Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1954, p. 18

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th acion htrt prim a ton ontario rcummiay nmnumm t iim vci uvg strengthened thelr first uif poatllmt when why ahul ova wmr and tftesm pmmng mtute il lw anil ttla itwro lrv hile wtw wmi lvn frw ttiu ant needle but divned in 1l vmi fvi tval httfti iruiwler f v th nitfhl wie uvanne miu aev cm and ittiwaivt ttemlng u lgvi urtns nwi m kviing wk iwlmwihfiil rttem 3 vtv and nestle 9 lb m ivtw it aew majar meit tvler mike coen n ant vvaen mim m were tvrtnt nutwr in ftrtrocii a 3 uittimph vri utvfi married men liv iviwuw l i 1 m mvltvr ml and vit ww1rt aw rr heal tvr ihe m m vltmi tl rvwv ncd to rum plso tie after trow4ng tww and k tl u tiger cat tiger oat lt gun was hank krle j fvr the evmen tl hun pnelaiv si and jtthnuy tur- kva l wert uler am ami ivij wagiw am prkt1 rnwve kliiu into a ilean sweep from rvwilnln hmr ladjm standing niivembcr a tn twk raft w firemen a 38 tr cat k ivmtnim hotel s3 fww electric 3r young married mm w iswmrial cmumnw xkxtd demwni re buck in first place the result of teroing the pin tumblers ron papillon s 888 j the hit parade for the demons gov carlacr made it a shut out when they met firemen b ink spot made it a night of shutouts when thev met and dropped ramblers for the full count league standing november dodds demons 36 pin tumbler 81 firemen b 37 goy cartage 38 ink spots 25 ramblers 23 i acton lndiea acton ladies made it all or noth ing when republicans took all the fames from conservatives as did democrats from liberals pudge jordan 871 dot earie 865 and ber yl creighton s2s were the high rollers league standing november 26 republicans 12 democrats 9 con servatives 7 liberals 0 acton teen af era tiger cats by taking one and totals from falcons hold on to first place while kinc pin doing ukeie to luckj strikers move up into the third dot dodrors hut out hot shots to move out cf latt place elaint dtforeit 231 gale hulford 216 gcorrc oftki- mb tirr masai t s 203 and suv dedcu 207 were lops in tinclp league itandinc nvemtf 27 t ger cat 27 uick strike s 25 king pins 23 hot shot 21 dodg e 21 falcons la beaminore rolling room realh rolled em w ith ron papillon 701 john rob son 678 and ken papillon 633 sink ins upper leather without a trace of a point chrome with the big end of 5 2 count against beam house mo ed up into second place owen masalcs 325 745 was hot when curr dociiioned specialty 52 bill williams tried hard for specialtj w ith 850 league standing no ember 29 specialty 29 chrome 27 rolling room 26 cum 26 beamhouse 20 upper leather 19 lcgton ladiea fireflie uok two from dim wits but had to shire the total pins while doodle bugs made two and totals from the half wits shirley turkosi 226 ka james 213 and roscmar cook 208 were the best sirgle scores league standing november 29 fireflies 164 dim wits 9vi doodle bugs 9 half wits 7 yjlca ladies anxiuary with the ladies out in full force a s still kept up their torrid puce and d wncd ms for two and totals c s met the v won the first dropped the second but clinched the third for thi long end of a 5 2 count league standing noember 30 a i 29 ys 16 cc h ms 11 mason knit ladles in the battle of the kats allei kati made a clean sweep from htpkals and still nine on to th top spot blu birds rtlo made a clean sweep fr m cardinals with jean mccrra h n n 631 weins made it two an tolak when the bowled t out with jain joe bt t ingle snrt ere j mccrew 24 j pnce 239 l wagner 222 a ox k 222 e jnn nrs 218 g hul ford 218 j pilrmr 209 p duval 204 league srtand ti november 10 h kriz 46 buieb rds m hei kai 38 cardinal 38 jarzv joes 33 weenie 33 well soiked larder dept do earle 26 1g awvrd winner best dressed man of the weik dept gord cunningham 5 mcculcheon min wear awmrd winner thirt quenching dept tee acrs brian gerva v b 11 skilling 7 up award w nner sharon gt r ais maxine rvall re nhart aw ard w nners 4k lvwer was nft tn ith ml hutr h0a hi lh lllgtil niiniuy ilu to ln1i