Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1954, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press acton ontario thursday july ftlh 19m bousfield reunion attended by 100 the 20th bousfield reunion was held on june 10 at the community oenlre in jirvls oirtario when 100 guests were in attendsnoe af ter a delicious picnic dinner serv ed in the newly opened community hall the president robert laktng or moffat gave a short address of welcome two minutes of silence were observed for those who had passed away since the last reunion letters of greeting were read from those unable to nttend in cluding one from mrs e mcphail or brandon man who will be 96 on june 30 mrs murray bousfield jarvis favored with a vocal solo poems composed by the late eva bousfield jefferies lambert o port dover entitled grandmotlv ers garden and reminiscent of a winters morning were read by mrs robert anderson of st tho mas marilyn and patricia sous field of jarvis sang two pleasing duets election of officers for the next reunion was held and resulted as follow honorary presidents john wilson london and john barnes norval president j spencer wil son norval first vicepresident archie gunby campbellville sec ond vice president murray bous field jarvis secretary clarence bousfield hagersville assistant secretary kenneth bousfield jar vis treasurer mrs archie gunby campbellvilk during the afternoon a group ff the bousfield descendants visited the cemetery at jarvis when clar ence bousfield placed a basket i flowers on the grave of his grand father john bousfield the sports committee composed of robert cunningham and frank barne of norval lloyd fisher of georgetown and archie gunbj of compbtllbille carried out a very enjoyable program of games and racei winners of tht various tv cnts w ere girls five and undr doreen fiher bojs five ond undtr jack cunningham girls six to eight edna fisher girls nine o 11 mirljn wiuson susan cun ninghdm bos nine to 11 jim tbarnea cecil gunbj boys 12 14 sandj barnes jim barnti luck- spot birtha bar young mm s novtlty race sandy barnes tipping race earl bous field wheelbarrow cecil gunb jack cunningham shot scramble mrs bob anderson balloon ract mr bb anderson husband calling mr- t tucker guessing content frank wilson at tht supptr hour prizes wcrt awarded to the oldest lady and pmitleman present mrs hugh cun ningham norval and john borne norval a prize to the youngest member present was given to jean wilson daughter of mr and mrs spencer wilson norval those coming the longest distance were mr and mrs jack tucker of web ster ny 8276 vacate haltons schools stanley j alien the reeve of georgetown has been nommat ed to represent the ccf party in halton in the next provincial election the ccf met in mil ton on wednesday evening june 23 bill ding says conditions alter best speedpolice 1 speed too fast for conditions is a factor in one out of everv three fatal traffic accidents sms chief oliver of trntalgar township when ques tioned about street and road safetv too mar dners involvid in ac cidents failed to realize that speed limits in bastd on favorable condi tions whin conditions art less than iditil sptd must bi reductd for lit put it this wi at w null an houi i car sinking i ixtd ob jecl will suffer the wimt damagt as tf diopptd from a foul stort build int at till links pir hour tht ini palt would in tht sanu as if it had ben di ippid from a tm storey builduu this is nlitnik hit same impact a- two cars inch going ol 30 milt- pt r hour meeting hi ad oi i ari t rst winthi r huu traffic ond dmtr fitigut art factors which coll for slowtr spuds in tht won lt of schools or parked cars on re 3idtru ill slittts m 2 miles an hour lin lx a dnngtroush high sptnd when children art plaving strict impartial enforcement of speed itws is one of our most effect ive wuvs of pnventmg accidents when someont is apprehended for exceetitnk the speed limit b a few mile an hour he rnrtls regards his actions as wrong doing he invar labl insists that ht had cornpleit control of his which and tht in flume of his actions on other road ustr is honored stanley allen ccf choice for halton hear usa speaker at a nomination meeting in mil ton town hall last week members of the halton riding ccf assoc lation nominated stanley allen georgetown as their candidate m the next provincial election in accepting the nomination mr allen said that if he were success ful in being elected he would im prove on the record of the past representatives for halton in legislature he said he had always tried lo be conscientious in carr ing out his duties in municipil af fairs and the same attitude woulc applj to tht one he was now uc cepting special spciker for the evening was stewait cooke hamilton art supervisor for the united steel workers of america mr cooke de clared everyone had a basic right ork and nol onlj to work but to share in the good things of life that should result from thai work re were some people who held jpposite opinion however and this was because a belief in the right to work and share the results of that work conflicted with the r concern