kt jutim sttt seventy ninth year no 41 acton ontario ihursday april 15th 1954 ten home print pegei six centi first teacher received 300 a year at brand new lorn school back in 1882 lome or lorn 7 thats tho- question since a letter was publish ej lot week in free press taking just why the spelling had changed ahhouah the inscription over the school ihelf reads lorn a book let uiu published in 1940 on the oc canton of the first old boys nnd old girls reunion and how did the former it u dents spell the name of th ir school lome the trim school house s s no 12 esq nosing township was completed in 1bh2 nnd was piobnbly named for the marquis of lornt yea lome who was the governor general of canada at thnl tim it was in 1880 that runl residents began to think of a school foi themselves a mile north of acton the acton villng school was expanding as it still is and lh lax burden seemed high to thi district farming fnmilus tht home of alex ijisbv whs the sitting for the fust meeting on a n w school but whthir a inrrn sk ndi knox girls meet has easter theme fllerby opened hei on r r in tin mondi acton for the i egulnr f tin daughttis of knox tig april 12 the first total tost of school on decinilm 2fi 1hh1 three trmt ecs wcr rjuh t leeted aiix ken ncdj liihlnn mcmillan and joseph lushv ivnald c inn auditor on sundaj albsins church i mariner the 6 mtc was purrlnudt fr it charus davidson for the site th total cost of the school land survcv died picket f i net finish ings furnltuienndwil was 1 w i 2ft the building of 32 000 bricks i cost 588 just a vear after th fust met ling on december 27 1882 a meeting was held in the mw whnol to plan for the human element pupils and a teacher miss anna ensti r brook was selected and awarded an annual sal nrv of 30fl among tht first pupils in those earlv vmrs was young dan johnston who appanntlv liked school he married miss eatci brook and nol likch i r k monrj at 300 a enr the first inspector was mr deac on lattr j m pms j a pan ridge and 1 skuei we have spar ev in 1k93 records show that busy earetnker recivcd 10 cent elav for his dutis at lorn scht 1899 was a low iar the teach satarj was down to 2fk and she m it had to ael as janitor too serv crs on the present teacher at ixirn good frirta school 101 loin as it ocms lu be be mtrkrd now i ho ccrlnrth omi th tij t li the debate shes mrs lome j lorn school is presently adminis icrvd in a school area board local board members arc r l davidson and v dotiu srctdnn is miss ruth fvans of georretown pi rhip the ra ep mr- of th school sioetion nulri hold pit o pnsidint norma wildh chnig with about 20 present easter was tht theme of tin inciting the devotional service insist d of versis from tht dibit on th fcastcr stdiy read by marga lit toth flinbcth jnny and betty urn june wnlkins lend the storj hi dogwood tret ns a symbol of tht cross 1iinir of funoiih paintings of pas sion witk wiii shown by mrs a ltuchanin is sht spoke to tht roup on tin mi ininu of taster nt st 20 questions was n jnul mis i dnnic distnbulid m ik l iht girls dab jiukil t t in mad for a bale for koitan i l hi idii n in japan plans n mad f m tht 0 iff d 1 lei ti be hld nxl vwek it mins named rubs clark s homi plans win also iiscussod foi n graduation si rv ic t th mn muting speedy turnout when the school bell rlnga meet youthful inhabitant leae little lime getting oat bat wed ncetuy morning mast have seen m new record art far speed for general exodus at acton public and high schools fire chief sam tennanl wllh alx brigade members palled a anrprlmi fire drill and it took only 60 seconds for z3 public school pupils to compl lely var ale the building their older colleagues 125 high school ttu denta required only si seconds to empty the building according to fire chief ten rtant theae lime are very rood elect 6 candler h and s president county rate is down acton contribution set at 13374 ind school as uelirik of the anglican churches mark palm sunday apt il i id 1 td mid lilt tl j w wolfe thinktti tin i erutiv foi its fin worl lb pns s s ii 1h norn nluu minul sentd its sink of officus omnm stliool vi ir and this ctpled in thi iiiltnbtis pr parku tondiutid tin din illali f tin obst rved hi tiada commui tric is corporali c m on sirce for ung poop was folkmid b breakfast in tniish hill i in 6hi wind siindu n nnnth the 11am mivici m 1 john s church rock w no 1 e tin re wis i good conjnj f palm sund- mii presidmt presldt nt c 1 t b noiikh fflcis iil nl imlli w wolf 2nd iloi mi ii inn in i 1inds mllii mi- n it r parker w mattorh t fliusman school i r mikown po th of tw pnsentative isltd ulllll llctll mis ind the e in aclon mall palm i m ere distributed to lhos 1 wished to irerntmbcr palm j hi indav and