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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1955, p. 2

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page two v the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 7th 1965 i biftr spring festival atw gather in the church on eoster morning and listen to ha toahirps iris fitting that we resolve to follow hiro notonly on tha easter holl- tiay bu eve d for paying heed t his wo 1 i i offers truehope for a world awakened to a new er of lasting peace r peace as he taught ewters soleanitias are supposed to usher in gaiety easter is the climax to 40 days of lent and the beautiful flower of rha season is the pure white easter lily the english name for easter comes from the anglo saxon eostri goddess of light or spring whose festival was cejebrated in april there 4wasrpperently of controversy in setting the date for the easter festival but this was settled fcy the council of nice in 325 easter was established on the first sunday after the full moon the habit of presenting easter eggs is a cus tom thought to have been derived from the per sian magi the egg being the symbol of creation christians look on the easter season as one of rebirth spiritually as well as in the surrounding nature it is the festival that welcomes spring in all its freshness and newness- of life good friday that precedes easter sunday is one of darkness for on this day christ was cruci- f on a w c s tomb then follows the glorious resurrection and the spread of the news to all jesus fellowers christians will gather in churches across the world to pay their tribute and express their joy in the resurrection of jesus christ plan to attend the church services of the easter festival trfyour ovrnlrturcfi worship fn your way in the freedom of your land tematic way of putting on a levy and the taxe collected on all alcoholic beverages are levied ac cording to your capacity and tastes but there is no fuss or quibbling about the amount that goes in taxes with- every swallow most of these are taxes tnat come with such regularity that they go unnoticed in most cases perhaps they come so often that they are not reafr iied at any fate they seem to be less painful than those mijl rates and municipal taxes that are announced once a year on the other hand there are no tax moneys collected for which we see as direct benefit as we do from municipal levy we all benefit directly from the services we see everyday perhaps the reason may be that the municipal levy both-in- benefits and in means of collection is so open that it is often a target for criticism certainly other branches of governments have been much more successful at camof laging the amount ex tracted than municipalities have with the mill rate system we suggest some study be given by some expert to make the mill rate rhore palatableanov taken into our system as easily as the other fornix of taxes which seem to be taken for granted what makes high standards a survey of 1100 office and factory workers conducted by opinion research corporation of the good old days may have seemed better back in 1935 i back in 1905 fro hm hmn of the froa tkntavrfll itm spot radio advertising ort sun day will be ejlminated oyer ail canadian tatians beginning may 3 lil o e morning starry and pure and pale with bods like fingers folded in prayer at the altar rail lo in your heart is treasured the dew and rare perfume fr jarflens planted by angels in lands of immortal bloom take it easy a news item appearing in the daily press last week intimated that the provincial government was giving some more consideration to its an nouncement that the services of provincial police would be withdrawn from all municipalities over 2000 population the item placed the population figure at 3500 which locally would be helpful in the situation and would give acton an opportun ity to arrange for the change well in advanee when the figures were getting close to this stipu lation the close coordination required for effective police work throughout the province however needs some alternate plan if the present setup in ontario municipalities is to be effective qrm- nals and lawbreakers -do- not confine themselves to one town it takes only a few minutes to trans fer activities from one municipality to another will the network of police communication throughout the province be available for use of municipalities in which local police operate solely havjng chased a lawbreaker past the towns borders will local police have any means to alert provincial detachments we hope the intimation ofreconsideration by the provinical government is correct the whole prob is a bit too involv ed to dump right in the laps of all towns in the province perhaps it could be solved over a per iod of years but certainly not in one big consign ment such as was given in the letter jo munici palities over 2000 population more sugar coating there ought to be a new method devised in announcing the municipal tax rate there atetax- es oh every side every day in the week and they never stir anything like the controversy that the municipal mill rate seems to cause folks often forget all about the total amount involved the as sessment and a lot of other relevant items and just hold the mrlr rate as the big deciding factor in the multitude of taxes levied at allsources theres the sales tax- that everyone knows is 10 per cent but few realize just where it is con cealed in the taxes if you drive a gasoline pro pelled vehicle theres the levy of r ten cents on every gallon that doesnt show as a separate item there are a couple more levies deducted from every pay envelope every pay day if you go to the horse races and wger money theres a jsys- princeton university and reported in march issue of fortune found that they rate businessmen more intelligent forwardlooking fairminded capable hardworking energetic trustworthy honest and truthful than government leaders or kjnioijofficials but when asked which group had done most toimp l 47 per cent said union officials government leaders and business men got just 18 per cent each best comment on this may be found in the february issue of the canadian unionist official publication of the canadian congress of labor which contains a report by mr gower markle director of education and welfare for united steel workers on