Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1954, p. 2

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ih acton fke- toes acton on1aric thubsra august lit 1951 northhalton urban board could prove a producer of progress not what they usectto be in these acceiemtec au- we fine mati chang- stmi- tr ik sumelnne 1 cdrmriu for things the have m1i101 and oeotgelow anc possibly rotkwood diiappeart oc m- scene burnt v v- cor tl ierved di c ccmriurut ir telephoru it- r vice remcinot vviw neignoo pdce the preietv befinh o the telephone system 15 iidcmnnu shof o- the gris another forward step in line with the irene o a north hahur area fi men thinyi r tht proposal 10 have acto hi jobn buck nurl orun iljlllei tic good old days may have seemed better inmti back in 1934 back in 1904 it realists furcsufr bai suinlmj eiieci very unsatisfactory and the propose pv forth by the bell telephone cc appear mw iatis- faciorv approach lo the poblerv tht cos- k subscriber ndeec ef smah wher i i constdercc tho tht boundane dte sc widt- ond it rnyc mote termor wil be available fo user o telephone wherever tht matte- hei bet considered there jeems ic bt hean approa he acceptor o tnt pla nus be made dcoftly jc tt m cc b eight tc pc ceii o subvnoer whtit hi mdv iter fig peictntagt shock- no be c great coiocit tn- ptouess iit mm la i udiij- bfinj 0111 unit- uulf pruhits in tr fwfia- i i when men cdint iiilc low anc wert waiting arta hac time fo- o vsi anc exchange ot neghtxri iterm gont loc art tht dae- room o the barber shop- where out took ge- quilt l sunuiwr o ii rftie ota ikw picture tol ditir have tc oe aji jnr burlmctui c 0 c in f roon a- lomrm morion shop uw was ioceled j- cuim- tun- w where the roa inedtrc no stand men couic ge c suave c oaroe- sfiot mow odv oic t usw t- or of in mono o- wtcea- v vrtt liin- i wi- l o iurpsiiic tn- oe itw tid jli c yatitre vvniii wdmk t tposei fo pion mi lac tio ototgtio- vii lx jifc od pjltr 0l1 hdsltr te iu vit a o iti ivstc af- koc oct council o t nrct- ion rrt irojt fina vfcic mjs com tl io rigr school i ject sojr d h 1 f aoopcc ftolid di u e e suc da of mine- cdgt ctudtf i wf jcorc witt j booiec lelcpoie the iade nov tht ubsoiberi anc 01 thfc term outincc tht pld should ge o bociit o ioc pe- ctn being big we who live cjlsde tht metropohtot area oi tontc cai it- v viti some arns t f uict itio the- ceolici fj tin ipfc ci ha ctdscntc do iordt appociltt ocifc tid eei teuy rnoc o tnt citv do no make of ntvipofc r fom or poifctc iy a nir ti a o jb ij cii ijs bt 6ii vtti tnt ccniidenct of the cl j i u o cot rec wit no totrfi vo- o- 0 sop en fc vo- poce p c hjl cipa arid fnert vo uie lot mceoi j- o- u pd ww y j lt t-rpoe- i itw op pjltinc ir 0 r appear a net e- the ft b jroe- soj a to u o c rre nc o v w ia ooig 800j the o sop oj v t 1 n- it oe olliti sldftc k ge tnei- ha- vveei t d to j- paoi- io c th 10 bee dc 1 fe di jt ifiq fc fne- w oeau pa lor ividtriitt ti- sukke luwn intt- tr o tin ceflu ctintrracn an- from th tent of ih free lr ot hw the tmif nf the iyre l- ct dissuusfirr witt tin ptrrsoi o j thbidv atwttst 1934 anmt 11 imm ptrtirniiiiit- ji u posiuor biici uurolr wats purcnam6 hi con- tn- anaur rorvcnc tm iitrtao ind lira lion r tli- ini icciiorvri ousmes on aueu5 ii i v01un1ee firemen associstx c ir uixpner mmit- unci convvi- 190s an mark tir suvr- nnni- j oniaru vix- ntir 5 suc las jerif ir netiiui nutiifruu arc versar ru wee tilt- ousines- ha t weti matter- 0 vita nterej 1 