i 1 v j tjusum4iw two thi acton potf press acton ontario lij thursday january 37th 1b5 unfair discrimination the annexation of newiiinds to accommodate actons present growth an wee was of c chief news4opic here the past week feirihoses who miyivsve considered that the problem of dp surgery nflfdfd this week ttw headline liquor ftapedy con cerns the canaillairnavy and fl dtlnkinq ikhi of o concojctlon that has hospitalized a-7- tyery week the cvifse oil drinking beverages towckoi all ph- n4notri4 year wt refer to the treelress files and apr implication for some qf the lands now granted in 55 wayfirst ntade at a ha9n november condi wt8a y l ivexiihpftik4 rrad 75 acres bf property- known as the crescent and the acton coiixvitbi ohe section of the criffvy ci the whole ships pet sonnol file jfact remain that a very siall ejement has besmirched the good nanip of hne cariedian navyv js such eondu-ti- fair to all those who sftrve hi our navy lts time the rowdy element was busted not town near fairy lake anctasectidn of thesark the objection was uphelctby the board- 36 years ago tind acton was denied an assessment that rightly belonged to if for all those years it was not until 1950 that the section of the crescent outside the boundary was finally grant ed actonagain with esquesing objecting to the annexation although all the services were sup plied by acton vwth the exception of street light ing the past t years of annexation p ynvyrrthutrtry althou th mfl rend itinns tanning co it is recorded thai esqueslng jtrenux f navy but from all other groups of oosly objected altrchgh the township did hot ob ject to a few acres on the southwest part of the men we all seem very concerned about the i element mhltra society they are ibcing branded and ousted lf canada is to remain a free- country where every nvah has his riglt its time the rowdy element that is pepped up by in toxicants is bannedfronvojjr society those who do not want to get drunk and make fools of themselves have rights aswelhas those who wantto drink ink and erasing fluids or just straight whiskey it is reported that rnany of the seamen who drank the poisoned cocktails were not aware what the mixture contained the investigation- ttjat has b b on irrrhe 7ptttedanrtjresent1ritttr ofseryice sup plied the objectives of esquesing were upheld in the 1953 hearings and acton was denied the property on which the town furnished the servic es the reasoning was so contradictory and con- fjiing in the ru that work was parted on an other application held this year again esquesing objected although evidence produced in the hear ings brought in the openthe fact that until 10 y ago m of the buildings ha no b even assessed by thetownship it took three differenthe before the municipal board finally made a decision in the meantime in one day without any objection from esquesing township over 1700 acres was annexed so georgetown just why the discrimination be- tweentwo towfts in the same township should prevam is difficult to understand perhaps the- 100 acres or so lopped off ac- tonsappitcatton for land was an appeasement by the municipal bogrcir at any rate the decision has not met with approval by many residents of this area which were cut off from the application it leaves- little or no room for future expansion with in the town boundaries of land which is directly adjacent to the builtup section if every applica- t for ne land i torecervelhe same stumbling blocks that have been placed in actons progress j in the future as have been experienced in the past the fault may well be placed on the township of esquesing and thesxipport it apparently receives from the ontario municipal board history proves that the fault does not lie with actoncouncil or municipal bodies there has been a lot of furor over color dis- crimination as reported to be prevalent in such towns as drijsden it might be well if the ontario government would give some attention to forms of discrimination which have evidence in other circles than race and color surely another 36 years will not need to elapse before the condition isfourid unfair and acton is accqrded the same navy needs to be carried into wider fields of can adian life we spend a lot of money to stop thie pdlirjofppfr- hitwhat is the start -f- the dope addict into skid row usually the start is with jbeer and then whiskey and the final stage when they lose their effect is dope all of them are made procurable because some individuals put money ahead of the welfare of mankind lets carry our investigation beyond the navy beyond thernurders and bank robbers and minor sor of mankind arid gt in tho rnnt ofone of- our greatest problemsthe drinking of ntoxicating