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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1955, p. 7

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thursday january rf7th 1965 m -r- m the acton free press acton ontail6 page seven annual -in- liberal a110iyanee5for- yodr old watch regardless of its condition i don s bexton m ptmteiien watchmakeft phone 645 engraver mui st development of spirit mind body by bob brsyshaw since a few people in each com 7 niunity havingvery high personal a very clear pictuie of the ym- r certainly tiot go cji may be obtained from a close j f towtdajhe deiselopwentjaf a look at the stated purpose of the christian society the association ym a rthe yaungmens ha therefore carried- its program christian association is a group or farther and included older men young men and boys united in cojnmjonjojtaity to vfcsus christ for the- purpose of buildtng a christian perispnauty in a christian society if wj look hard eriough xrv can finttiwithin trtis purpose the tea- sons arid justifications for policy and operating procedure xof the xmca ry- firstot all it is a grour of young men and boys and thisroup is siiil the basic constituency yvhich the ymca serves the purpose is to build a christian personality in these people and it was recogrii- zed thany years agcf that the de velopment of christian personality was greatly facfliated if the person developed fully in spirit mind and body therefore ihe red triange was taken as the symbol of this thieefolddeveloijment the pro gram might easily be limited- the u to the development of sound bod ies keen minds and reverent spir its in young men and bdys and jhereby make a small but very highly thought of group who would devote themselves to their own de- velopment i this however would not fulfill thetjurpdsv ot the ymc7a in full r tiff women and gtris in its membership we niay sum it up by saying tbit the ymcai ig a gt people who are attempting not only y- their example jf everyday living to- improve the community in which theitvassociatjipri is located provid- jtngithat each jrndrvlajtahl commuh ty ts influeficed sufficiently the ljat tlonal ympa which is the reprc sentate7body of the individual association along with- those na tional councils- in othe countries which have reached the same de- nlvesiry of world alliance of ymcas 80 countries- around the world report tbe existence of ym cas within their borders and even in the cdmmunistdpmirtatsd countries and within russia itself there are active ymcas whe j people meet together with hope in 1their hearts and the foup that starred out injoondon in 1842 when a ypixng man ikr otbe name at george william invited a grtmpof his fellow workers to meet- in his house- for prayer and bbe study has grjiwti i teaiijijruhtil now if boasts the largest membership of any single organization in the world this purpose of theymca is carried out by people enjoying themselves in a multitude of pro- gree of perfection may influences grams some of which are outlined theworld for good these people in their own local associations must maintain ligh standards and must ever be re cruiting and maintaining their own three fold development until such a degree of perfection is reached thatrthe world may have peace under the influence of the ymca as the silent servalit of every com munity this conjecture need not be a pipedtogam for in the confusion of the world todayin this year of 1955 as the young mens christian association looks forward to the marking of the one hundredth an- halion liberal association annual meeting for you today on this pagej yours may be the voice that helps bring this world- topeacertratfor- want of the nail the sho was lost and for want of the shoe the horse was- lost and for want of the horse trie rider was lost and for want of the rider the battle was lost the challenge is yours r charter members at grtiy boquet jffiia says boys dont liketurnips that was what the charter mem bers of the ymcas new gray club chbie to include in the menu for their oharter dinner tuesday thte sponsoring- group of parents prepared for them a mealofbakcd hanpeas potatoes turnips cake and ice cream eight members of the junior hi- y club ttqtn kitchener arrived aboutlsix na set ihe scene for tiiie veyjmprlssive clrfering serv- ice the- charter merpbers of the boys- clbb are john leatherland carmen wdburn73ohn mdkenz- bob brayshaw acton y secretary ymc a week for 29 years acton ymca has tteeh devoted 4o christian ideals and the betterment of the acton community we salute the local y on this special page dor- ingymcsa week from januaiy 233 redbawi rian- bar president presented relationship of ymca church stressed at service last sunday relationship between he lo y w pointedout when robert g rao in augurated ymcla- week inacton sunday as special speaker at the interdenominational vice mr rae from st clair ym ca spoke to a congregation of about 250 in acton united chiirch on sunday evening of interest was his tracing of the dewlojomenloithe jtmica from i neivj tn its origins to the present time he was introduced to the congre gation by acton ymca secretary bob brayshaw special music was provided by the dutch choic whose members all belong- to the y and practi there regularly the choir sitting in the choir loft for the service was directed by john schenk and ac companied by george elliott two anthems were sung one in dutch and one in english many y members