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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 1964 citizens night tomorrow night friday november 26th is citizens night perhaps more commonly known as nomination night its a time when all resi dents of town are asked to get together and dis cuss the municipal work of the past year and plan for the year ahead i its a mighty importarmnight in our town the town hall ought to have a capacity crowd but too often in the past the meeting of the year is only attended by a few citizens too many folks like to get their municipal news and give voice to their views here and there and most anywhere but at this citizens meeting then we suppose there are many who will not attend lest they be asked to share in citizen ship duties we have on other occasions stressed the need for the interest of every citizen in the affairs of our town we cannot repeat it too often if acton isn t the kind of town you would like it to be your help in making it better will al ways be welcomed incidentally a term in any public office is the greatest step in understanding municipal affairs we have talked to many men who have serv ed in municipal work all will readily admit it was a bit strenuous but we have yet to meet the man who is not glad of the broad experience and understanding he has gained from municipal as sociation lets show some interest in our town by attending the meeting tomorrow night lets make sure that all the municipal offices are filled with one nomination meeting just around the corner a month from today will be christmas day if you want to consult your calendar you will find there are only 24 more shopping days with the friendships formed in these days of more rapid travel it is taken for granted that christmas shop ping and planning must be done early the shop windows and the stocks of merchants are now go ing on display its many a year since the christmas shopping was crowded into the last week before christmas some of us can recall wher much of it was done in the two or three days before the big event and es even after supper on christmas eve i was hectic and has been proven unnecessary those who make surveys of shopping trends and such things predict there will be a big trade this season with a view to helping you with sug gestions and bringing to your attention what you can secure right here in acton we will next week publish a special shopping edition of the free press we think you will find it very interesting and proof that your christmas buying can best be done at home closest but neglected local or municipal government is closest to the people says the financial post it furnishes our primary protection m police fire and sanita tion forces it provides us with streets water and sewers it looks after much of our education it furnishes the finest possible training grounds for the country s public servants and yet in spite of its paramount importance in our daily lives in teres in local government is at a dangerously low ebb in most of canada and especially in the urban centres where we are most dependent on its ser vices the citizens research institute has just com pleted a survey of the voting turnout in municipal elections m canada the results are alarming for all canada a good deal less than half of those eligible voted for the chief elective office and for some of the larger centres including montreal and toronto only one in three exercised their fran chise that indicates slim general interest indeed in a type of government which in 1953 spent over 800 millions on current account alone on behalf of the inhabitants our own responsibilities the assertion that the amount collected by the federal government through sales and excise tax on new cars exceeds the amount paid out by the automotive industry in wages and taxes was to say the least rather startling with production of new cars in sfifne factonet stopped and with a surplus of cars on the used cak lots on which no further taxes will be collected we can readily see why a deficit is forecast in the federal budget added to this is the fact that no tax deduc tions can be made on those who are not working either through strikes or a lack of jobs and the federal income is quickly deflated there is no dodging the fact that governments at any level can only spend the funds that are collected from productive effort it s a common tendency for folks who find conditions not as they have been to place the blame on some level of government of course it is also common for each level of government to place the responsibility on another higher level but after all aren t we all passing the buck aren t governments the kind of ones we elected are not union leaders doing the things that the workers