beverages in the approved group on friday we attended two meetings in- to ronto the morning session dealt with affairs of the canadian weekly newspapers association 3nd the luncheon meeting and afternoon sessions were arranged- to discuss the audit bureau bf circulations of which both our papers have quali fied for membership the meeting set out to have a prospective attendance of 60 to 80 and actually had over 300 in attendance the bureau has a membership of 3560 in canada and the united states of this m yea air young mah t starte fro cratch n e ast o ft t h w s outh est ship 681 are advertisers 194 are advertising agencies 1 249 d 71 4 weekly news papers 281 magazines 368 business publications and73 farm publications while the bulk of feesr ae paid by the publishers the advertisers and agency members have a majority voice on jhe board of directors the bureau is a- voluntary organization not for profit it is a perfect example of the fact that where an industry is willing and able to regulate itself with fairness to all parties concerned and in the interest of the general wel fare government regulation is unnecessary as we listened to the questions put to a panel of national advertisers agency representatives daily weekly and periodical representatives we liberal consideration for expansion that is accord- jvere proud that our publications in milton and ed other municipalities t if education is a privilege canadian taxpayers should enthusiastically support suggestion of mr david l tough princi- pal of torontos forest kill collegiate that high schools be permitted to suspend or expel stud ents who are not profiting from their- attendance claims the- fort erie letterreview saysmr tough we are fooling ourselves and rhe public if we thinkthat a secondary school education is a good thing for everybody fact as many teach ers realize is that canadian high schools are load ed down with students who would be far better off in some kind bf employment anticipating the argument that there are pot enough jobs for them mr tough correctly remarks is not the func tion of a secondary school to corral boys and girls just tq keep them out6f the m acton were able to association jbe same level with members of a bc the qualifications are high the standards ate rigid but every publica tion which carries- the insignia of a bc is accept ed absolutely for correctness of its circulation statements r we will be glad to show our circulation state- ments to any one interested they tell the com plete distribution story of jhe free press- and where all thexopies go each week there is no ictuess work about readership audience when the jtojsjihaijmark is carried by any periodical onthis continent its members are ready at all times to stana up and be counted a striking difference in oakville last weekend read ers of the towns two sharplycom peting newspapers got some- con- says the recordstar the 103day old ford of canada strike was seen settled wednesday january 19 barring unfbrseen lastminute com plication says the journal no nws no settlement no state ment from ford or the uaw working for nothing in bronte two breakin artiste squirmed through a cellar window snatched from the store two tv sets two radios two mixmasters and the till picked up later in an jsungton tavern when police notic ed two big television sets in the car the duet was charged with breaking entering and theft the till thoy- learned held less than 1 in coin waiting and waiting i in oakville impatience is bubbl ing out all over in the face of no news from the ontario municipal board about- oakvilles recent bnl- for annexation of a sizable chunk of trafalgar township jand th board has refused to say when a this year the lower rates will com mence immediately the local newspaper remarks that this is the first cut in rates since the village decision will be handed down tno hearing concluded four months ago busy is the forecast in georgetown more emphasis on committee work was forecast at last weeks council inaugural by mayor jack armstrong we have so much business facing us he no further elaboration is made influence of thinking in georgetown the council is having its subdivision problem- charges of unfairness werejuade by a subdivider who failing to make wok start in three mnths on a proposed development had his service agreement with council nullified the big heslop develop ment- has influenced councils think ing the- man charged into the limelight in milton the limelight hito which the town has found itself lately via tv shows city i news- paper jpreads radio attention is having a speculative offshoot in the local business picture some- me chants have reported attempts