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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1955, p. 2

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i i-4- v packs two the acton jfree press acton ontario i i n i r thursday jajnuary 13th 1855 jjf parliament televised r many canadians this yar hdilheirflrs6p rpoirtimltytprview1hetoing of parliament sirioslhe secondsewbnbf the 22nd parliament jof talnaiiawas televised we tlidnt see the televi sion recording of this impprfaneivenbb- rather imagine that it vybold lack much in viewof the fact that onlybleckjand whitereproductiph was possible a few years ago itwas pur goodlfbrtrte to be in ottawa when- the th fw governor- 7- general vincent massey wnnstalled in offfot we were also privileged to have a seat m the senate chamber when parliament was opened and the speech from the throne was read our recollection ithat the most eioirful part rh day was the reception at the station in ottawa of the gvernorjoener and thepar- ade to the parliament buildings arid installation of the new official of course we have always been verypartiai to bands and the brightred uniforms on parade it was a br jghtncrisp day and we thbr- bughly enjoyed tle pomp and ceremony of the morning it is still quite vivid in our recollection on the industrial front it appears that acton p it was the intimation o o tyraldngaiirogressttnsipnofs in dustries and occupation of buildings lead toward an optimistic view indications are that acton in- hwhatof955 last week the inaugural meeting of acton council was held there xvere some new faces and many who have served on previous- counchs public utilities comrnissronjilind school bpard members are also assuming fheirqaostsand starts ing the years business this month too the m- augural sessiojtjfv county council will be held and a warden hdsen to preside over the years preedingstrvatrlieyzad atly the next 1 2 monthswill divulge tfiere is no dotbrtrwiminttipal boditsinac ton will have a busy time this year there is not the big boom reverberations in acton that are re sounding inour rfear helghboringlowns as we write this even a mere annexation of some 500 acres seems to be puzzling the municipal board for a decision that takes many times the consider ation of 800 br 1700 odd acres in neighboring towns afjtrifpur building subdivision in active projection the attention required fctycounciu and for various municipal services will also be more afrhroutinerbusinessi z tion to the afterhoon event that the men were expected to wear black ties that cast a sombre nfire there were other items which indicated the solemnity of the occasion that perhaps doited our anticipation of theopening of parliament hav- ing seen it once however we rather imagine that such a program will not beone to be particularly podtrfar each yeartjn the television screen the speech from the throne giving indication of the icburse of parliament in the season is something that is better understood when read than when listened to from that there i no inferenc that the gov is not a good clear reader because he 7s we simply mean that the phrase ology is so all inclusive that even careful perusal is not indicative of the ultimate after parliament has finished with the subject on which it embark ed we hope to be in ottawa next month and will undoubtedly drop in and view the commons in debate the senate chamber is a delightful place bot the business transacted there is monotonous end there is always the hope that sometime one may run into a lively debate in the commons weve read that they do occur when the opposi tion is an active one dustries are kkely to experience better conditions than in the past year the outlook for textiles in canada is reported improved iasl weeks issue of the financial post carries an article on the boom market in the plastic pipe- business in which actons micro plastics is listed as the top producer in canada a toronto contractor is using 36 miles of it in four artificial ice arenas and the pro ducts finding many new uses while the thrill of new industries is enticing in any community the growth and expansion of industries presently located in acton is a known and more secure who pbyr jts rather in to nr that ontario pnsons are so full that new accommodation must be secured a case in the hews this week is the don jail in toronto where the weekend influx of sinners for minor offences lis increasing in such numbers that the situation- is critical- there is nq doubt the minor offences are largely attributable to the weekend drinking orgy that goes on across the province we used to hear a jot of comparison with our infamous liquor control act of today and the ontario temperance act of 20 years ago these of us who have lived under both acts know full well that law enforcement was much more simple- endless expensive under the ot a than under our wideopen system of drinking of intoxicants today the revenue derived from the sale of liquor at alt levels of government does notbegin he damage and