Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1954, p. 5

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thursday hay sth 1904 the acton free press acton ontario page five wanted an experienced engineer tohandl all municipal engineering axcluilve of hydro for the combined municipalities of acton georgetown and milton applicant must be prepared to reside in one of the three municipalities please state qualifications past experience age and salary expected tenders to be addressed to j mfbeachie clerk of the town of acton and must be received by 12 noon friday may 21st 1954 ur xmoit outfutvn fine wool sweaters nylons in new spring shades blouses nylon or cotton purses gloves hats- smart spring frocks skirts suits linens sheets table cloths lovely lingerie a g to rhoose fr family outfitters community mourns late david jestin sincere sympathy of the com munity b extended to mrs david jestin and arthur in the law of husband and father on easter sunday several from here attended the monarch cooking school in erin last week and enjoyed it immense ly miss helen flewelling of fergus spent easter week with mr and mrs ken wevtlls and runny mr and mrs charles chamberlain and boya of bel wood visited sunday ot the same home miss shirley stauffor of elora visited hut week with her friend miss ruth awrey mr and mrs jack moeachern pent the week end in guclph with the latter s parents mr and mrs robert king the many friends of mrs george wilson jeanne mceachcrn were sorry to hear of her serious illness in guelph general hospital and all wish her a complete and speedy recovery mr and mrs clarence mcpher son of grand valley visited sun day with the formers mother at the home of mrs david jestin mr and mrs morris cook of toronto visited recently with the formers parents mr and mrs norman cook marian and nor man huxley of hillsburgh spent a couple of days last week at the same home recent visitors with mr and mrs earl hooper were mr end mrs ed cuppage and girls of or illis mrs mearl mogauley and lucille and jim mcgauley of col lingwood mr and mrs russell watson and lois and bob tmcgowand of gait visited relatives here last weejt try a new look give your home added beauty nd value by refiniihing walls and woodwork youll b surpris- rfjt hit ttconnmlfal way wi satisfaction guaranteed phone 460 acton meet your material requirement and at the same time give you si i hone f the res ik y vr free holiday for some lucky boy or girl this summer at camp pinecrest some boy or girl from acton and district age 8 to 16 years will win a free allexpense paid summer camp vacation this year heres all there is to it contest is run on a popularity vote system each label from an i ga food product counts as a vote the name of the boy or oirl appear ing on the most number of label bacxs wins the contest labels can be solicited by each boy or girl in the contest or placed in a bauot box at ledgers i g a by others wishing to vote for them stout tfav lome scots ball annual gala event the annual ball of the lome scots peel dufefrin and- ha hon regiment sergeants which was held last saturday evening in the armories on chapel st brampton was one long to be remembered the committee responsible for the gala affair was composed of the president of the mess csm card of oakvllle csm chester cs m barr cqmls littleton serg eant brazer and hon member j donaldson of brampton the armories was attractively decorated for the occasion with a profusion of flowers the tables around the room where the dif ft rent parties congregated were decorated with bouquets of rosea and babys breath the band stand wih surrounded wjth large varieg atcd potted plants and palms streamers and noisemakers made the party festive lt col john barber and mr barber led the grand march fol lowed by rsm ching and mrs ching and c sm william card mot mrs card of oakville at the con elusion of the grand march csm card presented flowers to mrs barber and mf ching set rob ert ritchie who is leaving for california 4o reside received j gift and cqms sid hoblyn also received recognition for his scr vices companies of the ijorne scots op d and ih were represented from owkville port credit or angeville milton acton and pipe bands were also in attendance to collect ballots contest closing date will be announced later enter your name at ledgers if you wish to take part in the contest vote standing will be posted once a week in the store remember this holiday including fees expenses and transporta tion is all free ledgers t57s wiu tvbf provide pocket money i ledgers iga mrs a diamond elected president mrs carl cargill was hostess for the annual meeting of the nassa gaweya women s institute reports for the year were given showing a successful year of social and business activities a donation to the police depart ment for the purpose of planting trees at hal ton centennial manor was authorized a donation to a family bereft of their home through fire was also approved it was decided thai members ould dress dolls and bring them to the june meeting these dolls ore to be sent on to the canadian national exhibition women s div ision the dolls being retained and given to little girls mrs rinehart conducted the el faction of ohioere withthefoi low ing ladies being elected president mrs a diamond first vice presid ent mrs a frank second vice- president mrs c caielll secret arytressurer mrs mac anderson district director mrs m mahon auditors mrs m moffat mrs b young pianist mrs m anderson assistant pianist mrs