Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1954, p. 6

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 15th 1m4 slid photo one of 225 farm ponds dotting halton county is located on the j c bell and son farm at r r 1 burlington the gutley was bulldozed out and the dam constructed for a cost of about 200 00 a trough will be provided from the pond to supply the cattle on the back of the bell farm a bypass is provided so the temporary streams that feed the pond will not damage the dam in spring floods farm ponds take important place in modern farming witer supph on firms in south ern ontario is obtained from wells streams springs ponds and cisterns with the mechanization of farm operations the improvements in sanitation and with larger and bit ter herds there is an increased de mnnd for waur bupplies on the othei hand an diminishing shal low wells oftin git their supply from perched water tables which art rapidl disappearing and ire not likels to be re established deep wells and some shallow wells draw water from the permanent level of underground water this in mam regions hs lowered considerably streams springs and ponds are drv lng up or are being filled in parti v through mismanagement but largely from the gradual change in the phys features of the land which bocs along wihtthe change inland use against this increased demand and diminished supply can be bal need one outstanding natural feat ure namely that southern ontario receives on ute average 30 inches or more of rainfall tn a jear al though there is often a lack of rain fall in the summer months there is an ample supply in winter and spring the need therefore is to store some of this spring runoff by proper land use in the earth itself and thus increase the ground water mpplv and maintain summer flow in streams and springs farm ponds are directlj connect ed w ith soil conservation the study of soil erosion in southern ontario reveals that the most important single rcmodv for arresting this in sidtous process in the establishing ir od sod cover this in turn would prov idt a considerable n crease of grazing 1 ind one of the biggest obstacles to establishing im proved pasture on eroding land is thi lack of watering places for herds properlv managed springs strtams and natural ponds give the cheapest and most reliable supplv oi witir small ponds offer the best form of management and provide reservoirs in lime of drought the hazard of fire is becoming in creasinglv important with higher costs of buildings and equipment much is beinr done for fire protec tion b better organization and equipment but firefighting appar atus roquiros ample supplies of- water from which it can draw wells in mam instances are inadequate for pumps natural supplies are not dependable and often remote from buildings therefore well built ponds favorably located are much better sources for this purpose mam farmers know that good facilities for recreation are neees sarv to make farm life attractive to hired help and to their own child ren water especially for swim ming and skating fishing and boat ing can be thi focus of recreational activities there is increasing in ttrtst in ponds for this purpose const rvation aims at the creation of a balance between all living things including wildlife population such as musk rats for commencal ex ploitation game for hunting fish for inkling and certain species of b rd and mammals for control cf pests thesi purposes can be served b farm ponds or bv well managed mtural streirns and in some in stances thev nn be suitible for a combination of usts recent spells of drought have created interest in irrigation ponds cm strve a useful purpose in this regard either bv preservation of pastun or protecting a valuable cash crop for example a halfacre pond of average depth of 4 feet con tains 24 acre inches of water enough to cover a 12acre field with two inches of water throughout much of south central ontario there were in 1949 four weeks dur ing june and july in which there nn rai a all popivri it which at least two inches could be expected as the average fall con venientlv located a pond of the above size could be used to take up this slack it is generalk believed that any measures to hold water on the land would improve ground water levels and summer flow m streams as well as mitigate flood conditions on rivers it would take a good manv ponds to affect a measurable im provement m this regard but in view of the manv other advantages in controlling surface flow of water it is not too much to hope that small ponds might become numerous enough to improve the whole situa tion materially f agriculture punphlm ashgrovc balllnafad omagh pa lermo and lime house on the sub ject steps to good grooming with bernice wilson shirlev mack man lyn irwin marv pope and kathleen