awltthlnj iiiiiik mlnuui hi uuinl on thhl of all o u in t nnail ftem m liith1av memnai lo nil wlimlon umithlll sutiiuv llu wn t en ilflht ml the h m on mo ln lining wtll niitu all 1 ol ih t at her in tin h n uiintpi immh vl reaatn ii 1 ivr yixii luutn h t ii 111 tl e lioil n mule ultli all th wo ittcrfnl hi ft jtuiiuftii ii 1 iti 11 ih in mt it lout free press wantads for quick results linic fi i aiihiimhinm f lllfth itinhts dallia and fniaiirivnla in mk in k par una fir varaas arudlas nl i u ji a word minimum eaah i6 llih ffu ifk aimlllnnal onlng avnt- itl lliif mk triliiliniiin ardi of thank uo i r lli aimad to all anourila if nt paid imxlh ii and added fr aarh hill rondarad ll tint tmt itmartlan i m births marriages deaths etc suit rhn decapitating was completed at the county buildings recently when workmen removed the tower which the engineer report ed was causing roof leakage boars head feast on christmas day some 500 years ago so the story goes an oxford university student was studving aristotle while taking a wnlk whtn he was attacked by a wild boor h calmlv despatched llu brut b thrusting thi volume down its throat his feat is com mi mi rated nnnuallv at queens coium bv the boars head feast on christmas dav although the 90 pound specimen undir whoso weight two atttndants ustd to stagger is today replaced bv a phptr mache model the spirit of tht certmonv remains unchnng cd as tht choir singi the last not cs of a iradtiotial carol the head is pliced on the table of the provost the principal of the college the provost thtn presents the ornaments and mbellishmmts one bj one to the choir bos and visitors the solo singtr receiving the orange irett it th ettnui if mill nd joint s wa cut down 111 wrfk ltuwei hy werr tule inter rlctt in hie atnivtty ami the miiiiui of lh mw attrai letl the young- slurs n a rndi i unmentnl r lait wesk ounif up wtaliml insuimoiinuuili olmhit lr naiuugawi j o in re pitlng luwt fn m uu dlrtiut he had to rsrt ui niellltil tht name of the loenlll ivcitnhtr uhatt aproprtnlelv tni and law tut ani inkltti with snow wert hie first sight wcdnis ay morning with lat month tht vtnr hen and tht first rial snowfall its tin pt rfecl llnu for a special chrlstmns shopping edition of tht mih r churchill women it association held a most siircessful bazaar in the basemtnt of acton united church last saturday aftirnoon among the item quickly sold wire aprons dolls pillow casts milts and bon nets tht homt made baking was as usual a main attraction jthrec pictures left in acton by cat clayton fryer of thi royal canidlan mounted police art shown in the free press windorw this week cst fryer is shown in one trading with eskimos one shows an eskimo in a kayak and the third is a picture of eskimo families being moved to a better location major john andt rson a former nunisttr or knox presblerian church who has been stnior pro tistant chiplam for canadian troops in koria has been appointed chap lain at th roval military colltge at kingston hi is back in canada now sptndint his uavt with his familv find part tils in stamford low nship winntrs f uu luckj drw hi id in conjunction wilh tht op tun of mmnitig electrics nt w itort art ndio mrs g mccutch ton floor pilish r mrs georgt gibbins totsttrs e thrzwell mrs anmt devtmu mrv elsie lazen bj and john row it s all of acton mil mrs a mcdonald 0 r r 4 rock w ood carving made easy with expert rules here are some hints well worth saving for the carver to read over while the christmas bird is being baslcd if carving th christmas turkev is the only dismal spot in an other wise joyous holiday take heart it in t us difficult as it ma seem natunll vou must have a good sharp carving knife the job will prove easier if ou stand up to carve and alwavs carve the side o th turkev that s awaj from you if the carver k righthanded place the legs of the bird to the right if left handed t the left first remove a leg bv holding se drumstick firmly w ith the umb and forefinger cut through back ind forth and sever