thuksoiy ooiobeb 14lh ltm the acton free press acton ontario vy drug stores yst special value and ramlndan for thursday friday and saturday vitamins foundation for good health i d a cod liver oil b p standard 16 oz regular 89c ida cod liver oil caps 20 min 100 regular 1 19 i d a halibut liver oil caps 100 500 93c 3 99 regular 1 29 4 79 idamalt children like it and hi good for thm extract of malt and cod liver oil pleasant nutritious 1 lb jar 75c mb lar 1 29 44b jar 2 29 idafer capsules i 50 4 50 idafer liquid 150 dr chase enerjets 5 95 avicaps 140 3 00 rybutol 198 m9 5 95 mead s mulcln 1 50 275 frosst s n c f liqmd 1 55 335 5 90 mead s poly vi sol 1 5 310 4 75 squibb s special formula caps 400 kepler malt andclo 1 00 15 coughs and colds pinex prepared cough syrup 50c 85c pinex concentrated 75c dr chase brand tabs 59c 1 49 bromoquinine cold tablets 3bc69c buckleys cough mixture 50c 85c jack and jill cough syrup 50c pertussin cough remedy 59c 100 mason s 49 cough remedy 45c idarub mentholated chest rub bayer aspirin bromoseltzer 19c 29c 79c 29c 55c 98c coopers drug store e s cooper phm b the wll tttan by ipr gnenk it isn t very often that a book by a well known person other than a wrllcr is actually excellent on its own merits of course we think right away of winston churchill similarly the critics who are a great deal more critical than this column thought fall of a titan by igor gouzcnko was a surprisingly good book its been thrilling acton readers over since it armed at the library recently we ve heard several say they couldn t put it down j it 5 fiction but its reminiscent i of gouzenkos own stor its about i an idealist in russia uhose ideas are enmeshed in the regulations of communism often the figures in the book actually parallel top rus sian politicians we hear so little of russia that we don t know how the ordinary families like ourselves live gou zenko knows and his characters are thoroughly real hqffons page of fhe pof hornby school reunion brought reminiscences of youthful days to former pupils in district h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph by owen clam in june 1951 there was a reunion at hornby school which over 50 former students attended many corning from a considerable distance to meet once again with those with whom they had worked and played m the good old golden rule days of particular interest was a group of eight old bojs and girls who had at tended in the 1880 s at that time the school was divided into two sec lions as there were about 80 pupils and two teachers featured in the i group photograph arc two who have since passed away mr leonard maude of milton and mrs bngdcn hornby one of those particularly interest ed in the hornby school reunion s dr frank o gilbert who lives british columbia and who come east for the express purpose of meet ing his old school males dr gil bert is both a minister and a doctor and before his retirement a few ears ago he served as a mission doctor in manitoba saskatchewan and alberta even now he frequent ly takes charge when a houseboat is required to bring in indians from up the coast who require hospitaliza tion dr gilbert spent most of his young life in hornby and he makes no secret of the fact that his parents were very poor at the reunion he recalled the days when his family s main diet wa3 mashed potatoes and onion gravj his family did not jive on a farm but made a meagre living selling merchandise in the district dr gilbert remembered receiving 25c a month from miss jean arm strong for bringing in her cows every night and morning from the pasture but wid dr gilbert the 25c wasnt oil at nighttime there was alwajs a piece of pie hornby school reunion a few years ago was enlivened by the presence of eight former pupils who attended in the 1890 s they are back row left to right age given at time of reunion john cdulson hornby 80 will robinson milton 85 leonard maude milton 85 front row robert pew- tress hornby 83 mrs brigden hornby 83 mrs joe boyd mount forest 86 mrs metcalfe milton 8 james lindsay trafalgar 80 11 2th anniversary artnn uapttbt dtiurrri sunday october 17th 1 m and 7pm rev chas r govver dresden ont former pastor of acton church everyone welcome vfeaw as hit desert torn el rider once soid there s always o bump oheod yes even the folks who tloim life is a merry go round have their ups and downs regardless of who yotf are along life s rood you u find unforeseen problems emergencies or opportunities timet when rocked away reserves are a mighty handy thing to have to build such cash reserves easily and safely more than a million canadians each year invest in canada savings loads canada savings lands ore available now for cash or in weekly ot monthly instalments el year bonk nvestmeit dealer or through year company s payroll savings flan and what s important- your canada smugs lonns are otwsy immientery cashable at foil face value plus earned interest a ratkedovray reserve of cash for any tune that you may want er need it le ready for future ups and downs save safety pde up year savings with canada savings bonds tvt nmlft strict per iys per r an nmli ny tata tt any bank at m fan vtht pan canad attrest anltut dirtwi octaatr l a ewwitiw at 1sr slot s5m 1 ml mi s5nl at nas mi arvttfbmi man far rasa at m nttunntl rat yaw arte at tatty far taa ta mshaaal waiting