expensethat isi ijslaughter on- the highways by annktag driv ers family quarrels offem resulting in murders and suicides children left alone and burned to death in the homes while parents are absent drinking i the homes of big families where the beer bottles are more prevalent than the milk bottles and things thai cannot be reckoned in dparsj9i3dcents addrto these the insufficiency of numbers of ppjicethfiladded jails and mental institutions and he cost tth1s country in- nonproductive and wasted time of the drinkers- and no one can say that our system of dealing with intoxicating beverages is making canada a better place- in which to live and work quantity with which to deal i 1955 will bring its problems anchsolutions to those serving in municipal affairs its beginning while not boisterous is too say the least ve couraging those serving- acton in municipal affairs need the encouragement helpfulness and understanding of all citizens in the task of 1955 give them your- support and don neglect any opportunity to speak weluof your town folks liketo locate in surroundings that are congenial allrecurring question with the opening of a new year comes the argument over whether motor license plates should be new onw rh yr or whthtr the pe set of plates should go with thetcar when ftfst sold and remain with l4jntil both reach the re fuse heap looking at some of the battered plates after one year of service it would seem that toug jfrid more lasting material would have to be usflq tfthe practice were invoked of one li cense only for each car the cars appear in much better condition than the plates after a year of service whether we like it or not the practic now is to get those rusty bolts loosehedand get the ne plates affixed usually in the process more motor ists become disciples of the new school of thought for not changing plates each year after the skjnned knuckles are healed the whole is forgotten for another year perhaps if the saving made in using the old jicense plates were passed onto the motorist the change in plan would get wider endorsement most folks seem to judge the virtues of any government spending by its affect on their own pocket book and right now are not too concerned over lowering costs in the department of high ways unless more careful administration of the department ipendiogis given v other papers say nathaniel croft ov brooklyn ns has jusf celebrated his 90th birthday he reads without cjiassesanct does his own cooking he says the secret of longevity is lofs of hard work good rest and all the plain countryfood you ean eat liverpool nsvadvance ht arton mxtti prf w the only paper ever published ta acton founded in 1875 and published every thursday at56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circuta lions the cwna1 and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising ratesonrequest subscriptions pay- able in advance 250 in canada 350 irtthe united statesx six months si 50 suigte copies 6c authorized as second class mall post offic department ottawa published by the duia priattnsf and rahuahtag ctanlted g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors r v business and o i t o r i a 1 lo f pi ct telephone 174 back in 1935 frwa the lane t iheprae preaa thurwlay junrjp it 1su large conkregationa have been in attendnnce this week in connection with the week of prayer the vkkehs viscount tcas new turboprop arliner is seen over montreal on a delivery flight fr this medi range lans was aolcmizcd thursday at the home or mr anmrsvdavid gibbon at sundrldgc when their daughter jxaiira edna was married to wil liam george mnjon son of exrcuve mason and mrs maaog the cere mony took place bcnicath a floral archthe bride wearing a gowh of ivpry suic cut on princess llnrs with atrtatroneof2xwdsfecl by iranscanada air lines will introduce a new era in north american aviation and wilt be put into service early next year both in canada and the united states n v e ast ortrl w s outh est cawrafter st 73fifroakvilur sessions in which ho visible progress was made ford of canada and united automobile workers tulksnrmedafc settling the 13weekold strike ground t9a halt again it wos learned that if and when the strike propor of- the buildin isfjbally settled the company pro poses to- boost its production up about so per cent to make up for lost time cow rears three calves in erin it was reported a cow gave birth to triplets on a farm near elmyalc the birth was des cribed by the attending veter inarian as very rare in most mul tiple births of this kind one or more of the offspring usually die how- evermother and calves are doing quite well a bigger georgetown in georgetown lokhvgt5vcr the events of 1954 the herald revie that the year saw an increase or 1728 acres in the towns dimen sions the annexation more than doubled the size of georgetown and stretches the new boundaries al most to norval this year a gigan- tic commercial-ihdustrial-residen- tial development is slated to start on the east side beefs and bouquets in oakville the