the acton free press acton ontario thursday uay itih iim a common problem anyone with the ld that regulation of cloi ing hours in the itores in acton is a big problem should look about in olhe towns it seems that saturday night was considered quite the night to do the weekend shopping tor many years most folks from town and country liked lo get down town saturday night then the cities found thaj with long week ends the residents were not home on saturday night and if the shopping dollar was to remain in the city friday night was the night to stay open the super duper food markets used all sorts of circus tricks to popularize friday night shopping recently we came past one out on the highway and our seat mate on he bus informed us that both thursday and friday nights were open nights in some of these markets evidently the hours for clerks in some is longer and not shorter of course everyone wants a long week end factory workers enoy all day saturday while those in retail establishments usually get a half day in mid week it looks as if the problem will not soon be adjusted and we wouldn t want to add anything to the confusion but those who serve and those who are served undoubtedly have rights that will have to be taken into con sideration in any adjustments that are made canadians are travelling from skookumchuck b c to aaerasheen nfld more canadians are going more places for pleasure this year at home and abroad reports the financial post travel agents this week reported strong indica tions 1954 will prove a record year for the tourist industry as one big agency put it name the place and were placing bookings there trans atlantic european and north american travel by plane train bus auto or ship are all in for a share of the free spending travel boom the canadian pacific and canadian national railways are adding 88 million worth of new passenger equipment trans canada air lines is adding eight giant super constellations and 1 5 turbo prop vickers viscounts to its fleet of 27 dc 3s and 23 north stars canadian pacific airlines has added dc 6bs and convair 24cs to its fleet of dc 3s and dc 4s canadian pacific steamships has three liners operating between canada and europe with two on order cunard are adding the saxonia to their four sailing to canada the greek line has one the home lines one lets wave our own had a visit over the holiday with relations in the united states and while we travelled in two states and were not far from the canadian border v e never sighted a canadian flag beyond the international approaches we didn t expect to see one matter of fact we always think it odd vihen we see the flags of another country on dis play in that country perhaps that is the reason we dislike to see flags of other countries displayed in canada it looks like a cheap way of attracting attention and incidentally customers but then again we find flags of the united states on display at service clubs and conventions where there may be a few americans present we attended a dinner recently of a canadian organization along with the rest of the guests we drank a toast to the queen and then to the president of the united states just why do we pay so much homage to a neighboring nation we don t believe our neigh bors expect it and we surmise they smile about it occasionally canada has grown up and its lime that our flag waving was confined to that of our own country there are lots of canadians living across the border and they vsouldht think of fly ing the canadian flag there and the same is true of americans who reside m canada the display of the stars and stripes on rh s side of the border n usually a cheap way of attracting patronage of visitors to canada which few appreciate consider park sand and gardens in town tour comment this week seeing the country getting back in ontario from a trip along the highways south of the border one appreciates the benefit that we enoy through a branch of the ontario highways department promiscuous placing of signs and a countrywide splashing of fluorescent paint have made night driving on united states roads a hideous nightmare in ontario the sign and building permits branch performs very well an official duty for the department of highways which is defined in an official publication as to see thai no edifice from a telephone booth lo a baseball park is erected in such a position as to bea hazard to the man in a car this branch possesses and exercises tight con trol of billboards of advertising signs of all kinds along provincial roads in some aieas no signs of any kind may be erected field advertising it is tailed and where signs am permitted the ruqula tions are strict the official publication summary es them in rural areas thai are