Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1954, p. 10

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday sbptekbeb so ism flowwflc muon knit todlea toed lha foul line september 1st for the hart f the official aebwlul and alley kata with two quick wins from the hep- knta landed in first place after dropping the frrt canto to cardinal blueblrda bang a aont of happineaa a they grabbed off the last two games to go into a top apot tie jaxxy joe bowed to the weenie in the flrat two chuckkera but came back atrong to snaffle the tasl g by enough to make one totals j on the individual records lola turkoas racked up the blfh alnxle with a while betty dolphin took the triples honora with a 590 count league standing- alley kau 5 bluebirds 5 weenies 4 jaiiy joes 1 cardlnala 2 hepkatx 1 high average betty dolphin high triple betty dolphin mo high single lots turkosx 3m the quiet ot main street waa that tcrrd saturday am when acton teen agers went into action on a preachrdule bowling stint thla gave the beginner a chance to learn the fundamentals of the game before thev mart the official opining thla coming soturdav ithe league is still open for member both male and female off the cuff notes baxti r labs league roe ortobt r fith 7pm jnvce mnalc with cat 2u naltzed off with last weeks 1ga voucher the fevtrlsh activity around our fair town of messrs dave drsdale tinnle mawlm gord wanner bill jkilllams harold townslcv coon varey el al la the hint for share shooting maple maulers to bolster their respective teams in the acton major league which swings into heay action this date of issue the qucation hus come up abo it left handed bowler reversing the count on the 4 and 5 pins and tak ing the right hand corner pin as the counter to this we can only say that thp oba makes no ex ceptlon for left handed bowlcrt of course some leagues chnnge thl rule to suit themsetve- but that is a matter for the league itself to d cide jut about here we want tc thank all ou kind henrls and gentle people who have put with the inconvenience of our entrance we hpi the new ranc will oon toe finished and the need to procarnush balance vou self aenvs a bonrdwiilk ovir local news william dobbi is tht new rltrk nt tht post office frc prevention week this mar from ootobc 3 to october 1 is the oldest nnd mast widclv ob served of nil the iccinl week it usunllv includes thi niinversurv f the dole of the fire it chiraffo fire- october 9 1871 actin firemen an urg tig ci optrntnn during fie prtvtn ion wctk w irden j j stewart acton w as one of the w mners in a luckv draw sponsored at milton fnir bv th uisiinnce committee of hilt n fidention of cncult urc three v nimble terns of elect ric il equipmen win prues n tht dnw oji wttner were george smith nvil ind rw harbottle cimpbelh ille wilh th mm of establishing tit n in croups fi r tov s nnd girts in ect rv pit si v t nan church in cnmda th cm lph presbvu rv held n inminc ci nference in knox church gulph ri v r h arm slronj of acton and miss rubv v ilkr if toronto ncltd as a trim ink linni fir tht presbvtir miss vilkir is th r cionnl secrtnri for th nnl k ngsim t r nio montri il and ottawa bypu find clues in pond pit cave coming events thto office mmtot be responsible for eoafltcttno date of events 6l albans wa bazaar tea and sale of home baking saturday de cernber it is not too lat to enrol for fall term at the robinson buslneu oollcfe milton 129 catholic women league annual baxaar and doll draw st josephs church hall friday evening oct ober 1 fall style show prevented by the flora shoppe martin st milton monday and tuesday october 11 and 12 d incs beginning at geoi hall this friday evening for the fall and winter months lunch door priiea admission 80c b the adult lcathercraft group be gan lis meeting in the y m c a tuesday heading the group is george bowman n w cantblon having sold hli farm will hold a clearing auction sale of has eatc bm as acererflte hatatetn herc lajaeeaaesua rarnltar kle on wcdnk8day october ttta full particulars next week a ed i take tni family out to the movies tonight i y nursery classes start wednes day october 8 ft jo to 11 00 a m sharp registration monday octob er 4 930 am scout and oxiide mothers will hold a euchre and penny sale on saturday november 20 at 8 o clock lunch served admission boc luxton memorial hall friday october i 8 pni euchre will be held by the brotherhood of ang llcan churchmen 3bc admission fverytoody welcome a luxton memorial hall thurs da october 7 730 pm hydro conversion film and speaker apo rd by brotherhood or anglican churchmen acton all men invlt ed knox alert fvening auxiliary nrt holding n candy and baking sale in tin cooper block above mccuteheon