shoppers and bouquets if any will be sought toy members of the local chamber of commerce retail ec- was in the residential classification big development to develop in milton hard on the heels of last weeri announcement of big plans for expansion of the town through on industrial development came the news last wek through firnti that the worlds largest contractor has purchased 230 building lots in the tatringtorooke estates subdivi sion where a 16acre development is expected to commence this spring water to burnlln milton in milton although the towns- folk consumed one hundred million gallons of water during 1964 the town foreman reveals that the dcpth of the well hasnt varied more thanj six inches during the entire year to this observation was appended the thought iridica- tesqtjitean adequate supply with more available frost bite cases in cities towns more cases o frost bite are treat ed in the average canadian city between december- and february than in alaska o the yukon j 1 r although we tend to associate 0 s frost bite with arctic explorers and the frozen- wastes foot specialists report that it just isnt so ghiof sufferers among the urban dwellers tion in a survey of public likes and are ladic stride through dislikes regarding merchandisin methods goods and service at the same time the chftnber intends to make a display of goods manufac tured in the town to familiarize townsfolk on local industry 0 1 snow and slush in a sliver ofshoe t the good ol day may have seemed better back in 1905 from the issne of the free preas 4t thursday jawuajawtfjmm tin- opinion is expressed in europe that the internal condition of liuasia is so serious that the a wedding of interest to acton government may be compelled to train and trimmed with seed pearls they left on a trip to new york and will live in acton on their re turn in the registration of small arms in acton chief macpherson records that tirty pistols revolvers etc have been properly recorded here there were- many interesting ex hibits in the collection and many of them were relics of the great war quite a crew of workmen are engaged in dismantling the wire from the electric railway from tor onto to guelph and storing for shipment from acton t ar has been rather deser ted this week and the usual crowds havesought amusement elsewhere tuesday all jainwas rather usual heavy for january the heavy fog on sunday and monday and the slippery roads made driving treach erous sceji peace with japan in order to devote- its whole auchtiantfe th domestic ltunlion r c council tnemondyfor organb- zatlon with reeve george hynd and councillors john m warren james lackey william white ana james wilson the personnel is this year muc mo diversifi so far as business and religious prefer- ences are concerned than usual we have aeweller a yeoman a hardr ware merchant a shoe leather tan- n and a g jeather tanner two are- presbyterians one a bap- jist one an episcopalian and one a methodist in politics one is a lib eral and the other four ought to be its the correct thing to have your calling cards printed only 50 cents forohox of 50 at the free press the band gave an enjoyable pr- gramme at the rink on saturday evening- acton and elora teams nleet in the rink tonight for a balchl cl wood- -cotters- arc htttemand vv there is likely to be more than wood a logs- in rockwoadonsaturday a run- a w v awaytooltptacetorvillagejvhen nesdayh thost gamble cip a team attached to a sleigh broke loose from a shed thetf bumped into s car damaging the rear fend er and tail light left part of the cut this winter saw logs and wood are coming in pretty freely now there is sleighing again the offlrprg for arton fire brf- gade for 1905 were elected wod- tain hook and ladder truck thos wren foreman hook and ladder truck isaac coon captain hose reels norman mcleod- lieut hose t i roadwa t reel no 1 wm worden lieut ht ssj 2 h reel no wm hall engw safer ts neer henry grmdell assistant engineer r d graham fire war den j lawson vs secretary and treasurer r d graham assistant roy mrlntosh miss e cripps had a splendid bouquet of pansies from her garden at crewsonscorners sweet tooth some moths and butterflies can detect the presence of sugar when i is one pa in 30ft000 parts- of water one sugar to 200 water is the extreme limit at which human taste can detect sweetness as te 1954 seasorj the sense of smell some male moths can catch the scent of a fe male nine miles away fewer ships newcastle nb op officials were disappointed with volume- of- business when this eastern new bhinswick logging t6rt closed itjs thirtythree foreign- flag ships docked compared with 53 freighters and six tankers last year professional directory and travellers guide a muddled mixup in uu new ye eve a muddled mixup developed when a burning car was spotted on the queen e somebody put in a call to the wrong chief of the wrong district and he presumbly ended up going to the wrong fire any way the car was a complete loss and nobody did quite figure out who should have been where at what