not restricted these signs cannot be over 53 feet in length 15 fet in height and must be three fetm alxive the qtoitnd ii 10 feel or under in length ihey must be set back from the boundary of the highway at least 75 feet if from 10 to 25 feet in length they must be placed i 75 feel from the highway and those between 25 and 50 feet may be no closer than 275 feet moreover no sign may be placed within less than i 000 feet of another sign of this type re gardless of which side of the highway it is situat ed nor can one be erected nearer than 300 feet of an intersecting road or railway thanks to this control the highways of ontario aie mercifully free of the signs so common years ago and still common in some provinces which block scenic vistas and can create a hazard to pub lic safely by obstructing the view of hills and curves or by taking the attention of the driver from his wheel this tnislnraa f writ inn a column eaoh week on ionic local topic unt thr eaul thing in the world lo do 11 aei nw tho difficult part come not o much in the actual writing aa in the finding of a topic while h col umn la usually dpvotcd lo one topic 1 decided to tiiki a look around the town mid devole hit- pace lo the several subject that presented themselves actoa park will be a centre of picnic activity againdhli year no douhl and ii la encouraging lo at thai fjmllitli at tlin centre are being improved tht local ys mens club hua dmiutid wines for 4he nntertalnment of th locul children and 0i hua filled a need lacking for mum time it in to in hoped ttutt nwimmlittf in the lake will ik uvallabk this ytw foi mlulu with the tumor swlmlng pool for the miull hlldrt n it uill be mttkiiiry ihii ui th midweek holidays there is not a single sound reason why all national holidays should not be officially celebrat ed on the nearest mondays just as we have ob served civic holiday and labor day declares the manual post virtually every cilien as well as industry and business would be in favor midweek holidays are a disruption of work and they aren i much good for a holidiy either the federal government should not let a few misguided sentimentalists block tins long ovtrdue reform the experience this year with victoria day on monday resulled in a much more uniform holiday observance than in other years when vic toria day was the 24th of may regardless of its position in the week the same thing might well be applied to dominion day pool but 1 ii kind int hit pi h i am of vihhh ntliii up to th p nihility i i ibiitnlity of hit i liunn iiuitlliik du itl i uilh 111 yma llo turnnik to inolln i pfuiv f rmuili n ii i nisi okoiii igni lo now unit lit ailon tuum nit- on pit miiiik fr tuvilv i mi k i- unu i sfuxl that in tr runntininl for nuiliiu mmct mid ii ntnl luii in n ruulud by tin llhitl dull mid tin tind a mt inbi i ahlp of ovt i 00 which is in itself encouraging whether you can kail it rec reation or not a lot of local gardener are preparing the round for the annual cropping of vegetables and the odd weed or two with all the intorcsb- 4hat u annually invested in gar dens in the district it la sur prising that prizes offered in conjunction with the at ton fair for the best garden a fw years ago had lo be discontinued through lack of interest taking a took at the grouiyli of th ii high school iho amount of land surrounding the new building looks quite impress ive it wtll give the achool the lutguat playing field they ever bad and it is to be hoptil lit lamer plnying fuld will cutout nut n lukli brand of uthmlci feu kihoobi in llu diatikl will have hi iitlrai tivi tin urt in 1 thtugood old days may have seemed better back in 1934 ii irp inler m ii itl hit ml pll fi 1 j ok ha met um iwm trf ism free frees eg thwtatay miy u 1u4 the old bark shed on agnea 81 belonging to the beardimire leath ers haa been lorn down another brick building erected for a drying loft and which haa not been used for some lime la also being de molished members of the acton branch of tho canadian legion joined with three or four hundred legionnaire t zone is canadian legion eiid paraded lo the lreabyterlan church in tlrampton on sunday afternoon following a brief ceremony at the town s cenotaph acton got away to a pooi start in lelr entry in the malum county hall 1a it um on snlunlny afternoon tun they lust to oh ijiktsldt imya v 11 1 hxtiiisivi hjiuira lo on tn lilgt it i un lltiiidmort t aidliik til murin m iik nt prist nl mult i wu mid imffl lo oi ckmuii will d u a t mi r 1upi loin ihnmtfli tin lb m dm in pio i ji wsaj 11 ui p it illd llui hit yutu for chiltinn loixti it dmi tlul nitiri in the laud th u mid s limit ly hilt l pliiv 1nlliit dimulilti i i lulhtl i ii fio north e ait wist s outh oppose heer site llnih onkvilli ond