when 1 came in with the cows worthy old doc when frank i gilbert was still a lad there was also living in hornby a dr anthony fox the only medi cal doctor to practice m hornby dr fox was born in trafalgar but came to the village at an early nge and continued to make hornby his horn ifter he started practicing medicine his home in the village was where g irnet howden now lives he was twice mimed and hid one son by his first wife ind four children by the second dr fox begin pncticing mi dicine in iisgs and reimincd active until a serious illness ind him low result ing in his deith in 1ww he was con side red in excellent doctor sparing neither himself nor his horse when nllcd to in urwnt nsc th roads in those dajs were deplorable which did not mike his work any easier diplhena typhoid ind scirlet fever were ill too common in those fir off dajs ind during an epidemic the worth doctor was kept going day ind niht the hornby class of the kos remembered very clearly the old doc going his rounds with his tray horse and buggy or cutter according to the weather barefoot mourners when the good doctor died none was more grieved than little frink gilbert and bis playmate wilmer boyd now deceased perhaps it was their genuine concern that im pelted the two little boys towards hornby church where the service was to be held perhaps they still needed to be convinced that their friend the doctor had really been taken from them be that as it may two little barefoot boys with tat tered ovenlls sidled into church they saw plenty of people in the side pews but none in the centre aisle the mourners not yet having arrived the boys unconscious of their bare feet and overalls but ai urns for a good spit walked up to the centre front pew here they sat over iwed and perturbed wonder ing what was to happen next i presently they saw the casket be ing c trned into the church follow led by the mourners men in their i good clothes and the women heav i ily driped in black crepe veils never before had the bos seen any ont in deep mourning dress they looked ui th women ind almost choked with fear afraid to mov they sat domdlv through th ser vice but ifter it wis over thi y rin home is fist is tin ir lejs we take them when fnnk bri ucht the c hime th it niht miss armstrong eluded him surely she said bovs must hive kn w n v i ti shouldn t tome into church like tint even if it wisnt sundi the little in y wrinkled uncomfe rliblv hiving no w rds to i plnn the meilive thit impelled him ind his plivmite to ict is they did but it could be thit outside of the d cl rs immedinte family there miy hive been none th it mourned more deepl his deith than the two little barefoot boys pulled no punches dr anthonv fox was first and foremost i doctor but he also took an active part in the life of the community and we rather suspect from the wording of his obituary that he was i man who refused to pull anv punches the obiluiry read in part as follows dr fox was highly esteemed not only for his skill as a physician but for his kindly sympathetic and gentleman lv character the long train of car rnges filled with smpathetic and mourning friends testified to the high esteem in which he was held not a few had known him from youth and many had been his form er patients all bore testimony to his upright and benevolent charac ter ind while they believed that he hid not an enemy he nevertheless had strong convictions on certain public questions ind had the hon- cst ind courage to avow them and to act accordingly the pall bearers were drs free- min robertson md stuart of mil ton dr webster of norvai the hon g c mcxfndsey of milton and john mcmfin est of hornby when dr fox lwcame convinced thit his divs were not to be miny in this world wc und rstind thit in a satisfictory minne r he indicated his prepiredniss ind will founded hope for hippimss in the world to which he wis ihmit to enter we sum n lv sv mpithise w ith his widow in i f imilv mil rejoice to know that thtv ire not 1 ft to mourn is those vh hip no hope in conclusn n w would like to idd in lh r w rd ibout dr frank gilbert in 1952 dr gilbert agan tnvelld tistthis time to i nun i m il tun nil universitv where he il nj wuh 10 other debtors was h noreil is ht ing the only surviving members of the cliss from which dr gilbert gnduated tht 11 doc tors between them totalled 550 years i rv ice in the prictice of medi- ne aeek ploughing matches in bj none days reprod icti n right reserved dill print m a pull run company esquesing assures brick plant road a special meeting of esquesing township council was held terra cotta on september 23 to dlscuia w ith henry puchall a road into his property acting reeve walter i nhirn presided and member present were messrs currie sin- cla r and w ison council agreed that as seon u htnrv puchill of new york starlj c nstr icti n n the br ck plant at tern colli 11 tunship will stirt re itstrti ten i i rend to gin ac ct s t the plant lol observes 100th anniversary ot lovil onngi- lodge rtt wn off iillv recoit 100th inmierary of its m i octe lure when m half i dozen district ned aith them to pack t ise hall dign j hf reil included dl- mbkr ern e wilson and u n v maste jack f x lodge rt en ed included hornb mil- n goorget a n ompbelh ius i and oakv le h rhl ghl of the evening was pli cil n if th roal arch e 1 irte or ca d date i geor