the acton free press acton ontario ihjrsnay august lpth 1954 fyjfcg farm news from haltons farm lands jsmtor rtowtac match at the joint meeting of the execu uvea of the halton junior farm era nd the ho ion plowmens assort uon held in milton on thursday even ins last plans wm made for the annua junior farmer plowing match and coaching demonstration the eent will be held on ttu farm of thomas howden and son lot h of tht 5th lint of trafalgar sep tember ii one o ontario s top tractor plowmen eill ik on hand to assist with thi coach tin and act a official judk prewiint don mat thews assisted b john stark earl witam and robert marshall win appoint d as dinclots for tin tvint count match presidtnt j spencer wikm of i th lialton ikwnuns association of 34st ptr acre we know of a itane on one of our ttafalaar fnrmi which hnt bean spraved annuall and thh venr has had three spravs with no control on the othtt hand on tlu farm of robert hurnn and son near camp bolhillc n rouuli poslnri lot was sprayed for tin flmt time in june of this vear with at least a 90 pi r ctnt killing or wild enrrot ojv la dwn plou in ha ton an a recult of the problem beln t nrounii rvd in halton with control of wildcat rot with j 4 d the rutan department nt tin ontario auricul turul colli m laid down a number of plots 111 mrl j11h on tin farm of midforth pi wirt is inmifir us am illinium at tin nnum nt tin ills in nol iipinar ir pro mis a family man jomm t n fellou wllh no w ifi in rmul iiooihi to hive him horrlbli ixkins necktie a whili buk in a fit of murines lie toutht him 1 if a iiornbli liuikhtk netktti but hn coo mm fnllid oiih lime he ad ilu the tj in sli miu w 11 b tnld 11 trjfilj1 i township on rndn octot 1 3 at i tht undine n fitted to aboe can vasiink committees wiri appointed and mi vsts i lo d max thi mas howden tnd frmk hall win del ratio tin toik of locttini 11 miitahlt site international at breslau hnlton plow inn- will ht lijjihu to participalt in tin 1ota du maleh in id in conunriion with tht inuunlloli il this tvint will in held on tin dm piecedtiif tin intn in of tin lnti rnationnl luinu is tiiisda october 12 tentative pnzi lusts hivi bem is sued foi both tht local duv and in limiliuml nott a kw changes in tht rtkulitons rmirnini tht lat tcr eem in tht first pluce an prizt wmntr at a branch mutch is eligible to partcipatt however all entries muit nach f las hk secretars of tht ontario pli association pari la toronto bv tuesda 1 art luidlv puz led but ttu h iltou s nl and inn nl asmkintion t to tin 1 of tin 1 lisidi show tint tin first lirimd 4 l tues of w ild carrot but r similar trentrtuiit fail- i m or usp iidtnj rt suits llus w uiui aiieai t at in lliittun m hi siniii of wild 1111 t uidpomi of 4 n is fmiv 1 loud he iiij s hi n s impml in unit of tin troubi how vi 1 thi turns strjiiri r pnlhv j m ur it luit h x ii ii he hi and wtnl an who noddid s in trud tin 1 fathers di c tin tuck w rkid put nun a fu fort edmonton trading point 120 years ago trumpeter swans moty northward toronto icim a wat- iwike t trapper ikucvc he h found in xtiiiu uroiiiuli of he ru nm u 1 idf five of tin i pre nettled to gueen flluibelh and pilmc phillip when the l nired w ulern caimdn before hi r ncccx i in the bird are now belnu tnnd for at tin snern wildhwl ti ust in fnitland hoi 10 rura tin lriumeti r mimid rr llu ir dlituului miittnu rull has i hnii lliittd s 1 viuiuli init peeit now in u litttr 1 the oolun rduoi of thi ti out 11m and mult k gordon mill r of no out sa in bus nut 1 in pp 1 it ttu link on who told f lin wiuih w hn h had n luiiu d l 11 i iki in his tnippini nnu tin 11 iiimhi tintls tallnd w tli ui itumpilii hi d sirilud mi in st wilh l urk ikk in it ilrnm doutilt tin of k o 1 it fitmonton 11 id t v mdirutt that i 11 rtslsuint 1 it t ilt oiu hund 1 lit did 1 in 1 ii ijuii herbert m arftuckle waj te cently appointed assistant secre iflry of the ontflno federation of aqnculture born and raised on a farm in richmond he served in llie royal canadian air force from 1940 to 1945 after gradu ijting from ontario agricultural college guelph in 1 949 he joined the dairy branch of the provinc al deparlment of agncul tute as 1 fieldman for the past i ve years he has been living in i ndsay lii idu t bu lei 1 iij bu iiu- 1 tnd hcki m u mil uislr jm h id ntlitr wisum pol ubuod iiici of spruct w hirti rt pluct d tin this ear in accordanct with th world