thursday june 3rd 19m the acton free press acton ontario page thrxi for the best buy i our lumber is selected from the best stocks and finished with expert attention this is your jguarantee of satisfaction and fair dealing when you order lumber or builders supplies from us lumbek a building m rials about this feature series l a new feature is this week added to thje increasing list of ar ticles carried regularly in the acton free press for some time interest has been expressed in the history of halt on county but no concrete actum has been taken in compiling the fast dwindling facts of the county s early days being one of the oldest established papers in halton the free press felt a responsibility toward the preservation of this interest laden subject but compiling history factually and interestingly is no mean task and this paper has been fortunate in securing a writer of ability prooen ower a period of years mrs gwen clarke who urtll contribute the feature each week has for more than 20 years been the author of a column carried in the acton free press and in 1943 syndicated o the wilson list of publications and a tenter of features in other canadian periodicals the first article in the series of halton s history is carried this week as an introduction to the subject there seems every possibility the column will later be published m book form but comments from readers would be appreciated because compiling history is a difficult task it ts hoped items may be forwarded to mrs clarke either through this office or to her directly that will assist in the preservation of the early story of halton we feel sure readers who have made their home in halton for a number of years will find a great deal of interest in the new weekly feature and no doubt iieui residents will find equal interest in under standtng the history of the county in which they now liwe being a subscriber is the only way of insuring that you may receive all copies of the paper carrying the column since stores are often sold out of some issues the publishers of this paper have the exclusive rujhts to re production of this column and therefore any reproduction in any form in whole or in pan of the column wttl be an infmgement on the copyright taws the editors new tractor if you need a new tractor on your farm hut haven t the ready cash to buy one fil may be the answer to your need a b of m farm improvement loan can put you at the v heel of the latest model very quickly and there s nothing that saves money time and work on a farm quite so much as a modern tractor if your proposition is ound vou can get a b of m r jrm improvement loan for an type of equipment you need on vour farm h nut tilk to vour nearest b of m manager hi ii jladh shoss vou hov a farm improvement loan cjiti help vou m your operations and how little it tosts pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water north oait telephone sms gnronn strain rr 1 milton monuments markers cemetery lettering quotations by appointment phono milton 158r32 op rlttwfinr his full nunc frm improv him a charter t arm hcitri nom ntri fi riling n mak bank of montreal p- w c davey maiaae workino wm or lifi sinci itir niqwqownsror prfl6hwrs wideawake nur departments mav soon be turned out in a new heat resisting suit built on the general lines of tbc old fashioned nightgown made of reflective aluminum foil this outfit gives the hook and ladder lads a lot more protection from extreme heat canadian farmers have the same idea v hen they build their barm of aluminum sheet sot onh is aluminum fireresistant but it also keeps bams cooler in summer because it reflects tbc heal of the sun and in winter reflects baik into the barn heat that would otherwise escape in fact sou might sav that in the products of canada s aluminum industrs are reflected countless aids to better living on the farm mine cih in sour osvn home aluminum company of canada lid v hewn out of dense forests halton now in the industrial hub of ontario idptrim los angeles miami vancouver 9165 6160 8975 round trip by bus by gwen clarke halton county is reoraphically the second smallest county in the province of ontario covering an area of 363 square milts it is also one of the most important stra logically located at the western end of lake ontario its modem water wajs highways and railways are the main arteries suppying the life blood to many parts of the province a range of the niagara escarpment follows the western borders almost from south to north forming a pic turcsque and protective background the present boundaries of halton include milton its capital and the towns of acton burlington george town and oakvilje also the town hips of esquesing nelson nassagi sseya and trafilfiar many laige ndustries have located in halton ncluding the new ford plant bor denng the queen elizabeth way in trafalgar township there is also the canadian broadcasting trms mittmg station at hornby and now have the television booster station high on the hills in nelson township many parts of the coun re served by both the canadian pacific railway and the canadian national railway steady increase according to the 1951 census hal ton county boasts a population of approximitely 49 976 people and shows a steady increase from year to year thus it is one of the most densely populated districts in on tano halton county has a fascinating historical background after nia gara it was one of the first districts to be settled according to official records but there were undoubted white people living here before the first surveys before the county as open for settlement and before grants for crown land had been approved and recorded the first settlers found halton to be in area of dense forest mostly hardwood and pine so that most of the travelling was done