thi ctnt uf uil th someth pg tangible hoh wnk will be obs rd alban s wnih daily s l jshila puil i m nipmii d in t d d huiin rous i idings h m bill tint i spinkir tf ih mnm stindin kecuationil dirtctor nt 2 i i 1 ih lotnl of 13 374 20 to untv purposts of 3 nil was set tut sdny ml mii was st this li tais a tutol of 2 21 4h 174 21 1 ihi1 h2 i 111 17 id 1 mot i7174 4 hi 1110 21 r mntio 1 i7lj2i ii iiiiimi u 7 10 17 nil 7iii 211 111 1 2 2 1114 kiti 1 1 r 1 1 11 im7iiii2 r 41h1 72 1 i m 2m 7 j w18h nl iiiffiix ih irnfnldii township pny iikvtll paying 1271007 liibl of inll7d ihnihsiiunl in die ml lt b paid l tin county says many forget c in ymca y- mtns club of at ii 1111 ii2 1 11 1 12 7 itinnltt b n mis rh ita actons first flasher liqht is installed it llie corner of mill and i main slrpets the 50 pound siqnal flashing red ihree ways and amber loward mill easl is hi ki by l single guy wire and controlled from a motor box on a south east cornet pole on the ladde wayne kelly while kerwin mcphail grips ihe telephone pole itlim national instlluu foi thi blind building 1710 iiguhu 1110 s livid n aunv 7k musi hstl 1110 idi sit tt r uiiuinl bind f i d 11 u il f i ul b hi in s fallitik tin in 11ki7 ii d and paid off sir biukiiit d hit mill dtrhlor win uut briefly mr poml thrft biul tin illi lb s diptiiv h i man mai quilts on agenda of united wa good friday ihe office of this newspaper v ill be cloned tomorrow oood lrlda and remain closed bat urday in order that the staff ma enjoy the long wrek end th buililink iikiiiiut iliull iru il kin iinty nhiuld nnd i bulion lo llu 11 1 iititm apptal for s at million n of lb asm miik slid i lions plans up i lj miiiht n itnbuti n to ih fund which j itjil i nimiriiko pnvull d mnl ions i indorse poller ampalin at th toncluhioii or 111 llmus sinttd that of th poll ifymii llu grounds of isc i to ind gw ther ti h ol shin d b ki w ir lorn wr hii pli r s and w i be rlad ie m y nj utter wh n eeenil d leled children conduct mission band meet yourufster ronduc ed the tmtt ing nd suppl ed h procrim whrr the un ted church m wion band htkl its thankorfenng meetmj on fndn e rmnj in the church abou vi par n and fnei d a lcndd w th 10 children lak n iart lead np the mm on band men ber in their speeal even hr ere mrs mrcer mrs m simor mrs r ber and mr w watir abu to eh idren marched ir ih fihted candlts smjtmg i u bo it shine fvter wolfe k- reci a l on and th n da d smih the pn den an addr s of me nr n u i n r sen d n sk 1 ca led famih ch mi in y mc a he said you hould take t me lo ktp yuiilf spiritually fit physical filing drlalnly ha its place in th schiim of lift but one should bi d vt loped splriluully 41 well as physually to hove u wcll- rounded life ik gtrstumid wtuth r young folk of loduy were rc- nlvma tnouith christian tralulnn wes wolf ctiairmui of the i un nutiiik dimmiltie brought in tht shitt of offlcirs for th 1954 5 u ison tht following were unun mously kcld to office ed foot j 1 1 pridnl jack greer vie president w u klmcr smith ec- rttary duuu rokirs trtamrtr dill wilson servant at arm cliytun pi ire indutud the nw officers dill diiimjn prcmiited ed fkit itt with a presidents pin on behalf if thr iub jack crikhton on behalf of the i lub pnstnttd jack gretr with o tastprisiderit pin jack creer llinkd the xctuiivt of the elub who bad workid with him during the yi r mil all th club memtx rs for rheir splendid support durum th early part of i he iv ninjj a chincv auction was con due id w th charles kirkmsi act nt is auction cr a polnliim don ted by ifirry oturbcin was old under ih hammer lo the highctt bidd r bob ridhdil bveral rcpru were heard dur nik the evening special mntion from the club went to elmer smith projcts ihnrman for the fin work tu had done for ihe c ib this year he reported that the hudm i f r mnnt rnak nkvintsj outlined at the f rst of the yt ir bad bun mil he thanked all tl elub membtri for thtir food juj sta hoi over 200 masons from acton and the district gathered at walkei lodge monday night for the annual visit of the district deputy gait camper barbai grand master shown here left to right ore district secretary e p bob rld mlner fergus district deputy grand master m c watson fergus walker lodge worshipful master e s cooper pi vis ra al near 200 masons at walker lodge mv from 10 nembers if uj eem c to h i wais d d northern ontario mission described miss mae bro ks of hir rsvill f l th runl t if missim sp k a hi wing ptipus me link foi song in jie wor h j t u jlk n pakt i d ead the scripture d 1 z 11 fine i pra int w h tip h d rs closing session of nursery school j j sliw irt ask d ry smith i innmi nt mr smith out- linini th proc dur in th p ist ex pi ilnid it w is designed to be a les