time a close shave in georgetown a local man had close call last week when hii car was struck at the rear door by a movingfreight train spun around on the ice and flipped to one side he was- crossing the tracks at the station to thepaper mills when the t ij jz n a t0rated rapidly and not allawed accident occured and although he v j escaped inury damage of about to4he car trafalgars busy year busiest building years in the his- tnry rt thi- tnnncviip uw repacled for 1954 when a total value of per mits of 5046740- issued this was more than 300000 ahead of the 1953 figure it was- noted the and a uisp at stocking v nonsense you utter indignant ly as you read the above i never heard of anyone having frost bite hererand for myself i wouldnt know it if i saw it and therein l the nub of the 5toi fb6tdoctors say ihose painful small blackandblue bruisemarks some of us observe on the end of our toes during the winter months dont come from toe dancing thats frost bite and once you get this painful ailment it keeps com ing back winter after winter be cause the blood vessels become permanently enlarged thats why foot doctors urge wo men to wear a closed allleather shoe this time of the year the leather upper and sole provide pro tection against the elements bul still allow your foot to breath this last is very important be cause foot moisture should be- eva- medical to accumulate damp feet will freeze faster than dry feet dont overprotect your feet foot doctors say overlong wearing in trafalgar township one of lheoxovershoes or galoshes will make your feet perspire and becomc- tender jeaving thorn a prey to blis ters skin irritations and jcyrr frost bite when the weathcrgets 1 cold enough to freeze the uncvap- orated moisture united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlno m lampard atcm organist and choir leader sunday january 16th 1955 jo00 amsunday school it sets i 1 a positjveiife pattern 11 do ajjrl morning worship sub ject three accents 700 pm evening worship an hour of good fellowship in a restful atmosphere mistake not those pleasures are not pleasures that trouble the quiet and tanquillity of thy life jeremy taylor st albans church anglican rev evan h jones b lth jtector sunday january lth 1955 epiphany h 1000 am church sctiobl 1100 am beginners class 1100 ajn choral communion andf sermotf 00 pjn evening prayer and sermon presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert ii armstrong ma bd minister dr w g c kenne physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton off phon 7fr- residence 115 ctrareftrstrk phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts- entrance rivor street acton ontario phone 238 dental or a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mu1 si office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon officecorner mill and frederick streets office hours- 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous rumley euneral home heated ambulance phone 699 nght or day seryingthe community for 46 years legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary office hours 1000 am- 1200 am 100 p pjn saturdays bv ap nnry office 22 phone acton res 131 lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bide 44 victoria sl toronto em 49131 gerald a candter chartered accountant monday to friday 79 pjft saturday from 9 am 27 acton blvd phone 561 acton veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines sunday january 16th 1955 9454am church schoov 1100 amdivine worship v pm evening worship they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits yoit coaches leave acton eastbbund 638 anu 858 am 1133 an 2 08 tm- 08- pm- 633 pm pjn bl013 pra i westbound 1027 am 1252 p m 2 57 prr 527 pm 727 pm 8 12 pji 1132 pm 112 m isiin to kl chener onlyi a daily except sunday and hoi days b saturday sunday and hoi days b d young bvsc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton 16sr21 real estate and inscrancb f l vvright nmur st aeon ontario phone 95- appraiser real estate and insurance baptist church acton ray h costerus parsonage 115 bower ave phone a06w sunday january 16th 1955 ldpd anj sunday school 1100 am morning service- 700 pm evening worship 8adprhkyur- wednesday 400 mission band 800 prayer meeting canadian national railways standard ttaae eaotbounsl t daily 610 am dally except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 am 637 pmil daily flyer at george town 101 1pm weatbonxki daily except sunr and- mon 128 am sun and mon only 1228 am daily except sunday 848 a mr 655 pm flsgstop 748 pm saturday only 2j27 pjn sunday orxly- 943 a jn- flajbttop sunday only flyer at guelph 70s pjn daily except sat and su fla i stop actpn6lqpjn r w r bracken real estate tnsurmaeo phone 26 actoo list your arms business or houaa with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purcliase tar your property e h ashman phone milt6it46jr42 r r 1 camphejlyille salesman r f bean limited real eauto fiai bauraaco 83 mill st actqn- phone 585 t i f r h elliott real rsteto 79 bower