bronu council offlrliilly pi oli sled tiufulmirs pro pmtd nt w mwr iyntm with dis posal plnnl mat coronation pink th onkvillt niolutlon wnn paisid at tptcml nullum set 45 mill tax rate oiikvillt council nipnd on n inn nlt tjf 4i milli foi loyt mtnlly which nil wont iw paws o hut low itiidv tt ltuk t l promts i tr liint ytai until ouniil liw mny x t bilk ih it 1 t ir itudiii ts is soon as possi in mad or t leafue i ixito 11 p ml 11 s piowd iiiplilim whoi oikvill fltllu p ii d 111 it vl ithl itl food plum iik in uddl infoi m tl lurid may lx nctjuirt d inun cih ply ox township its if a low but will in inttitd it iniluiu only thai i iiiiii t tl lo int lndo tht net t hilary atlditioiiiil tintl foi tlx mwaitt ills posal plmit mid li rridiiiiaii sin vty now linidlo k 1 within hill llnklon open ljirrosae season diiuilis utid llnrliiiklon will ini llil bami l dnrxt is u vnsi town sti t lsil 111 w ill m bill h oils oi inltr wtk i in tl of dm llliuton i n y torn hikis sunn only nlurn kim back in 1904 krew um ibbm ef um itm lyeasi est thraday may m 11m c lluens are enquiring as to th prospects of further permanent paviment iwlng laid uila season ihey are certainly needed in mvertj lihnlilifa notably the east and weat vnds il mill hlretl young hlreet main strtet lo queen street at lestat and park avehue iih flisl ltaselall game of th st anon took plate at guelph on saturday afltrnoon in iween acton ami lh muplc lats of guelph and itmiillid in favor of ac ion 7 3 the honii garni of the cnnadlan ama l or i last ball league wire inniigii luutl in on park htrt on vlttorla djiv with imiinlntf ii n moult entt v i y anllsfm lot y rrnnlla aclon de f at d iiill w in an udnilrahle iiinttll lo iliad 111 i uiit willi iwu atloi y ii r ileal itydtr lh fl iid ih mi lil lid ii lila in iiltilal would upliii int un al if tin itiiyn h iiwity itl hunt whet is untl i halloween i nt w or on i itinlay j unit mis lll illltl tut- w inn llin lo ih ii 1 j m 1 hih iiik klvt nfoi h oh i il i has just rk it the yi sterdoy in mi on- tin unt fill 1 it it lo ill dtcidtd thitl on pitthiit pi it of mr ir bom foi hire of nt k wui not nufficu nt to i ov i tbe liiul i oat of tiikinhon a falur pnte was tonsidiiid 7lh pt r hour ml thlh prlii wits lo im udoptnl as h mult foi on touiirll except tin olllll tht young iiipu s stmiity and in tuikhkititin f on itupttst c linith held u tmal njoyuhle social tvming lt welctitik on new pastor n nd his wtft mr und mrs ijistt i ih group also honor tl mr und is churlta ijuidsborouuh tht re nlly mm i ltd tuplt untl mild hh in m ik git y who is thumly aviiig fji wbii rili rails lb atuff m yi iiipurs to in- alinoiniul iinditiona ami the bill i am loi iimrly h hours last wiimaduy addi d unolher suriirlae ntuilv i miles of water full mid us a it null i niinldi ruhlt damage was 1 int shortly infore seven i lot k un dam ul ii urdmore a tan niiy an i sinclair waggon shop was muni uwuy and has necea aituiitl nitidi iitstly work since lr on foil to ihtoit it thi dam at ruiiy ijikt was threatened for m v ml htiurs nl ullowuy he insietlor of militia at in n und proix rty la ok- tutted in at ion in u fw days to in lttt oh drill shed and armory hi will find i raft of empty whisky imtllth in th armory the doom of oh drill nlnd dilapidated windows broktn a hole loin through the foundation and iuk and nilti gen lly professional directory and travellers guide tin other papers say in this age of scientific agriculture it is aston ishing but true declares the temiskarrpng ont speaker that many canadian farmers are still of the opinion that soils are inexhaustible and that all one needs for a good crop is perfect weather c nonsense has been exploded long ago nutrients taken out of the soil by growing crops oi by animals that consume them must be replac ed if good yields are to continue the sellers market has disappeared for the t me being and it will be up to the storekeepers to persuade the buyer to make purchases in order to keep a good business level huntingdon que gleaner the ontario federation of printing trades unions pushed by a strong bid from its president recently decided by a one vote margin to back officially the c c f and believe t or not one of the reasons why the union threw its allegiance to the socahst party was th the federal liberal government was h too m of its printing done n ts own government printing bureau thus the printers union was supporting a social ist party in the hope that the latter would attack socialized printing midland free press herald s n ll willi s ii this tllt ii nk mn 24 hi st ppiiu oot of i irnl manr rlrhralen un our hull him wuino i mon ni is- 11 ii v dwllmj i public merlin ii in hospil il tout mill in hnil minn ai dr w g c kcnnry physician and