thursday august 19th 19m the acton free press acton ontario page seven 4 probe fertility of salmon eggs nainaimd bc cp fisheni s department scientists hnvo devised a method to determine whether salmon eggs if laid in a particular stream will live o die millions of eggs arc annunlly because they suffocate before hatching due to lack of oxygen the device measures the ox gen content of the mere trickle of water which percolates through gravel to where the eggs lie it was perfected by it a pollard and w p wickctt by knowing what strenms art poor for egghatching scientists hope eventually to solve the prob lem of salmon egg fertility trava rhaxed and carers iw exhibition auoust 27 to sbtbmbt 11 fare d onihalf for the round trip good going thuriw august 26 to saturday soptombor 1 1 inchnhra rtum bmtt september 1 5 parents to blame not tv programs montreal cp its not ti li vwiidn programs directly ihnt turn children into juvenile dellnquen s say two of montreal s 20 polne women but the itlitudc of par nib towards tv in poorer districts where she works says regina cloulur tv ets are apt to outnumber bath tubs the purwits take can to sit thai the ulevision sel is paid for and neglect other more e sinlul things they will often rent a tv st t and let the insurance policy lapse she ays the parents sktid most of their lme watching thi set and ignoring the children people in the poorer areas rare ly git a chance to gel away from their surroundings shi admitted and their tendenoy ui watch tv s understandable but still hard on the children genevieve proulz who patrols n beat in the middle dais working district said she finds parents there have a more solid sol of values pay more attention and do their best for thorn tv is rare ij a problem h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st cuelph former actonian dies in georgetown iii for the past two years mrs john mcmenemy died at hcrhnmi in gesirgitown on rrlda august 6 she had luid in giorgelown since her marriage 26 ji irs ago born in england she was onlj a month old when her famil cro ed the atlantic they lived fr a ume in the slates came to can ida and lived hi oshnwa and diitrtd then settled in acton the former lll linn helta woods she as the daughter or mrs george woods acton and the late mr woods surviving are her husband and one on wayne her mother m acton three brothers and four sih ten joseph woods guelph herb and pore woods mrs fred stuckey and mrs clifford bndlcy acton mrs frank gibbous rockwood and mr gcortje ixiuth georgetown she was predeceased bj one sister mrs harry small man archdeacon w g o thompson conducted the fune ral service on monday august 9 al georgetown i nd interment was in grctnwood cometcry georgetown pillbenrcrs wen frank gibbons george iouth clifford bndlcv thomas hill b 11 bailey bramplon and joe mcmen tmy thorold pollock and campbell manufacturer of rtigh grade memorials memorial engraving 62 watar north oait county of halton tender for coal sealed lenders addressed to mr wm deans county clerk milton ont and marked tender for coal will be received up to 5 o clock p m on thursday august 26th 1 954 for the supplying of approximately 170 tons of southern domestic stoker coal lo the county buildings further information may be had from the county engineer milton ont the lowest tender not necessarily accepted roy f smith county engineer this weeks scene a normal sight on many farms in halton is ihe stooks of wheat thai dot the fields and in dicate the harvest here a field south of speyside on no 25 highway awaits the arrival of the wagons and men to haul it to its place in the barn wedding accented in white yellow shiih j im met uli 1 d ling v w iornc liintle h ihi ti in a dill in si i sit united chur in dm august 7 tin bride is the daughter of mr and mrs wilberl mccutcheon tl rr i rub i and in groon the ni of mr e htntlcj apd the int mr benlle f slrtetlli wh i ate el th ind oh the bnd wor an anklt ujui gown of white orkind over tifetta fihi ned with i full skirt and fitted bodici of mibroidind swis orgun an orkirt of em broidircd swis i rgnndv wis gith cred to n apron cnet a cap of matching sw s orgmd held hu fingertip veil she cirrud n- cade bouquet of