y jt3jejiifikstv 7 v n n mliplylgu t tj i- paoesjx the acton free press acton ontario thursday february 24 195s 4 farm news itest station hogs from haltong farm lands hogprowkeftsretlectcuhon may hfar out association pres charted rmdnnis of iroquois pre- of ihe marketing agency mr sident of the ontarrio hogptoduc era association was the- chief speaker at the annual meeting of j the halton hog producers associa tion in milton last week mr mclnnis who was introduced 6y p merry awy dealt iuh critic cisrs which in recent months has beert levelled at the ptoducers sales agency mr mclnnis appeal ed tor support for the united live stock sales on the basis of the agencys record in raising the price paid to producers of ontario nogs an average of 200 per hog in the two years since the agencys forma tion he further sta that the right of prpducersto market their own product through their own market ing agency would be challenged in the courts during the next few months he further reported that with the wholehearted surrortot all hog producers and transporters an even better job could be done by the producers marketing agency inlshorljiesaiii itdirect deliver ies were curtailed to- the processing plants and sent to the stock yards packers would bp more active in bidding for their quota of hogs charles newton zone director to fee hog producer marketing agen cy aljb spoke brjefly arid gave an excellent review of hog marketing oyer the years up to the formation ton informed the meeting of his in tention to retire as a director on the marketing agency at the annual meeting on march 2 and 3 due to the fact that he had sold his farm and ijjnownofahogtiroduiper the halton meeting passed a re- solutirn in support of the marketing agency and urged the continuance of the marketing ajncsefiort8 towards the setting up of a jftational agency the election of oiftlcerai resulted as follows president clayton may vicepresident ed davenport sec- treas a r service directors esquesihg t j brown ridge angus mcnabb ed snow nassagaweya wilfred ken nedy geo robertson and john wilson nelson glen campbell mervyn coulson f colling and t ramshaw trafalgar h armstrong p merry and wm rayner hojstein banquet to hear j m fraser a feature of the program for the annual ladies night banquet to be sponsored by the halton holstein breedersclub next week is to be an illustrated address on his trip overseas by j m f wai- known holstein breeder from near huttonville award milton jrs dick trophy at ii alton junior drama festival the third annual drama festival of the halton junior farmers won by the milton juniorim the audi torium of the qakvilte high school last friday evening was another highlight in the jonp list of achieve ments of that outstanding group of rural young people headed by don matthews of esquesing township the adjudicator john binks of hamilton complimented- the mem bers ofall four casts and their re spective directors at the same time mr binks offered a construct ive criticism which no doubt like those of former yearswill result in an even higher level in choice of plays and presentation the first play of this outstanding evenings program was entitled the darkest hour presented by the norval juniors the members of their cast were howson ruddell jim brown george english ber- nice wilson and thelma brown with mrs graydon chester as the director the second play two crooks and a lady was presented by the palermo juniors roy ford sylvia shepherd mary pope marjorie segsworth edward segsworth and charles blanshard their director was miss florence meares next came acton junior farmers in th p r a ni members of their cast were anne mclaughlin betty anderson bill thompson eleanor mckeown san dy buchanan and mitchell neal thispl was dire by w f slinn the final and fourth one act and winning play of the evening was that of the milton juniors entitled pink and patches members of the cast were jean peterson bill kelly dorothy ingram freda- mc- fadden and directed by stuart mc- fadden the play had the finish of a professional presentation the norval play also came in for special commendation and received the honorable mention awards the program presided over- by president doit matthews also in- v eluded an enjoyable singsong led by dave pelletterlo with mrs geo newell as accompanist ic of the annual drama festival championship was as previously indicated awarded to the milton juniors in mr dicks unavoidable absence the trophy was presented on his behalf by his son k y dick and received by stuart mcfadden on behalf of the winning cast when it came to selecting the best actress of the evening adjudicator john binks found himself in diffi culty he finally boiled ft down to dorothy ingram and jean peterson and there it remained to these two young ladies geo e elliott pre sented the margaret alice elliott trophy emblematic of the best act ress in the junior farmer drama festival for 1955 the award- for best actor was won by bill kelly of milton who gave a finished performance he was presented with the j e white- lock trophy may we extend sincere congratu lations to halton juniors and in par ticular to the members of the four casts their respective directors and those working behind the scenes all of whom contributed to the suc- cess of a most enio wmin noltofi producers offer show prizes ai- the j bacon show to be held in milton in march we understand from clayton may president of the haltonhbg producers association that his association this year will offer spcclaljsof 200 each for all hogs of first ind second quality in the winning township entry spec- ials orjlob each will also be award- edto similar quality hogs in the second prlte township group these specials are of course in ad dition