wanted but somewhere along the line our seeking for shorter hours more pay and less production isn t working out the way it did when other countries were out of production we are back in a world competitive market other countries have mater ials to sell us the methods that have served in the past years are going to be changed we may not like it but perhaps we will have to come to a different definition of essentials of every day living and blaming the other fellow for our dilem ma is not the cure the pioneering rails canada s railways now as ever are pioneer ing new frontiers despite declining revenues and outmoded regulation of their rale structure hampering their competitive position canada s railways are now building or have recently com pleted more than 1 000 miles of new track most of it to serve resources and industrial develop ment in the north when rail building proects presently under viay are completed canada will be served by more than 44 000 miles of line owned by 24 different railroads apart from the dramatic push into the wilderness of the quebec north shore end labrador line to connect seven islands on the st lawrence with the rich ore deposits of que bec s hinterland most of the rail construction is being done by the canadian pacific and the can adian national c p r and cnr rail building projects range across the country from nova scotia to british columbia so much construction activity in the rail industry is compelling evidence that the rails far from stagnating are a living force mdispens able to the development and expansion of the canadian economy among new services to be provided when the canadian national railways branch line to kihmat is completed will be operation of railway cars to carry automobiles to and from the high i way system at terrace k t mar b c northern holiday significance in our perusal of exchanges we noted that in communities where remembrance day was pro claimed a public holiday there was a diminished attendance at the services schools were closed m the province and we wonder just how many children knew the reason the significance of many of our holidays has been forgotten until there s little difference between victoria day and christmas day read a story during the week of a fam ly a few years out from europe the mother had tak en one of the children to meet santa claus who had patted him on the head the little lad was confused with the customs here and in his former home where the emphasis of christmas was upon jesus the little lad cried in ecstasy i m blessed i ii never wash my hair again he blessed me even our conception of christmas has often a qreater emphasis on santa claus than on the birth of christ it s another holiday and a day of feast n shj artnn 3xtt frbb the only paper ever published in ac too founded in ir7s and published eer thurda at 56 mill st e cton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c w a and the ontario quebec division o the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pav able in advance s250 in canada s3 50 in the united states six months si 50 single copies 6c uthonied as second class majl post office department ottawa psbltslted by the dills printing and publishing ce united g a dills editor in chief david r dills production manager james dills john black ssociate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 iwmtudftlw n w more in the slew in oakvillc something mw whs lidded to the post office library federal building slew recently whin trofalgnr township wind tht ministtr of public works thai hi consider locating the much discuss ed propostd federal building mon in thi cmtrt of tin developing area which means apparently in trafalgar township somewhere be iwctn thi sixth and eighth lines abovi thi queen elizabeth way battles in bronte in bronti a battle is shaping up for every public office except the reeveship as seven mm an contest ing for the four council soils and four men are vying for thi public utilities commissioner including tht former reeve two including oni woman hnv hits in thi ring foi school board chiirman mort than 70 turned oul for brontes bit mst nomimtion meumg not to i os homes in oikvilk ns th ford i ibor tu thumbs down for water in burlington cirtain dtfeat would im the fnti of a proposal if pot to voli on construction of watci in nn extensions and n mw auxil lary pumping unit for the town the local pper emphasizes noting the propositi his bun temporarily sin 1 vc d ind addi d investigations h ivi bein intend into r yarding the li gtslalivc power of the water plastic- una grows in geutgitown it was reporttd that plastonlcs lid a small plastics products firm forim rly located in acton is planning an addition to the company s mw quarters in norvil whtre lh firm is