the joint press leg awav from the bodj with tht flat side of the knife then cut remun ng skirt on the back place leg on a serv ce pla e disjo nt drumstick and thigh bv holdinp the ltj at almost right an klet t the plate and cutt ng t rough mca to the bone hold tr gh with knfe and press down oi drumstick unt 1 bone snaps slice leg mpat bv holding drum st ck perpendicular and cut down ti rnirg the leg to ce unf irm si ces t ice ihish mta stnddle the lre w th fork and cut meat n lengthwise strips i xt rtmove the wing bv nsert i nj kr fe a r fiht angles to brea t abt u is nehe- above ng and 1 r fight dowr thnugh wing voters list 194 municipality of the township of nassagaweya in the county of halton notice is hereby given that i have complied with section nine of the voters list act and that i have posted up at my office in campbellville ontario on the twenty seventh day of november 19m the list of all persons entitl ed to ote in the said municipal i fur municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspect ion and i hereby call upon all voters lo take immediate proceedings have any errors or omissions reeled according to law the last div for appeal being the uth day of december 1954 l w mcmillan cltrk of the twp of nassagnwea ikhrjlah ijtrry ami of mlth wimi lit nt douglas wlahrs it an nmime the urlvul of his lllll iu irr tin monday novemlxr 2j il llrnmptnn himpltal duitman jlurlturu and kului aro happy to announce uic blilh uf tluir dauglilvm frui li lynn on wednesday november 24 ibm at milton ivivalc husplul b dhomas mr and mrv ii lliomas art plttutetl lo uuumintt tin ai rival of u alatt r 1ain la joy for chris at millon privuti hospital uu thursday novunncr 25 1qm bfuvdcl mr aiid mrs gcorgo htrvice 138 guelph 4t acton art very happy lo announce the birtili ot their aoirrotxrt alkn on november 19 19m mother and baby just fini a little brother for george jr orourkl mr and mrs hugh olrourke 12a guelph st ac ton ure very pleased to announce the birth of their son robert emmett at the nursing home on november 27 a little brolhtr judy margaret and hugh mother ana baby doing well mahoneyat the guelph gen oral hospital on wednesday nov ember 24 1954 blanche glen jobcrt in her 86th year beloved wife of the late richard mahoti- ey and loved mother uf mrs l c jackson helen london mrs n s marshall gladys eden mills mrs t hutchinson mary mrs n j pickett ted ithl of millon rev harry j ol glencoe mrs e h austen do rist guelph freta and dr ri chard l at home funeral service was held lr gutlph on friday followed by in ttrment in woodlawn cemetery b gray after a knglhy ill in as uii sunday novtinbtr 2a 1954 irii cilia mat fish bt loved wift of wiutri gray 506 parity road gutlph moililr of r uvmlt k mrs william mogill wilmaj mr edward irvuit jantu it nt jactutlint and muritl gray mstir of mrs robert coli coming events thu offlr cannot ha i ir cinfttrftno dnla of t- skutlng j rot gr tow ii arena ov iiy mturtliy afu nuhn niul even ing aiutu ifk children xk a 21 4 1iglon inrmbt r and gu all ixhhi saturday decembtr ii ac ton i egitin hall lvt iiity urtliei lia a 232 fu in saturday ijetimber 4 h pin i ti x ion mt mortal hall ad miaiion 3at aiispicts urutherhood f anglitan churolinun a it viaptr strviit will bt hi hi in knox preabyurlun church ul tin vt iilng ittrvici december li nt 7 ti chirk a nirdial wtlcumi iwalsou a mr nd mrs jom ph rrnnk will b at brookvllli hall to friends and nt ghtir on monday december 6 from 830 pro on the occasion of their atl wedding anniversary b china demonstration in ymca riiursday december 2 to night at 830 pm auspices y ladles auxihury lunch served every body welcome a st alhanswa bazaar and tea si alb ms pirkh hall next sat urday lvctmbcr 4 3 pm 5 pm baking si wing fish pond mystery parcels cundy concert boston and st davids prtshyterian church choirs and guest artists al boston church wednesday december 8 8 30 pm at campbellville thursday dec ember 9 adults 50c children 23c plan lo attend ihc euchre and dance in the