to buy their businesses from outside while on the inside theres lately been a heavy turn of owner the good old days may have seemed better v back in 1935 jtrom urn fanu of itrftwr of thutmtay janitary xftls ii clnnyivff fjmrifrtrwn was iiiiariiinuuniy ircleml ardi of llnltiiu vnunty rnurirll fir 1933 i tk j01 a-opuil-f-hui-juluiki- unlnn frtnpri mutual firr in- auronen ctimtny which has ibis cck horn ltefl in th- tinntiu of ihr pulliyholilrrii ahwi iincruior iiccrmful jrofcf of npratiun lo- wcrti lower tiilji ynor atid amounted lf f l08s80 there were nearly 3fl00 pollcloo force ot the end of jhc ypr carrying nearly 91 2000- oootrtftswrniiice t k ielle utje prraldnnt of the company twelve below itero wan the lnw- eit reported in acton last night one of acton moit elderly rejl- denta inund avray on saturday when mr wm j hawthotrir hvd at hla home in hl 87th year 1933 fordi all tax and llrrncr paid for fnrdor tourtns tobq lwn to coupe- s window 774 mor ton motors v a film treasure the screen a back in 1905 vnm thai tmmi nt the vtmm ht thurwlay january juuklmi arehip slutitltuift ijia lwt4 tt watffrn lfalljii firiy runl- rniiutly itt- the irifcetinx f viwrity hiftitlay tiomsuraiwi eyiitrw l itiiehipl v jfitftigiir- wlflj in irrevkolily sfaitkfrfj tiy the ehntiffnt if iryhwtffjt hfoi4 priiewr vuuilfakly- nisaoj- tjyttiecjuirb trsops in hi hunt the flii carnivor ml the enuma as hit by tho management f th rink- on thurwlay in vliiary ib05 the present fine bulldlni of oi- frestiyteriani church wai l1 and dedicated for divine wrirahln the poator anil rjrfhtriatljn will ernphaiue the- completion of the first decade with appropriate tvrvlccs next son- day the titlyfrat annlwiary- aer- vicij of the mthodiat church will be characterized by all who are n i 4 irterested a the mot impressive most lovable rrrtorithv rfde the hin memory the eloquent ser- soaa of adventure picmhif clgh pirate gold the screens ideal cart wallace beery and jackie cooper in robert louis slnvenwins treas ure bland at the gregory theatre acton won two karnes this week hereta t gam y but they are assured of first place en the groif p fans travelled to elora in goodly numbers some splendid piles of firewood are now being accumulated hockey enthusiasm is high in ac ton now it is expected the public utilities office will bcready for occupancy very shortly pensioners im mi stl l just told a labor delegation at ot tawa that increased old age pens- f ions would mean mor taxes whal he didnt tell them is that there would be a big reduction in the number ot old age pensioners if workers were not turned adrift- at 65 irrespective of their mental and physical condition rtions the ipiendid music the high ly interesting- lecture the dainty tea now in the good time to bring lir your buggy for repairs before the springrush plenty f room to- nr it u ne j- otiliu georgetown our reputation for linens ta well ttrtown towela 7c to 18c very- large 75c turkuh towels 48c but- chers linen yard wide 35c for 25c bollert and co guelph taste ticklers- in our grocery de partment mfnevmeal just like- tno- the used to make 10c per pkg7 biscuiuajihiprnent jf fresh fancy biscuits jusf in made in a clean factory by particular people eaten by everybody honey we know its good because our customers tell us so 10c per lb there has been splendid slelgti- ing for the past couple of weeks ctmitda in 1963 suffered the loss of 1300000 mandays of work through strikes equivaent to a big factory paying 5000 workers dnd turning out goods for con- mimei ill year long- professional directory and travellers guide medical must keep routine an expert ship milton calls in expert in milton growing pains are get ting worse faced with the com plex problems of annexation ex pansion or retention of the present boundaries town council decided at a recent gathering to seek expert advice on the best course of action so a meeting was subsequently ar ranged with planning board and dr w g c kenney physician and sorgeon office in symon block 43a mil st r a office phone 78 residence us charch st e pho 1m dr d a gaftrett physician and sorgeoir corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 838 legal c f leathrland barrister a solicitor notary pain office rfoiini- 10 no amhoo am 100 pm500pjn saturdays by appointment oiily office 22 phone re 151 acton said that business at a minimum and handle such things in committee whenever possibles big fun for burlington in burlington news comes to the town council via a local realtor that one of the largest firms of its kind operating overseas has taken an option on a large chunk of land j in town the foreign industrial firm sought a change in zoning for the area