attended the special service and the ys mens club sat together- thc call to worship was taken by rev e currey scripture read by pastor r costerus and rev e jones and prayer by rev- r-an- strong rev currey pronounced the bene diction at the close of the service certificates pins crestsfor leaders certificates erests and pins were presented at the leaders fellow ship recognition dinner iii the ymca on monday a steak min- ired for by thctmic auxiliary preceded the progrannf honors and entertainment bob brayshaw was master of ceremonies for the events y calendar monday boys jgym classy busin ess mens volleyball after the end of january with entries from beardmores baxters ys men business men badminton tuesaajr y ladies bowling league junior girls gym class basketball and floor hockey young mens gym class i wednesday -j- senior girls gym four adults phillip caddick ed- da ladies slim and trim class- ward mchugh ethel stuckey and j young mens gym class j schenk were presenfewith jchnradajlsfnior hoysllgyin certificates tsf recognition and ciasg badminton i friday devoted to leaders lead- their membership in the national ers fellowship anwith their corps and fellowship mjet leaders fellowship pins inks ena waller ann deforest frank j saturday church a t h 1 e t 1 c mariscak marjory janks and ernie league first games saturday lawson were presented with lead ers fellowship crests the first three also received their first year leaders corps awards among the others who attended the dinner were representatives from clubs and jactt heron the program committee chairman two films were shown to con- 1 mcmbers enjoy tabie and elude the program the opening jpf parliament ceremonies were taken ie tarrywerlidtise kins wayne gorclon beau and john hlntofc r during the induction john leatherlnd was withthe clubs charter rev evan jones the chaplain of theactoo royalisw gray ciubvsai4 grave and spoke briefly two filmsiwere shown hpney- land the story of bees and caribou hunters about eskimos v the gray clubi3 club for bovsi from 9 to 12 founded in 1922 in morris covp newjersey linlc jipys clubs of various natures into a uttir the selection of program for each club is left as- much as possible rto the members the purpose of the club is to enable- the boys to learn through experience ue best waysof working together in any erideavor the movement has spreadrapidly through canada and the tjkitetistats until there are- now 20krlnby national fellowship on thicontin- ont house league- ibasketball dutch chtrir practice ladles auxiliary meets one mon day a month and the ys men on alternate thursdays grayy meets each tuesday i monday wednesday- and friday fthe nursery school is held all from this years kinescope shown on television the second film eye witness contained- scenes from the royal winter fair the dominion observatoryand views of montreal afi eavestroughing pressure systems water softeners fhone 25 sriiali games whenever they wish hiy the hy purpose is to create maintain and extend throughout the school and community high standards of christian character the- hiy platform is clean- speech clean sprt clean scholar- hfp elcan living fbr i 75 years canadian high school boys have received the help and cooperation of ymcas throughout the dominion but not until comparatively recent times did the first hiy club in canada actually begin in 1913 calgary organized he first canadian hiy club which has had an unbroken line of succession since that time in the 18 year period ending in j913 three million immigrants en tered canada 1 v 1 cakx fbss with each 3 lux toilet soap all 4 f 27c temple oranges florida us no 1 size t2o doz fancy macintosh 6qf basket a p pies tomatoes cabbage texas beets onions florida eltcrtot original bunch canada no 1 cooking 3 lbs 19c we have itl an all new frigidair electric dryer at a low price packed with the quality youd expect from frigidaire and with features not found even in dryers that cost many dollars more see this new frigidaire dryer howl ash lpnflc that clothes las ortger test prf b when dned in a r drver there fgj hne check the quality by tftese feoturesl lifetime porcelain finish inside out i giant screen drawer controls lint for easy disposal automatictimer automatic heat cutoff big loading door opens all the paybock automatic motor p no fnoi fits flush to the wall domination for man of the year ftob r helping to improve hit own and other cemaranjliaa throaghew the nation for benefiting njt lellowituetu in meatless ways test u mrdy dewnm special bonoara ha not a hnou penonality bat aktha typical casawuaa ufissaar anca policyholder he repreteou millions ol poopl and each of the people render vary asefol oerricesto hi coauaaatty how s l l -r- 1- k- by proridioi funds which hit life insannca a ta sa ler hfaa finance new homes public worfcs all and i ralopments together with other policy homerv fca 2s0 milioa dollar to work in soch projects freai coast te fas ways that help l together with other policyholder he nana more than s to work in soch projects from coast ie coast erary year i moreoten he has taken step to nuke sera that u anythin hapeaas te hjas his faauly will not need to depend en ether for oapport so if yea are a life insurance owner tako a bow 1 while yeara prerid lag seearity for year family and yoarielf yoavo also hatptag te aauxe caaaov a bettor unci- to lire in t the life insurance companies in canada ilsssn ft is good cftizensiip to own