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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1954, p. 7

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thursday tone 10th 1jm the acton fr6e press acton ontario paoe sivkn landscaping pays i ados 10 to 15 to rcsaie value of your homb enquire about our home owneft club landscape plan qlvea you professional design aervlee dignified planting at no extra cost do your own planting pall only reply before june 15th homb owner club aervico for fall planting no obligation hogle nursery co limited cammuiford ont toth service station acton ont phol 12 main strmt lorne garner motors ltd 45 main stram actctn ont prion 451 want ad page where old friends meet andys shoe repair opening this friday i at 145 mill st e acton for a small fraction of the cost of new shoes we can give your old shoes a whole new life of good service and tiptop appearance complete shoe repair prompt courteous service total scriary rtpetii conflicting attitudes overlap of groups detrimental jto aim of y program at the annual meeting of the y m c a held thursday june 3 the general secretary d h schmull presented hla annual address he his wife and their three young child ren arrived in canada from amster dam holland in august 1053 mr schmull has been in charge of ac tivities for the past year mis full report follows when i came to this country i knew that 1 hod given up my posi tion in holland and that doing that 1 had re nounced my place in the world of sports and in the edu cational world and the 480 people attend ing my fare well meeting ing from all walks of life in amsterdam and holland convinc ed me that my position was worth having i knew also that my place in the international y m c a with it meetings all over europe and its contacts throughout the woild waa gone i knew that i would not have any staff no personnel mid o small building in comparison with the one in which 1 used to work i knew that i would miss the big city lift with its concerts its ploys and 1u museums why do 1 enlarge upon thesfe points at this meeting because i want you to understand what his y here in acton had to perform to a man who came as stranger in their midst you had to receive mc and you did it full hearted ly you had to acquaint me with the canadian woy of life- and 1 learn ed it you had to give me the chance to unapt myself to the entirely dif- fciunl circumstances and i had i hat chance and 1 am mill working to list that chance many organisations i had o hard lime to find my way about in the complicated situation in this town first there ore the many nrgonlzations work ins in the social field sometimes thly ore working in exoctly the some direction moat of these herniations are working among the people who could be members i of the y the church la very ac- 1 tlve yoting peoples groups are doing the same work as the y second there are the com plica- 1 tiona in personal relations in this town i had to find a place among ie population of acton for it is lry important that a y secretary nows his way in the community here he works he has to be neutrul he has to keep a place of his own and he has to consider t relations in an academic way discouraged at first 1 had also a hoid time in anlv- nu tit on altitude towards the roulh in thik town i had to find nit what their in it- rests were and i imvt to admit that in the begin- ing 1 won it utile discouraged in iscovoilng that in general youth had only veiy little intel cbi in the 1 tonutdered tunlial to y wink and last iml not least 1 had to find out what with the place of the ymca in lhln community in or- dei to let it wotk in the most ef- ficent way foi a new general secretary this is alwayh the moat difficult problem for everybody has a piejuriiced opinion in this mutter somt will say lhat ihe y holds an important pi act otheri if they are honest will tell you thai the y has no use and is not worth spnndlng money on 1 had a hard time to form an opinion of my own i hud to listen to voices which did not apeak to me personally but to others who told me indirectly i had to look ol the facoh of people who knew lhat i was the new ysecretary and therefore did not say anything i had to observe thi young people and guess whv thty did not come indeed sometime i ven counlcr- otted th events i uigunized i tonld give you a lather cxacl inolvsis of the unions why the y is mil on central organisation for oiith work in llilh town in spile of tin fad lhat it lias tin biggest numhtt if members of all the hociui ogencieh in spite of the fact itml the ys men havi a piominenl ilai in ihe whole district in spite of oil thi woik dom iiv the ladi aiixilini in spilt of the fucilil i winch an leolly sufficient for the of this town in spite of the financial support given by ihe in dustries and the business men and in spite of bo many factors which should push the y up to the first place urge to organise i could tell you that in this com munity there is an urge to organize great that the agency which lea to find its way without organ- ing on the same level never gets t horee well we did our share