over making monej mr cooke said il was not for us lo judge whether some people de served the money thej had been to accumulate but we should realize thai il was possible to ac lulate so much wealth and pow or that no human being could have the neccssarj responsibility and moral strength to develop it prop crly the word socialism had been derided in the past just because it was the antithesis of this slate of affairs he reflected no letters on new car licence plates mw demgn of molor vehicle registration plates for 1955 is an nounced by minister of highways georg h doutdt whujau sever tl reasons for the changt so lhal no letters will appeal ot tin tusi 999090 pa i ivgt r car plitts the nw pi ill will bt of s indued size 6 by 12 inchi all fignii s bcim 3 i cht upm rtaching tin million mirk oen it tti r will b used for inch 100 000 jilnus s of fikures on ihi niw iihu will be w inch shortei th in tlint in prt int plater but thi itgibility of iht plait will be increased by rnsnn if ihi dm uilinu inti of tht 3 inih letlirs anilhtr n is on foi the ihangt is lhal i nemr iliori pliti is onl i k gftik ns tht jmalh st figure i r letler ihereon mr doiici 11 sliti second n ison is thil there hns beon considerable coirfusion in noting iht letters on n guslration plates particular with the letters v j n m c and g third rcison is lhat ontiru ci oper iling w ilh all other pro- mcii and the suits hi ihe unitid state- in adopting a standard iizi platt al the request of the automo bile manufacturers who plan wit their 1956 models to provide a be ter means of attachment ind ilium ination particularly of rear regis tration plates no othtr province and bul one state has larger figures on then plate mr doucelt said thai i- the state of new jerm they um letters on their phtes ind the lei ters are but 2 inches in height far par krom home by ruth mekcnney you n member m sislt yotk stigi plt won dlpflll till ng i but ulh b luisbud iluld last week 8 271 halton 7 school pupils from si 16 vacated ihcix classrooms hiaded for two m mths of sumlyn idajs lsl yen s tnrliwnt this tim m i ninlv sch i k w is ju about 1000 hss insptttor 1 i skuce pmittd oui thl- year 7 113 st u dull s were s for high sthl l hit ipnn d w th 78 1 hm i dijs il it t ly 1 ok d to bv child ii u though b0o0 hindi 1 its it ft m h i k tin v invi 1 k ill 250 hilti r li chr is tnj th l 1 a i m grass fires can cause disaster one of ihe greatest threats t ontario s forests and t majoi dt itroyer of humin life is fire grass f rts ofttn contribute to this havot in one pirt of the prm met a homt was destroed when 3 fr iss whipjhd b 1 strong got ui of c 1 chidei hospilil was attned when two b iru from school tirlid 1 f re in lonj cns dense sm ike obscured 1 highwa in 1 section of outhern onuino that two cars crashed hcid on the farmct rt sponsible larkd grass burning re gardless of 1 strong wind blowing toward the road sportsmen must observe all rules of for somt obseuit n is nt u roitvt i ent f i her husband to work n fui ope thi fimil mined int ind biggagi to brusmls in belgium ind tin luriniung of iht bmk finds thim eompleti ly ir iiivtlited and quite at 1 lo hil l do on of ihe inevitvble n blems a jtthiol fo tht jounsters thej win duly rt glstered in a school that was highly recommended nl though the itithor rec ills ihe director was 1 little strange and t r sympithctic the boys didn i like the school they pljyed with animals cleaned out pens and did ver outlandish things indeed the frmilj aoon discovered that through some mistake they had sent their jounhers to d school for fccblc minded children the servants ire charmir the neighbor fncndlv ind suitibly foieign in h ibils the books easy to rnd ind has somt amusing il histralions make rl money yorkton sisk cp during iht nvi flood period here recently one district firmer estimated ht low ed 160 motorists though the mud it a pnet of 5 r rescue schtmk will ti p 1 lit 1 7 tin ir ind w 111 figurt s irt iv ililih inspttoi skin it ssd nfidenii th will mi flooo studnts w mid r turn li the ehsjoims ifter 1ibi to necommodtlt iht emit miill nrrt ts ng numbi r of vludtnls 1 is islunilid iboul 50 m w cliiss roims trc in v iru us stig s 1 ung and completion ind district polu phi reili ng the dangi ion when children hive mort up portunity 1 1 gel on roads issued warnings to motorists lo slow up particularly in pirk ind play u round areas men labor policy turning to the unemployment situation mr cooke said that had been in the past one ma in which the lives of men had been destroyed or made useless but there was another way he added and it came about when men thrown out of work as thej todaj under the present set up when a mans unemplojment mmr ance benefits had been exiuusted he could obtain no welfare assist ance for hii familj unless he walk ed out of the houst ind deserted them wt hive just come through a pen d he said when 500 000 men had been out of work if thai situation had occurred n one concentrated area thi speaker cuntmuid it would have been eon sidired a national catastrophe thi federal govt rnmenl had known a fir back as 1949 vind 1950 