iffe fnsorancf i aam m jz j jm hlj i it vir sr 4 huib3day january attth 1989 the acton free press acton ontarl6 cjiinv k 1 11 ttbv trade -in- sale- liberal attovjyaneebfcl yotfr old watck regarldless ofjts condition 1 o a watchjtfakbt ptone645 engraver muljst r of spirit mind bo embrqcqs the tripurpdse o by bob brayslavw since a few people in each com munity having very high personal a very clear picture ofthe vm certainly t go ca may be obtained from a close tttt towadathe duwlapsacntaf a look at the stated purpose of the christian society the association ymra therefore carried- its program christian association is a group of farther and included older roetj young men and boys united in a wo and gotstrtits membership commidn joyamy uy jesus christ for we may stihi it up by saying that the- purpase of buildtog a christian trie ymca isa groutf of people peiispnautj in a- christian society who jare attempting not only by ye look hard enough we cah their example f everyday living to if r 7 urcji- cacufiki vt v w enact j gwii u fina within this purpose the tear improve the community in which sons and justifications for policy theievasisociajuph- is located prbvid- and operating procedure ydf the ng that each fndjvidoal coinmunuy tfmcarr is fnflueficed sufficiently the ha dfrirst of all it is a grouft of young uonal ymca which is the reprev men and boys and thi5miqup js sentatjsubody of the individual qavtd8 tmee 8 varieties in assortment n1wl0w pmck orairounioir 107 sliil tbe basic- constitiitency prhich the ymca serves the purpose is to build a christian personality in these people and it was recogni zed many years ago that the de velopment of christian personality was greatly facfliated if the person developed fully in spirit mind and body therefore the red triange wastaken as the symbol of this thteefoldvdevelopment the pro gram might easily be limited then to the development of sound bodt ies keen minds and reverent spir its in young men and boys arid jhereby make a small but very highly thought of group who would devote themselves to theiti own de- veiopment i this howe would not fulfill thenpurp6sbot the ymqa7 in full association along with- those na tional councils in other countries which haye reached the same tfe gree of perfection may influenceijgrams some of- twhidi are outlined thewbrld for good these people in their own local associations must maintain ligh standards and must ever be re cruiting and maintaining their own three fold development until such a degree of perfection is reached thatthe world may have peace under the influence of the y mc a as the silent servant of every com munity this conjecture need not be a pipe dream for in the confusion of the world todayin this year of 1955 as the young mens christian association looks forward to the marking of the one hundredth an- haltotvliberal association annual meeting friday j 28 1 1 i i e 1 i i jsfllfc w7 february family i circle magazine still only at 830 pm town hall milton election of officers speaker miss julia la marsh executive vicepresident of the national ypung liberal federation of canada nlversary of world alliance of ymcas 80 countries around the world report the existence of ymn cas within their borders and even in t communistdominated countries and within russia itself thete are active ymcvas whe a people meet together with hope in their hearts and the group that started bat inxiopdon in 1842 when a yng jnfkjtfx ttbe nme gebiejvguiiam ihvited agfoupvof- his- fellpw6rkerst6n4eetin his house for prayer and bjbe stiidy 4ia9vqh if the largest membership of single organization in the world- this purpose of tbevymca it carried out by people enjoying themselves in a multitude of pro- for you today on this page yours may be the voice that helps bring this world- to p b f want of the nail the shoe was lost and for want of the shoe the horse waslost and for want of the horse the rider was lost and for want of the rider the battle was lost the challenge is yours t rt ajsars88 bob bkavsoaw acten y secretary ymc a week for 2 years acton y jmca has been devoted to christian ideals and the betterment of the acton eemmanliy we salute the local y en this special page dor- inr ymlta week from xaanacy 23-3- chdrtcr mcmliers relationship of ymca church stressed at service last sunday ehe relationship loc y a wa who says boys dont iike-turnips- that was what the charter mem bers of the ymca new gray club chfese to include in the menu for their charter dinner tuesday tnte sponsoring- group of parents- prepared fbr them a meaiafbaked i hanvpeas potatoes turnips cake and ice cream y eight members of the junior- hi- v clut ttptfi r kitchener arrived about six and set the scene fortthe vfrery impressive chjfferlng erv- ice tlie charter members of the boys- club are john latherland carmen wooaburn john makerj- ie terry- terhotwvayea kirts wayne gordon brian- birr bftau and john hlntbiu v w puring the induction president john leatherlamt was presented with the tflubs charter rev evan jones the chaplain of the jactoo royar5tor gray club sai4 grave and spoke briefly two filrnswere shown honey- land the story of bees and caribou hunters about eskimos the gray club ia club for boysj from 9 to 12 founded in 1922 in morris cove new ierseyto hnlc jjpys clubs ot variousnatures into aofnt the selection of program for each club is left as much as possible rto the members the purpose of the club is to enable- the