s store on saturday oi lot r 2l 2s0pm a 13 2 georgetown oddfellows are holdink a marathon euchre for eikht iiirhts in the oddfellows hall gcorkclown hi ginning fri daj october 1 at r la p m six pnw door prire admlwion 50c for sale iftts pontiac club coupe ism ford coach imfl ford coach 1mb meteor sedan ifttft 6cyllnder morns sedan 1m9 austin sedan iw7 mtrcur coach 1m7 chevrolet coach 1h7 hudson coach 1946 hudson sedan 1m2 plvmouth sedan 1939 buick sedan trucks and tractors 1950 ford 3 ton hoist and platform ims ford 1 ton fxpress 1946 mcrcurv s ton pick up mhl ford i ton stake 1 used ford tnctor 1 ntw fordson major trac lor and new 3 furrow plough j1r95 00 b fort m u dnl on or buy anv new ir used car truck or tractor it will bt to v ur advantage to see early motors- wi can save ou money you can deal with confidant at early motors motors milton ont halton c nten dav w hi ti th band oakxiu and mrtntu rs and iai n i prvgram mi at he cti ns t k i n pipt band oakv u luun lan presented a andys shoe repair now located at 79 mill st e expert shoe repairs prompt courteous service ve sc c ow patronage fair night dance saturday oct 2nd rose room georgetown arena the modernaires featuring vocal si willis mcneilly dancing evert saturday night tonighrfrisat sept 30oct 12 terrific double feature program in thrillino color by technicolor drums across the river starring audie murphy walter brennan man size western adventure thrills i sond ftui attraction acton phone 110 root mr and mrs monty rtool of arton uiec lrrnlnr mcuavin nre hupp to snnouncc the birth of a son septrmber 5 ibm at ouelph encral hosiital both well whaotfpon at wingham gcner al hopltal wingham u friday feeptember m 1954 ada whar ion ilsli r of harvey wharton or rh 2 guelph inlermenl vlii at edrn mills re metery monday muriniy ivtsr away at st ju iih hiuqiltal torunto friday september 24 ibm sarah jam little wife of the late william murphy dear mother of oscai and i loyd of alliston kenneth of toronto and greta mrs ivrklnsl of acton in her blsl year adams al thi home of her daughter toronto on sunday september 26 ism eliza ann adams wlf of the lak william robert adams and dear mother ot mrs bert comfort mabel mrs john lorkman olive at ion out mrs john ilalek inrllle u site of belleville john and george adams funeral s rvlec win held tuea day with int nn nt in weslmln ntcr mrmorlil lark cemel ry macklt at honulton n hat it r iliy stptimbtr 23 jimn mirk li ihiivii iiusimihi of jane chrmi li ir filhr stanliy islingtoii ntliirim mr hnil shin wislui nnd ill lis t h mi in hn 77th year funeral erv wns held on nusduy stptmibir 2 at tilt vie tir lltmili j itid sim futural home a ion intirmmt riirvtcw eimt er acton splkejones andhucitysuxbr8 h1ddt hacilttni6h ottriui pius technicolor cartoon enchanted square wantads latest time foe ins km on 4 pjf wednesday rates no charge fur announcements of births m arris fas deaths and engagements in memorlam 50c plus 10c per line for verse articles for aal rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35c box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 10c billing charge of iv added to all accounts if not paid until after insertlun and added for each bill rendered for sale t a ros or thanks wi with to i xprejw our sinrcresl thanks inil npprei latum for tin many ocls of kwdnci and exprcu ions f ivmiiitliy during our rcc ent benavement the ho ire famllj i w ish to i xpn va my mncercsl thinkh and ippreriition to alt my friends mid neiirtiborn for tluir help at home ond cordi ind flow era sent to me during my stay in hospital memn mccullmigh notice to creditors and otiifbs all per ns hiving rl inn 3riin5t ih y tilt of mit ann ialng hti nf the township of fsquesing tn the n untj of hilton widow di- ivi hi did on i r ibnul the twmitv f rst div f mireh 19h ir requ red t file proof of th im uith tin iinl rsiri 1 on o l f r tht nn th dv of ocl ibei iftir whrh dite ihr f lite will he dis ribut d with regard onlv to th dims of which ihe iiihii jnil h 11 thn hive hid for sale cream steel crib anil ins ureas phone 500 a gerindlay oil ftcr 290w12 a fob sale- 40 pontine recently ovtrlmukd m75 o bist offer 13 frederick st a foit sajl balloon tire bicycle in good condition new lire 23 iikiik 2mj6 acton a for sale dry mixtd foot wood elmer ristur rh 3 acton phont itockwood 01r3l a 12 3 tm sau 0 roimed hiw and knrjgc mi lot soxlflo apply afltr inn 31 villoria av a 13 2 rxjk sal a k d 41 che 1l i delux coiuli apply sta l in i t kit i it jkwoid club hind lui for sa1 r ci rman sh phi rd dog a inoiittia uld gn wutih ilii rml ifuffkr rur of uumlnlon hut a foit saljb nearly mw oil rpjtt tit t r and pi pis also mans sklin and polls phoni cxorgitown