pink reives ind mephinotis mls winda john t n of ciielph ind mr donild hu sell of k chcrur were the bridal mend in weiring whiu tmbreudind in infl ovr eli- und i ckl r f iluid readings plans on wi program the august meeting of the bus bee w mens institute was held nt ihe home of mrs howard the meeting opened w ilh the mar stewart colled and the roll call a ood qutlity of the lady on mj left th thought for the day was given by mrs w kennedy and current events by mrs s coxe mrs roy lindsay gave a paper on citizenship canada today bnd to morrow mrs i nth arranged proi r m of rndings and a contest a number of articles wire brought to the meeting including i good upplj of apron for itu hi zanr and a quilt more pillow cases are to be made an invit i- tion for the president of the di trict to attend the october meei ing was arranged nearly all members were in it tendance with one guest mrs hud son from bertram who is an active member of the wi there everyday low prices i g a choice 0 oz peas 2 for 33c red path granulated sugar 81c 5 lbs 41c cereal of athletes wheaties 25c swifts prem 39c snow tex 4 for toilet tissue 25c fh p p with purchase of k at one dozen ears of corn a handy butter spreader i remember at ledgers iga you are assured of daily fresh fruit and vegetables it pays to shop here swifts premium 6tfetot6 swifts premium boneless veal rolls cottage rous ik 49c boneless beef lb 39c pot roast lb 39c meaty beef blade removed roasting average 4 lbs blade roast lb 39c chickens lb 35c choice young eversweet sliced beef liver lb 29c side bacon lb 39c massey harris ferguson ltd presents a ferguson demonstration field day friday august 20 a full line of ferguson tractors and tillage equipment on display for your inspection and operation on the len pope farm no loside road and 1st line south west of milton morning and afternoon demonstrations for further information call boyd irwin implement co phone 57 milton ontario masseyharrisferguson dealer with fitted 1 d ind biuffant skirt their mile ink ac s ones inctuiid wile hois cummerbund ind envs of how laf e ttn pe inls w ilh pi ntr th cirri d hi k u l1io sin thi mums m d mo h mile r i ehri fl i in shi chronicles of 6 ginger form written spectallv for the acl gwendoline p clarke inku length gon of tifl li w th titled bodic md full sk rt il a mitchinn puke bonnet lied nihr hr chin with llow ribbon whit and yellow shasta mums r 11 id ir bikil groomsmin was g rdon benttcj of street villi hie roinn s brother ushers wen eirl mcculchion rick wood brother of thi bridi ind gerald putti rson of sli eels mile i iston powsell plijid the wid ding music and accompmud mi barbara rin who sang the wed ding prayir before ihe cercmonj and beciust while the register wis being signid attend ng tin reception in the sundaj school room of the church were about 100 guest from oak ilc strnlsville hornbj toron to mindi n cue iph rockwood acton ind woodstock for lur dnikhlers wtdd ng mr mccutcheon wore dutj ro i dri s with naj iccesones and i corsige of while erntlonv mrs bmllev chose u figured bljek dis w th bhek accessor htr corsagi was of pink roses when th couple f f r d w limu rip l th uni id si ilr s or de i ir nt mi p i mn w th h it f bluk ind pi f by wmildnt it be wemdirful if we mild hnt i full dav s -ram- or mild if l rh ips fnrrrti i s w ilh spring crop to eul tit ihush think otherwise but still when ou ink how much everv olhet kind of getnlion in needing molstuie a uihhi ram wiulei tnuily do more gtxid than burin sestet day 1 win selling out ger anium hillings si of them and ihe re wasn t a bit of itieiistute 111 the ljeiund eaiid ne 111 htr i funnel was liking nut old fitm posts feiui feet down in the gi und h ill he eould hui split die wood ind burnt il in the kitehen slim foi kinelling it wns ho dry partner is having his tumble with fuirih lou he is r bu iduik i fi id kte md sniion of fillet md ef eourse his nuiin olist ule is iko the hard dry kioutld nd then lln le s the giudtii after i i ipsi of ii few dis i went out lo pick stunt 1 ms 1 i xpected to ret iuit i lot us thi insi timi 1 looked then were pie nlj of little beans and ill kinds of blossom all 1 geit was a rnmlful tin litlli beans had dmd up