iittrebsar jou- aoii woiomicaii al gruw ann na- been ei- 1 tne- drav- lirc-firtitcr- wa- ais- iiiiv uter venter ir tin town iapjur untie- ta courteouv arid cussec acic wa- representee t tuuiici ciiamner j t servif c mir anc huh cnir gairbi- anr secrewr- gre- wur tiutef lask twhinr 11 i slsiv tl tin publn of acu and nair tin- actor onpan vat rujtlih tn burc nuv grasp projecu distnc tnroue tnt compiimeniec tcr tncr fir appea vnicr wtiii stl in im- concept- lwenlv year- sintt heroic 1 anc tm acton come banc toot ur tf ramiitt siat promw u wli p tm5 pusinesj 1 nas j par irtnr paraa- d a amuitiiu anc tcer mort tm lnrtfue tn paruiersnii of whil tflkinf qmr- wall- last nveruativ ir tneir atiiijriec hm adc ht jj ijiurn sunoa aftemodr m h gnndcl effec wiic am tun- of steaa krownn cnairma of tn boarr r eaucf- pussibl- urruimwuen lev ei- aiwuv atteniivf v dusiness tior strolieci up t tm- schoc dailp leodec ait teiepiiun servit siww wunrtlu anr always witti mn ana surprised nal aoser iota tii- triuugr mine v servici tr 1 spon tnsajiec ir piainp cara ir in- pudli hi ousiriess enjoyed in i tnt pore tm scxtcti- vomooser irmramjit o ousines au w 1 vtr aincrt tnoup wr mpm a tii province conveniiti c imn bract notir- na- sir aee proun lo tfirrui dispon anc u ca1ldlbr j nt ri kvtr forol a ncrsor iron- 1 lntc ciiunt brow ivu- unan trespassinr upo rrfn- on muui tiiter zon- cjmilllnat r ncur rou n- if- wimj ti- ailtgl m eric m m uperintriacr wur- hoptvlit ir- iiai inspcrifr f re- with it in urlar anc rur itu pnuut wicevnirkt of tin- thrtt ce reeem meei- o tu minor nikheti t litjtlfl uwwiciii bo id- -u- m m- mr ja praiu cnar in- irtf hi- ur tm- piir- liih- tn bewrc wil pi cw ion air uiuac accompust nieiiu 11 tin euiiimur interest aotyi gijijielowr anr mnioi uivft in eietiorate unitttr suppur tin bruit 1 buerc wil 1 vuluf tlitsi aim uric ifitiajr av triiawt piuoucf n piogiesr 0 rrer invaot btr the op ioo sotneliiiic- c one ht the oic gft- va- tne usee 1 land prices ji the it ad vi ct be 10 qjttc 1 n w iiu lim ia- isif trctc r rji tii- ln an un 0 i- mesfr- 1 an- duf itsft ijienciv i trna ar inv r-tt-r- rrriv au si n- svdv iiiow- ir rrjinr a- dit miiioa i nvni- r monain aficrnior m a- h n bw ht i actor 1- wirker k rn- an i i- i- aueriaaiiv aotii 12 iwivtr gijr ti- p- ni tn- dhniinr jul r bfc n a- -v- vroant rv nhagiitti- n in siowk t r iaix1- a- 0 ni ar- rt muikib firior auu 300 quirec r rur r writ red- tn- old -rnv- pupii anc kru-na- gainerec inn tiirefninp macrn- reijjrec 12 int stiiik t pitsn noi i 1- ni 1 iiwrai- njccessiulh iiiiqliii iii- ttf- tiectc u- ove- duf bro owrrr- tn- natronart ix vrnt anc l wc msmtainec anc supper cl cvr- larnv iils bul0iic ha on- i- iavoru vicinm tc irttroaucnc sitcr s up aonu uiwr tin pa5 iei nidcnim p tnes part- ftrt it ri lhjiidiiif dir vf tn- pwr appreciaivr aron twrve- wi live- w aierloi 0 mondav a mofime- ficic aa una tnt nien wnt- tn- tiv arrivec ntm uapice 0 tin women- insulin- on tn eveninp trair iti found ah iieic t civ hrliaai s im ermve anc tnf ccrnc banc a am 0 gij roucmsot gueipr tn ociw ti latlcom- it and iuac exienc conrratuiatianf ioooe arc over ontario luquirukf lulu uruu uiuk juh buppl i hijrt professional directory and travellers guide medical dental ifc fcfs t- oft id t a itic lojf a arc rii y ii vt tof recntl itio ort hn ic- huc lrun- i ti drml r jii ozo tion of 10 tc tioyi i iir- v tjlkl m v mpy q iitny c tovvi ci 0 districi out i vict w 10 jiii o ynjli knii- tiio- tt- tm iy f 1- r