thursday april 15th ism theae u the ubtl youll need far wlnoajunami e d sutths pure bananas goiden ripe extra special 2 lbs 25c cuban pineapple florida tomatoes fresh corn 29c 19c fjnc qual h j lor jjc florida celery 2 for 25c asparagus large spears from caiifornia 23c lb air conditioning units for oil firing i durcia na a ip c a brothers hec furnace ncween va f d jjv 3u vo j ma i far ous care bohers ee 3 range io c na ee i today bu he cafe os fvmace os jj ed c your needs then you nave u tl de eftf 31 lj to wie clare brothers l ted preston or and te l em wha ou i ke des abci your cve brothers furnace h ou letter s the bes rece ved vou v ll v n a rew clare b others 30 ranqe gas c e ec 1 absolute tree this is an unusual contest because there t a seoarae prre tor every provmce m canada 2 vou compete only th those people who have bouaht a care brothers hecla furnace between now and juu 31st n your province so t you do need a new furnace be v tn f n hramf with your purchase a new range absolute free rw hardware phone 16 collect rockwood hit noma might be green he is a lmk m the human chom of bands and bratm that magically hew and shape a rough raw log into the thou sands of products we use every day canodo growj strong through the ehorts of men like him and it 11 for these men that the modern consumer frnonce mduihy emsh for as green helps build conada through the 10b he does and the family he rotses often he too need help money help to face emergencies or to capi talize on opportunity ff ttiot household rinonce pro- vides to help solve the money problems of hundreds of thousands of people moncr whim you mud it i0useh0ld finance oyatt erf umms lamest am most i r- hark hi t ir m t j ui rr sr k4 s irwj i 1 krr pa f met irl ffir ipit 1 tic nakai hnr rd c sasbfatmris cloth r rid rthf da ck fc a ciock and ur fit is r r ta 1 i th ut- that -r- re i r did fc i rk com r -or- iiar 300 docor wf bu none ha mrajftd 1 ihi happens