optioned no identification was made however j hydro rates drop how many eggs did yon eat in irerin ap unusual turn of events 1953 if youre an average canad- was a backward turn in- the rate of ian the number was 279 according electric power cohsijmer charges to governrgent figures b56b books there is a need for morereading of good books to prevent the in- tclreetual levelling of all people through their common exposure to the less substantial inruence of ra dio tv and movies the mediocre die yougetmost of the jime will nourish too few intellectual lead ers foe the future at thr domestic exports for november yyere 3626 millions says the financial post highest monthly a j 1953 and 3 4 above 3507 niillions for novemberi 953 acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 misb o m lampard atc jt organist and choir leader presbyterian church in canada knox chttkcb acton rev robert h armstrong su bj minister dental j3r a j buchanan dental sargeon office leishman rloefc mm ri office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental sargeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous cever hoskin chartered aceoantanta successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto era 49131 gerald a candler chartered aeeoantant monday to friday 79 prr saturday from 9 am 27 acton bivd phone 361 acton veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence24 knox at acton -i- phone iso ruaaley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving thebommunlty for 46 years travetcers guide gray coach lines m m the only paper ever published in acton founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mili- st e acton on member of the audit bureau of circula- uons the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on- request subscriptions pay- able in advance 250 in canada j350 in the united states- trntonths150rsingle copiesbc7 authorized as secbnh class mall post office department ottawa pablished by the dills printing and pabushinjg co limited i g a dills editorinchief david r dillsi production manager james dills john black associate editors business- and teditor i al office telephone 1 74 sunday january 30th ife5 j 1000 ajn sunday school a prov en tool for gcibd citizenshipt f 1100 am morning vrship en- ter into his gates wirtfthanks- giving and into his courts with praise i too pm evening worship a qiuet happy helpful hour i thought for the week j tfcs truly illustrious are they whytlo not court the praise of the rid but perform the actions hich deserve it sunday january 30th 1955 9 45 am church school 1100 am divine worship jtjk p-m-jiv-cmng-service- they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you lgj5rf f baptist church acton ayhcdsterus parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sunday january30th 1955 jooo am sunday school 1100 am- morning service 7q0 pm evening servicea 815 pjn byv wednesday 400 mission band 800 prayer meeting st albany church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth rector sunday januarjy 30th 1955 1 000 aon chur cv sthooir 1100 am beginnersvclass hoo am morning prayer artd sermon 700 pjn service of admission- fo members of the st albans- branch of the brotherhood of anglican churchmen speaker mr hugh wilkins st aidans j church oakville- coaches- leave acton eastboand 638 imrj am 1133 an- 2 08 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm pm blo 13 pm westboand 1027 aim 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 pvn 727 pm 9 12 pjn 1132 pm 112 am i sun to kl- chener only daily except sunday and bol days b saturday sunday and bol days b dyoung bvsc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeons office brookville dhurio phone milton 165r21 real estate and in8urancs f l wright 20 wilbur st acdn ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance canadian national o railways i standard time daily640 am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun dayflyer at georgetown 902 am 637 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm v 1 westboand daily except sun and mon 128 am sun and mon only iz28 am daily except sunday 848 a m 655 pm flagstop 749 pnv saturday only 2j7 piri sunday prtly 943 am dagstop sunday only flyer at guelph 709 pin daily except sat and sun flag- stop acton 610 pjh w r bracken real estate phone 26 aqton ijst your farms business or houaa with us we invite you tq use oar facilities in securing a purchase for your property e h aslunan phone milton 146r42 r r i campbellviue salesaaan r f bean limited real estate and bsnranc 83 mtll st acton r phone 58 r h aliotj- real estate 76 bower avenue phone representina g w goldstraw broker milton pbone 34 complete