y ii iill bb di 0 fti 1 t i kidi-n- it could happen here li t lc c i l k si a ic ylilo dlu nmrilt ityiected tc rnenticr that vt 11 jciaust when ioil ufullu nv b i-iu- 1 jtlii alutt liluiuul o ulr itumb dp w c- c kennev physician and rrti offict ir symon biock 43a mil st e acton oftk- pliwr w kecidencr us charch si e pfamkr im dp d a garrett physician and smrgevo joiiiki of willow and river ste entrance rive slieel or jolday juii 31 tt aug 2 cai d joiii scot 18 wikiwch st fiuut 421 gueiph dr a j buchanan dental batxeeo offic leikhmqn black klill si ohict hiurr p am xray telephoni 1 6 pn dr h leib ienu 6 ar t oflict corner mill and frederick streets office hour p am to 6 pm telephone ip acton vetekikast legal other papers say c f leatherland barrtslrr 4 solicitor notary pmbtl orftc hours hoo tm 1200 aji 1 w pmsoo pjs salurdayt by appointment only office zi phont rwt 181 acton muatj iic by bin itplnl ajt io f in lh iii ull jjollu thrnwut i uir word o ad j m 11 t yitdi riujuiii lit pcuple if ji uiiiiiiiiiiil ait piobabjy i iiil piublen lb ui tor thtisc uml u mist then peienlagt i h unit oin1 t iiiki dya ot my jiie niiiiuiil mipruvt then itjil jllllo fil lfver 4 h0skim cbarurr4 acceuulanla succtsaors lo jemunii and bakjd7 1805 metropolitan bld 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvrvl veterinarr burreoa office brookville ontario phont milton 165r21 miscellaneous victor rumley son funeral home funeral hmoc heated ambnlaiar phone 690 nght or day serving the community for 46 year seal estate and nsurancv gerald a candler harterrd a ceo an tan t mmiduy 10 friday 78 pm saturday from sam tl actor blvd pliir 561 acton hp at tme ufttcricmes p artmi 3xn jprraa 1 lutiilihrii imaci 1 uu u auin h ill i nib ttuiuii 414 lubtuautt i luuiicd unitcd chlwch of canada acton ootarla a khiendly chdhth met i a turrt ha it d uuiialtr haiui hi btmei avenue ilium titl alto li at lmnara a tt at oiufliiisl ami fsiuii lcadci il st alkiliil lin lui 1 ik 1 lld b i a i im i tii uuil eo s u t auans chlwch lanflioan hcv halpti e price b a bu kcitui nint41 sunuav ahith tbinitv traveuflts guide gray coach lines oacheb ijcave acton eaalbund h 111 a m 8 sit a m ltt ajd 21h1 pm tm pm es pm is p in bafta pm wmtbh4 iu il am iiryt pm 2 57 pjbt pm 127 pm 13 pjd 11 ji lt 1 pm iii 111 s er illy m to kit a daily eaccpl sunday and noli lav ialni day sunday and boll pbfciovisrlan church in canada fcmia i ih kl u alton kt uuutkl u akutitltunu u ai uioktef raptist church atltkn k h v uu- t slmiax iltilm biilntib ami canadian national railways atauaard tibm ualwana n s c a 111 l rx siinda ii- li ui y n ct iv 1 li v t i-rge- vltbuna d mor sj j sur ml 1131 i-i- lu c sjiid v iu a 111 s s5 111 frarfsiop 7 49 pm 127 pm sondaj iiiw sundaj i fli t geph 7 00 pm lv r vi sdt ad sur njrei u l 6 lv t it- f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 aparaiarr beal estate and w r bracken real eatate phone 2fl list your farms business or bou with u we invite you to use ouf- farllitiea in securing a purchase for your properly acton phone milton i46h2 r r 1 campbell ville r f bean limited rnaj esute and insurance 83 mill st acton phone 5 r h elliott seal estate ir avenue 1 rrprewntintf bv rrprewntintf g w cldiiraw brc mur phone 349 lmpleit- rtal estate service rn halton county l- ou facitei j r holmes m churcji street phone 306m waa t mou limehouse phone georgetox tr 7304i representing j e skf broker

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