community hull stiwarttown friday december 3 sponsored by esqueslng agricult ural society cards 830 lunch dinclng lo doris hulls orchestra admission soc b the annual meeting of halton county federation of agriculluri will be held in the orange hall hornby on monday december 13 vlarting at 10 a m bring ot luck luncheon for noon meal special sptiker dince sjonsored by georgetown indies curling club rose room ginrmtown irnw friday decern bi r 1 music supplied by the ham iltnn mountaineers dincing 9 to phiix belleville mrs don i l modt rn ind old time admission campbell bevthai aclon and 1 75c per person howson rudddl william fiih hockley slepmo floor m inagi r eve ryone welcome ther of lillian myers stepistt of mrs john prior tlucj i clar ence n rmi md donald fiili runtml service wednesday ir juelph inlennint in woodlawi e me lery for sale al k ilig ig ulih n i mi ti iio ifi tu- loo aik ouk 1h nut i pair txiy ktt i vxm sal t i a riiipiuii iihlj a nh salfc lord iullt y for h nl or rirguaon tritctor phone 4112 lxhi sali jimey ow old iibui 21 nk apply hnrold hani- pit uu 314m t rylt sale fresh rousting chic ktns ready for uic oven fc jtn i iiil hiii 423 w a 22 2 foil said raymond st wing nuctiiiii gtwxl condition apply 207 mill st phunt 374j for sajib rug 9 xl2 good huatlly orlt ntul mkttern plionr 4u7j mn mae symon foit sale norgv late model heavy detty electric range new macswain molars fvjh sale 1 pair of whitt skates size 6 pric georgini wallt r phone 2h7w for sall tarn boar 2 years old 3 hws due jan 23 eb 8 and march 1 c go ugh phone 119m2 acton a for sale rebuilt trailer three quarter ion sair urea 130 cu fl eap reasonable offer p cod dltk 85 mill si a flectrolux cliontrsand pol fiber new and used phone rock wood 90r4 or acton 301j for free dtmonstration or service a 22 3 for sale 2 pair girbf while skates size 3 and 6 in good con dilion pair boy s skates size 7 in w last year phone 98w2 a for saleappltn spys court hnd and ontar o bring your own container roy i ildlaw norv il i i 9 firth line wirt ching a 21 2 for saijf chrome kitcht n sel fi new hid dresser and elu st of wood and coal tive in nd labk table limii 92 wanted wanikii ixl wn 1w llfnr 1 bmrtxim 7 free 1 rtva a23 2 wan f hi k ul tiinn waniki freth ulaughlst iii- t kltleni i frch i unt un imraci hides ptmvaiuna pi iir pulij j it hnlmai iluyarv a4iit ih hnrh ht a314 halton ikjui thy prod- ijcth poultry and rgg wintad ik ul try cuit in iikkrd clnand and ut up phi nr millon 1 onei btf oid iiorheh 1c lb r r prompl tervlcr phone collect fret lion 22r23 or hannon i00r2 steve prnnl wanted tuition fob opportunity paxuclpste in clvte sdmlnutrsuen price your vote j s brunelle opportunity txclusivc franchise available for on county of halton the man wo are looking for is anxious to make- a bttler than average living for his family and himself preferably some previous selling experience and late model cor to this man we offer the oppor tunity to have his own buslneai in a lint which has unlimited possib ilities a arnall investment la re- ejulrtd investigate today for a hap- pltr tomorrow write box b0 free press in mehoriam christmas greens brighten home a few well placed christmas i greens can do much to brighten a house at christmas time properlv clipped the branches w lr never be missed and might imprcv e the looks of the tree from which thev are cut hemock red cedar jumperesv pitch pine white pine will make suitable material for a spray to decorate a mantle door or a spray for a newel post in prucunc however keep in mind the natural appearance of the tree from which you dip branches j nt t sice white meat insert knfc rib sect n on opposite side ho d kr te parallel to breast and cut w h i owing motion stirt fk si c isi above pla e where wing was r moed and cut slices about th ck cu skm ait fom cav tr to ftci ae removal of dressing in 1 stv ng give each person a slice of a te and dark meat and a por it r of dressing for sale 19s3 pontiac club coupe 1qs0 meteor coach 19w ford coach 1m9 chtv