real estate senrie covering halton county ue a racluu i i baicat two thb acton rim mhes acton ontario thxjrsday january stith 1165 dp surgftry ntdd tiii wek tlt headline liquor tiaqedy con- cerns the cndlavnvyantt a drinking xut of chw nerwjtopic here the mlwwk fcrihot- oontlon that h hoptollw 4 every week who meyitiv considered that thr problerrv of iheiuiisust driiiwjno tisrrawitaochoiiiu pnw tlnfqir discrimination the annexation of newtatj to omwqdat actons present growth antneeds wot of course jcv i h vi j sewrttofearto on vh we rteter thjeras file end p- hslieptteo for sortie of the lands now granted in t rsvyirst nraicky at a rarigr november y v t4i8eclltraikmijkal 75 acres af property known as the crescent and the actofl tanning co if it recorded that esquesing strenu ously objected although the tqwnship did hot ob ject to a few acres oh the southwest part of the town near fairy lake anctasction of the park toe objection was uphelctby the board- 36 years ago rd acton was denied an assessment that tightly belonged to if for all those years it was not untjl 1950 that the section of the crescent outside the boundary was finally grant ed acton again with esquesing objecting to the annexation although all the services were sup plied by acton with the exception of street light ing the past twoy of annexation proceedings sfnvistnifitn although th m ronhitinns of our syxtevyains yittalr lp binw wlat x vortx wftole ships pthiwneltit that e very sitiall onht has beimlrchecmhe good nam of vthv canadian navy js such coiiduti- fair to all those who sevririi our navy its time the rowdy element was ousted not only from the navy but from all other groups of men we all seem very concerned about the red element rnfiitratincro6t society they are being branded and ousted lf canada is to remain a free- country where every man has his rrghr its time the rowdy element that is pepped up by in toxicants is bannedfronvour society those who do not want to get drunk and make fools of themselves have rights as wellas those who want to drink ink and erasing fluids or just straight whiskey it is reported that rnany of the seamen who drank the poisoned cocktails were not aware what the mixture contained the investigation- ttjarh b b on rrtrrthe- vprevst fecr sr a p setyfcgs sup plied the objectives of esquesing were upheld in the 1953 hearings and acton was dented the property on which the town furnished the servic es the reasoning was so contradictory ahdeon- figing in the r that work was started on an- other application held this year again esquesing objected although evidence produced in the hear ings brought in the openthe fact that urjitil 10 y ago m of th bui had n been even assessed by thettownship ft took three different he before the municipal board finally made a decision in the meantime in one day without any objection from esquesing township over 1700 acres was annexed o georgetown just why the discrimination be- tweentwo towtfs in the same township should prevail is difficult to understand perhaps the- 100 acres or so lopped off ac- torts application for land was an appeasement by the municipal bpaxfl at any rate the decision has not met with approval by many residents of this area which were cut off from the application it leaves- little or no room for future expansion with in the town boundaries of land which is direct adjacent to the builtup section- if every applica- iis to receivefhe same st umbiing blocks that have been placed in actons progress in the future as have been experienced in the past the fault may well be placed- on the township of esquesing and thesupport it apparently receives from the ontario municipal board history proves that the fault does not lie with actonjtouncil or municipal bodies there has been a lot of furor over color disa crimination as reported to be prevalent in such towns as dresden it might be well if the ontario government would give some attention to forms of discrimination which have evidence in other circles than race and color surely another 36 as we listened to the questions put to a panel years wui not need to elapse before the condition of national advertisers agency representatives isfourtd unfair and acton is accqrded the same liberal consideration for expansion that is accord ed other municipalities navy needs to be carried into wider fields of can- adfan life we spend a lot of money to stop the peddling of cfojpijy hi itwhat is the startof the dope addict into skid row usually the start is with beer and then whiskey and the final stage when they lose their effect is dope ati of them are made procurable because t some individuals put- money ahead of the welfare of mankind