his recent visit to the tata iron and steel industry at jamshedpur india mr markle found tata workers mainly union ized but laborers among them were making only 40 cents a day and the highestpaid production workers 4 at the iron mines in nearby goruma- hisani mr markle found men and women work- ers also unionized removing iron ore with pick shovel and basket for an average of 25 cents a day if unions improve living standards in us why dont they improve them in india reason is that unionization doesnt determine living standards anywhere what determines living standards among any countrys workers is the amount of machinery they have at their disposal urwotkers are paid well because they are well supplied with machines indian workers are paid badly because they are not real credit for high living standards belongs jiejther with union officials nor government lead ers it belongs with the investors who furnished the capital tpduy the machines that make our workers thfe worlds most productive until asia understand and accepts this it will remain- poor no matter now highly unionized and when we forget it we will be well ovi the road to poverty n e ast orth w s o u t h est figured a review was due on some license bylaws well out of date for instance the only bylaw covering used car lots is a junk dealer bylaw as well another by law requiring- taxi drivers to wear caps at all times came in for fire as being outmoded who gets the job in oakville theres a holdup on town council of a street renaming project because it cant be figured out which committee should do the job the planning board put the project to council in order to aid the postal authorities and to avoid duplication of names but neither streets committee or justice admin istration committee can agree who should do the job more money for teachers in trafalgar township a newly- passed teachejs pay schedule ef fective next september sets the minimum salary at 2400 and a maximum of 4400 for principals the least yearly wage is 3000 while the top is 5400 the revis ed figures boost the minimum by 200 and up the maximum by 400 hospital in progress in milton a full page ad in the local paper calls citizens to a mass meeting t deal with the question of a new hospital for the town with a charter already granted the working committee reports to date fund raising plans ready an architects conceptiojn of the build ing an hand an offer put forward to donate a 5acre site flock to georgetown jn georgetown there must be a glittering attraction for town em ployment at a recent meeting the clerkreported there are many men wish to work in georgetown since six engineering applications and 24 policy chief applications brief comment there is still time to make your easter com plete by giving a hand tovcrippled children i through the rotary easter seal campaign j there are still men we know who are count- t irg the days until the end of the month some i because its the opening of the trout fishing sea- son fcnd others because its the last day for income i tax returns prepared for distribution at the trade fair l next month is a brochure outlining the advantag- i es of the north ha i ton district for location of in- dustry and homes a map of the district towns location and much information is given in three color presentation l qfyr xrimt jfter grrbs v the only paper ever pabllaheri in actoa founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwnia advertulngratesrph request subsotipuonsjpay able in advance 230 in canada 3 30 in the united states six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mali boat office department ottrwa published by the duu printtec and pabuahtnc co llaalte g a dills editorinchief v david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editor i business and editorial office telethon i74 have crossed his desk with in burlington the town fat hers deadline still so days- away outdated bylaws the commission announced on turn day the ban will not apply to time signals and certain public services the question of excluding sales talks on sunday- broadcasts be given further consideration the ioof gettogether ban quet was a huge success on- tues- day night about do mernber and guests sat down to prettily decora ted tables pjdgmf kennedy preilded over the program and bra c- landsborough presided at the pian rive piece orchestra played several pleasing numbers further improvement in the canadian industrial situation is re flected in the report 6n employ ment the anniversary of vimy wai observed by acton legion at- their club rooms on saturday evening sixty or seventy members arid guests sat down to a banquet and the gathering were enthusiastic in their praise of w coles w4io was the caterer the toast list was pre sided over by the president j m mcdonald musical numbers inter spersing the toasts were contribu ted by e coles and a trio famous from ike mae of the free thmndmy april ft ims a year ago acvin lawn bowling club was organized with only one rr two members with any experi- veloped large number of players possessing more or les istdl- but all with a keen zest for this en joyable and leuureli recreation the annual meeting ar held jn the town hall jr monday when the officers were elected patron d henderson esq mp hor pre a a secord president h p moore vicepresident w stark lecretarytreasurer homer adams qur member in the local legisla ture dr a w nixon made hi maiden speech last thursday after giving the nijlue im hct shot on the jchool bnk rrctirrtlj he sta ted tner 5 ro occasion to make sny changes irnong the official appointed sy the lxoeraj gover- merit as irey xere av good ronejt mtn dr nxon rajl a lauii when he said that re thought he s no h yry member in irf legislature ho had oeen approacr- ed to ge a tsnimr-tt- xi the merer ju a ere favoreii with bright prglxe teatrer for thr rniurr- opening last wee ard rjndedj of iadies n- spected the bautrful dalays r b ci bsy stare kid j deeoraitins iat were ustefi jji ormhe recent tri to for rie- appropriate ha e xra er- composed xf comrades w middle- itaf critd verr favorac ton padbury and dr p pcarcr rfiir i at the annual county baseball 0 meeting in georgetown last friday the full c walters presided and delegate attention were present from guelph george- pjj free town acton and brampton the pa g decision of the meeting was to call novel