ktrkpa trick respectively as com mentators helen brucxcr and barbara mar tin of the hornbv club demonstrated making thi most of our clothes as did audixv feat hers tone and glcnna rose of nelson skits on the subject would you be well dress ed were presented bj nil mem bers of the lowvillc and norva clubs during thi afternoon mrs j i fllirbv of aclon dimnct president of women s institutes in halton cuuntj brought greuinjs from the organi7ition and insisted mrs bnri stioni in distributing c ilificatts thost rec iving cerliticitis of achcv invent f r the list two 4 11 homemiking club units win mir giiiriu cinnons fvchn mcdonald marjorn mcdomld alio wilkin son of acton jtmauxind i min lvn bams min in bird barb in cunninghim viltnt nurse freda mn slull b mice wilson ind manlvn wr rltsworth t f ashgroi ht it n brucker shirh v dnwns rartmiri martin ind audrtj pea cock of hornbv arliane mcarthur of iowvile audrev realherstone i joan mccarron joan mccav and helen vivian of nikon marilyn cleave and jean mclaughlin of norval ruth robertson of omagh christine taj lor of palermo dor othv and kathleen kirkpatrick of limehouse countv honors for six units com pleted were received bj frcdamae stull shirlev downs and joan mc carron and the highest achievement of provincial honors for m units went to marihn barms marion bird bar ban cunningham bernice wilson and kathleen kirkpatrick the dav was brought to a happy closing with the presentation to tach number in atundinct of a silver spoon in tht first low pattern ind to ich lc idtr and ishistint a hit o hvicinlhs 111 liitir having nude i colorful displ icross tht stigi thi lttkhout thi daj tht nil 4h club project for girls tht girden club is alrtadv under wav the leaders training school having been held last month seeds for this were distributed at the achievement day and meetings will begin in the near future inter count drama festival outstanding success the war memorial hall ontario fife drum band planned by lol at the last meeting of slewarl lown 10 l 68 a good turnout jf members welcomed visiting deleg ations from acton headed by county masttr jack fox and w bro a moore master of lo l 467 and milton headed by distr t master ernie wilson members from georgettwn i ol were al o pri sent w bro fox slated that thi county hid made great strides last voir andisked that each lodge tr thi e irh mi mix r get another s lem i ol 68 hopes to havi a fit and drum bit d n the near future pin ireilnndv underwav fir in stalling electricitj in the hill and fir redn riling the oxter or of h bu id ng agiitultmal college guclph was sc ni of thi fust inti r countv jun in f unit i i inn festival on fri div twmnj f list week the coiititus of hallon peel waterloo ind willmgton wtre represented and thi largi ludiinct received a n il tieat in drama hilton juniors were represented bv tht milton juniors who present ed their pliv the legend which won tht iwird it tht halton junior farmer dnnin fistival held at oak v ill a few weeks ato tin mi uibers of the cist mmely durothv course simla henderson getirge clements dick course and their director mrs charles mc arthur or the milton high school stiff emit in fur i good dial of ci mmintiition for thur choice of pliv ind gtntral performance from tlu idjiidicitoi albert state vice pi sidtnt of thi himilton players cuild while tht t p iwird wtnl to the mnvbi junior r irnu rs of wcl lineton cumlv fir tht ir presmti tion of tht vilnnt tht halton en ir it ct itd honorable mention i r in otlur w irds jot second place in tni strong competition sheila henderson best actress the award for tht best actress wml to she ill hindtrsm of horn bv w ho thei t hv it mated her triumph il tin hilton ftstival keith dickson of wellington coun tv r ctived the btst actor award strong county committee forum must clifford waite tells meeting renewed spirit of interest and enthusiasm was evidenced when the provincial annual meeting of the farm radio forum was held in the royal york hotel toronto april 7 wellington sutton peterborough county acted as chairman and in presenting his annual report for the 14 annual meeting urged all to feel fret to discuss problems and decide policy for ttie coming year this he said is your meeting and the combined individual assistance is onlv nuans of mnking it a success he staled the farm forum movi tin nt in ontario is tht educational aim of the fedt ration of agricul tun nnd the firm forum reports htlp snipe thi policj of the redera tion if agriculturi thus along with thi decline m farm prices then nt ti was i treater need for runl people to get together and dis cuss tin ir probh ms keep constint lv in mind that the farm forum has in inert ismg vitil rolt to plij in tomorii w s conimunltv he pointed out in nit lusiou in tht it port of thi provincial sicntii chffoid