Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1955, p. 6

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k 4 the acton free press acton ontario tilulttmay auutfsr lllli loos farm mews from hal soil afnd crop twilight tour visits control plots hears h i- thomas some 00 hnllonltes wore in at tendance for the annual twtlliiht tour recently sponsored by the hal- ton sod and crorr improvement vsaociamori the first point vulted wan the wild carrot control plots laid down by the association on the roadside lot is of the fourth line of trafalgar here 11 differ ent ploti each 200 ft lon wero- inspecled under the leadership of agricultural representative j e whttclock while 2 4 d in both amine and ester form gives around a h pel j k at cat rot the first year an area u spiaed halton experience would nppcnir in indicate that 2 4 d spiajs applied on the same areas in succeeding yoars does not give unvthing like the same results however we do not want to leave the impression that 2 4 d applications on our township road is not doing any good one has oil to compare the roadsides on the five slderoad in esquestng first the area between the thud awl fouith concessions wheie hm- i icane hael took the bi idge out last fall and consequents thi section as not spwu el tn 19ss compare this with the same side- load eist of the fourth line which vviu sprnvecl till ear there is quite a dlffeience nrveitheles in our opinion 2 4 1 i not doln a good enough job of contiollink wild canot on om township itwiil- sidos leook at private ijuicik on the othei hand we have lookisl at seveial irci iff pnvato- 1 owned land iprnved fo the fust time t custom opei itois in btith ifmtl and 1055 and the hmiiis lit outstanding hoeei to get ttnek to the plou laid dow n on m i 14 on the koiuth line of tiifalgai opposite lot it to sunwiai ic m hi tefl plots spi lived in 1054 with itiushkill 2 ihs of and to the icie piiu lcall eliminated wild cuuol tin- mar in oldei to deteimine the most economic il mixture plots were laid clow n using brushkill at the pound and pound and a half rates also wu ious rates of applic ation using 2 paits of 2 4 d to 1 part of 2 4 5t brushkill b the way consists in most cases of 1 part 24 d to 1 put 124 5t cei talnly those plots sprayed with mixture containing some 2 4 st are definitely bejtei than thine sprayed with straight 2 4 d in either the amine or estei form in short trie work of the tlfion association while not conclusive by any means would suggest hat for roadside work or any po such as a lane where difficulty is beng encountered in killing wild carrot the wisdom of using straight brushkill at the rate of 2 ihs of ncld in 100 gals of water to the acre rreirta with oats and barley at the a t wtottle faun the lepliotitcd tests with eight variet ies of oats and a similar number of varieties of barley woio also subjects of keen inteiest hen the discussion was led b pi of jainc laughland of the oepai iment of field husbandi the new variet ies csuuv and rodne woie tile centre of paitlcular intel est due to their icslstance to rust anothei tet on the a t woodlo farm which was fhe centre of in teres was that involving various methods of getting culches of small seeds unfortunately drought con ditions of the past few weeks made it iiiipevmtle to detect alls maullil difivienrirs at this tune this 1110- ject will be watched w ith intel est this coming fall and tn 1050 n j thomas special speaker n j tlmimis of the soils leit at the oac was the speciil speaki inlioduotsl li k h woith piesldent of the halton vil and oop lmtiivriiunt assiwuit urn s usii il mi thomas ile- liklitetl hls oidietiit w 11i1 tus pi ut wat niasp of the nlan topics ills t llvsed lilt llltltltt clop condttlots in onliuio liming methods of feiti it 1 npplicititin liqinil ftitiliei- eti the thanks of tin g ilhei uik to mi woolle piofessois luiiih luiil and thomas was ahl i tended h w k hum kon of bin lington still anotliei feitiin of tin iv cellenl piogum w is the piesent- ation bv art bennett in the medium of colored slides depicting scene- of interest in halton and sin rounding counties the evening s pi ogram coin lude i w ith the members of halton s 4 h ciriln and 4h potato clubs si mg a tasty lunch on farm lands omtuakv miss maud wheeler interred at fairview in her 7tlth yeai miss maud wheelei passed awa on thursday august 4 she had made her home with mci unit mr john harrli itt ft r 4 acton foi the past fiv eais and previous to that foi seven yeuis in acton funeral service was held at th burnley funeial home on satur day august 6 rev d a powell of grace anglican chinch milton was in charge pallheaieis wei harold uaills keith dowling rl- eglo francescato oeoi ge lleinieo thomas hai 1 u and hai ve paliuei intel nietil was in faiimew emit teiy chronicles of ginger farm whlt specially for im acta rr picm bv owmmuua p clark crop conditions vary from high grain yields to poor pasture lots binders combines and thresh ing machines were all in full