hnrjeen off in in syinon illock i1a mill st h a ion office phone 7r residence iis hurrh st r phone im dr d a garrftt physician and hureon orn r of willow ami lllvr sti rnt nt itivarslrit acton ontario phone zm 1 ho debentures open new room hikh shols inroi 11h ar f itur i premli six firms bid n c or umn v i mml 711000 tl 1 nliir issui fir th n w kbt fir lull in tl nvir md wilr x lopming uuli iniirik i ti nsiuiis tin li ndi r for the bonds clivsnmm v is lit nd i of c inadnn rink of iimmi re 300 p tt nts nnd isit md rmktrs mnd i orpuntion il slums displns musin hllfls wis iiopted tin low st bid 11- rt pn i fur tho bonds was s103 05 ut annexation plan i tiif fnd bnrhniton has ilkindomd plani ships c ipt nn ti mm i hrt portion of ndson tutu is thin i hi township in order to si curt indiw ihi end of this lulji trial lands- because it was not con answer not a 1 l iip vta l nnj idiot md s r i p i dr a j buchanan li mental hargeon lilo ir i qffiri irishman illick mill st inr office hours bam lo fl p m oi n x ray f tflfphone ms dr h leib dental sorceen offict timer mill and frederick streets office hourv- bam to fl p m tflfphonf ib acton rrai fktatf and inhijranfl i i wright ki wlllmi si w r brackfn heal fitate inaurai i im y will fullitl 111 w i to i 3hji artrnt 3xn frpbb the only paper ever pablfahed in aetaa founded in 1r75 and published rerv thursdav at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula lions ihrrwna anrt th ontrnsqnf iw n i cna adertisinj rates on request subscriptions pay able in adance s250 in canada 350 in tht united states si months si v tingle copies 6c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa pvbusheil by the dltb prlnttnc and psubuni cl uaaited g a dills editor m chief da td r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 gc at tme miscellaneouh st albans church anglican r ralph f price ba b rector su da i1r cer di 1 30th 19m m s orra s surda rio j m hih commun por le camrmi- r f brotherhood r e church wci bi b ci i no change in time l 1 s i r cu r sb hooain b r nre- c a 1100 am morning p-ac- l and sermon 700 pm even rig prater sermon ah are welcome united church of canada acton ontario a friendly chlrch rri f a cnrrey b a rd minister itrsonase 29 bovier aenoe phone 60 miss o m lampard a t t m organist and choir leader 1000 arr suda s r tt dplcd 11 m jet sj i mi pw baptist church acton rav h cotci n countrv 7 00 pm eierrg wors p tboikht for the week until e place our rnlglon and our treasure in the same thng religion 11 aluays be sacrficed lep ctetu religion would not have art enemies f t ere rot an enem xo fieir nee imass o- phone 206w sunday may 2thh 1954 10 00 am sundar schoo 1100 am morning worsh p too pm even ng worship 8 30 pm bble society fireside wednesday 4 pm mission band b pm prayer meeing thursday 8 pjn byju choir rehearsal knox chusch acton rev sobekt b armstbono ma ild mhtlatee suvday may 30th 19m 9 45 am omrch school 1 1 00 a m du ne worsh p 7 00 pm eipenng worsh p trev tat i jpor t lod ha i rt- their strength a warm welcome aira ts you i victor rumiey a son funeral home funeral home healed atnbnuate plioni 311 n kht or day seriing tht community for 46 wars olive m lampard atc m r mt teacher of piano i studio i nlled cbvrrfa thonday 14 park ave clelph phore 296 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notair phb office hours 10 00 ajn 1z0q aj 1 00 pm 300 pm saturdayi by appo ntment only office 22 phone rea 151 i acton t lever a hoskin clurtered aeeoontaarta successors to jenkins and hajujt 1309 metropolitan bide 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler chartered acemtal monday ti friday 7 fl pm saturday from fl un j7 aco- bled phone 51 acton hit in mi ni iiik a pun base for properly r ii akhman ih ne ml hon i4fir42 it it 1 cutnpbillvlll- haleunan r f bealsi limited omplete inanrance kervtro 3 m1i1 st acton phone 585 vrttrinaiy b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary hawgemm office brookville onurlo phone milton 165r21 f g oakes bv sc veterinarian offic and rmidiore 24 knoa avo acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines oaf iifb lfave acton fait bound nv m am 1133 ajm 2 pm soflpm 633 pm ijt p t b9ss pm hectbobd inr im 22 pm 257 pjn st pm r pm 9 12 pin 1 1 32 p rr ii a m sun lo kh- iia i except sunday and hou- sat jdav sunday and boll- canadian nattona1 railways staaart tbam wmmmw h r 5 40 a rr daly except sun- i 0 00 im 7 13 pm sunday e su fm- a geogetown 9 os a m p r- da t flyer at georfe- 1011 pit dailv except sur ad mon 1228 am sat and sun only mm pjn daily except sunday 141 a m 855 pm tlagjriop 7 49 pjl saturday only 137 pjn sunday ony 9 08 ajn flaitop sundar only flyer at guelph 7 0s pjn duly except sat and sun flyer at guelph 801 pan