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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1954, p. 5

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thursday june 3rd um the acton free press acton ontario all ladies coats reduced to clear almost at cost we also have a grand selection of ladies shortie and long coats which can be had for practically cost down payment no no down paymont to estab- cradft accounts low payment for new wo invito you to so our stock is clothing store phoo250 acton band tattoo brass pipe trumpet saturday june 12 acton park to be held tn arena m event of rain parade of bands 730 pm program in park 8 00 p aa adults 50c students 25c children under 12 free sponsored by acton citizens band four teams in juvenile baseball league bantams unopposed have playoff by an ontario baseball association juvenile baseball league was form ed last week when representatives of acton georgetown oakville and port credit teams met in hilton the four entries in the league represent three groupings with oakville being juvenile a ptort credit junior b georgetown and acton juventle b acton and georgetown will play off at the end of the schedule for the right to contend the finals the first game of the season for the juveniles will be held next tuesday in acton at 6 16 when the town team will tackle traditional opposition georgetown no bantam league there will not b an oba ban tam league in the county this sum mer acton will have e team how ever which will likely play exhib ition games during the next few months then get a bye into the play offs following is the acton juvenile baseball schedule june 8 georgetown at acton june 11 acton at port credit june leoakville at acton june 17 acton at oakville june 22 port credit at acton june 24 acton at georgetown june 29 georgetown at acton july 5 acton at port credit july 8 acton at georgetown july 12 acton at oakville july 15 oakville at acton july idport credit at acton looking for a house we have them in all sizes and prices they are going fast so you must act promptly we have propelled a number of sales this season whether you wish to buy or sell we have the facilities acton s oldest established agency for appointment to view telephone 95 real state and insurance 20 wilbur st acton want ad page where old friends meet painting decorating by job hourly or contract estimates gladly given inside or outside work prices to suit the purse anywhere anytime wm laing no 10 main widely entertained prior to marriage miss joan marilynn terry was widely entertained prior to her marriage last month to rev george carmen pearce in brantford mrs j f terry mother of the bride entertained at a trousseau tea at her home miss m z ben nett acton aunt of the bride mrs w w baldwin sault ste merle aunt of the bride and mrs alice dickson toronto sister of the groom poured tea several presentations and show ers were held including events held by the brant deanery wo men s auxiliary branches nurses and staff of brantford general hospital the choir of wesley un ited church and the bellvlew nursing home obituary paint sale i paint up at the lowest i prices in our history of high quality paints quarts reg 1 50 100 gallons reg 5 00 349 kennedys book store 175 wyndham ouelph former resident buried here thurs many friends and relatives of ac ton and district gathered last thursday at the victor b rumley and son funeral home and at fair view cemetery in tribute and sym pa thy in the passing of george e- anderson he was an only son of the late james and mary anderson and spent his boyhood days here and attended acton schools for a number of years he has resided in wallaceburg and for the past four years has not enjoyed good health surviving are his wife dorothy long and one daughter donna three sisters also remain mayme mrs sherrington ham ilton edna mrs malonc toron to and beth mrs powell bramp ton to all of the bereaved sym pnthy of many friends here goes al this time the service in acton was conducted by rev r h arm strong of knox presbyterian church engagements mr and mrs john wilson ac ton announce the engagement of their daughter shirley ann to mr douglas thomson son of mr and mrs charles thomson rr 1 ac ton th marriage to take place in knox presbyterian church acton on saturday june 26 at 3 oclock cecil a carr optometrist ouelph i dougltt si cut food costs with a home freezer the chambers food club originators of the food plan in ontano wish to announce the appointment of harold shilling acton ont phone no 306j as our special representative acton and district oivlpcalbrc our food prices with what you are now paying phone for our 4 page food list and see for yourself learn how monthly bul letins and our know how will help you freeze garden produce at home investigate beforeoimnvest students of the week joe jany joe is a brother of elizabeth whose life was second in this series joe was also bom in budapest hun gary and came to canada with his family in 1047 out of school joe is a member of the local v taking an active part in the activities offered