the acton free press acton ontario thursday august lath 1035 acton represented at jamboree leader scout attend wbrj event continued from paje one self it 1 with thin- group that david dills will be working the newspaper office like just about everything else 1 in n large tent on one of the majn roads in the ca it is hjst behind one of hi administration tents is tent is already full and and has been for some day there are books and folders and story ideas and pictures heaped in piles around typewriters one of which is conspicuously marked yrroclrthtsm haa special keys which tytpc the french ac- cents stories arid the captions in the i jamboree journal will be in eng lish french german and span ish the papers are being printed sff ihoto a mass of twisted steel lies at the scenebf the train derailment which occurred tuesday morning near guelph junction ten of the 54 cars of the torontobound freight left the tracks and the work men are shown here removing the wreckage and laying new rails a hotbox is blamed as the cause of the wreck mijrtgwj urge steps now for increasing actons water storage reservoirs continued from page one monday night and informed of sev eral small draining problems the town was anxious to have taken care of mr pallesen said hie was free to start work tuesday after a brief discussion members agreed to continue services instal lation down the third line also to have the top material on the lower end of the road removed preparat ory to trenching and put on the near end of the road as top layer a letter from an acton resident murray j scoyne was read before council mr scoyne asked for a fairer method of compiling the tax role so that all unmarried mer over 21 get a poll tax notice in stead of just some of them he wrote he did not object as a bachelor to paying poll tax but decided there was some injustice when some were dunned and some not can collect by employer council discussed this criticism in view of the census method used it wds noted the onus was on the assessor to supply the tax collector with all names of resident unmar ried men it was also borne out at the end of the discussion that the town is legally empowered to collect poll tax through the em ployer if it wishes with councillor a irwin leading n discussion on prices of transit pipe held councils attention for some time councillor irwin con tended the transit was cheaper than the cast iron pipe for water service installation there is to oe further investigation a test on the warren grove well brought in last month is to be made when the permanent pump it fitted council also learned that the beardmore co has been using the water supply on company property investigated by the town several weeks ago and is reported tn ytt getting over 500 jmilrins p minute flow brief reference was made to the lawns creek cleaning job which has been hanging undone for some time attention is jto be renewed on this project bylaw is council told of nea rlngon a na returned the notice of ralgas applicat- by tkehaltoi in ion for franchise natural gas co council also received from the ontario fuel board notice that the bylaw for the anthony gas and oil explorations franchise is being returned because it was not prop erly submitted as an application council has passed first reading to bylaws allowing franchise rights to both the halton and anthony gas companies council heard salt prices sub mitted by acton farm supply a request from the home and school association to meet with the pol ice committee august 22 and a request from the acton agriculture al society for the usual yearly don ation members took a dim view of a request by the electrical contract ors association to become the registrating and regulating agency over local electricians the lengthy letter was ordered filed council acknowledged with pleasure the arrival- of the 4608 unconditional provincial grant an- nounced this spring vjrgea wetaaeaa mga a letter from g w kckjenzie acton vi mens club urged a un ited effort on the pari of local to ciect a welcome sign at the outskirts of town the bell telephone company advised the town it would be billed for damages to a cable at the rear of maodonald blvd members reviewed the woik sheets councillor e footitt after drawing attention to some needed road repairs reported on the coun ty councils attitude to the towns protest on the legal handling of an indigent patient claim acton is still not satisfied with the coun tys part in the claim as it affects the town and is to argue further to protect its position councillor j newton raised a question on the time taken in change to the shovel attachment on the town tractor he was given a satisfying answer then noted a stop sign was needed for the corner of elgin and agnes streets rasa regular account council which will not meet