plow ink mitch np illations tractor plowmtn will b permitted to ust scritches m connection w ith tluti strike outs wild carrot a gd crap drought or no drought wild car rot or queen anncs laci continues to flourish in halton too man halton fields art practical white with this weed on tht other hand here and thtrt ont finds a farm whert the owner has it under con trol and not a specimen 15 in sight on tht township roads despite the effort bunk madt b tht respective township road superintendents wild carrot ib the problem weed accord inr to weed authorities wild carrot is staled to be susceptible t 2 4 d and tastlv controlled in fact thev would have us belitvi that halton is tht onh countv where am diffi cultv is being met in controlling this weed bi that as it ma we do know that in esqucsing township the got a ver sat isf actor control of wild carrot in 1951 which was the first eor their township roads were proved their control in 1952 was not so good wt would sav nil in 1953 and w e question if it is anj bctti r in 1954 this is no criticism of thiir 1 f forts because wt have etr rtison tu bcliivt tluv have consist ml h done a good job of spraving rap association la down plots tins viar in the hope of getting to thi bottom of the trouble the halloii crop improvement assoc 1 a wortluh represmttd in thi rtd lownuns l at tlu canadian nation buildings fxhibiuon lntries havi one in october i irom tht hi rds of ieon ird coulson rnp iblt of 90 pound live stock hen make fnlhes bicuus of n hot cnx i tm good tmtx- of red polls lx f toi w ai i halton will be w 11 and w tri norths 1 irrvuik ho ji i i uli and 11 en w of nine thi caegoe from fori edm n u mchidtd b iled fur pimmican dried tntnt md uathir tlu find wa dtstiiud for more tsolntid nor them md eistirn pa t wlure tin local food supph wa- pi or from fort edmontiu tht flet i of york bout owmd bv the hun cons ehv co sailid en t to norwav house on littlt plujkriin lake nuir lake winnipeg the boat brigade win control lid bv a chief transport it ion of ficer who wo nr experienced trad tr and vovngu of corusidrniblt im portance pre arranred meeting the tranijorl il on officir had hi clieduk arranid th it eat bound md wtstbnmd brieide nl tm hi plol 1 the third itn of esquesuik si plots eakh r ukhlv 200 feti long were spnvid mu 11 j 4 d both of the eslti uui min tvptsvven utilized atliftir tu stnnkths md volumes of tht plots did cllmi 1 brush spri on pound 4 d md phis ni pound utilized ind tin hit uld be consisting of g rt radtmd md r c nilti ill of lowville shorthorns too in as nuieh us sonu of tht most pronunint in rds of scotch short horns are located in halton it natur allv follows that halton will be well represented in this breed accord ng to our understanding the herds of t c amos m black grant campbtll s g benm tt and reford gardhoiist will all be thtrt and en sure a real show halton su1i horsey in tlu horst section stanlev mav of hombv wilt be there with his percherons in addition we antici imti thai valltv crest farm will be then with their clvdesdales good entrj of gncmseys in last weeks column we intimal ed thit halton holsteins ind jer sevs will be reprcented with coun tv herds tht same will also applv hou to tht hilton and peel guernsev club hert entries trwt gont down from tht herds of j l ohrsholm and jovce bros of milton m t mcnabb and sons of georgetown and also from tht herds of joe and john brownndge of brampton drama in the home brow n lua st w en si tppin mosquities is thev il in tlu hilf light buking at tv s brwi will fumbling around 111 1 cupb ard fo a sprav gun ht found oiu and d hi t iiidunci thrmkh th n ted tha putting in them felt u lllldllgll tuff in w 1 p culnr tin truth if this tilt could b i rifn d hv ii eximuinti in of hi distr td b si bink ace mm fo h n tin likht w r tumid 1 w i di c ivi nd in hid spr v 1 t rbidv with pant c t t inn ut wuhir rangtd point tr iding go hi from enljind d ind broki do md supplu c inn through norwav md m bulk ii d r pickd stock 1 t bngndi hip during tli shi l tlu port ige dtir mint up llu siskitclu w 11 m mm w 1 expected t cirrv two 9i p und bundle md then was rival rv betvm 1 1 tin en w s 01 thi pr tagmg in some crew tht ruli w 1 no rest stop betwien witrr from hef nmng t end of the por nge thi ork boat cirrid suppln until tin mid 1800 win 1 t b i inn d ffirult t recru t en w tl hbc neiried i0 men cicl nar fir us