there and winning awards he also plays hockey in the local junior leagues he studies piano from a local teacher ana joe is doing well in it too in the plays presented at the commencements he has taken part and is a natural actor in public school he came close to the top of his grades and now la do ing lust as well in grade 11 in grades 9 end 10 he came first in the christmas examinations just past came first and also in the eas ter examinations with 88 5 per cent joe like elizabeth is bilingual that is he speaks more than one tongue fluently ihe speaks three he is now learning his fourth he hopes to go to university and major in those languages and we hope he does barbara turner barbara is the only child of mr and mrs nelson turner who live at the dr beatty farm rr no 4 acton she was born in 1838 in hamilton and later lived in toronto before moving to the acton district barbara attended dufferin public school just below speyside her grades were very good and she has done quite well in high school in grades 9 and 10 she came second but in 11 and 12 came first this year jrade 13 barb came first at christmas and tht same at easter with 77 4 per cent outside of school she has served i the students council and this year is grade 13 s rcprest ntative on said body also she plays the piano and sings glee club work has been on of htr activities this fall barbara begins her stud kb at wtllcr college toronto in secretarial sciences and we re all sure that she will be successful in her venture film on tumbling the grade 9a ahsemblj was stag td on friday may 28 marjory mc donald accompanied at the piano for the opening exercises juanita dcfortst led in the demotions le nora watson favored with a piano solo peasant dance wayne spiars introduced the film vanccd tumbling which dealt with gymnastics at corni ii university a short assembly but good on tuesday evening the students council met to discuss plans tor the coming month it was decided that the s c would hold its last assembly of the year on wednesday staff changes at our new school next year we will just have two of this year teaching staff messrs hansen and heron mr bobbins has accepted a position as principal at stouffville miss harris will be teaching guid ance and some english and is girls counsellor at alliston high school with a former principal of acton high mr c a stewart mis snyder will teach languages at till sonburg high school and mrs hess home economics at georgetown high school we all wish them the best of luck in their new schools a number of spruce at the school were thinned out on tuesday along the river strett bjnk of the creek mr heron is ill with pneumonia and will not be back bi fore june 14 we wish him a spieh recovers exemption lists w ill be posted on wedneidd june 9 and examine tions biin on thursday june 10 glad about ad a gentleman r to the fte rreaa tata week tawl a elaeetflea ad he bad placed tn the paper bad reaalted to a delete f abort m replies has anau ads preved m ucoeeafal to re ha end mice that tie new aaea tb cehntum regularly another advertiser thla ene treat town abort t mile dls tent dmnt expect toe many re plica to an ad he placed in this paper it preved ae vajnable however he baa ashed thai the ad be conuneed tor a month a email ad el email charge nets yon the omme reepo end profit dipl mas were rec 1 ed b thi cradualmc class of tht guolph ginnl hisplil sch 1 for nurses al tht graduation ci remon held lat fr da tvci ng n the wir mem r 1 hall m ss joic gree- f act n wa imonj he gndualc nd attn die r m t w wt mr iidmr j or r jii s 1 b i 1 d m a d m itnln u 1 eidcnald mr and mrs e g black of tor onto visited in acton during the week mr and mrs p delaney guelph visited on sunday with mr and mrs j b irwin mr and mrs w t smith arriv ed monday from essex england and will visit with mr and mrs j m roughley mr gordon hay ward who rec ontlj was in hospital is convalesc tng at the home of mr and mrs john mcgeachie mrs clare prosscr miss marion prosser and master rod prosscr of smiths falls are visiting this week ith mr and mrs g a dills mr and mrs r akllt mr gor don akitt and miss joyce greer isiled at the home of mr and mi j m greer sunday mrs william landsborough spent the holiday week end in toronto with mr and mrs walter lands borough pett officer bert simons of vic na bc ls spending a 28 day iac with hi undo and lunt mr nd mr george gibbins arthur st mr and mrs b d raehlin it ttndtd the grnduition exercises of the uimermh of tor 111 1 last wotk whci the r son ted rachl n r c ved his da degree mr and mr- how ird driih of mimieo mi and mr hirold burns f tor nt inrl dr h f mow it jf c pper cliff visited their mother mrs j a mowdl to b with her 1 hr 84th birthdaj lam week mr and mrs w j gretr t r onto and mr and mrs a w bir low lakf v it w visited with mr and mr j m greer and attended tho graduation of th r 1 lece m jojce greer mr and mrs frank terry and mr and mrs c leishman spent the week end in huntsville visiting const and mrs a leishman miss alani leishman of huntsville who spent the pist two weeks in