Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1955, p. 6

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-r-t- t he acton fret press acjon ontario thursday ofctoher 13th 1959 from haltons farm lands esquesing pioneers could pride themselves on georgetown fair the niontwra of eaoiuminc town ship would have been lustily de lighted could the have been on hand to see the 108th show of the jkjuaslnj acricultiiial slicmj ut georgetown on saturday octobei 1 president hoi dine puce und sec- retury gai field mcgilviaj and their fellow officers and director- mm well be pioud of the results of then efforts fuvored u ith a btvuu- tlful site in the geoikctimn paik und blessed with ideal weuthei their well balanced slum bi ought out a kitiit croud tuir the enti les muj huve been down in some ieot- tons lnit ull in ull it was u uell ivulunrrtl show und a real credit to the township of esxpieini the hull in out opinion ueei looked tiettei und uus filled w ith luli quulilx exhibits x hit li ci e well in winded ovel lit the cuttle linns we noted holstcln entiles fiom e r sejs- woith and ooiilon sim 1 ui of nt 1 cum township t j hi ow m idt und wilfrid lilu und sn of espie mt in jiists ken ella und sons und geinld r giuhuni of exiles inn touiisiip mil ueoine hwi if moffat in guernsey inim lh hei ds of win booth ind joit flios of mlton uihi j m llioun i idge of nuimpton in the beef t inu c k patterson wits out with his heiefoid stilus dr w f james inil john willmott with annus w h mrux mi jackson und s e gi if fen hid son w ith shot thoi ns this ls not u complete list of tlu exhibitors tix mil meuils but mffirlcnt to indie ate an evrellcnt displu ot cutllt icammnreui lf smunn while not us lutue us a eai um the commeiciut calf sections in ouch t touelhei the majoi its of the top 4- ilulton culf club members in the holstein section edward s ot ih bui unyuut r r judaic ri uce s reel of brumpton hud 21 ciilts fioni which to make his selection the top five were as follow s doreen slirclitrr thirluikton rr ktimi leslie gcoikctouu rr 4 don tuxloi builliikton iih 2 al len hi ow hi idk geoi cetow n r r 2 rw 1 13s2j s aomn r jardine to tahc to cream producers kiom h s houtliei iiikton seeiet an of the ilnlton cieum pioluce s we loli n that the ilulton clean piodtueis me plunniiik a top pio kiun mm then iinnuil nieetuik in tin ktimei liuildiiik milton on riidjin oi tobei uol juiiltne mtioliux mutuikii of tlu ontario cieuu lloiliueis has piouusid to in on hu i i also w j wot h ot allihtull ilteiuu fat in it mil i in the ileum m n ketiu field tin piokium stalls mi lie i thei lnlon will ulso imliidi a film und lefieshnieiils will he serxtti this should be a run i oppii tunitx foi halton iiimin piodiueis to jit an up to date pittuie of the ileum unit butlim situ ition pioiniiall and fedentllx in the jerseguernse section eleaiioi jowc milton r r 5 jean moffat rock wood geoiee istull milton rr 5 ernest alexander norvul rr 1 george gieenleej cumplkluuie rr 3 in commercial beef tulvet bob dxe millon bert wheeler hilu- burtfli don moffat campbell vllle rr 1 stand hepburn wutei- oow n bob merry milton r r 5 in show uiunstilp competition judge bluer beer had ii rrytllx tough usigumeut the 1 aims people competing had ull the poise un1 ubillty of piofessioiuiu in the jun ior section open to voung people iindil lli warn don en sinclaii of llitilington r it 1 took thi ted i ib- liou and u l lh it the hulovii w 1 1st wutlh donated b the geoigetown blanch of tin canudi in bank if ciinjmiice otliri top iwuuls welt it follows boti meu ehn muk n euue moxander don mofiit in tlu senini set t ion itt xeuis unit oxer tht i uli h doti ileil ti iluitiei s