel and ork will hive m opportunity to si nd a message over the air to the firm folk of their respective coun ties it is inlicipiud thit this new venture will lel under w t around februiry 1st whin pi ins hi been finally formulitid further details will be thus column tht farnui and industrial worki r int co opi i dt pi nd on tin h nihi r fin prospt i ily w an wi at llu pusmttimt faun pint s art iptiiliv k niij down fistii thin mdusliinl iiivfiim puns md this ihrnt ns tin st ibil hiek lint v tin whit lull i i did is si i vi d by the hallon at milton ind tiny ipplii s and othi i lo ds isq i till fm of thi in ana i to- uppl uls ulltll flu 111 i il v dii shuts m without nine to moth ns anil maki iilabli labor vis for l mil n band do in vt rifi in siiil lnb pin 111 md i ould 1m midi to ioup did nol in nth tnlki hiium tv ik of pubbiity ii itw night lluy ar squai dun i i ton junmi r in idently ml in te c to be k tin rd i itoi i i ll kljhs ii bilk thwlnl fii i ibh nis f qu hi t bj ibslnit alii aran strain rr 1 milton nied mnrketink nop lb si tond quistion isthm tin folio- ii i tin iikitm opi r to farm liioduets y s milk poultiy pin duels ind lit i f m u ki line to op ti pinrovi forum slites i need for ipernlni disposal of surplus monuments j markers cemetery lettering j quotakons by appointment j phone milton 158r32 on nil to nuh up wllh ixpi ndi lllll sm h fm m in e ssitie as f d ftlllll and s d h iv t ti bi paid for is thiy an i sd in mn iy casi s hill 1 may ttiki the fain i many in nibs lo i invt 1 ill m mlo imome r i hi isilf tin s is fami ar pi oh it m 1 it il s oft n i s l 111 s 1 in fot thi i mi i without too mi th nady t ish ispie illv will n b is find w ith i ii un mg t ists h nk mmtii i nan it tnabus him to pull through low incomi periods without having to nil down the stall tf operations and llu savings hi makes by pay ink eash fot goods mint than cover tht low inti rest thargts on the loan mi kuiwii too that he can arrange i pnvm nl by instatmtnts timed to m il h his piak mconii n riods ii i u n i mom v for tied fer till i i sm ot fm any olhtr ea st ntnl fiim i xtitiiditini tail in and diseuss llu in ilti r with gordon od i o in u i i f thi acton b of m you ii lind mt ndir is familiar with limn finaniiiil and lull do i w iv hunt potsibb u help you anil 1 1 un mbt i wh n von ask for a ii f m r ii m 1 in vmi an not isk iiil iv i ii its tht banks busi this undu ijani7ition e l buchner optometrist in acton every wednesday afternoon office at h mainprize barber shop hours 1 30 6 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 and bi i pioducers marketing bund sit up nndi i provincial kgis i ition to reuiu the sales of i cer tain farm nroduct lignyfonim rol ported in oui irea we have a hog producers nni kiting boird we should hive i ponlliv ind egg pro ducers maiktline boird also beef thi silis of griss sieds such as elovir ilfilfi ind timothy icquire i marketing boird set up under provincial hushllon to regulitc the salt of these farm products lastly lei i purchasing co operative lo serve as a retail store fur faim supphts and other goods pncticilly til groups felt a purchas just phone i 260r for expert drivers in mod em cabs to take you where you want to go j cabs are radio dispatched for efficient 24 hour service j acton taxi patricia ann beauty salon hair styliit au lines of beauty culture closed all day monday for appointment phone 341 81 mill st e acton metropolis a city of absorbing interest new york offers to visitors of all mclmahons a variety of activity and a host of sights to tee on this delight ful trip you have 3 full days and 4 nights m new york rout- 5215 of america including a visit to greenwich village and ohlnatown you have j your choke of several j other features that wttl make your trip both kv i foresting and empyabk adt yew ag for more dwc of h ow my ofw pfcomfr hw vocaft round trip fa from toroh1 9 memoes hotel too fot4htorm 2 fa reew harold wiles agent cecil a carr optometrist guelph b douglat si roys 128 delivery romurh ho tixi daily ptckup and delivery for royal city laundry and master cleaners also calls taken for tom and a henry 128 2 fine to central bos main be a main s wlllll 1 l 111- 1 i- 1 i i t it ii 1 i i lei- ll i t 1 i lioipi i- m l i k j i iv i ill bi i i h 0 i i i jll 1 ik il i i 1 i iii i v v i i i 11 n j let f i i iclch c s 111 ie iic tu lie jii i i mt nine t i t i il jt it ii iu- 1 1 liul i it i li i hie ll lurvl i o 1 uclh j ulc li it 11 ik bb1 toipiioiu compmt of uuum we started it 4 watch for our announcement next week about an exciting offer on a sensational array of brand name mer- merchandise with savings up to 50 for iga premium club members 4 lb family pkg asstd biscuits 12 in acton and weve got more for54 aylmer 28 oz tomatoes 2 for 37c ctark s 15 oz irish stew 23c habitant 26 oz pea soup 15c economy week in the meat department lean 2 lbs minced beef 59c lean rib boiling 2 lbs beef plate 39c 1 st william s two fruit 24 oz marmalade 25c sausage 75c poik sliced 2 lbs og ive golcf 16 02 cake mix 29c iga 16 01 peanut rutted 7sv liver 49c sfts premun 2 lbs bologna 49c st w 1 em s 24 oz red plum jam 25c s fis premium 2 lbs 1 franks loose 49c bu em by he baa 5 lb dag texas snowy whie florida oranges 39c cauliflower 29c flo- aa seed ess e loe poss ble p- ce r se 50 n hi grapefruit 8 for 39c pei potatoes 89c large tasty tempie oranges in stock its sensible to shop where your food dollars go farthestin acton its at ledgers iga mill st acton ontario 4- j- -i- 1 jj-