swing in the general farming arens of the county last week harvest ing was well advanced at time of vt ritlng and there is evei pi os- pect that halton will harvest a noimal cion of grain true crop conditions var tre- mendouilv from eommunm and even on the same farm hoec judging fiom press radio and tv report of crop conditions c1m- wheie in ontario halton can ion mder heiself luckx reported lelds of w mtei wheat ar all the wn fi om 25 to 50 bus per act e w tth nn nxei ige of perhaps 30 to 35 bus outs and mtved gum are 1 epoi led yielding all the wa from 411 to hl bus pel acie with nn oici ige it perluips 45 bus to the acre first stands of alfalfa left foi seed look the best of anything we have mhii since 192ti we have seep i few fields of alfalfa that look uke a seven bushel j icld in short thej are literally black with pods pastures generally poor prospects for red clover seed in our opinion are rather dismal most people require all their after math foi pasture and even at that a good many dairymcn are finding tt neccssarx to supplement pastures with hay plus more than ths usual amount of gram and concentrate even at that due to short pastures and the heat production is off m many herds the drought conditions of the past few weeks have quite a few daiimen talking and thinking about the possibilities of irrigation certainly 11 ligation las cf on cash crops like tobacco egelalilos eti howevel when it tomes to pasture w arc not so sure tn the first place it requires 1 gi 1 stream to pioide sufficient uatc seeondh the investment required would be no sniill itt m for llw average man it would seem to us that moie alfalfa in man of urn midlines along with rotational grarmg might lu a nine pi actual sdutioii di ought conditions have ilso af fected uie fruit growers in sunn orchii rk the simn of a mill peui s has slow ed dow n considci abl there is also some concern among some growers affected le- gardlllg inspection of hail m irked early apples monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 qun st w brampton shop phono m10j rot 313 rep tom nicol phono brampton 603w farm ponds now for recreation tle tin lent heat wave u novs tinikltig some ptsiple lealle lh value of farm ionds foi iccieatloii al pm oses tile glowing tiiunbei of fatalities sui rounding thes ionts are not among theli attrui i urns tills summei has been one of the worst foi this tfe ir di owning piotkibly due to tin lu creased numhei of film imiixii ctimmon sense of ionise is th fust ingicdtent of a sif l pu giam savs h w liwln depart ment of agi leultural knguie ilm ontai 10 agi u ultuial college km 11 children do not have tin vim rlunor to leain to swim as do citv ehildien with then munn ipal poo and swimming piogrums it follv theiefoie in aiw inixi il giooti itf chlldlen to pel nut thi ill tt svv i n unattended 111 am faiui pond sh- 1 il pressiues now and then vvll pievint a bo fiom admitlinn h c nit sw 1111 and tin lesult is often ti igtst no urson 1111 ill to svv irn should imiter a fni m pond if a farm pond is to in used f swimming thange 111 ennsti 111 tlon methods ale called for fai 111 ponds are inherently dangerous dm to their stihp slopes and tihmpl dropoffs there is also some daligti fiom entanglement with undci uahi growths or materials froai which ei 1 the lesonoii 1 ot removed area a farm pond should be fenced a life preserver should be iwindv 01 falling that some- old rails slwiulcl be available to push out to thi pel son in rouble it is much uisei foi the rescuer to use this l pe nf aid unless he has experience in doing rescue work the toll in farm ponds is mount ing mon of these deid an voung people whose life expect ancv wus ahead of them anytlun am of ns can do to reduce this tragic waste is cmincntlv wiuti while kennedys bookstore your headquarters for office supplies wallpaper paints books stationery v 125 wyndham st guelph ont there lias to he a first time fni everything and last week we had it that u to say for five dtfys had the privilege of taking cme of our granilaon without the help ol tils imrenta daughter was away 1 camp with hei lioup of gill citildo and art was liuay on the li unspent allou end of the affair so v- had dave he was asleep in ills cot in our 100m when his puiens left and we wondeied what the leaetton would he the next morn ing we need not have w 01 1 led tuc accepted the situation ant look eveijiruilu infills slrlde it was veiy hot and humid as if 1 need to tell you no we disldel that foi once lu ills life one could go without shoes un i sehks as his mothei did when sin- was young the lciwn was haul and div and we woiitcicd if ills feet wemlct be too tendct to stand tt hut the did pait of the tune otaiietika was building n stone gal den walk oave iieai tiy aniiise t trims if lis ye tllllh in and out of a small washtub into which iliilmi intel iiouied u pall of watel tile supply elidii t last too long as ixt ve got a couple of tolmcto tins mid liiistlx baled it out it elicln t mallei how wet