lets carry our investigation beyond the navy beyond themurders and bank robbers and minor sor of manki and yt t thf rprt a striking difference in oakville last weekend read ers of the towns two sharplycom peting newspapers got some con fli n ab th f stiike ofone of our greatest problemsthe drinking off says the recordstar the 103day old ford of canada strike was seen intoxicating beverages wednesday january 19 barring unfbrseen lastminute com plication says the journal no ncrwsv no settlement no state ment from ford or the uaw wo for nothing in bronte two breakin artist squirmed through a cellar window snatched from the store two tv sets two radios two mixmasters and the till picked up later in an islington tavern when police notic ed two big television sets in their car the dulet was charged with breaking entering and theft the till they learned held less than 1 in coin waiting and waiting i in oakville impatience is bubbl ing out all over in the face of no news from the ontario municipal board about- oak villes recent b4d- for annexation of a sizable chunk of trafalgar township land the board has refused to say when in the approved group on friday we attended two meetings in- to- ronto the morningsession dealt with affairs of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the luncheonjrieeting and afternoon sessions were arranged- to discuss the audit bureau of circulations of which both our papers have quali fied for membership the meeting set out to have a prospective attendance of 60 to 80 and actually had over 300 in attendance the bureau has a membership of 3560 in canada and the united states of this member- n e ast o ft t h w s o u t h 1st this year the lower rates will com mence immediately the local newspaper remarks that this is the first cut in rates since the village set up its ownllydr i ship 681 are advertisers 194 are advertising agencies 1 249 dafrypapers 7j4- weekly news papers 281 magazines 368 business publications and 73 farm publications while the bulk of feesr are paid by the publishers the advertisers and agency members have a majority voice on jthe board of directors the bureau is a- voluntary organization not for profit it is a perfect example of the fact that where an industry is willing arid able to regulate itself with fairness to all parties concerned and in the interest of the general wel fare government regulation is unnecessary education is a privilege canadian taxpayers should enthusiastically support suggestion of mr david l tough princi- pal of torontos forest hill collegiate that high schools be permitted to suspend or expel stud ents who ate not prof iting from their- attendance claims the- fort erie letterreview says mr toughweare fooling ourselves and the public if we thinkthat a secondary school education is a 1 goodthing for everybody fact as many teach ers realize is that canadian high schools are load ed down with students who would be far better off in some kind bf employment anticipating the argument that there are notenciugh jobs for them mr tough correctly remarks is not the func tion of a secondary school to corral boys and girls just tq k them outo the jn daily weekly and perjodical representatives we rvere proud that our publications in milton and acton were able to association jjbe seme level j with members of abc the qualifications are i high the standards arerjgid but every publica- i tion which carries- the insignia of a bc is accept ed absolutely for correctness of its circulation statements we will be glad to show our circulation state- ments to any one interested they tell the com plete distribution story of he free press- and where all thexppies go each week there is no goess work about readership audience when the tqp hallmark is carried by any periodical onthis tinent its members are ready at all times to stfd up and be counted decision will be handed down tne hearing concluded four months ago busy b the forecast in georgetown more emphasis on committee work was forecast at last weeks council inaugural by mayor jack armstrongs we have so much business facing us he said that we must keep routine an exdcrt business at a minimum and handle such things in committee whenever pnssiblft ttt no further elaboration is made influence of thinking in georgetown the council is having its subdivision problems charges of unfairness werejnaade by a subdivider who failing to make work start in three m6nths on a proposed development had his service agreement with council nullified the big heslop develop ment has influenced councils think ing the man charged into the limelight in milton the limelight hto which the town has found itself lately via tv shows city