w fraser press reporter mrs m mahon resolutions convener mrs f rine hart flower convener mrs h wilson hospitalization secretary mrs f rinehart mrs a diamond thanked the ladies for their past support and asked for their continued cooper ation as the begin their m w year if commumtj aetirties and ft how ship the hastes and luncl l imm tut served t dainu lunih and soc al half h iur followed we are on the homestretch now and an anxiously crossing off the days until we arc free from the tor turc of education we regret that we art not at university as the studtnts there complete their courses before we do it is very hard to concentrate on school subjects some think about the coming week end or think back to the lost weekend while others think about the fast approaching holidays at which time we will for get all we wire taught during the past year i if wt haven t forgotten it alread wc still have exams to look forward to but the fortunate ones who have exemptions in june will not huvt to write some of them tht school rings and pins which wire ordered by the studtnt coun cil arrived last wetk and were dis tnbutcd to those who ordered them on tuesday afternoon we had an assembly in the public school the speaker was lieutenant commander ross of the royal canadian navy who stressed the importance of stay ing in school and planning your career he remarked that it took five years to make a sailor but he must receive his education at school first he told of the importance of the navy and showed two films one entitled a man s life showed the procedure followed when a man joins the navy the second in line of dutv was based on naval action in the recent korean war frank bean new noga soheel on the eastern limits of town a long low brick building ts taking shape namely acton s new high school the other day i visited the structure and found the work well under way it is really much larger than you think as all seven class rooms are quite capable of holding a rather large class walls are now being plastered and floors cemented so you see work is progressing favorably one of tht class rooms is a shop this room is something acton high school has not possessed although the boys have been taking the sub ject in milton the past few years mrs hess present commercial county music festival now underway in milton first winners announced winners in opening classes of the s roberts leaves area after 20 years j george the new 17 rtohcro going to town high school to teach home economics in their new class room the acton girls will be transported there to get their instructions in the subject the other class rooms are all built upon similar lines long and fairly they seem cheerful al ready even with naked ceilings they are quitt bright as there are great expansive windows starting from about waist height and clear to tht ct iling there are a uv smaller rooms in eluding tht nffici and the teachers rooms these are also bright flood ed with sunlight the lavatonts arc much larger than the old cubbv holts w have ht old building ties hivi bet t plinnttl aloiif tht umi lints as hum al hit in v public school tht boilti room houses i nr ij furnnct ind manj more pieces of ictiiptnnt i know nothing about l ks us f v 1 hiw mough heat tins has in t n i sht n ski tth or the w sthiul whicl w ii occupy nt xt if work prujnssts favorably hich up hup it does neil bcnti lesmcshmfo youul never know how the human voce can change until you hear a woman quit na6ging her husband to answer the phone hal ton music festival which com menced yesterday in milton were available for publication this week and follow the music festival be ing held yesterday today and to morrow may 5 6 and 7 in knox presbyterian church milton is the 23rd to be held in hal ton county township festivals were held dur ing april with the winners proceed ing to further competition this week trafalgar festival was held tn lome skuce school the nelson festival in lowville united church esqucslng festival in st johns memorial hall and nassagaucya festival in brook lie hail cups and shields art awarded at it close of etch class omp boinj tsented by their donors r born hold is in charge of tht presentation mtdnls and trophies f ill owing are thi results available t datt rural jrls solo seven years and under donnn rennick duffenn 85 mary jean conlson limestone 84 ruth coles bannock burn 83 rural bovs solo seven ycarh and under billie robertson kelso 83 gerald thompson ashgrove 81 brian vuian nelson 80 choir school enrolment 29 pupils and under cup mccurdysbl shield cedar springs 80 rural solo girls nine and under cathleen sosnowski patricia 85 jean hunttr pincgrove 81 diane hilson kelso 81 rural solo boys nine and under john martin zimmerman 84 wayne shillum palermo 83 chris can ham 81 obituary dies easter sunday at orton residence one of the best known residents of east garafraxa david jestin passed away at his home in orton on easter sunday april 18 al though in poor health for some time his death came as a shock to his family mr jestin was the son of mr and mrs warren jestin and was born on the 12th line of garafraxa in 1881 on september 25 1907 he was united in marrrage lo margar et f simpson at the homt of the latters sister mr and mrs john murphy tn toronto by rev j reed n bi ide andgtootrt to their farm at martsville where they farmed successfully until re tirement in 1b45 when they pur chased the deartng property at orton thty lived there until his death mr jestin mjs a member of marsville united