wnti i note of sidness wis sensed this was h final n pi rl is secretary due to the fict he is hiving to pursue graduate studv at emmanuel colli ge he clnimed his two years association with farm forums had been richly n warding in human relationships in thit time he came to realize what i vvondtrful instrument farm forum provides for promoting neighbor mss crtitmg community spirit dc vt loping human personality and bulletin in ilnculturnl industry in which thoughtful nun and women ktip informed so thiy may more ablv tiki their responsibility in buildinf i bittir c imdi this vnr tht province reports 46 less forums than last albeit better quilitv forums spending less time on i uchri ind giving tr u con sidtntion to farm problems local forums ire tikint a grtattr inteust thin ivtr before in adult education ind opus of i natumil ind inter ntu nturt tot il provincnl membership this vnr is 7h nnd tin ti til of mem borjhip ins n cei ed 16 565 90 manv forum people nahzl that educition is often a slow process but hivi not givtn up futh in its tffectivineis mr wide recalled tl it i futhful forum member who in bad health continued to taka part in the discussion said these words before he passed away i may not live long enough to sec very much change in the farming set up but my son and all his young friends around us will reap the benefit of the movement toward a better deal for farmers in the future which we r men have helped to sponsor through forum activities leadership forums the seison ldw 54 has seen many niw tit tlopmt nts by which rural people stind to benefit two of thise an the close integration of the folk school program with farm forums nnd the ontario rural lead trslup forums nine leadership forums were in id in tht past sea n mid it is mtieipited that many muti will be hi id ntt fall and win ti i a tn mind his imount of good will ixisls in this province toward firm ndio forum this great pro ntn of rural urban understanding is ni idi possible be ciuse so many local foiums an becoming public rilitmns conscious ind are inviting special guests with whom to sit down ind discuss mutual problems need strong committee ht stressed tht necessity of a strong count committee as one of the biggest needs in our farm for um movement we shall never have vinlt forums in the province with out imigimtive and vigorous county committees properly financed and with an ictive program workjng m close cooperation with the coun s tv fediritulh of agriculture all ireed that i great deal more can bt done in getting facts perti in nt ti iiriciilturt before people and stimulating each othi r to study ind iclion thit will i nrich firm ut ing th it is thi chillt nt thit faces ill of us tin finn forum movement in the firnui s mivemiiil mri it is only is mihi is m u mil i in iki it trout for paris france is to enjoy ontario lake trout raised there from eggs ship ped from the ontario department of lands ind forests hatchery here some 8000 eed lake trout efj have been fliwn to paris ar riving in good condition the eggs were in a french hatchery 3 hours after reaching the capital farm news from haltons farm lands hsltmis 1954 4 h oub applications are still arriving at the ontario department of agricul lure office in milton from rural voung people between the ages of is and 21 who wish to join one or mure of the six 4h clubs being of ft red tn halton countv this vear there is still time to ipplv and for the convenience of an one who didn t receive an application form in the mail one has been placed in this weeks paptt new numbers an idwavs wilconu h calf lnb three calf i lubs w ill b organized bkain this vear which will icctim moditi mi mb rs w ith in dairv dual purpose or beef brefd the 4h holsttm cnlf club w 111 m mt nitver m 1912 jiirf 40 in vis h ut i the largest chit in rtonl vears this club is made ui tns md fcirls wht use s rikts born be- tweti e t timber 1st and ivcenitw r j il 11s3 ir j m r eilvts u rn be iwitn jat ir 1 and m il tl lm jun r and smi cil ir shown in mpirsti classts an 1 ttit croni svsi m i j irti m 11 l sd akim thus mi thai is i elves an divid ed int thrii en ups si numbers reci vt a i si sts n 1 ir third prize in tht sh w nnship sectitn mem bt rs if thr hi isletn club are dlvid ed nti tw ni ips icvoniing to agts p t is ir j ni rs 16 t j art m nit s ri i thi sap t p sur i j idkinc s usis1 the t i mse v jcrscv rshire t tut is r i1 i f mi n tn rs using juni r t sn r calves of tbesr thrvr- br d thi d fft ml t an c nsd s paratt li on lipi b all mmhts w ll particiruli n th 5hw min f c together thi agts of calves used in the berf and dunl i rjvst t lut d tttrs wnn hal fr li th se istd in thr dairv club th c jut raves t tht st i vi mav 1st and should be hornless now the various breeds in this club will be scored separately ex cept the steers