gift shop cmhltniatii ol tht top senior stuiw man was w tin b k i mei i in i lose muttsmon iiinit bill whet lei boh cot 1 m lliiulei und eleuiioi jos it jc farming not safe qccupation despite its many advantages auction sale clearing auction sale in nassagaweya township of ilufmtoek tractor implement ia lira in llouaehuld effect clr the undei siguthl lius teieivtd in tiucttotu from arnold jensen to si 11 by miction ut tin lot 30 ton 1 nussuguwewi situuted i v miles sou til of muk on weunksday october 18 fill il tw pi eden 155 halton plowmen to international tucsttix lust saw u slimiig di leg ation of halton plowmen off to tlu intel nitumir nt leamington tin group included john cunningham and arnold how den who will lep resent hilton in the intei umni tiactoi event in addition to vntious individual classes in -thr- mteiseendar chool competition oak die ti afulgar have a- then team glenn lrw in and bill spot k north helton ross austin and tom hunter another junior who will be in theit is don taylor of appleby among the seniors ate stan and llovd mix keith mens r a neilson c k picket haloid pick et lenud lastei sinvr wiisim ji h tax lor charles lrw in und tom how den some of the i ittei are going u a coaching cipantx but whethei oi not uu ian isst assured halton plow box s xx ill be around to get tuii shale of tlu top awards wire worms attack some wheat crops in genentl halton s full oi xx in ter wheat crxip v coming alottg nidrly some of the earlier sown fieds areadx are shoxx mg plenty of top here and there hoxxexer a fexx fields appear a bit tiin in txxm of thoe examined the trouble appears to be wire worms the larval stage of w ireworm lasts from one to our x ears or ex en longer depending on the species nd condition for growth soil treatment w ith an insecticide us ually reiuc wirv worm populat ion very quickly however in so far as field w in winter wheaf are concerned it is too late to talk about that it also is late enough to think about sowing another bushe of wheat in the existing crop one local farmer did just that the last week in september and time alone will tell how the crop will turn out in any event anyone considering the trying of a patch job would be w ell advised to treat their eed first with one of the insecticides such as lindane or aj- drm such treatment is stated to jie about a 90 per cent c6trol commenting at 1 uilwk shuip the follow ing horses and harness bu team good in ull hut tics et of backbond team huintx suigle set of lieuxx harness tollurs 13 cows rtg ax l shire tow due in nux reg axrlure cow due in det red shorthoin coxx tint licfoit milt du tiotstcm t oxx in full flow holstcln toxx in full floxx bletl max lb llolslelli loxx in full floxx liietl mix 24 red tirxx in full floxx bicd june lb ltoan helfei xx ith calf at side bled miry 1m roan helfei pastuie bled xx ith calf ut side 4 herefoid helf ei s xx th calves at side kehdeit cattle and young catt1f 12 xxell bud heiefoid steels fiom himi to im1 lls 10 spring calves pigs and foui try 3 ym k soxx s due in dot t2 tluiftv t hunks about w lbs 5 dui ks i tractor and implements cotksluitt no 70 tiactoi mectif ml k det ling j funoxxthi tiactoi hploxv msssex hnrri 3 spi ing tooth tullix iter 4 set lion inn i oxx s mecoi inn k deei ing 1ft- dist fertihei and grain dull iiulx new mavsex hai l is titmlei 7 ft tut mussi x hants seed dul mecoimuk mow i i b ft tut mas sex llii i is side delixeix teddei and rikt- dump iiki mecornnik di ei mg ht loadei steel land inllei i ubtit i ttiid firm xx agon xx ith flat hax iitk cotkshutt no 4 maiiuie spreadei oil i ubber i idmg ploxx xx alking ploxx tin nip soxxer fan ning mill tlettrit renters bug ti uck