that this iiiuation wis bound lo occur he continued thej had know n be cause it was then that the farm in come began lo fall right now farm income was 22 per cent less than it had been in 1949 but nei ther the provincial or the federal government intended to do an thing about it he claimed mr cooke closed b an society the rule- b those who had the make them and that w the game and fish dsvisi the department of lands and forests for the information of oportsmen poinl out that the fol lowing is forbidden in an p irt if ontario 1 to oarrj or use firearms for hunting any animal or bird except under the authority of a licence 2 to kill or molest anj deer or moose while il is swimming in an waters 3 to buy or sth deer moo e carrfbou wapiti wtild gesp w lid due its or other water fowl snipe were woodcock quail pheasants grouse partridge and hungarian part ridge 4 to hunl or fish on pmatih wned premises without permis- on of the owner 5 to angle with more thin on ne with more thin four hook flirt e small hooks in a gang 1 rlific al baits m considered s 6 to anglt other than with hook nd tint in hand tr w th h 10k ne ind rnd ht id 1 thi hand to inglt lhai 1 1 thou lie idtt angle if hold dress sensibly during vacation a ing that r ere made pow er to should not oiu nar or to anglt unless at hat time the angler lias thi li cense on hrs person 8 for an angler who engages a guide to include such guide as a merrtber or his part when com putuujt limits of catch 9 to hat in possession at an time more than two days legal catch of any species of fish investigate 16 careers in one visit canadoi army active fore hai many different career opportunities for men between the oget of 17 ond 40 or 45 if you already hove a trade a talk with ihe cana dian army information officer will give you o chance to dead if tho army b for you and what thb fine force hat to offer men who wish to serve canada ad nowl visit the canadian army information team town hall acton thursday july 15th 10 00 m 1 00 pm theres a puce for you in the canadian armi active force thurs fri july 89 farmer takes a wife beltvjgrable dale robertson technicolor sat mon july 1012 man behind the gun technicolor randolph scott a complete line of building materials for home repairs and general carpenter work trims paint shelving doors wallboards flooring hardware frames and sash quick courteous service is our motto tuejwed july 1314 the highwayman wanda hendnx philip friend trouble in store norman wisdom marg rutherford thurs fn july 1516 april in paris dons day ray bolger 2 shows nightly riwn under 12 rears free leave your films with us for the finest in photo finishing have your films processed by us we specialize in super snap pak albums the new convenient way to protect your snapshots our service features 1 fast dependable service 2 every print inspected by experts for tone and quality 3 life lime guarantee king size prints j 4 bound for permanency in super snap pak album 5 satisfaction guaranteed if you have an eye for a bargain read the want ads fost u ii t im o o cm h idi i- i d iiii k- m tvon v i i t dof ii un sws ip iid rini ri brjr ot h q i pn d i i i- ca if caastruction aqsmtttitm la vr i lal a- a record 4 soo i ooo iu hiding how tk nrd com mercnl and industrial com- struct i wait anj longer to plac that power in the hands of the ordirmrj peopu so that ti could build a socitu in which all could hae the freedom to work ind to enjo the nsulis of their labor rhyme reason qaawocd oil heat at its stst vvith gar wood heating m the i home pa sa i i iwst a loafer i istead ot car iq ash cans out he s ly ng on the sofa lt us banish th ash can from your home with gai wood autmottc cil heating at its best gm cadet car visor for 195354 chevrolet and pontiac so sial ea a i ced l bjlt0n perry limited i plumbing a hnting contractonl acton ont phone 4t i now 24 pa itng and installs on fre originally 34 50 limited supply lome garner motors masseyharris first with full scale test track for farm equipment wide spread and fast has been the swing to modern mechanization urgent demands have been made upon implement engineers to deelop new models to keep up with the needs of agriculture to get information on materials designs and features in hours and dasanstead of the usual months and ears masseharns designed and built the first full ecale test track for tractors and modun power farm equipment on this test track the machines lug heaw loads bump and shake bounce and swav joit and jar climb steep grades and spin round and round as they go through the test electronic instruments write the inside storv of stress and strainb and complete records are kept of the da to da wear and tear these controlled superised tests help masse harris engineeis detagn equipment that will offer more advantages in ease of opera tion ong life with low upkeep cost and greater abihtv in saving time and labour for quaht satisfaction and service ith mechanization equip with massev hams ith modern masseyharrisferguson limited makers of high quality farm implements sine 1847

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