now opintjni in i building in hind the old mill thru acton mm ind on cji otl1 town mm in imployiis of tin company milton annexation in milton at lhi laust si ssion of the good old days may have seemed better back in 1904 irom the issue of the free fresa of thursday november s3 1904 for mon than forty years the workers of the sunday schools of halton county have been meeting in annual convention the honor of being hosts comes to acton m this yiar of gun 1004 our ciliius w ill cordially wiliome the di legates to their home und hearts mr thomas moon noisagawija is announcid to like the ehair this morning among those taking part an kcv a r smith hiv j c wilson acton itiv christopher cookman uiwvilli gilbert mckechnie s lib hlmk hi v jubir hill palermo lit v a blair nassaga wiya itiv t albert moore scen ery of lord s diy alliann toroii to the numbers- of the epwortli league hod a most inu running hour tuesday whin electrlcl ut carruthers illustrated and explain id thl galvanic battery lhi electric bell tin dynamo and the incandes- cmt lamp one who was o vi ry familial flgun in the cirly days of actons history samuel worden passed tv ly last thursday in michigan sk itlng was splendid on thank giving day and tht lovirs of gof had a delightful aftirnoon the big dummy at the acton tanning co n works was completed on friday it is a sky scraper in deed 145 feet high ft is lhi largis and finest smoki stack m the coun ty 70000 bricks wire used a new 100 hp boiler is also being built in on of the oldest residents of this vicinity died in thi person of mrs david smith she wiu born in 1831 on thi old homestead near where h died hi r name was on thi church r kister of the congnga i onal chunh churchill for sixty yi irs at eight o clock sunday morning the barn hay and cats of john wilson bowi r ave were consu id a loss of 200 mth in s for the of i ind from tirdv ion voces docliml tint n sir k r would losi his hotm is i n stilt of nihility u make cmhc pamnl in oikvilh or bmnw th pi nounitmirit i in iloiu with in ol itv ition fr in m h offidil th il lhi viorkus n m sink rs win n ii ling piymt nts if ihtni hid hi n hi fore thi strike schools hlled up in bronte where population hi bun on thi upswing during thi pist few u irs innouncimi nl wis m ide last wick thit lhi pubic school won l be iccommi diling in township pupils nixt i ir for vinl of mon room thi re arc 294 pre school aw children in the villagi ind s3 toddlirs rndv for kindireir tin next eir it was noted modem machines in erin in erin the locil piper ponders modern midlines ire a rivihtion lo those of us who lived in the pist whin most libor was done the hird wav this considi ration is ex pinned when tin untir goes on to tell of the spied and efficiencv with which thi vilhgi s n w witer mains are being bidded down ovir the struts still looking around in georgetown still enthusiastic ibout the lindfill method of jn bin disposal memoirs of council hivi tikin to it wing the virtues of nnothe r miki of mirhine on film in slitid to sic vet mother one of smilkr lpe in opintion ind ilto lith r rnffirmid thur cnviclion ihit tht michjm should iw our chisid f ir uarbiei list onh n u would sin tc h tin u il no 10 sid no iabor trouble ti d i ist i mpm f lh festival honors for sheila paul in i diss with 16 competitors miss sbuh puil of acton placed first i the guelph kiwins music rstivu on fndav thi voung violinist wis i warded 6 mirks in i hi class fo 16 year olds and un f the pr bh i bin i pn sin- p d second tn th diss fi r 19 j p int i ir old s and und with 90 ars cn rs ire dif fi n nt n k w fvrv thin is rhr omi ind sh inv punt a nr i is d to bi is clos ii nd known ind 1 trouble iomr md d ir is 1 wlfl l w wi di riv ibiut in string rs lis in n i imfortith lire but sorm think 1 ns bun 1 st 1 hpi i m r m t i t tuck j r st in beck in r i ider s dim st hp at the united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlm o m campanl atom organist and choir leader sirvda vovember 28t1 1954 1000 i m sundav school t siow the a 11 00 am morning worsh p to pic where is he lamb 00 pm evening worsh p pic ures hymn ringing thought for the week good man iu f the treasue of hs heart br ngeth forth tha which i good and an ev 1 man out of thi treasure of his heart brng th vrth that which s evil for of ht abundance at the heart the m u h speaketh luke 7 46 st aldans church anrllean rv evan h j ires b lts rector sitvda november 28th 19o4 ft sundav n advert 00 am corporate communion and breakfast for all men and bovs of the parish 10 00 am church school 11 00 am beginners class 1100 am morning prayer and sermon 7 00 p m evening prayer and sermon presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rfv robebt h armstrong ma bd minister back in 1934 from the tone of