nt 7 208 a for sale span heater burni coal or wood turxiuuuii blut suit jnd american uaauty nhorlic cnut both sizt l phont 500m a for sall doubli ncliund ctrmll mliiil 1 65 iar bunhi i x ttllenl uualily also rtclenned fall rj willi im couji md sins i til phone 18 strcelsvilu b 12 3 all wool dirk wanted wanted housekeeper apply irs george murray 10t bower fit wantsd to buy horses q morden phone oakvill vi 5- 4407 after 6 p m b 18s wanted to buy old fmsh- lined coal oil hanging lamp write io box 011 milton ont a wantbd good fresh slaughter- id beef and hone hides prevailing prkes mild please salt hides until end of september j r holmes buyers agent 64 church si a halton loultry proiv uc7ts- poultry and eggs wanted poultry custom nicked cleaned and cut up phone milton i one btf dead8tock bttawite 5 0u each fur d ad or disabled horse or cows old 1ioe8e8 se ijs for prompt service uhonc collect fnelton 22rz3 or llannon ih0r2 iply at 125 church suw irl phit i 4fillv 3 p i hi tny w mrs j hit m ii datfd it art n onlino 21 t dn of s plimler iim bv c f i eathfrijmntt thj th fxcutor montues oct 45 i oft sparkier b the j j j k n ascreens w1sicai 6em 0f riddall for ford where nisf blyers go j brand 100 new i 1th roru sedan q n over cost 115j okd onsl l koh sai r i94b m 1 i d i n ubh r art i b i ii i rlh i i t9tj2 vw orass st 1 dur n r r ir vt rrcult on firm o lawn rolf course or m id v upplj critic on mixture i r ii purposes crucial liw for cfnd phce 75c per ii tl r m xl ir it ittnrl vt ii im c ie ind sori lh n 18 streilsv lie for sale sle- iv t ndi r fctolm i iliti at tli re i will oh re- ijnd until b- 4 10m for itlon of two- ii details or ed from the kirkiru j a 13 2 personal vji d at 40 50 00 men get in w pep quick feel years young it try onlrex tonic tablets for bolh texts gel acquainted size only otx ah druggists b for rent for rltt 1 large housekeep- u u p ims privalt entrance apply 43 mdria st af ti r opm a moieitn apartmtnts 3 and 5 rooms luatcd hot wjttr newly 1 n lid br klit r m built in tupboardi t nlnl locitun applv iti x 7k frti 1riss a miscellaneous 11 flbctrollfx clian sin r ih ni r ck itt ii 101 tn frte d why st ftfr tl r and pjl- id d0r4 or monstr lion a 13 3 w hit rk f r d0o s4 buck c whfi s agony of jmitii 1iin sc atici lumbago n rltmacais 1 hlp you icomt r iff ask your drug commfrc iai and domest ic uphoi stfh1ng add looks idrml m ail killed re styling ih i i tf s5fw dfad animals ich ir dad r disabled 1 hnri h khert pr re for old hor ci b d co ject 21rl 1 z4 ur e v cr ge rge gib son a tr dfadstot k r- mved ir fim pr mj iv fo 1 vpos 1 te phoe c r in tr 7 241 r from ariury licet elmira lome garner motors ltd auction sale oordon young limited tf kitx hfnfr upholstfry i v i rhr- erf d i i te re up d v i o a- 99 re- sit i f rwitation ba itw o-p- u- 250 loue alfred j bishop certified public accountant ttrdai t i 3 c or cow is- rd c octobtr h 1 td apr 2 rdav f dij 500 pm leoerer for your added pleasure the firefly worid at your feet gridiron goliath s co b td marc co a brrd aug 20 her r dred ajs 18 r rtcoji is st d c a t ti i rd h nng he 1m ford co pe en ii ped j wedthurs oct 67 elizabeth taylor i vittorlo gas5man rhapsody coor by technicolor 1960 r cle apprjw d bu 1 lolltr1 40 j h tip j u j ha and grain loves of beaut ful shou d no ius c and seen c beauty m ss th 5 f im i plus technicolor cartoon world news and in the lobby tfitt and dtfi ados to your movie enjoyment a 1949 al sits sedan neu pan job on t ore a rar r ve u cheap inrpctat on sl 1953 ford ha n p rk ii 1 w rr oige and equ pped u e truck to makf h arrr- mrrv ns for thf fe1xow look e fo a cleap d tip truck f havr a 1h reo 3 n vah bodv and s p c d f quick sale ksi 195 chcroltr half o- p ck up de utf cab undersea heier ard co gr c are as good as rev 995 ad mee us at geo eir and see oj- demon au see caarlle wllasea lea defarest 1j the classic bathroom set 136 50 delivered iful satbm et ice everr i n ard hat ng w xr lafpl kments- v h b d wheflba- baels box etc caa dick riddall motors c where wise buyers go main and guelph sts tr 7 25 riddal1 for ford furmture 2 antique bureau 2 small table bed ard matirew and cpnngc bafery ad o delava no 4 separa o small quart jars other small articles terms cash vuh clerk day of sale no chattels to be remov ed lll settled for hixtjley and elliott auctioneers l mcmillan clerk b181 i m ndt wednesday ard frt- dav even rgs and a 1 day saturday in case you didnl realize when the free preas reported last neek that the ha i ton night school committee i making plans for mfhl cure ve dtdnt mean the committee was contemplatixul a swearing bee it should of have read night courses

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