son in ntitnship but that for the i ist numb r of years th essays sub mittid followinu the msit indicated delimrik iu ditv nnd interest it wis surjj st d i wiser phn might be lo pick stud nts from first form high i x t sthtkil but council akreed with the rockwood orator is wellington winner eric hilts 11 yearold rockwood boy wis declared wellington coun ty winnr m thi elementary class at i ng closed inside this issue on id you build workshop assemble power marhtnrn then operate it lo prod ore custom woodwork orders without the us of onr res on pane three of this lsur thr trrr press tells thr stor of nisuiuru blind carpenter john ilrnrt amendment to act e tar iice hwd l rx town likely to revert to original 1597- acre annexation proposal b axed f gu at or is rip 1 f 1 i if pv left ard ttic i be cmnptp scesiuted t plar j f ir compe t on n ut ji c ub eree n r eteam sv jh on ro soccer league sesrc-t- dn xn club boosters anticip a drawing force of 10 to 25 plavei from towr and d c to man acton tem w a-x- da- bro jhr ca der who wa caid dse of v evenrg fcead table guct and b- eflv psxed h appecution of opporturilt to joi- he oder junior warden s toast snow brought thu fraternal ing o a close bn at e scheduled a cxali ar rg het ffbruit 23 pev jt irs ad eqje ng iowi p rep e entat es rr art ed a couse j d 1 ica ea d o- g nal 159 ace b d ad b i c 0 j propcxa i- i 566 jc e la er the tow- eoue t closed hat the las n nute edac ion n the snexai or b d had brer made necesssrr her iocs popul 1 15 th teclion si act has ow bee xati extert n ong to drop the seeks grant increase utton sub mittid t wmtworth council oppos nig the recentl introduced ban on cutting f christmas trees on county lots under a 30 ear agreement on th plinting of countv lots a zone for sier suptrwsis th m and chnsl i mas irees irt cut li thin th wood d pun rv leather ncl s n irgued ihit if this ban wre m vid ih m ne rclvd from trie ii would not be applied hi ft f supervision of the lou ntnt a hrki amount k be paid at th rd f th akremnl r v i rue prsidnl of the mil n akrcuituril suck l j asked n il nsidirati n of a j500 k in i ihit en ip this ir as p l- d l ih krint t f 300 the pre r i rnrri traf it r nted u ki ini i 2t addititn 1 had imi n i en in- mlir ln t rm- f ork d n h th ce nl grader n th e unri of th kttit the kr f 3k was appr wd t t bj rv n c c rgill w ap ntd t prate th tre planting achinr p rchased b the count ie s r ice assagauea rx lamed mr argill a aiimu em ne and funds received for the deration if the trt planter should be lpp against mr cargill fire lo f i liemlsed ft lit wing submission of ci rrmit let- reports reeve shannon bur tington asked that the road accounts be broken duwn in a more under sored by th canadian legion br inch 23 in ouelph last w fric chew for his topic de mocracy b gins with me tues day evening ap nl 6 he com peted against the rural district who is and von first place on wedn sday v rem april 7 he ti tr e 8 competed ramst j against guelph fity public schools and is derlarefl winner in the nuiitarv rlic for wellington coun ty lnc u he nl son of mr and mrs donald hilu main street ftockwood he has two sisters jon ind d nna and is a grade six pupil t th rkkuod illage school a i ivir f al kinds tf sports he u a fivunt with his school class mate ie that won t com and off his fnnds wish him con 1 s whin he again com- e ratoncal contest for ra the latter part of h is being held in kit- area farmer joins veter residents therri onlt one nw rnernjf of he free press veteran remd erj club tht week he a ovill johnone who has been mid- ert if h rrsirs on his farm just w ofact n off so t hii mun c pa bard of ced ha the ed mdef nttelt- u 1 a new sppl eatior the towrv has been board the presid n is pu time o at oris bv represe- t prettm ihecustom the fr pre 11 anx oo he preert m ts hat tie cher numbers clerk deans 0 pub llh of vri pointed out a monthly breakdown u adens from the towm arl rual forwarded to the dep of arr must be i liin k rg mav be called i w minth p iposa would swell actop pre e- 51 acrei o 21 u acres popu ati r of the own s a prar ap prox ma e t 2900 m hon w j a populauor of 2400 has now wmr be ed by 800 acres of area h le george- idied bv hetown w th a population of 3 400 off cers ag has over 900 acres highway and is available for eds information the monthly breakdown is to be submitted to the meetings f cowan in presenting the ac count for insurance premrums on municipal liability pointed to an in i continued on page jemj ny more uusn have heard from tr yoei or someone you have bren living 50 years or mor n oe boep please drop in wr te or phone us we r interested n knowmj if you r a teteran- res i dent and our readers are mer ested to know