jhe ne- leapre the tricounty srfgd ere owing attracted- r was chosen acton the whats in the wind in erin the local editor does some guessing atfter testing the pro vincial political wind samples observers agree the vote will come before the end of the year but little likelihood 9t an announ cement before prorogation some observers expect the announcement to come after the april 21 federal provincial conference dirty foliated cold in oakville the chairman of the local red cross swimming course committee uttered disgust over con tinuing conditions ot lake ontario which near oakville is dirty pol luted and cold and reported that discouragement from these unhap py conditions was enough to final ly put a halt to childrens swim classes in the lake towarf or tobwarf in bronte when courtcil members received a request from the trafal- garoakville water and air rescue force nicknamed towarf for a grant members before considera tion onhow much theyd give pro- posed that maybe the name should be changed to tobwarf ithe b for brontci since their money might be included toward operations it was generally acknowledged tha towarf or tobwarf does a good job the presses roll on in milton the local paper proudly points out that a circulation objec tive set some three years ago has been reached and passed as the presses rolled out- 2000 copies of this paper last week optimistic about continued growth and expan sion of the milton area the cham pion remarks that a new objective has been set for future circulation but doesnt say- just what it is league e ryder actor president and e coles secretarytreasurer j the road drag has been tried on some streets in town but a few rains would make the work more effective soon time to go hunting wild flowers there is still ice in the arena but not for skating or hockey i the weekly sing song was held sunday at the home of mr john aitken opritige ipeeial esque poke of or fumihed witli r norsehair braid wrtn righ oardeaj massed a gr vi tfa ba and long 5tearreri f 50ft green ribbr the p hipe made of nj green satin straw ai pleated white tulle tnnrred with black velv ribbon tfh three decided bows caught wtth steel buckles on the cutsnde and on top is arranged black velvet ribbon and jkaded flower of black and green j an effort should be made to have the miir st pavement con tinued this season at jeast from bower ave to church st and mill travel service jubilee excursion st frim main to park ave to europe good going april 30 councillor wilsoj is having the allowing to spend may 6 in eng- stone house a the comer of main land third class 110 touri5t class st and education lane improved 139 fred l wright and put m first class repaif professional directory and travellers guide medical real estate and ixsttkartc or w g ckenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone is residence 115 church st e phone 1st dr d a garrett physician and sorgeao corner of willow and river su entrance rivar street acton ontario phone zm dental at the united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e at coney ba bd- minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert ii armstrong ma bd minister 1955 easter sunday april 10 1955 955 am sunday school every scholar is helped ii 1115 am morning worship eas- ter message 7 00 pm evening worship eas- ter music pictures- thought for the week im not ashamed to own my lord or to defend hi cause maintain the glory of his cross and honor all his laws good friday 1100 am divine worship sunday april 10th easter sunday 700 am sunriso service in the baptist church 945 am church schol 1100 a m- morning worship 7 00 pm evening worship now is christ risen from dr a j boemanan dental snrgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am lo 6 pm telephone 19 acton i i- veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av actott phone 130 b d young bv sc c i young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton i5r21 f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontaro phone 95 3 appraiser real estate an i w r bracken real esute phone 26 acto list your farms business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property r f bean umited real estate and insurance 83 mill st acton phone 585 r 76 bowc g helliott real estate avenue phone representing w goldstraw broker milton phone 349 complete real estate service covering halton county use ou facilities miscellaneolts ruaaiey funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 rlght or day stcting the community 46 years for travellers guide gray coach lines legal dead an4 become the first fruit them that slept a warm welcome awaits you the of j i baptist church xcjton ray h cos ter us pastor parsonage- 115 bower ave phone 206w st albany church angueaav rev evan h jones ba jllth rector i sunday- april 10th 1955 700 am sunrise service 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7100 pm evening service 815 jpjw bypu wednesday 8 pm prayer meet- good friday 1000 am antercommunion and the litany sunday april 10th 1955 easter day 30 aro holy communion 1100 am choral communion and sermon 2j0 pm childrens service children will bring their pyr amid boxes to this service 700 lun evening prayer and sermon c f leatherland barruter a solicitor notary paha office hours 10 00 am 1200 aji 1 00 pm5 00 pjt saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone re 151 acton lever hoskln chartered aeewuatanto successors to jenkins and hakd1 1305 metropolitan bid era 4b1s1 music olive aa lampard atcbt rjtt i acton studio st albans parish rail 14 park ave guelph phone z96 coachks leave acton eaatbnn4 a38 am 858 am 1133 an 2 0s pm 5 08 pm8 33 pm 10 p m blo 13 p m westbaaaa 1127 am 1253 p m 357 pns 5 27 pm 727 pm 112 pm 1132 pm 1 12 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and holt- days b saturday sunday and days t canadian national railways r daily 040 am daily excepts days 1q00 jm 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 903 ajn 637 pm daily fjlyer at george town 1011 rinv v itiallnam daily except sun and hon 138 anksun and mon only lutc m daily except sunday js a m 55 pm flagstopr 740 pjn saturday only 3j7 pm 8umlay only 943 am flagstop isumf only flyer at guelph 7w pjb daily except sat and sun ttaav stop acton 610 pat j aka5aicsvk3 mssm atjg a-

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