the free prco off thuradajr november 22 19j4 the frame building on mill street bitwicn ifasaards store said the hydro hhop was lorn down last vvitk this was one of the liit fnmt buildings on mill si actons main strnl has undergone stendjr imuroviminl and this lalext work i most lompults the modernizing if un ihoruughfari lhi ym a building continues t i ptogrths spl mildly toward com- tililion tin i lectric wiring lafcid plumbing un lomjilewd and have jiussid insptclioii it is expected inu uk hi iluik ysti m vtll bo nady for usi m xt wiik mr and mrs john mow it ro- invid a eiibltgram last wci k from lhi ir ion dr llnmlri mowat saying i i hid bun successful in passing i is examination for the degree of itlow royal college of surgeons o london englund dr mowat is to b congratulated in reaching the top of his profession the post witk hiis had a decided kiuiss to indian bummer thi ilucki n stealing epidemic which has broken out in nelson is slill adding victims to the long list tin latest poultry house to be lulded by thieves is that of w j henry near lowville who lost 4ft of his bist birds in one night rock wood lost a willknown andl nnpiikd cll7n m lhi person of mr jos hirt on friday he was at one time on the rural mall route one feature in favor the old stylt phonograph over the radio is ihut il doesnt take time out to till us about umlh paste auto ures and stomach medicine rev c l poole pastor of the unittd church hn received thanks for thi carloads of goods sent to the west nearly all thi people are on nluf aid l at rock wood i i8m mr end mrs george sope observed on morday their fift cth anniver sary professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon offici in svmon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 18 residence 115 north st f phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river entrance rfvor street acton ontario phone 38 c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary pobu- office hours 10 00 am 12 00 aji i 00 pm 500 pm saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 131 acton or ntal dr a j buchanan dental surgeon ic lc ishman block mill si iffice hours 9 am to 6 p m x ray tflfphone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon offici corner mill and fnd rick streets office hours 0 am totpm tei fphonf 10 acton vfterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox an acton phone 130 lever hosk1n chartered accountant succissors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 7 0pm saturday fr im 0 a r a bd travellers guide b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary hurgeeoa office brookvllt ontario phone millon 185r2l mis fi laneocr victor rumley son funeral home funeral home heated ambl ph re 699 r ghl 0 day serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of piano studio t nited church thursday 14 park ave guelph phone 296 i estate anp rnbcmawc f l wright 20 v bur st slvda november 2ft 954 45 a rr church sc i 00 a m d re wo-sl- ip 00 p m ex en ng se- ce a wam welcomi iou thev that mat upon he lord ti 1 rt e t r engtr- baptist church acton ray h costerus pas or parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206sc sunday november 2sth 1964 10 00 am sunday school 1100 a m morning serv ce 00 p m everurg worship wednesday 4 00 mjwon band 8 00 prayer meeting friday 8 pjn bypu finll1 fixed bridgeport ont cp w icken tried for 10 ear hector gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbonnd 638am 8m im 1133 ajs 208pm sohpm 633pm ti pm 10 13 pm wetibond 10 2 a m 12 52 pm 2 57 pjt 52 pm t pm 9 12 pjt ii 32 pm 1 12 am sun to kj chener onlj a daily except sunday and boi day b saturday sunday and bol days w r bracken artoa real estate phone 2 list jo u farms business or hiu lh us we invite you to use oar fan ties in secunnf a purchase tor tour property e h asassaa plare m un ir43 r r 1 campbe v t salessaasi canadian natronal railways daily 8 40 am daily except sun days 10 00 sjil 7 13 pm sundaj orly soi pm daily excep sun day flye- at georgetown 9 co ijn 8 3 pm da ly fyer a george town lail pm 1 28 i front of hi houe thi vfar he ran for council and w a elected the dram was put in the job taking workmen onl a tev minutes xcept su- id mon su- and mo or v 128 am dai t except surday 8 48 rr 6 55 pm tagyopi 7 49 pm satudar only 227 pjn sunday orw 93 am iflagstop sunday ontr fver at guelph 7 05 pjn daily except sal and sun qag stop ctor 610 jlta i r f bean uaaited rem estate sad insmraace 83 mllll st acton phone s83 r h elliott real estate 6 boe- avrrue phone f repesert ng g w go ds a boker mi to- psore 349 c ipele rea esute senic coenrg hilton county lt ou fsc t tt j r holmes 84 church street phone msro bepresentir g j e i broker

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