sodin 1949 ford coach l4ft nash scdin im ftrd sedan im mircurv s din several used cirs from 50 to s1s0 trucks and tractors i9v ft rd 3 ton hoist and platform im half tin r rd pitk up 111 ford i ton slike lu new fordson major trac tor and new 3 furrow plough 1895 00 bt fore vou dial on or buv any new or usd car truck or tractor it will j bt to vour advantage to see early motors we can save jou money i on can deal with csnridenee at early motors lasby in loving memory of a dear mother jesic anderon who died december 1 1952 g me but not forgotten lovingly remembered joseph a ch irln and family lasby in loving mtmor of my dear wife jesu anderson who passed away two ears ago lo da dectmlxr 1 1952 1 had j dear companion she is not with mc now the pines up on fiirview are waving o cr her brow then when my time shall come and i am called lo go 1 hope the j la me bj her s de in peace and quiet ind ab de it was two years ago on decern btrs very first day that deir one passed away and i am sad and lonclv and mourning all the time ft r thit deir wife of mine then when god doth our ouk xi heaven lift up mav we in glorv jov and happ n fircv r be throught ut eternitv innith remembtred bv hus bnd wallace a lasbv close- in lovink memorv of nur der mother mabel close who passed iwaj december 1 1951 in i fe loved and honored in death remembered alavs remembered bj the fim lv real estate brick bungalows in glenlea suboivishon on no 7 highway as low as 1326 down n h a financed three bedrooms 4 piece tiled bnth full basement forced oil heal linndry tubs e lectnc watt r htator hardwood and tile floors arborile counter tops kitchen cupboards driveway gravelled lawn codded concrete sidewalks electric fixtures for only 994000 full price three plans to choose from these ire now under construction alpo plans for h storey are avail able it reasonable prices for full information see r h elliott phone 6 acton representing g w go10straw real estate broker phone 349 milton dispersion sale of a choice herd or dairy cattle t ceived mu st n for rent for rent 3 rooms ib young for rent 13 church st phone for rent 6 roomed apart- minl conveniences pomcsalor de- nmbe 13 apply po box 185 a for rfnt three ni nl immediate posse apply j e tom a part- si on 35 a mcmullen for sal mjii rn ly drtsat ird morks si h bihy s clothes iiwl iwhy pink prim klrl s oil sii 12 bov trench coat size 12 phunt 275r i iwihii 910 ind 1130 am a for saif tht r is only one r tun nt hy i me chicken do not ovt rlook it fisher s cin supply ou hylincs and 10 other standsrd breeds and crosses write or phone tht fisht r orchards burlington ont a 21 16 sfjwtng machtrte and vacuum clcanir snles and service new and used m ichmcs rentals guaranteed repi rs to all makes a complete line of sewing aids at neighborhood sewing machine georgetown tr 7 2802 45 main street north b tl dick riddall motors where wise buyers go 1952 chfv sedan low mileage ndio and heater a real buy it 1495 1952 plymouth new tires a room and board available for 2 gentlemen all conveniences tv kmmi home hire room call 98 main si n or phone 275r u miscellaneous suffering from backaches rhtumitic pain sciatica lumbago is over if you let rumacaps hi lp you h relief ask your drug gist z nic e cltan cir only imit i9m prefect runs lik v a bip saving m9s 1950 morris imperial sharpest in town good i res notor and body only 795 1950 pontiac automatic rans stan radio sun sor clean onlv 995 m dodcf sedan equ ppeei will nr in sun visor tog llirht ind he ter iw mileige onlv 595 truck bargains 1m7 intfrn ation al half tnn maintenance home and houehold indoor and outdoor work done any item repaired cimmirrhl or domestic electrical mechanical or manual for prompt i rvict call 385j acton t commerciai and domest ic uphoiiterino add looks ind comfnrl with skilled re ntylinf y ur furniturp can be handsome as new agiin low cos call us on week service phone 88 acton a tf dfad animals 5 00 each for dead or disabled cows and horses highetd price for old horses call bel