boit brig id thi rid ru i cirt btgn t plic tli k boits b ltt2 the f t tnn t it h ri t luijgt d up th st kilcl i w hi t fdm nt u t ti imbo it hi ired forgot ht 1tirrot tiiat a hit of wood preservative applied al hltli foci when the fence was put in would have saved him tin- cost of new kts now in the trlrplione imsmrr an around vour own home we find it n lietter to do tlie joh npht in the firxt plaer and tlun look after h it the liest wov we lnow to avoid in a repair and rrplan mmt costh to eav e expense and give vou monl servieo fiw vwir monev thai wh we treat telephone polcti agaiiixl nit wliv we iklk clean and in good repair wliv we put up ind ofgeen to lant it the common prut of vour tel we are to ker plionc wrviee our rhts down ivmnnn u tkr kh am mjomol an ikr p f hwj r uifljpil h iinlr t ami 1 rod itl 1 f krm and ivrwdmnk omtha ii kinds wii ippli h ii h d d i uik the box telephone company of canada saving money and writing cheques c powt ptfnjr wmi nu ovtci i hajni of htthwas irjivl ihcre nu k 3 ti rrarkci jhcad lor a new lightweight aluminum crah hcl met dcckpcd in iuitpc it not onlv lakes unikxxxsar weight ort vour mind leus ptowil that ti also ehitis k jem depth hcn ibievts are drop ped on it uh no one under ncath tnoukl jou sounds like a sensible cha peau tor construction wxker too certainh lob of aluminum nicies developed for ont use haw been qiucktv adopted for others a process wtueh has helped build heavv demand for caimdwn ahontnum both at home and m foreum markets aiununua company of can- ada ltd akank garden library womans project vict ht i a iai a uui in 1 t r t ctiilrfrei t uiiiqri tiy mi w w hiciiri i rmi ha nwn popular tliut now some ifw llu 1 1 1 1 rvn yenroldi gather on hei alinded lawrim in play and iran m d ieiiri ihrough playing ccolrr attrmtkn la ii r j ittle ili knout- ln knl lvi a lln- di walu and ut alxr lablem and chairs fun uh hi rim while lie yo iuk if n read bi d plai u d mtuli fin u itu fri ui tin from a public addreaii ylrm sili r nil 1 inojrtti liirrt jwi willi tin lilirmy rjtinlon ire girl 12 ii irrnduatri if thi libr a bank offers you two types of deposit account savings ana current ifjrou wnre cngue frequently you wtu hke the many advntfea o a currant account if your main purpose is to save to accumulate funds it s good to have a savings account mmwammeokmmmnnmammemmvmmmwm x he money you leae in a savings account earns interest and your bank book gives you an up todate continuing record of your financial progress if your funds are active with frequent deposits and withdrawals a current account provides a special service a monthly statement together with your cancelled cheques useful as receipta and a ready reference for budgeting tookkeeping and other purposes the 1anjcs serving your community ry f i m nlom ure former puptlt mt mcglll naid the idea came t in i nrly in ihi second world wui nl thi beginning of the horror i mlc era 1 wanted to provide toon wliolexomc reading and leach tli yoemignun to enjoy and chooac it by preference young people are not x ing to it and read o luten to atoms fir long pi rlods o other activities had to be provided the plan grew in mmpe and a bailc principle cmerg id txpiruted in tha itogan c for culmtlihip c utiind for mmiy th ngf ni hi libri ry from elennll nej to c operation and c lurlcsv small lota enthusiastically pick up litter from a morning n activi u and depmil it in eluttcr bu kcn learn u tiki turn on slide nd imp ng h irm s and co ipi i ile gtierally ir all thi ir play wethey 8 raspberry jam 2101 jab 37c contonu only a ginger ale grand union coffee romar instant coffee 69c 25c 127 sliced cheese 29c kraft plara punento or swus style v lb pko cheez whiz 35c 59c swanky swigs 26c philadelphia cheese 39c sandwich spread r 31c 51c araviiaii aaai miracle whip baladdfceunra 1soz jab 47c instant pudding boyal 2 pka8 23c tkbbitic valve i prem 12oz tim 39c heinz vinegar t 66c ullctinrt forhotdoos m 6oz mu9iakd heinz j jabe heinz ketchup flat depoilt 27c special pep dog food 15 oz tins 23c gum drops or orange 25c butterscotch or orange lb pork as11 beans clares 2 ss 27c i lb tin juty cbocouu drink with jiffy 1 lb tim 55c oranges doz 33c ca fom a valenc a se 288 cal fom wa aga grapes peaches corn ub ft a r homegrown ddaue frm and green svee tendei homegrown celery sweet green bradford 2 lbs 29c n ve 70e 6 qt basket tt doz 43c 2 heads 15c 2stallnl3c