avene phonr jreprewntinsr g w goldatraw broker milton phonejm8- complete real kttate servic i covering halton county rt uae our faciliues jj 3 v t- v wjt- r- y 0 r 4- j fag two k k j r e acton free press acton ontario thursday january 13tv 1885 parliament televised r many canadians this yesar had their first of rpaityrynlkwlllfii of parhafrienf sine the second sessibn of the 22nd parliament of cariada tfcss televised we didnt see the televi sion reccdingwths rather u vat it voldlack in viewof thfe fact that ohlyolackjnd white reproduction was possible r a few years ago it was pur good jbrturte to be in ottayra when the then rw governor- general vincent aaassey was installed in ottiojr we were also privileged to have a seat m the senate chamber when parliament was opened and the speech from the throne was readi our recollection ishtat the most cpfcirful part yt ilss was the reception at the station in ottawa- of tbegovernwigeneral end the-par- ade to the parliament buildings and installation of the new official of course we have always been very partiai to bands and the brighlred uniforms r on parade it was bright crisps dayend we tnor- ci enjoyed tl pom ceremon of t morning tt is still quite vivid in our recollection expected to wear black ties that cast a sombre note there were other items which indicated the solemnity of the occasion that perhaps drilled our anticipation of theopening of parliament hav- ing seen it one however we rather imagine that such a program will not be one to be particularly popular eachyear the television screen the speech from the throne giving indication of the course of parliament in the season is something that is better understood when read than when listened to from that there i noinferenc that the governor is not a good clear reader because he 7s we simply mean that the phrase- what of 1955 last week the inaugural meeting of acton council was held there were some new faces and many who have served on previous councils public utilities cbmriftissfonrjiiitjd school bpard members are also assumrv0 their postsand starts ing the years business this month too t jn augural sessiofhjf county council will be held and a wardef chosen to preside over- theyear proosexiingstathies next 1 2 monthswill divulge tht victors vjscouht tca s new turbpr arliner is seen oyer montreal on a delivery flight fr this medi range htiooxibtttwtnwidpalbocnes4nc aireraftronetof2 by i ranscanada air lines will introduce boefie ton will have busytime thisyear there is not the big boom reverberations in acto that are re sounding in ouitear neighboring towns as we write this even a mere annexahwijof some 500 acres seems to bepuzzling the municipal board for a decision that takes many times the consider ation of 800 or 1700 odd acres in neighboring towns withfour building subdivisions in active projectionthe attention requiredbyxuncland for various municipal services will also be more t r on the industrial front it appears that acton dtimation o ou i 1srriatetrtgta1ihprogress in tion to the afternoon event that the men were dustries and occupation chjiujitclings lead toward an optimistic view indications are that acton in- ology is so all inclusive that even careful perusal is not indicative of the ultimate after parliament has finished with the subject on which it embark ed we hope to be in ottawa next month and will undoubtedly drop in and view the commons in debate the senate chamber is a delightful place but the business transacted there is monotonous end there is always the hope that sometime one may run into a lively debase in the commons weve read that they do occur when the opposi tion is an active one who pays its rather interestin to note that ontario dustries are rikely to experience better conditions than in the past year the outlook tortextiles in canada is reported improved last weeks issue of the financial post carries an article on the boom market in the plastic pipe- business in which actons micro plastics is listed as the top producer in canada a toronto contractor is using 36 miles of it in four artificial ice arenas and the pro- duct finding many new uses while the thrill of new industries is enticing in any communitya wei1 the growth and expansion of industries presently located in acton is a known and more secure pnsons are so full that new accommodation must be secured a case in the hews this week is the don jail in toronto where the weekend influx of sinners for minor offences is increasing in such numbers that the situation- is critical- there is no doubt the- minor offences are largely attributable to the weekend drinking orgy that goes on across the province we used to hear a jot of comparison with our infamous liquor control act oftociay and the ontario temperance act of 20 years go those- quanfity with which to deal 1955will bring its problems ancfsolutions to those serving in municipal affairs its beginning while not boisterous is too say the least veryem- couraging those serving- acton in municipal affairs need the