by bateaux along the waterways with only indian trails through the forest con nee ting one waterway with mother was trulv a happv hunting ground as the w ods and streams abounded with wild life of esery description fish flesh and fowl the indians were for the most part friendly missisaugas and gave halton county held its first provisional county council meeting following the separation of hal ton and wentworth at thompsons inn milton tn 1853 james young reeve of esquesing was the first warden and the county buildings and registry office shown here were built later in milton little trouble to the first white people in the southern part of the county the first settlers were mainly second generation united empire loyalists who hid trekked into the district from niagara or from across the border but in the northern d tnct settlers wen largelj immi grants direct from the british use thcj apparent itltkd b nation ililies thus sc hue thi scotch block the irish block ind the eng ilish block apparenth welsh i eoj c sere i ot o in ous to em trite orljjin of name in 1793 lieutenant governor john gnses simcoe made the first at tempt to build military roads through the forests dundas street was one of them he was hamper ed in the construction by much of tin land in that area being held as indian reserves more glamour f it and comfort because there are no artificial iliffeneri guaranteed bra washes like a dream retains thai lovely shapeliness forever every detail of this new flexees bra will delight you such lovely i nei such freedom such comfort low cut cleverly fashoned to support and mold wonderful to wear with every new fashion a b 32 36 c 32 38 luxurious white sot framed n lace or fine cotton broadcloth framed tn lace unconditional written 90 day guarantee ht w2 harold wiles agent mildred bell tor the i icutenant governor sir francis gore and halton for mijor mathcw halton secretary to sir francis the names of the two principal cretks sixteen ind tweue have puz7hd many people especially as other creeks in thi province were similarls n lined five twcnt and f rt th explu it on is impli accnrdii t to iris tutors f in th i rll hou f lake onlar i a creek wis namid ice rdu j i its dist ince from burlington bas if on the st nth shore from niagira the mine of the credit river cum ib ul in i unique was at one time tin french c imdians sint men t all spnne to tndi with indims ni ir the nit nth f thi creek thiy wire ms en supplus on credit for which ties pnd iht following tyring w th fir thus t h run ki si the credit river reform supporter h hon has neser bet n the sc f i mijor battle thi crimson blood of warring nations nevtr onci stained its sod but it has been a n fue for the hunted and ppr cd riciing trim scent f host le tit it in uirb nj ns halton was definitely linked with the reform movement during the time of william ljon mackenzie mackenzie himself is known to have been in hiding in various parts of the county where he had many friends and supporters wanted acton district we require properties in your district we have clients for farms and acreages he mills son real estate brampton 267m2 r r no 3 streetsvlle jose ph brant mohawk warrior and chief of the six nations indians is an honored name in halton colonel william chisholm 1788 1k42 was responsible for much of the subsequint prosperity of the townships bordering lake ontario and the sixteen esq ursine reeve warden a mimbei of hilton physicians md suifn ns wir ndtntes of dr it ilpli s school i f midicint the first of its kind in th i n vinci the first ipt sim nail county cornell imi tine following the spu itiin f hilt n ind went worth ssis in id it til impson 5 inn miltm inltt3 j um s wiiim reese f esquesing the first warden in its earls dass lumbering mill ini firming ind tilled industries wi e tin chu f mi ins bs which set this nude a living as the country di vi lopi ri i thi r md istriis followed in this column wt hope to bring v u historical di tills of various puts if the eounly its schools chinches stories of pioneer families of firms ind of vanished industries is we follow thi progress of the c mints through the years preserve local history wt do not promise to be one hun dnd per cmt correct as bygone historical records are quite often contradiclorv in somi eases we shall dipend upm the ixpericnces ind inecdotes of the pioneers hand ed down by word of mouth through minv generations nor will these sti ni s be in chronological order but will be given as material comes our way bj research and by the help of those will versed in the history of halton iim is to presi i for re aders of this papi r local history that might otherwise be lost as so much his iinfortunittlv already been lost ans pictures or helpful information sci t t th nevsipap r off ce will bi gr alts pnr it d hnaf ks snick i f r ih it wd mij be irsiri v h las f u dot pi t w r r r iu with hitsi iid spread w th c nd ned muihrnun soup heat r i thi bro 1 ng pin fir 3 m nutcs and serve add s me d rid 1 ft nvi r cnok d 1 mi i ch ppod rr sp bacon to n on e tup if then an left oser hrimju r sard no idd these to ige abl soup aloi citizens of acton and district are invited to oin in decoration day sunday june 20 3 pm at fai8view cemetery detorat on day sponsored by the canad an legion women s ins tue leg on aux i ary acton f re brigade due of devonsh e and lales de i o 0 e chapters s design ed to honor the dead of two world wars by the plac ng of flowers at the cemeiery cenotaph and at st joseph s ceme tery c t ens are nv ted to partake in the ceremony and at the same t me decorate the graves of their own loved one 260r your uim to exrwrt driven in modarn cbi to tak you whorovor you wnt to oo cabs ami kaoio dispatched fou efficient 14 houi savice acton taxi idxi service across from the y