church and later of orton along with his farming he was also an agtnt for duffenn farm trs insurance co of sbelburne and road supenntt nden of gari fraxa in both these capacities lit servt d for man years he v a ilso member of t t cirjdan order of foresters funeral er cis r conducted 1 rtv frio qirru n orton un iliunh i tuesdn airil 20 a tr c i st nt of mr aid mr siuirt r i ii d mr lit r wit its sir g i fivor i 1 vrni a n t lot rmii t w n d i m lie miliri left u m un h i members of bannockburn farm forum and friends honored sam roberts v ho has resigned after ears working at the fish pond rr 2 acton at a gathering at the home of mr and mrs r l davidson mr hofcerts has been a member of tha group for a number of years and has been in the neighborhood for somi 20 jenrs the issurance thai he would be ert itl missed wis given mr ro- beils bj fn nds he ins presented with i p n and ptncil sit prior to his liavink to iir with his daughter mar bolton mr robt rls in his quiet way thankid his fn mis and invited all to conn t visit him euchre penny sale conclude season a successful euchro and penny sale was held at the seoul hall on friday evening april 30 under the auspices of the scout und guide mothers auxilairy there were 15 lablee of euchre and the prize winners were lad ics first millie rowles ladies second mary osborne ladies con solation mrs mapiesden men s ftrst jack creasy mens second mrs archie papillon mens con sotetion mrs ina mellon in the penny sale the winners were tea towels mrs betty dol phin baby spoon mrs bob johnston plastic table cloth mrs edith watkins iron holder mrs kay graham large doily brent marshall mens socks and cigar ettes joe hurst cake tin mrs ir ene marchment brooch and earnng set mrs dave gordon dresser scarf mrs tom gordon apron and two jars jam mrs mae gervais basket of groceries jack mccutcheon six small doilies mrs gord lambert child s skirt mrs s kerr toron to box of chocolates mrs vera mills ennisktllen three jars mar malade mrs s bra ida set of bowls mrs g candler table cloth and pickle dish mrs c leather- land nylon stockings mrs sandy mceachern bath towels mrs clare bctejt box writing paper miss eileen frank table ornament mrs bob johnson apron and note paper mrs j bowles jr earxjngs and necklace mrs lulu sinclair men s socks mrs vera mills ennislnl len cup and saucer mrs frank heller pot holders mrs garnet rose this euchre was the list of the i f n rtl b nne s ler m ss midge jistr of marxille cut brrtltr irt f im iroort i alb ru aid krui d ris bert and warrtn jestin ptiii u ers u t m r ighlt r frcm mar v it j j owhtt gi rge s mpsoi and w 1 im d nigtn and ihret from or ton nonmn co k jta rtcd and j k cuurtniv ni r umer us ird btjutful florii offt rr- sh c the h gh estetm in which the dtciad jf hi id went can- id b wihm bessiv k c nevij herb lmh john hurd jack mceacherr ai d william donaldson with maybe wa dont understand wo men ertner but we do understand cars in fact we could take any thing on four wheels apart and put it tooether blindfolded if your limousine is behaving queerly our first rate mechanics can give it a thorough going over nd have it humming like a sew ing machine in 19 time for salt is to sodan t hi c oich fu 1 equipped 41 11 it u r sdan t pi uth acr ner 1w chr c lp 46 iniernjlional s ton 19 i ijno hhi ind chrvsler come in today manning electric mac swain motors district shocked by sudden passing the wmmumtv was shocked in thi suddi n passine of mr peter ft rlusi n ho p issed uwaj in guilph h spiuil in monday the fiunril wi ht id it wednesday mr russ hjd chart of tl 1 service mrs rri sun pn dt ci jsed him itxiut thr mars i two sisters surit him mrs joanna binnie of lindsn and mis j tin may of kdilt initnnint is made in tnwtmd timitm baptism communion sundaj morning r e currey of act f look iht sin rt ard chnsl- 1 ntd six babies mi rli flizabeti daughtir of mr and mrs tommy allan shtiia mirgartl daughter of mr and mrs leo jamieson kathy let daughter of mr and mrs reg frtnch calvin ross son of mr and mrs willard sandirson pamela jtan daughter of mr and mrs el- wood snow denzo albirt son of mr and mrs piki mr kuss took tht service in acton for rev cur- newlywrdi feted a shuutr was ht id in the hall on wtdnesday night to honor mr and mrs gordon hitchcock who were sjlurl lm ago euchre id afitt nhich mr jesse aclinc as chairman called thur fn may 67 cruel sea- jack hawk ns donald s nden saturday may 8 war paint joa tavlc robert stack mon tueswed may 101112 double feature young caruso ma c dewonaco g a lo ob q da here come5 trouble joe sawyer my jo- double feature jack and the beanstalk abbott and costeic rooeo- jaoe nigh john archer 2 shows nightly mcenti tht hi p c uplt ti tht front mrs robtn mcenr read an ad dress and mm useful and lovely gifts w n rtceivid b thtm gor d 1 or bih f of h s br d ard him 5 if thai ked all h had given thtm gifu lunch was served and all injiwd djnnng n the mcenery orchestra ommunlty news mm canir u mcfn rv m o 1 l h f n r h suilji undi tgo ing 1 atum w lr m sht ma be 1 t tt h rt ln a f a m aid mi w i nham and f a t r sptnt sunday with m id mr lailltrd santl rson t rt ationj to mr and mrs r- b r ri sh m on tit sf ar sal of a bdlj dughtei aefdrr- s na xi rt d monuments tflviviifcl1 ll brampton monument works des gns sub tted cemetery le ter nq comer posts and narters a cood d sp ay n stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop phone 14i0w raw 313 rep t k nkolphona 176

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