encouragement helpfulness and understanding of all citizens in the task of 1955 give them yoursuppoft and dont neglect any opportunity to speak well- of your town folks liketo locate in surroundings that are congenial allrecurring question with theopening of a new year comes the argument over whether motor license plates back in 1935 vraaa the issue of ike- free fres at tharsday january it ians was solcmixed thursday at the home or isfr andmrsdavid gibbon at sundrldge when their daughter flaura edna was married to wil liam george mason son of cxcccve mason and mrs masoq the cere mony took place heneath floral arch- the bride wearing gowh of a new era in north american aviation and wiir be put into service early next year both in canada and the united states n e ast oith w couth more carpafter strik in oakvilleraftcr five sessions in which no visible progress was made ford of canada and united atitomohilewnrket5 settling the 13weekold strike ground fpa knit again it was learned that if and when the strike t est isjinally settled thecompany pro poses to boost its production up about 50 per cent to make up for lost time cow rears three calves in erin it was reported a cow gave birth to triplets on a farm near elmyale the birth was des cribed by the attending veter inarian as very rare in most mul tiple births of this kind one or more of the offspring usually die how- evermpther and calves aredoing a bigger georgetown th georgetown looklngover the events of 1954 the herald reviews that the year saw an increase ot 1728 acres in the towns dimen sions the annexation more than doubled the size of georgetown and stretches the new boundaries al most to norval this year a gigan tic commercialindustrialresiden tial development is slated to start on the east side beefs and bouquets in oakville the shoppers beefs and bouquets if any will be sought by members of the local chamber of commerce retail sec tion in a survey of public likes and dislikes regarding merchandising methods goods and service at the same time the chamber intends to make a display of goods manufac tured in the town to familiarize townsfolk on local industry greater proportion of the building was in hlt residential classification big development to develop in milton hard on the heels of last weeks announcement of big plans for expansion of the town through an industrial development firm came the news la week that the worlds largest contractor has purchased 230 building lots n the fatiingferookc estates subdivi sion where a 16acre development is expected to commence this spring water to bnmllh mllton in milton although the towns- folk consumed one hundred million gallons of water during 1954 the town foreman reveals that the depth of the well hasnt varied more thanj six inches during the entire year to this observation was appended the thought indica tes- qnitean adequate supply with more available should be new on par ypar nr whpthpr the q set of plates should go with the car when first sold and remain with it until both reach the re fuse heap looking at some of the battered plates after one year of service it would seem that tougher and more lasting material would have to of us who have lived under both actsjoibw full well that law enforcement was much more sirnple- and less expensive under the ota than under our wideopen system of drinking of intoxicants today the revenue derived from the sale of liquor at alt levels of government does nofl begin tprneet the damage and expensethat isirivplved fc today v on the highways by annkmg driv ers farntly cjuarrels often resulting in murders end suicides children left alone and burned to death in the homes while parents are absent drinking i the homes of big families where the beer bottles are more prevalent than the milk bottles and things that cannot be reckoned in ofarsindcenfs arjdto these the insufficiency of numbers of poiicetheladded jails and mental institutions and tfte cost t9tftis country in- nonproductive and wasted time of the drinkers- and no one can say that our system of dealing with infoxicating beverages is making canada a better place- in vyhich fo live and work be used if the practice were invoked of one li cense only for each car the cars appear in much better condition than the plates after a year of service whether we like it or not the practic now is to get those rusty bolts loosehedand get the- net plate affixed usually in the process more motor ists becorpe disciples of the new school of thought for not changing plates each year after the skjnned knuckles are healed the whole is forgotten for another year perhaps if the saving made in using the old jicehse plates were passed on to the motorist the change in plan would get wider endorsement most folks seem to judge the virtues of any government spending by its affect on their own pocket book and right noware not too concerned over lowerirjg costs in the department of high ways unless more careful administration of the department is given other papers say nathaniel croft ov brooklyn