again in regiilar session until september 6 passed the following accounts totalling 107747 symon hdvfre mdse 760 bell telephone serv 4945 acton puc hydro accts 39345 acton free press printing adv 3217 wilson cousins co scott airpak 25500 beardmore co chamois 300 gordons hdwe mdse 1998 acton woodcrafts mdse 2832 highway garage gas oil 5729 toths garage gas oil 350 j b mackenzie son mdse 1893 thompson fuel service acct to date 612 barnhard stamp stencil ltd badges 777 guelph sand gravel mixed gravel 632 beatty bros ltd mdse 5724 j mccallums serv repairs 375 l garner motors acct 3184 thompson motors acct 8374 w j uakes j dennis f coles re fence viewing 1200 107747 watermains extension accounts w evans gas oil 552 symon hdwe mdse 479 young construction shov el ladder 151375 anthonylitt3emototsrgas georgetown htrhwaygarai canada valve hydrant mdse whithams garage gas oil can brass co mdse stanton pipes mdse 625 31143 3640 165596 35659 389491 sewer account young construction shov- el ladder 9500 j ridley haulage 18828 garner motors acct 1500 j o oaks son mdse 40826 j b mackenzie son mdse 8940 77694 donald holmes of acton is in guelph hospital suffering from a broken back following an accident which occurred on the afternoon of august 10 the motorcycle holmes was driving crashed when he t- tempted to pass a truck driven by leroy egar on no 7 highway haft a mile east of acton people in british columbia eat more ice cream and drink less milk than canadian in any other province while people in quebec drink the most milk and eat the least ice cream moffat anniversary is news highlight the ss no 3 school in nassa- gaweya celebrated its 100th anniv ersary on august 12 13 and 14 owing to the rain which we had on saturday part of the spores were held on monday august 15 they opened the celebration on friday night with an olde tyme dance which was attended by around 500 people the music was supplied by the macmillan orchest ra of killcan and the floor man ager was mr jack mast of pus linch the olde tyme waltz was won by mr william mitchell of kilbride and mrs george watson of clappisons corners and the oldest couple dancing were mr and mrs james martin of baden- och on saturday in thcpouring rain a goodly number gathered around the old school to reminisce about the good old days in the school the old time square dance compet ition was held where two groups braved tbe weather to come out they were puslinch and fergus young people the winner being puslinch the olde tyme fiddlers comp etition was won by miss joan frank of campbellvile and a number of other prizes were given out the garden party on saturday was cancelled till monday on ac count of bad weather which left us with no hydro on sunday afternoon under the big tents that were provided the crowd gathered for afternoon church service which was largely attended the guest minister was rev george simpson ba bd of london who went to school at ss no 3 rev winn of cooks- ville a grandson of the late dr winn who was another local boy rev w f slinn of ebenezer church and the rev jeffares of stjo a in brampton every evening they will have special feature stories and contain information on the coming activities sheltered site almost 11000 scout from all verlhc world a cnnirreuatlnk today on the large camp rite on the shores of lake onlarroarrlvlnr these scouts will see tents tn all directions away at one end shelt ered from the sun by a lovely largo grove of trees is the campaite of the third tlmberlanda troop these scouts are not- fnr from the large grandstand which ha been specially erected or from the rais ed floral emblem the acton scout will be break ing camp to return home on sun day august 28 special music was supplied by the lowville quartette a bronze plaque was donated by mrs jim fisher of burlington in honor of her father a former mem ber of the old school the late mr wecden the ladies of the com munity servedejtexyone withcot feeand sandwiches and an old me gettogetner was had by all on monday at six oclock- the ball game was held between the haltonville juniors and the old boys the old boys won the score being 98 then the terry troupers of gait supplied the program where a large crowd gathered and it drew the centennial weekend to a close all went home tired but happy at meeting old friends again commu news the sympathy ef the community is extended to the family of the late charles morton mr and mrs bert elsley of st lewjs visited at the home of mr and mrs del moffat on the week end mr and mrs harry buckwalter of dalton ohio were weekend visitors at the home of mr and mrs thomas amos the friends and neighbors are glad to hear that mr thomas si is home from the hospit al all wish him a speedy recovery lawns and gardens have im proved remarkably in appearance after the rains came at last