and ill ihi blossom had dropped off harvest ipples iri still fulling oft tru but i am picking out the best of them ceieiking them with the n fori i nt tin pulp tluough a rotirv colandi r and canning the apple sauex one needs to make the most of every bit of fruit that comes along this year otherwise tlitie will be a lot of i mpty jars this winter and it is muri than human beings lint m short of fruit these days itivi oii ihoukhl what it means to the birds so m mj of ihem fud on wild fruits and be nits for in stance we geiurilly have quile a fi w cedar waxwingi around in the lite summer as they love the wild honeysuckle berries thisjeai we have wrv f w of i llher berrns or birds fven ihi poor little frogs seem to hnvi in unnatural brown ish shrivelled up tppearanee but sterdty i siw sonuthifig that was nnll green us green as a totnulo lie ill le ilhei md hi i rig camdin worker dis wn m r thr nih md accident patricia ann beauty salon hirslyliil all lines of beauty culture closed all day monday for appointment phone 341 81 mill st e acton it was some kind of pricing man tis an i hid sun oilier eara wen i hiownish shade but this one w is i be iiiiiful mil i this mantis w is im if m ii i iniiims and 1 took lii il i ue not to distuib linn be i nisi th mantis is a disn ilik in eel k hii in und ih ijrd n js it il sttis mm tnsicts injuriouh to lilarii hti tin muitib is a f tscinal- itil uiiril to wiileh and it doesn t mem to mind being hindltd il all vm dont need to be afr lid if it either it doe slit bite or sting and the ivei ige hum m is too bit for it tei e il it will ding lo yeiui finger as epnellv ind mintintedlv is if it w r on thi slilk of a plant the m inlis is common in furope ind the tropics but apparently it nude us first iipptarinri in ontario about 1914 it probably cam inlo c ilinda without a pasitport under coir of imported fruits and vege tables ledgers iga record sale continues buy tm by the sao were clearing out our entire stock of 78 rpm records now 10 m bluebird capitol decca columbia and rca victor records usually selling at 75c and 90c apiece manning electric tht unnlih m no ordinal insect it his been connected with arloui lg nds and superstitions for ihuui inds of irs the ancient greeks thought it hdd supernatural piwers ind the moslems clumed the pray ing mantis when in on attitude of pr iyt r always turned towards met ci mohammed s birthplace in soulhe rn turope it w is known anousl as sunt preacher nun or soothsiir ind iiimrding to in old legend i m mlis ilighled n the hand ef st riancis xnur who themn tomrnindd thi maniis lo sing lh prusi if cod the mantis accordmt le ihe l ge nd inioneil a wrv lieautiful cinticle perhaps thit legend has neimething to do with the sum rstitiem thnl for i per im tei h ivi d mantis alight on his or hr pewn be i kins tail n or i im i tokin of ge od fortune will a mantis certainl crawled oe r my hand m sti rdav bui as i don t e xpecl to shim an a mini may be it will bring mi good fortune in stead in fact it has brought me good fortune already as since i be gan writing this column we have had a lovely shower of rain so i won t hae to carry water 1 1 revive my g rani urn cuttingi it w asn t a w holt day s rain but it was rrtanlv a nice rfrshing showe r ii will make partners sctlch thistiik grew a little taller you t partner has a thistle pro ject cut in ihr back jard vhen he w as cutting w eds he left two scotch thistles just to see how till the would gr w the are now over four ftrt high frn day lovelv litlle cananra perch en the sturdy i julie branchet ard tp a wonderful time feeding off the seed in fact thry fight over it thr other da there was a hattlr roat and the busln thistle swavrd back and forth whiu the little birds fought fir un disputed pskssion alse n our back ard we hae a groundhi k who ioms t sit ip eaung apples so far tippj hasn t ui n htm thr euow- bellirrf sap s icki n are w ih us again and ust recrnu blue jays hae greeted us with their unmelod and wc had another transieot looking in meal this morning we asked him why he didn t trj io gt sofnething to eal in town to which he replied- n good town people r glv al as parliamentary govemmert established n canada in 1758