boys to learn through experience tle best waysof working together in any erideavor the movement has rapidly through canada and niteastates until ther arr pointed out when robert c rao in augurated ymcta- week in acton sunday as special speaker at the intprriennminatinnal wirtfrfrhfggr vice mr rae irotn st clair ym ca spoke to a congregation ot about 250 in acton united church on sunday evening of interest was his tracing of the d of the ymca from its origins to the present time he was introduced to the congre gation by acton ymca secretary bob brayshaw special music was provided by the dutch choic whose members all belong- to the y and practice there riy the choir sitting 1 i halton womens liberal association annual meeting same time same place in council chambers awm chyif loft for the service was ectcd by john schenk and ac companied by george elliott two anthems were sung one in dutch one in english any y members attended the special service and the ys mens club sat together- the call to worship was taken by rev e currey scripture read by pastor r costerus and rev e jones and prayer by rev- rarm- strong rev currey pronounced the bene diction at the close of the service certificates pins re f l certificates crests and pins were presented at the leaders fellow ship recognition dinner in the ymca on monday a steak din- ner catered for by uus latfics auxiliary preceded the programof honors and entertainment bob brayshaw was master of ceremonies for the events four adults phillip caddick ed ward mchugh ethel stuckcy and john schenk were presented with now 2u0u ctbh5rigtsrefeglvt5irtlte national fellowship on thtiroontih- erit tt badminton v calendar monday boys jgym class- busin ess mens volleyball after the end of january with entries from beardmores baxters ys men busi men badminton tuesday y ladies bowling league junior girls gym class basketball and floor hockey young mens gym class wednesday senior girls gym class ladies slim and trim class- young mens gym class tjhpraday-r- seninr hoys gy membership in the national lead 5c friday devoted to leaders ers fellowship arjjuiwith their cot and fi mee leadcrs fellowship pins jnjrs ena waller ann deforest frans saturday church a t h i e t i c mariscak marjory janks and ernie league first games saturday lawson were presented with lead ers fellowship crests the first three also received their first year leaders corps awards amonb the others who attended the dinner were representatives from clubs and jack heron the program committee chairman two films were shown to coifc- elude the program the opening jyfj parliament ceremonies were taken from this years kinescope shown on television the second film eye witness contained scenes from the royal wipter fair the dominion observatoryand views of montreal mtj go bawas self pousaiiur floor gloss 0r dqg meal plumbing heating eavestroughing pressure systems vvater softeners phone 25 house league- basketball dutch choir practice ladles auxiliary meets one mon day a month and the ys men on alternate thursdays grayy meets each tuesday monday wednesday and friday the nursery school is held all members enjoy table tennis and srhall games whenever thpy wish hiy the hiy purpose is to create maintain and extend throughout the school and community high standards of christian character -the- hiy platform is clean- speech clean sprt clean scholar- ghfp clean living fbr 75 years canadian high school boys have received the help cooperation of ymcas throughout the dominion but not until comparatively recent times did the first hiy club in canada actually begin in 1913 calgary organized the first canadian hiy club which has had an unbroken line of succession since that time- in the 18 year period ending in 1913 three million immigrants en tered canada tbrbaorfyc sliced cheese pb 25c llelly povers mcl 3 23c cherry cake mix a7 63c 1 cajcb fkib with bach 3 lux toilet soap au 4 r 27c t j r i 1 i yt i i i ii z temple oranges floridacfs no 1 size t20 doz we have itl an all new frigidaire electric dryer ot a low pricel packed with the equality youd expect from frigidaire and with features not found even in dryers that cost many dollars more see this new frigidaire dryer now i apples tomatoes cabbage check th quality by tirase fatursl lifetime porcelain finish inside out e oiant s drawer cunliou heat for easy disposal e autonatictimer e airtomatk heat cutoff a e big loading doer opens all the e autofinilic iiioffos protectoff no 1 omination for nan of the year ev8 mpuc te iam his swi and other fssamanhlm threaghea the j- aaoea tar neaeatlag fcia f eluwstisea la aaun aarery iktr special h hes net a tnaeas penenaury bat asuw typical tsaailhib umme f asji each ef these aaca peucyhalsiar he millions ef peep render vary asefal s le j hew j by previdn fends i wuch hisiue iaaarima ceetaasn selsstt isi fcs ways that help finance new jiemaa pahuc werluvedsxnes asi j ewveleiimiinls ibgetber with ether petttyhsiasn he fata s 259 mmlion dollmr to work in sack prejects trem ceaa te eaasterary year i mstreser he has takaa steps teasaho sera umttf aeytlmujmbmsaa te hsse us family will net aeed te dspend ea ethers fapperv se h yea are a bfe bwanace ewssssv taba swwl wadayesrre aterlsv tag seeariry far year faauly and yearself yeaveralse smbjeaa jmmke caaaea a itettar ksmltb lrfeiar v the life insurance companies in canada m good cifiieashi to ewe life jj vs

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