to those offered by the cana da department of agriculture these are 500 each on all carcasses making first quality 400 on all carcasses of second quality 200 each on carcasses of third quality e during jbm 954 hogs were mar keted from the ontario advanced registry swlno testing station the average age of the pigs when mar k was iaa2 uuyg and m forums divided without cent made grade a carcasses of the 5078715 hogs- marketed lncun- oda n 1954 only 2595 per cent made grade a here in ontario the pcrccntugcbf as was down to 2997 per cent and in halton county where we had 41 per cent of a hogs in 1951 our per centage 6f a bogs- has dropped 11 per cent in three years y all hogs at the te- station are selffed and we note that on the average thoy secured one pound of gain live weight with 38 lbs of fecdu in all 340 groups or litters were tested in ontario in 1934 it is interesting to note whcncarhpar- ing the 15 highest groups- with the 15 lowest- groups that the percent age of as in the 15 highest groups was 983 andthe average advanced registryscore was- 875rin the case of the 15 lowest groups the percent age as was 233 per chit and the and 100 each on tho o fourth aerage advanced registry score tjuhlity this year all hogs must be ready for market by march 21 those who was 525 inasmuch as all hogs at the test station are fed the same ration and fp pl l f furthermore ore marketed at the proper weight it indicates perhaps ket at this time should contact one of the officers or directors of the jy should tay pi ontario farm people ore fairly evenly divided- in their opinion of whether u jrlco sripport program can he effective wtihout increasing trmrciai judgiifg by the 501 farm forum re ports received on the february 14 discussions on farm markets ab road forty per cent of the groups felt like rohcbank in waterloo who thought price support can be worked effectively if we dispose of our surphubs in on orderly way in- coopei nlon with other count- tries li this position on the other hand 38 pertcent agreed with melrose in hastings and townlinci in kent that price support could not be effective un less some additional trade barriers were established the remainder of the forums were unable to reach a clearcut decision on the question of level of piice supports the njajprlty of the groups felt that the support price had to be above the export mar ket level to- be of any use red- wingtii grey and hsnbury iff tern ukaming spoke for hiany when they suggested settirtg the support price on a cost of production basis regardless of whether that price barrier increase with other countries and it our prices are too high e coiildn i sell our produce only a few of the forum thought that price supports sjiould bc high ettoughto encourage in creased production the big major ity were evenly divided with 46 per cent favoring supports just high enough to protect the farmer against disastrous- price drop and in equal number favoring a sup port between this level and a level thai would encourage production halton association much in breeding ta there is i aboveot below the export mat ket lvel on the other hand about a quar tcr of the groups agreed with- od r artemesia jn grey then they say we would run into trouble att johnstone piu mb1ng h1atin g tpeneral repairs phone 223w acton pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 watvr st north gait tlphom 204 e l buchner in acton yory wed afternoort v office at 1 h mainprise barber shop hsurs 1 30600 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 program hsh0lden optohnetrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 dmajbs st guam ji completely mew body totally new styling new overheadvolve v8 new balljoint suspension 9 caiadiai givrnifit aiioity 4 i mmthmmjmm mm mr m cm i anliinnu urian aoifixammmm eul m itam minim to rfca ar bmm ta n i ii n urnad ram 15 new fanr fouxr modt in 4 stunning series ftirianc customfine mainfine 4uid station h6gtn stykinspim fy faejamoussmf ihbundertirif jkw instant responsiveness jar greater safety wita 62fr or i82ffroieraeaiiit vs jotoify new saockfiet ride witf 6aiyointyrvnt suspension ana tae most6eautiu andgiamorvus inferiors errr tesiipirrt the car that changed the industry sweeps ahead again yes theyre here how in your dealers showroom the most models of the year fords success year after year has forced the whole automotive i to change its ideas about style performance and ride and again in 1955 ford is far out front with sweeping and significant changes ford is totally new in beauty with a completely new body and crup deaa modern styling inspired by the famojmjrhu st that k reflected in all fifteen new models and reaches its peak of disti in the brilliant new fairlane series ford interiors too are far moreluxurioua far more distinctive than anything youve seen before t with a proven 55 ford is totally new in performance triggertbrque performance from a proven y- block overheadvalve v8 engine with the flashing powec and instant responsiveness that mean far greater safety in todays driving situations and this great new overheadvalve v8 engine product of the experience gained in building more v8s than all othe m c is yours in every model in eyety series as standard equl ford i totally new in ride with completely new anglepoised bad- joint front suspension that cushions roadshocks coming from in front as well as the straight upanddown shocks this entirety new suspension gives you the sipoothest ride and easiest steering youve ever enjoyed standard equipment in qff modrfs 162hp standard i82hp ybtock special v8 available ith fordomutic drive in fairlane and sution wagon models 1 jee it drive it at your ford dealers l phone 69 fordmonarch dealer acton ontario r- li lsssk r