ns has jusf celebrated his 90th birthday he reads withoul giassesanct does his own cooking he says the secret of longevity is jots of hard work goocl rest and all the plain countryfood you ean eat liverpool nsvadvance mt 3prbjb t the only paper ever jqubllahed tn acton founded in 1875 and published every thursday atsu mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 230 in canada ftilfie united stotea six months 1 50 bagh copies 6c authorized as second class mall post qfftce department ottawa jrnbushea bythe duia printing anil pabushlnc cuaaito4 g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james dills john black associateeditors j- i business a hp editoriak ofilcl teiefhone 174 ftr a muddled mlxup bro u new yea eve frost bite cases in cities towns more cases of frost bite are treal- ed in the average canadian city between december and february than in alaska or the yukon although we tend to associate frost bite with arctic explorers and the frozen- wastes foot specialists report that it just isnt so chief sufferers among the urban dwellers are the ladies vho stride through snow an slu in a sliver ofshoe and a wisp of stocking nonsense you utter indismnt- ly as you read the above i ncvei heard of anyone having frost bite hererand for myself i wouldnt know it if i saw it and therein th nub o the stuiy m the good old days may have seemed better i ins large cohgregatlona have been in attendance this week in connection with the week of prayer f russia is so serious that the a wedding of interest to actoft government may be compelled to train and trimmed with seed pearls they left on a trip to new york and will live in acton on their re turn in the registration of small arms in acton chief macpherson records that fifty pistols revolvers etc have been priierly recorded hre there were many interesting ex hibits in the collection and many of them were relics of the great war quite a crew of workmen are engaged in dismantling the wire from the electric railway from tor onto to guelph and storing for shfpmefrt from acton the are has-been-rather-deser- wlth y mue ted this week and the usual crowds havesought amusement elsewhere tuesday all rain was heavy for january the heavy fog on sunday and monday and the slippery roads made driving treach- erous back linl 905 from the isaac of the pree freaa c thursday- jaatuaastotfjsjl the opinion i expre in europe that the internal condition seek peace with japan in- ord to devote its whole altenyojrtp the domestic situation council w m organb- xation with reeve george hynda and councillors john m warren harries lackey william white and james wilson the personnel is this as business and religious pref er ences are concerned than usual we have bleweiier a yeoman a hard ware merchant a shoe leather tan- n and a g leather tanner two are- presbyterians one a bap tist one an episcopalian and one a methodist in politics one is a lib- eral and the other four ought to be its the correct thing to have your calling cards printed only so cents forabox of 50 at the free press the hand gave an enoyablepiy- gramine at the rink on saturday evening- acton and elora teams meet in the hrik tonight for a nalchl vv in rock wood-on- saturday a run away took ptace inuteviuagewhen a team attached to a sleigh broke loose from a shed they bumped into a car damaging the rear fend- er and tail light jeft part of the wood- cotters are htdemand there is likely to be more than quantity nf wood a lo cut this winter saw logs and wood are coming in pretty freely now there is sleighing again the nfflrers for arton fire -bri- gade for 1905 were elected wed- nesday jchief thos gamble cap tain hook and ladder truck thos wren foreman hook and ladder truck isaac coon captain hose- reels norman mcleod lieut hose iflti a r i reel no 1 wm wbrden lieut sl2 z p- hose reel no 2 wm hall en horses sustained injuries to its v j in i- shoulder miss e cripps had a splendid bouquet of pansies from her garden at crcwsorvscorners sweet tooth some moths and butterflies can detect the presence of sugar when tr is o part in 300000 parts- or water one sugar to 200 water is the extreme limit at which human taste can detect sweetness as te the sense of smell some male moths can catch the scent of a fe- male nine miles away neer- henry grrndell assistant engineer r t graham fire war den j lawson vs secretary and treasurer r d graham assistant roy mrlntosh fewer ships newcastle nb op officias were disappointed with volume- of- business when this eastern new brunswick logging port closed its 1954 season thirtythree foreign- flag ships docked compared with 53 freighters and six tankers last year professional directory and travellers guide medical muddled mixup developed when a burning car was spotted on the queen e somebody put in a call to the wrong chief of the wrong district and he prcsumbly ended up going to the wrong fire any way the car was a complete loss and nobody did quite figure out who should have been where at what time a close shave in georgetown