leg xici 200 ft of hax f oi k lope hax fork lmgs l ubbei tued xx heellxii i oxx tuinh pulper brood- ei stoxe broodei house hk12 steel feed bin tattoo set ipi mtitx of xxood and lumber 2xx iuhi tr ulei truck thames ton pickup tuifk 1950 model small mileage dairy equipment and household goods choiebov milking machine with pipes pump eti nearlx new onethud h p electrk- motorj vuking el i ic cream s-eparafor- de ijival junior eieam sepuratoi electio pail puis ett woods 12 cubic foot deep fiecre superior fconomv cooking i nice fmdltx cireulnttn heater hil heater old kilihen stoxe child s chesterfield suitt ridio home dinner chairs laxxn chairs dining room table combination chma cabinet and desk studio couch churn i girls birxcles folding high chair 22 rifle and manv othei articles gr un hay and fefd 1000 bus of heax mixed giain 3w biles of who it straxv 40 tons of choici mixed hax 20 ft of silage m a 12 tt mis glass seed qua- titx of mangels terms cosh wit ierk oil dax o sale no reserxe af farm is oid i all articles must be moved bx ootoier 31 i vm a gibson uctioneer phone gielph 743x i w mcmilltr w j hunter clerks h w h denny state farm agent first for all three auto life fire call w h denny 39 brock st acton- phon4sl5 of tlolaleln oatue etc the undersigned ha leceived in- sti uctions from oscar nix to sell by public auction at lot 14 6lh line eat toronto towns ship 1 mile north of multon on tijetjoav october ib 1955 at 1 p hi the tallowing holstehvl cattle 1 molatein coxx culf at side 2 holstein cow culf ut side 3 holstein coxv calf ut aide 4 part holstein coxx calf at aide 5 part holstein coxx calf al side fl holstein cow bred jun 5 7 holstein cow bred feb 7 h holstein cow bred jan 111 9 hol stein heifer bred june 27 milking well 10 holstein cow bred june 25 luilklllg well 11 holstein cow bred aug 24 milking well 12 hol stein cow bled j tint 27 milking xxell ih holstein cow bled max 10 14 holstein coxv bred july fresh x springing heif ers 15 holstein heifer calf at side 16 homeln htifi r calf at side 17 holstein helfei talf ut sld 18 holstein helfei calf at siit ii holstein helfet tued jan 27 2ft holstein helfei bled jail ii 21 holstein helfei bled jail 7 22 homeln helfei lind jun 27 21 holstein heifer bud jin 22 24 holstein heifer bled jun 4 2 htimein heift i bred feb 4 2h holstein heifer bred feb 4 27 holstt in helfei bred feb 1 4 ii 1 tiim heifers reudx to breed 1 putt holstt in helfei lj xeurs old 1 holstt iii bull i mar old 4 helfei s 4 months old tte above t oxx a und hcifcis tiuxe been ull xuciiuultd except the thlet xouug lulxes iairy equipment milking niuchine de laixal steiling 2 unit ci earn epuiatoi ixvei terms cash dux of suit no reseive us going out of milk business nothing to le lemoxod until set tled foi dux of sale a p cheynk auttlineei phone rti impton s4ij2 albeit mibnde cleik a despite- ii udx untiigcn turinuig is hot a aafe ociuiwtloix p aula out hie national safety ciaill actidental death tonics to cun- adian furnteis txxice u often as it does to those eiiguged 111 tiutle last year ihiee fainiera died from accidents foi evdrx flslieunan to killed the accident mentality late on fainis is 4 times a giest sa thut in financial iiintu ulums the department ot labor ot- taxva source of this nifoimtttion on fatal accidents giv their cuus while anfii uninmli such as cattle and hoises kill some funnels eery xear and while litlitminj stlikes the octuilollal fatal blow the great est single suuice of aulitflital death on the faim is maoluncry tiaclors und loailinililles tai and liiuks collide ar topple oi ciush belts and pullex s ulso take then toll tile threal of illttuuio is nut likelx to diminish a tui