tile centennial celebrations at ss no 3 nassagaweya were the main event of the weekend in the district several from the district are attending the convention of churches of christ in- toronto this week the fair board is working steadily to prepare for acton fair the fair books will be out next week fill is being placed and levelled on the boulevards at the sides of the new sidewalk in warren grove the young people of the christian reformed church art- planning a weekend camp with clarkson on labor day weekend at huttonville during the heavy rains here last weekend fairy lake which has been rapidly falling in the hot weather was reported to have risen about three incbes land on the farm of miss b flynn just south of acton on no 25 highway has been reported sold to lloyd bulmer owner of a local auto body shop- acton firemen riding in a par- ode at the recent firemens con vention in niagara falls were photographed and the picture ap peared in the niagara falls paper 22jiesiii o isii make 558 on peanut day peanut day returns were re ported b treasurer walt wood- burn at the rotary meeting tues day indicating another highly successful project completed after all expenses were deducted total amount made for club work this year was 55850 although this amount was about 10 lower than last years net of 568 there were more expenses this year with the queen for a week contest the report was considered most satisfactory peanut day is an annual project of the club to garner funds for crippled childrens work and other service projects the rotary district conference in toronto in october was mentioned rotarians made plans to drive down to niagaraonthelake to the scout jamboree next tuesday ev ening at the request of the fall fair members of the club will assist at the gates a new air conditioning unit has beep installed in coopers druu store repair have been completed to the board fence at acton park where a motorisl broke lieveritl planks the driver of the ear wna required by the town to pay for the damage although windows are not in place yet at the high school addit ion new plistcflii was not harm ed during saturdays storm the plastering is finished now and work is near completion on the tcrrazn floors the julyaugukt edition of the glad tidings magazine has a pict ure of miss ellen anderson and an account of the presentation to her of a longservice medal it was in august 1930 that miss ander son began her service as a mission ary friends arc gathering in knox church next tuesday to mark the occasion going to be on the highway over labor day weekend here are a few stoppers which the automobile club of america says can stop you from killing your self stop speeding stop driving at night stop for coffee stop driving bumper to bumper stop when youre sleepy 37 people were killed in canada during last years labor day weekend 18 of them on high ways pollock and campbell manufacturers of high orade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait talaphone 204s why wait for your new car 1796 buys 150 twodoor 6passenger with or without trade finals unlikely for tennis team with practically no prospect of being able to make the finals the tennix club hnd had lurk in its matches and 1iiivk llils xt weetft assembling a ttiam with difficulty tuesday of lixt week they lot completely 12- to llcipeler on aetoneourteejmiphehewidekap 111 the acnrlniaaipc of the bcu seta of the summer were reported on monday when a full team couldnt be jiithercil touether the acton club iliini woodbridiic they were not ble to come for the tou t dil ui 1 i tvcrychanjfrd to tonighn on saturday the iluyers will travel to jviit and the lait game of the xiiimin will be played here on tuesday of next week port credit will lay acton here while woolbrilif itivphiylng in milton then- ore l tiimi ill the league and- only four meet in the playoffs pluyoff nehedille and a banquet will in- oiv lk- ugendii of the next groii miflliig rmirkmi auo uii blazing forest katmon aug m2z kid prom left field golden stallion tiikkwed aug tlu stibh trap thurhfki aih1 23m walking mr baby back home 2 shs nightly serving rich wholesome neilsons ice cream bulk or bricks to take home remember watsons serve tasty satisfying full course meals mmmhtmmmmmmhmmm phone 14 acton milk it lb great energy food needed very flay by growing young bodies and active mind masales milk is full of hearthgiving nutrition lament drink milk regularly all us for prompt service masales dairy phone 74 251 main st n over 30 years in business chevrolet mrtom 1 iia k price includes all factory equip ment and warranty llrfull new car inspection service before and after the sale fr excellent choice of colors ft all models of chevrolets offered at tremendous savings call don ryder phone 42m in acton bell bros aaa iv ijjwbrsew