he got ns ills clothing was 1 doced to u pih of tunning pauls i vol llllle- 1 hup in- llsliall settles dow ii set well at night but for irvunl nights the-i- wasll t a illentth of all tlnl lit vk is tiattiialk ustless so mi two ihii ions i took him out if in- cot anil wc- sit oil the fiolll steps liiit lllti to 100 off fl 1 that i put linn back 111 ins t mil he went nlil tiff to sleep sliangt itotc chiltlien will f in i hit 11 own favtitite plitn things mi ijlllt two t ti oltl no 1 1 in knglati i has lovtlv ions tint lit i pet plt thing was 1 sm ill j 11 balf filhd with iiuctt1 buttons slit in xt 1 hied of tipping them out tint pu lin ing them up ag 1111 1ii s mmn was to see how many touts it could pick off the diivcway hvri v time he lame into the houst- on tliubln little- hand would be jrusp- ing 1 fair sio stone- tint wot ln tidt us if we tried to like u iwi a set of futrn anintttla amis an othei jn two liomeai two rows a pig and a alieep he uat in ills high cliuii and played with theni unit al meal hum the aniiiwilu it ul to ho feil us well as llmve wo made it a iul that the aiilnials miisl be iut hack 111 thuli link when he well to bed with tile tik 1 option of one he wan allowed to lake ulthei the pig 01 the sltcup with him f 11 inly giasped in his wee hand of toutse 0111 siipienuiiv an nun lakeis ended when mummy and lad apptntieil ni the tine at that age not tpille two giuildpuienta just 110111 count if the paients uici giounil 811 foi that luaann wi weie glad to have dnvey to otunulvna and to know that wu could iiiimuiji linn without any lioubltt should n emeigency ailae of com ao when a 1 hlld is tn a nil tinge plate con stant vigilante la necesuuiy si when i was busy in the house- giaildpu took ovei we couldnt just put dave outside and liiuvo llllll to aniline lilinaelf hieie wad always the cluinee lie might wuu- dei off til the toad or he lillny tucking tii slonea in the lane whoi a cat ihove in novy we have a new job tilt iui hands loenklng 111 atiolhci do- at tuully an eight mouths old puppy pailly cumin nlicplieul bleed ltoblile 0111 weloli col hi la u nice little house tlog but us 1 watchdog he does 11 1 amount to ninth and wc have the idea unit 11 looil glial d dog on a fin 111 is a liee easily tlleat days itiisly the second is that all light but lie needs unite a bit of naming so fai he has only to bulk and people keep until distance we had u itusly unit be fine bo this tlog has least somelliumi i hunk thuict should lie u law agalnat wmkliig in tnmpeialitiua nvui ul ilcgioua who was t ait id only until dona anil nn kiigilslininii lie out 111 hi mldday oun ell would to that of fen t ileitis hoping wt dont gut anothm heat wuvo foi a little while holot jiihitnim iiutt ltlipoa allilet in hoi wtiithci i ituii flfllio ul i he cauudlan wood pulp oulpiit is niunufactuied in mills that eonviiit it liniimdlately into papui puiwuhuaid liulldlng boaiil and olhiii pioduets the ie- malnilei la sold as pulp- to be ltustv the second robbie of comae is f 1 iglilfully calous but the 1 ills don i nilnd i 1111 al all in fail iailnei sunt he w itnessetl the finilllesl thing lust night he has seen foi a long tune ltlial niul nobble weie hiving a viestllng matt li outside half jiluv lug half fighting with a good tltal of itowliii inixttl in lll11 it al jot was sitting mi lop of hit w il pilt looking 011 all it 01111 lot i at ed ovt 1 to ttlt dogs jumptit in liclwttii tin 111 niul biokt it up tht dttgs wt 1 1 so am pi laetl lilt v slop pe tl llllllit dl ill in pin 11 lit ft lit he titlmlv w ilktd awav ind win bat k lei the wood pile we ii lit illy hunk this is hi ti ippit si him nlng sunt 111 v 11 tut ti ft 0111 knglaiid anil only bet 1110 1 is pleasantly cool in tin old counti y i wui nt ver w 11 in 1 notich tint i can cci talnly lake the cuul wetthfi bt tit 1 th in the htat ts pes lally w hen it goes on day uflei da il is t xhaiistlng to siy tin h s holoen optomitrift eyeexamtneo glasses fitted 7 douglas si ouilph i0th anniversary fergus highland games saturday august 20 55 victoria park pirous ontario a full jiy fiom 9 00 11 in admission 75c piping dancing mabsrd hands track jrtiid held l vents bio dance in fergus arena at nioht ciiiiddds moel cdlorful hnjlilaiijl sperlorle bmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiirmibmiamrmaiiiiibttrkaii nan nimi prompt and courteous delivery of ikirn milk hoitiogemed milk cieeim whip ping cream chocolate drink buttermilk or whole milk is a motto of service with masales dairy products call ui for prompt servico ma sales dairy phone 74 351 main st n over 30 years in business h i new g gome on in tha voaferb fina i enjoy the healthful outdoor vacation activities at one of ontarios popular resorts and a restful bus trip there and back midland 805 collingwood 795 wasogo btadi round trip by bus i tickets ancj irrformation at harold wiles ageat phone 207 lorne garner motors main at bower acton phone 452 rt i j

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