you can find in the annual report that we kantred 23 special events and 25 eekly activities and you have to iow me any othi i agency which diil as much but it explains why ttendunce is rtlntlvtly small wuh this number of pniftiam items and rmmbers we should have an attendance of 3000 instead of 2000 at the special events we should hoe 12000 instead of nearly 0000 in the weekly i vents if everyone who i agisters would mine out n kiilarly i could slate thai in manv cases thtn is no conviction that there u i nted foi a ymca in this town h i n people who i tgislei ed as numbers een peopli who gave donations and even people who wen members of the hoard dllcitms in foimel days i x pressed their doubt home oppose 1 t ven could inform you of the facl that there are same peopli who oppose the ymca because of several reasons rtasons nl peihonal character reasons ol jdi alhftic or religious character leasons of oil kinds theie are ciulley two dick schmull talk numbers of social agenties who op post us because we dont use urn funds foi rehabilitation of in valids theie are members ol tile chuithes who consider us wltr sospkion bausi liny dont know what the y wunls in spiritual mat teis then km important ptoplt in this town who think that we hliuuld join forctti and ha mtmity centn with i building whiih is used by all ihe social circle or even ones own family for the y has to be the place where youth la prepared for future life i have expeilenced in my own fe how important the y can be and when you ask me how the y did it i could not tell you but i that my life would lie much poorer if 1 had not experienced fellowship the sincerity the fun the sports the summer camps rythlng 1 had in my boy hood and during my adolescence not everybody will be influenced b the ymca as i was foi ily not otheihise there id be too many y secrt tones hul if onlv a inuple nf boys who lasses tltuingthe lost letlj something which ftv iheii future life f adults hot a better into mallei s of youth ell tin i i u satisfied wink lias mil been foi nolhlng ihe most difficult thing is that llu y ii ois noi havi ti flailing pnlnl in the usiiol sense of the word we tun mil use slogans to make ihe y easy lo dlgt si we cannot say join hi y and be a thampion or lie and you for rinal y in sou th i has inslity or i in potitiim i l com ls jniontactw i i h- 1 1 t hese- christlan who is satisfied with hla own chilstianity is worse than a allien the man who doe not ii himself a christian but trie to follow mis master can not keep his mouth shut he may make ilstakes continuously he may go to the gutter because he loses con tact with the means of being a suc cess in a world which is based oh material foundations he might n know that his acts are con- y to what jesus has taught htm but he will le like a dog who huh hla master sometime rllng sometiuus biting him in heels but never thinking about possibility nf going hla own way lhat is the y ihe shepherd dog lining mound tilt herd aome- ttes hated by the sheep some- ms waun up by the shepherd it aluas m action never resting id always with one eye on till this pit tine is not exaggerated i know it mvself i wish i could ic you with ine to the places i i ley thre dick schmull talk v the y working among the people of his world i wish i could show you tin ways in which they liy to reach the youth you should live one day in a hostelpalace of 2000 rooms in chicago you should spend soma hours in the cool marble halls of facets of lift i is n loted it has to apply its posslbllitie llu re is no real basis in the human society which gives any foothold to stait the it is only one stalling point fin tht y this stoning point s chnsl net a dub not s th ymca trie to bring to mill m inon than ho nun mi ailing of hung a humai child of cod at tht so m ik y dots not abandon thi rluiraitir m yoiing peopli is mil liy to make saints htm we know that tu id all this and would hove to iiki hi remember dad on june 20 i a see our fine selection of gifts for father dress shirts pyjamas underwear ties sport shirts polo shirts and jerseys dress socks initialled handkerchiefs dress straw hats etc famous quality brands by tooke forsythe- turnbulls etc alio jeans overalls work shirts and socks hintons dept store quality at a price m in a series your hydro at work for you and yours nterpret si in ymca and 1 know4hnt the inlcr pre lotion of the y is onc ofj tin toughest jobs tint can imugi in particular it is tough for home secretory as and llu re i director mem- iisus chrinl li ond physical and hell an i youi t vi ho h wt ii as prngiom beiship secnlaiy duector j ho 1 have interpreted the principles hi and the philosophy of the ymca i the y t in many countries i forget the i with his wi number of lectures i gave on this pulling inn subject and the places where i did t hing hin ore spread out all our europe and othtr woi i the eastern part of north america lhnugh thi but it is much easier to give a lee- and that hoppeni ture to an audience and then leave china in univirsitn than to have to realize the prin- schools on the froi ciples in a program na and in the interpretation