wood collect 23rll 24 hour service george gib son atf deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect rgetown tr 7 2741 or elmlr 564 gordon yoi7no limited it her tick m jvjn i f tnh m3 pis ford hilf r slike thi tr irk is eq i pped w th stock rick ii i is ridv to do i exxl j b demovstrators it54 monarch i ucerne equip pej w th rid n whlewall tir iiitom i r transmin ard slg m 1 eht 1s54 ford sedi- eq i m d wih w ich i hi- and tos awh le mcmbt red bv husband slsters ind brother n norman in loving mem orv of a dt ir husband and fa iur r b n vir norman who pa d mu december 4 1952 pv w 1 be dine set tw had to tht undersigned ha- nstructions from i reuben evans i t sell by public auction at bis firm lot 32 on the 5th line of es qufit and bordinng on the er in esquesing town line on saturday december 11 c mmencng at 130 o clock the following ayrshire cows cow due t me of salt cow due jan 1 cow i du jan 20 cow due feb 15 le w due mirch 1 cow due mu eh 2 cov due march 1 cow bred oct 2 cow bred oc 22 2 i c w bred nov 2 cows kred dlck r 1 000 1 1 motors i oct 15 above cows w wi kitchfnfr uphoi5tery 1 have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for as little ai 99 re- finishlng iln rugs cleaned and re- pa red f r prrnipt and efficient service call 103 acton one week r service tf alfred j bishop certified public accountant qrwi 500 pn ial i ght ind two tone 8ef charlif wtllson le8 deforest h f i br oc pt all young he f r but ni 6 iv dark walkers i most w ntc- clothing is dark in ctlo- ad w h earlv rightfail tr npng the evenirc rush hut in i dusk or darr the moonss prob- len r seeing and avoiding pedes- ir ans is severely aggravated an- t cpating hc ukel hood of pedes- j tmns being about and adjusting dr v ng accord hriv j tse best sfcferuard aga nst killing or injur- i ing a pedestrian who mij though lessly or too boldly venture into the path of a motor vehicle i motors v i wuj milton ont uh i ved hi remembeed bv v pure b td a regis ered giif n e c a due b ft r sa e dit guerne cow t esh young cattle fl vrshrc 1 h ltein heiters r sing 2 vears 3 avrsfiire heifers ns na 1 vear 4 pr ng calve voung ar re bul th herd all ra sed on th s farm u tb tested and vaccinated if vou are in the market for dairy cattle be sure o attend ths sale which w 11 be held under cover dmry equipment surge georgetown where wtsf buyers go am and guelph ss tr 7 2571 iaivs a salesman to be of service to you ridd4ll for ford lllkel cards of thanks ird ppn neirlv i h pump and motor pa for 20 nplete only 1000 down mnf r bingalove 3 bedroom- 4 piece bath built ir cupbvird large closes laundrv ubs cop pr r imb ne f rre i r i heat fl ded onlv 6 blocks f r lot pns mrs j massev w shes to thank her ne ghbors fr ends and relat ives for the r kindness and cards ent dunrg her recent illness at home th fan isfad r business beciu 1 le u of the 11 health s of ba r of conv el churchill wa ha a lunch cour er sale will be held mde- rover htntdley avd elliott a hnnd n tion in acton w hethrr v oui frgerator i ro sier or less since conversion whether you think phone rockwood i9r3 mi ton 36w the light is steadier or not bt2 r h elliott at 6 bower avenue phone 6 acton for appotntmert to inspect it representing 181 mar st mitton g w golostraw real estate braker join a firm thai has enough ss bihties to provide a real fut- o tf vou are not now employed r wish to better youself we a uld 1 ke the opportunity lo ex- n our agency to you write for r detain and catalogue where- r if u 1 ve famtlex 600 de mit r montreal dept a a w out d you like to receive 5c i tv per dozen more than tha mirkei pr ce for your eggs yon r d thi f vou supply us with mtch a frgs on some breeds we nr ike egjts from you every m n in the year if you are in- i tf ri ir making an extra not r r cise of eggs write for full d- a is tweddle chick hatcheries i id fernus ont s2041 if its printing call the acton free press 174 atfon onfv dius printina publishing co limited

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