i news- paper spreads radio attention is having a speculative offshoot in the local business picture some- mer chants have reported attempts to buy their businesses from outside while on the inside theres lately been a heavy turnover of o the good old days may have seemed better j back in 1935 jrrosn the lama of ike ptm of thursday janaftry 14 ma ii clttvtvf owirgrtown wan iiojiilmimiiiy cleetmt wardi of llnltnu riiunly nmrhll fnr ims utjlr niial rottortmho u unlnri rorvnpiy mutual rirr ln- siiroiien cornwny which has ihi cek bwn placed in th haniir if the pilicyblderik nhowrf anauir uccnssf ul yesr of optrbtlan t4ma- wwn lower ifilii year atid atnounted to f 1368380 there were nearly aooo pollclcslojforce at tk and pf 4h year carrying nearly 12000- woowrtfflwrance t- llle is tfje phcisldent of the mpany twelve betow iterin was the low estreported in acton last night one of actons most elderly rel- denta passed o way on saturday when mr wm j hawthocrie died at his home in his 87th year 1039 fordt all tax and licence paid for fordor touring sftbft down to coupe s windows stm nor ton motors y a film treasure the cree most lovable pair together ride the seas of adventure tieiofcight pirate gold the screens ideal cart wallace jkery and jackie cooper in robert louis slcvensottj treas ure island at the gregory theatre acton uon two g this week tronv tj h 10 5 and glora g yet but they are assured of first place in thc groifp fans travelled to elora in goodly numbers some splendid piles of firewood are now being accumulated hockey enthusiasm is high in ac ton now ft is expected the public utililles i office will be ready for occupancy very shortly- pensioners prime minist st l r just told a labor delegation at ot- tawa that increased old age pens ions would mean more taxes what he didnt tell them is hat there would be a big reduction in the number ot old age pensionsers if workers were not turned adrift- 65 irrespective of their mental and physical condition back in 1905 from the tmm of the vraa tta tn4ay jajutary mgloi arhii- mtflfbtem fa uuf 1k wartfrri hollon fminty ufmni- truiunly to- th meeting ot winly cwmnrll on turwlj hiinilay tnauauratmif iiryiijiiv- flmmip the iiriirrtri- pfniiiji win j lit- lrrevetily atuatejtcrfl ter the etwtllnjf nt irihreftt ftfoii peyiplp t ruuilkwijr maacrim- toy tmf cars triwpk in hi pvrrt- burg thrjttti earnivat nf th wag hrld by the management f rink- on thurwlay in klury 1805 the pnsant fine building or the preabyjartao church wan oried and dedicated for divine worship the pastor and congregation will etuphasiae the completion nt the first decade with appropriate cervices next san- day the xiyfirt anniuaary- ser vices of the methodist church will be characterized by all who are irtcrested as the rriost impressive within memory the eloquent ser- monji the iptendid muiic the high ly interesting lecture the dainty lea n now 1 the good time to bring lrr your buggy for repairs before the spring rush ftlntyof roam to- t- rintll nnlnh i y rf geonrirtown our reputation for linens is well known towels 7c to 18c very large 75c turkish towels 48c but chers linen yard wide 35c for 3sc bollert and co guelph taste ticklers- in our grocery de partment mincemeat just like- mo ther used to make 10c per pkg7 biscuits a sh of f resh fancy biscuits juet in made in a clear factory by particular people eaten by everybody hohey we know its good because our customers tell us so 10c per lb there has been splendid sleigh ing for the past couple of weeks j r comla ih19s3 suffered the lose of u00oo0 mandays of work through strikes equivaent to a big factory paying 5000 workers and turning out goods for con- inmers all year long professional direq0ry and travellers guide medical ship milton calls in expert in milton growing pains are get ting worse faced with the com plex problems of annexation ex pansion or retention of the present boundaries town council decided at a recent gathering to seek expert advice on the best course of action so a meeting was subsequently ar ranged with planning board and or w g c kenney physician and sargeaa office in syihon block 43a mil st r a office phaae 78 115 chwfth st k 158 legal c f leat44eland barrister a solicitor notary office rlmirv 1000 a mhoo an- dr d a garrett physician and snrgeasr corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phane 2 big fan for burlington in burlington news comes to the town council via a local realtor that one of the largest firms of it kind operating overseas has taken an option on a iargei chunk of land in town the foreign industrial firm sought a change in zoning for the area optioned no identification was made however hydro rates