of the y in im iropnles this town is particularly difficult pailmenl storci we have to teach the youth that y is physical education is very import- tin ymca ont but that this is only a part of sunn time ll tht wholi for tht ymca is not wlw n it workf it hporl association evt n when it africa among opportunity to develop fiiths mostly is aim fulun hnst m hislory hiven in ful now und heaven hti now when you ii nptn you will se n limn nl i very where ia to acquaint youth d in this woy not by away from it but by thol thtrt but bv guiding him y dots i is it d political parlies i some church as pintles in europ to conn i ind i olhei india and a and in grade front lines of ho le sports arenas in facloiiea and in de mission t bod 1 then 11 tn m shori it iheri it tndiffert s in bunt o spiritual tin spintu is nol a tchool even kv 1 1 introducts educational stands thi is a mission is a real mission i in asia and in people of other i is a mission among ihe nninu rested i iiiiht wiin under- roiiik to co opt rate y in cairo you should i mllilc classes in the little village in holland and in germany you irs tn your eyes when you attended the distribution of a gloss of milk and a bun to hungry ihildrcn in the arabian desert und you would understand you would experience what the y la trying to do trying to enter the life of people in all ciitiimstunces tiying to open then hearts to the message of love which has sounded through he world fiom the moment that cod punished cain always more until 2000 years ago this e wns glvtn dlietlly to us t do it by fight s nol organize i atrongholda for do the political it doea not try id power in tha nf christianity as some govfrnuunu do it just gives a glass of milk somewhere in the list rt a ball somewhere on a spoils ground o bible somewhere in u liltlt village i know that the y is making mistakes day after day i know lhat the ymca secretaries are incompetent to fulfil the tremen dous task wliith they hove to do but i know thai in this organiza tion nf 4 000000 members there is a nucleus which simply tries to follow the master and only that is important this is ihe y is the y needed t and now 1 will conclude with s question is there really no need of a ymca in this town my answer can be very short no if thi- y is only a service club only a gymnastics class or social ogt ncy with a recreational character yes if the y wants to bring voiiiik people into contact with the iminlunl life no matter of which dt nomination by the means it can offli iiics in its program with this basic aim of the y don i peace to prepare let us think that ve are ready j thi y has to develop on interest whi n we considt r ourselves christ- j of life interest which goes farther ians just because we an members than a gang recreation a friendly of a congregation by faith s if the y is tie understand ve with ail the btn given in able to make what it means capacities man per fret i your hydro safeguards ontarios airlanes citizens of acton and district todav tonight airplanes wing their wav along the airlanes of ontario guided surelv on their course b beami of electrical waves a dependable suppl of lowcost electric power has been a major factor in making air transporta tton in ontario safe and economically sound electricit supplied b ontario hydro powers all major installations in the provinces airports it operates the transmitters that bring lastminute weather reports the radar and direction finding equipment that enables the crew to see in the dark and the modern import signal and guide lighting that has helped to reduce hazards to a minimum it is another erample of ontario hydro at work fot you and yours information concerning ontario hydro can be obtained by writing to your hydro chairman 620 university avenue toronto are invited to oin in decoration day sunday june 20 3 pm at fairview cemetery sponsored by the canadian legion women i institute legion auxiliary acton fire brigade lakeside and duke of devonshire i o d e chapters th brains to think clearly with eyes to me the btauty of life and wilh a body to act dynamical ly yes- if tht ymca is able to bring the youth ihe conviction that tht v don t hnve their fingers only to handle mechanical devices that they dun t havr their eyes only to look at exciting situations and that emotion li something different to sensation yes if the y gets the chance to offer a program by which youth can enter a world of friendship id another climate than just the pool room or the theatre the y hai to have that chanc in the following years and it la up lo the adult members to enable th y lo do thest things to glvft their capacities everybody in hla own ii id in an organization whith i proud lo be a bridge to th church a gateway to a world of grtuttr dinunsloni a stimulus to nmn dynamic life and a union of wurktri in tht service of jesus when you shop at iga you are assured of consistent high quality at low prices day after day every day next ledgers i g a will announce the winnei next week i of the topulah free camf contest i week ledgers iga

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