which will all show togi ther regardless of breed or age achievement dav tor the three calf clubs will be held on the sat urdav of milton fair 4h grata clab since the original announcement of this club thi halton soil and cnn improvement association has decided to pav for two bushels of reg larain oils for each member if tht 19m grain club pavmenl howtvtr will not be made until the number satisfactorilv completes the project which consists of growing one acrt of oats keeping cost re cords luendmg meetings and ex hibiting i jxck t f nats at the chirvrn i nt pav w hich w ill hkelv t ht id in conjuncti n with the seed hrnm spr h snine hob t undi rstand v rv ft w appl ca t ns h v itin reciived for the s e m tit t mject the price of 1 its n hiih b it tht r an p gs av a 1 it i and asmsiinee ill n c ven to organlaatlmi meeuag the organization meeting for all three calf clubs and the grain cub will be held in the court house milton on tuesdav april 20th at 8 00 pm should an of ur readers have voung peoplt at home within the ages mentioned and who have not alreadv submitted their names to the agricultural office milton an application f rm will be found i ke w ht re in this issut f r those w ho an interisted hallon county achievement day april 3rd hilt n countv 4 h homemaking clubs bn ught thi ir winter season i a grind chn ix n saturdav pnl 3rd whm tht v hi id their chnvtnitnl dav in the town hall n milun seventv fhe girls ihr ukh tht w intt r months have imin w rking on the project bung 11 d ssed and well groomed ind i n sat irdav came in from all t th ct univ to dtmonstrate vhi th had 1 o atry before you buy drivi ford before you buy any car drive ford and youll be convinced ihi iimp mis curs ist 1st s n n r mmhii i i oictn h- lls wuh tr if mc a d fhrrnt aee i mil ms 1 vt 1 r 1 1 ryarv k 1w slst f ih q inl n i c ass t si n nt si h ih lirt rti ii i c tvorv n n r h w sh ti p irehasr tvt o ln1 ih thi insh p f mrs hit h n it ind a barr w f r mabi 1 b risir m c mn home this inti n nt r jeei the forma fnmmisi f the d j irtmenl of ti n h s u h tins on w h ther cr c lit t th i roitt b kan at ihi iiii tin numbers are own th rt rn lit w h th in r ivailitli pks used in the project d ctun cl itvs ind tht r leaders sh uld tn bt rn after march 1st so and thtn the ic tie c- mmi need thi v tan st m n the nnd r sx firh m rt bt r u ixuired t p t m nths i s j h oi n sh ws pan i sanpli f darn ng froi lhs fin if th tl b is 1 rncd the niat sis prov did ind ti judge a cheirnt ilav wl bt he d at diss i ihl c 1 n s ps and a u- george ew n fa r dr sj pind thr latti r w as q utt 4h tnrter c1b a trea tor cl b me mtn s for the th mitt n j mior farmers are h mc fti n niis acted as n dt ls in iv ns nc thi 4h tractor maintrn tht parade and t th giru in e b thi i ar f r iirmbers 14 p 1 if rr r i tht r clothing t v a s t a thi h tnen g hir n hs rtc n lb r s p ilar cubs m 1 l al tiixil the tustlctl wkr ivrnt nars and f r 1954 wiu be ev t rid w h n the cl b prov ded itu snfinsil rirnrsfnm the anas p c inl wen critici ed bv c v d v thi v lvn and brook 1 nc h n ecm r- ts miss 11 j r r fri r ci us mem 1 ti n t grev d ff n and her uvd n n juni r farier w i imon counties miss f orence rs plans r the dokini fss s and limm n vrhtrvemem da are incomplt te tt m mar r m c ev rf h t v i r an cne nee ring f icldn in t rt 11 i 1 m ut n nihlv imi fb t we i pn pared bi acton rs i i i ea prac ca i rhvtlnkv n wh get behind the wheel 3iid feel thai smooth responsive 8 peiwer delivered b the finest most etluitnt x eneinc ever to power a rord sit hack anil enjov lords safer softer nde with that steadv roid hugging hicctr feel relax in the deep d wn comtort ot lord s big spkious foam rubber sens the prktvi1 luvur of fords pcrfcvtlv plmned interiors i vperiencc new relaxinc ease with i ril s misicrcimde power slccnnc vwilt ure piwcr brjtes and 1 inu us r- evrdomit il irnc f th tnl f orbehind the wheel and mu ii he vonvmicd that jrord is reallv c anada s worth me re ear because vou ii have driver s scat proof that lord out performs all other cars m lis held ou ii sec why k power is the oni kind o power that spells atui t ir todav and tomorrow compare hird fcnlurc hy feature wuh in other cir in its field and ou ii make lord nur choice your ford dealer invites tu to prove r ord on the road drop in to his showroom and sec the new ford then lake it out on the roid ft r v lursclf or pick up the phone ind arrange wuh j ur dealer to bring a f rd t our do r drive i ord and find out whj only a v i n up to dh worth more when you buy it worth more when you se it your ford dealer invites you to plolrc fiutid w lft hunu thompson motors phone 69 fordmonarch dealer acton ontario look for the js sign of value when you iuy used car see your ford dealer

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