drop in erin ap unusual turn of events was a backward turn in- the rate of electric power 56b books there is a need for morereading of good books to prevent the in tellectual levelling -of- all people through their common exposure to the less substantial influence of ra dio tv and movies the mediocre dityougetmost of the time will nourish too few intellectual lead ers foe the future how many eggs did you eat in 1953 if youre an average canad ian the number was 279 according consimer charges j to goyernnjent figures atfmr domestic exports for november vyere 3626 millions says the financial post highest monthly total jince ju 1 953 and- 34 above 3507 nii 1 1 ions for november7 united church of canada aeton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bj minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlaa o m lampard atcjr organist and choir leader sunday january 30th 155 presbyterian church 7 in canada knox cttttrch acton rev robert h armstrong mj bj minister w mr the only paper ever pabllshed ba aeton founded in 187s and published every thursday at 56 mill- st s acton ont member of the auditbureau of circula- jtlons the cwj jk and the ontarioquebec division bf the cwjna advertising rates on- request subscriptions pay able iri advance tm in canada sj js0 in the unite sta six m s15 single copies scl auinorued as second class moil post office department ottawa pabllsaed by the duls printing and pabushlag co llamlted t ii g a dills editoruichtef r david rdillsrproduction manage t v i james dills john black associate editors ape djt6 fitla i f cmkf i c e f ej e p h otte 1 7 4 sunday january 30th 1955 945 am church school 1100 am divine warship 10 1100 amrmorning worship en- they that wat upon the lord ter into his gates wittrthankf- renew their strength giving and into his courts with praise- i too pmevening worship a quiet happy helpful hour i thought for the week w the trulv illustrious are they i who do not court the praise of the world but perform the actions which deserve it dental xr a j buchanan dental sargeoa office leishman rloefc mill ti office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental sargeoa office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous ruaaley funeral home heated ambalance phone 699 nhtor day serving theepmmunity for vi years 100 pm500pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone rea 1s1 acton ever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and bardv 1305 metropolitan bide 4 victoria st toronto em 49131 5 gerald a candler charter aecoo monday to friday 79 pn saturday from 9 am 27 acton blvd phone 561 acton veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarlaa of rice and ridence 24 knoxav acton phone 130 traveuers guioe gray coach lines a warm- welcome awaits you j baptist church 7acion rayrirqc6sterasrtstbr parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w a t jshnday jranuaryl30thv 1955 a iaoo amsunday school 1100 ammorning service 7q0 pm evening service- 815 pjn iayjptj wednesday 400 mission band 800 prayer meeting st albany church angueanv rev evan h jones bril lth rector sunday january 30th t95s l0tshirrctr7sch6or 1100 ambeginrersvclass li00 am morning prayer- ad sermon coaches leave acton 638 am 8s am 1133 an- 208 pm 508 pm 633 pm pm blo13- pm weatbamnd 1027 aim 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 pirn 727 pm 9 12 pxn 1132 pm 112 am t sun to kl- chener only a daily except sunday and ho days bsaturday sunday and hoi days b ltyoung bvsc c l young dvm veterinary sargeoao orfice brookvihe dhtario phone milton 165r21 real estate and insurancs f l wright 20 wilbu st actdn ontario phone 95 appraiser bracken actoa canadian national j railways t standard tlaae daily 6 40 am daily except sun days 1000 im 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day- flyer at georgetown 902 am 63t pm daily flyer at georce- tovin 1011 westboand daily except sun and mon 128 arn sun and mon only 128 am ftm except sunday 848 a au 655 pm flagstop 749 pjn saturday only x27 pant sunday 700 pjn service of admission fo members of the st albanvj branch of the brotherhood of ptly 943 a m oagatop sunday anglican churchmen speaker only flyer at guelph 705 wn mr hugh wilkins st aidans daily except sat and sun flag- church oakville- stop acton 610 pa vr7 w r real estate phone 26 list your farms business or with us we invite you to use qar facilities in securing a purchase ros- your property e h ashsaaa phone milton 146r42 r r 1 campbellville r f bean limited 83 mill st acton pnonesfs yz e-f- r h etlioh- j basil amato 76 bower ayenue phone itenmaouuj g w gowstraw7brok- jitoakuhtoimmt complete real kattte serrlc jjehss vsvvrps