a local man had a close call last week when his car vras struck at iher rear door by a movingfreight train spun around on the ice and flipped to one side he was- crossing the tracks at the station to thcpaper mills when the accident occured and although he escaped inury damage of about car busiest building years in the- hs- inry nf thp lmnhip wrig repoctid foofdoctors say otiose painful small blackandblue bruisemarks some of us observe on the end of our toes during the winter months dont come from toe dancing thats frost bite and once you get this painful ailment it keeps com ing back winter after winter be cause the blood vessels become njrmanently enlarged thats why foot doctors urge wo men to wear a closed allleather shoe this time of the year the leather upper and sole provide pro tection against the elements but still allow your foot to breath this last is very important be cause foot moisture should beteva- fporated rapidly and not aflawed to accumulate damp- feet will freeze faster than dry feet don overprotect you feet foot doctors say overlong wearing trafalgars busy year in trafalgar township one of theqfpvershoes or galoshes will make your feet perspire and become- tendenjeaving thorn a prey to blis- or 1954 when a total value of per- ters skin irritations and cyj m its of 5om610 wvii a issued this frost tjite when the weathergets was more than 300000 ahead of cold enough to freeze the iincvap- the 1953 figure it was- noted the orated moisture united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a currey b a bd ktinjster parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 r mlmo m lampard atcm organist and chofr leader sunday january 16th 1955 dooo amvsunday school it sets j a positive life pattern 1100 ani morning worship sub ject three accents 700 pm evening worship an hour of good fellowship in a restful atmosphere mistake not those pleasures are not pleasures that trouble the quiet and tanquillity of thy life jeremy taylor t st albaris chmtch asurllean l rev evan h jones ba lth sunday january 16th 1955 epiphany h 1000 am church bchool 1100 am beginners class iq00- choral communion and scrruon 7w pjn evening prayer and sermon j v i-islsi- presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minister slrfday january 16th 1955 945 am church schoov 1100 am divine worship 70d pm evening worship tftey that wait upon the lord shall rencw their strength a warm welcome awaits yoij legal or w g c jcenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton off ph 7 restdenwr115 phane is dr d a garrett physician and surresn corner of willow and river sts- entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental b a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman blockmill st office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon officecomev mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone 19 acton miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 nght or day serving the community for 46 years travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 638 am- 858 am 1133 an- 2 08 pm 5108- pm- 633 pm t n bl013 pm westboand 1027 am 1252 pm 2 5t7pr 527 pm 727 pm 912 pji 1132 pm 12 am sun to kl chener only a daily except sunday and hoi days b saturday sunday and hoti days baptist church acton ray h costerus pasiof parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sunday january 16th 1955 1000 am sunday school- 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening worship- canadian national rauways c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pat office hours 1000 am- 1200 am 100 pmaoo pjn satu by appointment imtrr office 22 phone acton res is1 lever hqkin chartered accountant successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 chartered accountant monday to jfriday 79 pjn saturday from 9 a jn 27 acton blvd phone 561 acton veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeana office brookvillet ontario phonemilton 16sr21 real estate and insuranck f l vvright nvildur st aeron ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insarsnre daily iao am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only syol pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 903 am 637 rjnldaily flyer at george- town10llprn daily except sworandumon 12s am sun and mononly 1228 am daily except sunday 848 a mrr656 pm flagstop 749 pm saturday only 2jh pjn sunday o 9 v sunday- only flyer at guelph 70s pjn wednesday 400 mission band daily except sat and sun ilac- aoo prayer meeting i stop act 81q pjn k- a 7 tizesisiiik aaseswf w r bracken real estate phone 26 acton lost your farms business or bouaa with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property e h ashnaa phone miitor7l46r42 r r 1 campbjrliyille 1 sale r f bean limited teal estate aad 83 mill st 98c phone 53 r h eiliott 76 bower avenue mem phonr g w gbldatraw broker jmlltnnjlofjjil8 complete baal estate sanrie coveriaa ralton county 47atohrfnltli l j v v- tf i

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