acton returned home with them mr and mrs e e barr mrs r r arnold and mrs w c middle ton were guests at the university of toronto convocation ceremonies on may 26 when mr john r barr received his master of applied science degree the brownies held heir regular meeting at the scou hall on monday may si after the opening exercises the brownies went outside for a game of bell they then played another game called french tag the brownies sang a few aongl and then closed the meeting by singing taps the regular meeting of the girl guides was held at the scout hall on tuesday june 1 the meeting opened with the formation of our horseshoe and tha repeating of our guide prayer each patrol then relumed to iheir own corner cookie day and dec oration day were discussed with those who had not been present at last week s meeting everyone enjoyed a sing song and a game the meeting closed with the vesper hymn and taps sylvia jones cnib campaign hits local quota h niton county has reached it quon of s32000 in the campaign t raise funds for the new rthabilit ati n a nter of the cnnadian na 1 mal institute for the blind ac cording to l d maxwell countj ern rmur mr maxwell sa d the respon if the public and industrj lo tht cn1b building fund was part t ulartv gratifying in mew of the numbir of requests be ng made bj canvassers f r other char table or ganizition c n ib building fund head quitters hae innounced receipt of elise t 3000000 i ard a tar g t of s3 150 000 cib official v re confidi nt tht g ji would ti r achd tht frt id r ihi 1 n cm b rihabil tat on c r tre was brok n n t ror t m nda attend ordination of benson mjones members of acton baptist church were invited to attend the ordinat ion service of benson m jones at the baptist church in hillsburgh thursday may 27 mr jones came to hillsburgh in 1951 while a stu dent at mcmaster university in hamilton up graduated from the divinity school this spring those from the acton congreg ation serving on the ordination council were pastor ray costerus and mr and mrs hugh m reid the council met in the afternoon and was very pleased with mr jones statements of faith follow ing this meeting n f ne meal was strved by the 1 idles of the church other members f the acton con gregalion journcjed in th even ng to hill burgh for llu evening service rev waller b fisher of new hamburg presided uvi r tht service the charge to tht church was riv en by rev harold batsdon of kit chi nt r the charge to the candid ate by rev j c williamson of pre ton pnf g p albaugh of mcmaster gavi the ordination prayer while mr jones knelt and ill the ministers f the congreg- ition carried out the scriptural in junction of the laying on of the h mds of the church rev arthur loynter or toron to to whom mr jones is indebted for his encouragement when he first began to consider entering the ministry gave the main address emphasizing that a minister is called uj preach jesus above all else rev jones has accepted a call to the baptist church at scotland ont and preached his farewell ad dress on sunday archie goldie will become hillsburgh a new pas tor at present he is a student it mcmaster university benson jones is well known in the district where he has been active m baptist young people s work and the junior farmers or ganizations for summer comfort a speed purer ase eubei us 10 offer you unusual va ues 6 t s m ti s e s generally sold al 2 95 but we re offer ng you he same rnertand se for only 259 others 98c to 3 95 and st matthias group hosts to acfon mon the brotherhood of anglican churchmen st albans chapter wtre guesls of the mens club of st matthias church toronto on tuesdaj may 25 two car loads m tde the trip and tnjiyed a social evning of carpet bowling euchre cr bbige ind good relbwship refrt shments were served by the mr f st matth js church i is hoped that the brotherhood chaptt r al st alton w 11 b able to pldy h sls to the mn club of st matthias church sometime in th rail the invtatlu t the men of s albans came thnugh the k i it tss f gan a r e w h was i member f st mttl s church vd th i m i 9 club before m ng t ac r st albans wa has last meeting st a ban s wa held thir list t t r r f the seas n ln the par i h hi on thu daj last the fr dm mr t j nej pened mel ng w h prajer f i i k a sh ir tu r ess mvsllon ir- ms r bale was icked to be rt to moose fact rj a taj of jsed rl th rg t be srrt to him nbu to he i et slacks we solicit enquires through boreeui banks etc or ask some of our customers near you nemos supplied chambers food club 1570 kington rd toronto 13 phone ox 1188 when t comes to s as come ro bob r dsdalej we do al alrerat ons assoiuteiy fuee special this weekend mens genuine gabardine dress slacks 495 bob ridsdale quality clothes for dad and the lad mill st acton neighbourhood sewing machine sales and servjce georgetown tr 72802 guaranteed repairs to all makes we can supply parts for any make or age new used and rebuilt fiach nes moderately priced rentals f 5 00 month budget terms 24 hour service georgetown 4j main n

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