ins hit i easlngly bet tune met liunued now that a kimwltiige of maii- inel u txtil s of still k bleed ing soil cillsel vallilll allit maiket- uig is requited ot lilt furmti might he not tuke u lcf tioui the book of tht piofessltillal lilt i llulllt if he does lie talitlsv a iliunti of lilt leasing his lift siull mettlalllts t iilhtls elllplox i d 111 lalge fat ull le toiiux kllovx til it it dots hot pux to walk tt steuit gl lllt hoiti aftei liout riitll em ploxels klloxx it lai culuclut ull tile toftte tileuk has hulnv lit t otlit a kgulul palt of fallol plaitlit at i ii 111 the llitil lillig ullil i jo ill the uttelitooii ixoiktls lh malix plants shlll off hull ilia lllllrs lake a troll t i tip ot t af fti stlettti tht u it gs and t m hang toiixeisal ion with tlu u ftllous itu uurr tlltllk itlaxes anil 1 1 f i i shei ihelll t lijttillllg thelll la btntsh tat igue fatigue llianx aim i iris slls let i is the liaslt tullc tit i11ui1 uii nit nts it is not o iiiilii that mat linn s go out of kiltii it is human t iitlui unre that uas a limit tutlgtltd a hun gloxxs taleltss and immetliatilx becomes act ident pi one lliuttenllon even u moitieiital x pel iod of da dreaming oi a hi lef disreguid of safel i tiles may lead to sudden death on the faun as tlaewheie the mial adoption if the toftee lneuk a uilng to safe ty expel is ma lessen the ilsk and i educe the iiumbei of accidental deaths on canadian fauns which stood at 104 in 1054 accuiding to pielimiiiaiy official figures robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists i formerly e p head phone oueiph 1924 58 st georyaa square 3ntirtnr srrnratutg for expert color scheme suggestions superior workmanship and the latest sunworthy waterfas wallpapers cell byril sttt decorator rockwood 51 kino 5 acton jersey dairy l- for the finest in dairy products homogenized muk whole milk chocolate milk skim milk buttermilk vtabu and whipping cream butter eggs cottage cheese fe phone 242 xt 4 daily delivery let yourif how you mm with the worlds jimt oil tutnmr v heres something really new really belter in oil burners- the simplest must dependable ever built its fully automatic oven selflubricating just set the thermostat for the temperature you want and forget it you get low first cost and unmatched y eat-after- year economy of operation with ibis thrifty new model it160 oiiomirir tubteil ui hkl iiiunla jiluuie i niwie it uiwuiun in ltc lintu iwti tiiintl 5a vis tim utu vvitn liiattat f km i futl liiits it lrtla unly jie ll a viliuhl illttl hlglily eltulliit cliit ill ml ate urn ilmiluliniitiy nw nun i mil ui likxi liy willi uii ii your 4ttvtilitt l t it hnl or rrtirtrrtnrn nf llttlu ittit ki hui ill l a conversion i n sta1 ution 39500 root hardware phone 16 rockwood c j new power new styling new capacities more power per dollar with new shortstroke y- 8 engines s ml miohk horupowersi you t higher hitnmwer in f engiim tn thu itrettt iiw kortj jvulii lilw for t from ifth up ritfttt u ut n iiunhly jiu- utr trstrti htavy tin u liny i lirra nt w aumtiiw mhitrt miutkr mw r iiuutu uhm fricthtn iuh mjwt wmuu gr nit r fa httvuikh mutit tamwiiur uu moving mirta iiiui h luugcrr tiig iih life miw hjohfft torque 1 laumt tf imw iiciima ruik inifirtiv uu iitu t unl b iukim r lytrifc uwt ru ttrt ttitnakitwi iiiu inr luuthli mwit tat thu tlulth n w hih r triuif in ull srit up ut it mi fl ih iimaim ftthter i lawny mr tiu m r furinuften nutrr fmttner girr tiijiur miw hohir comrrhsion ratios i btirtla im w tfytttrti lnli ciinrt n in nil mih l in tht iiim wrinitit t itru kwi r frni fuel miw 4rarrel carburetion i now im w 4 liurrul t arhurttlir n ttit lit i y ftm ihmmi hiw r ijuliul wht n iim iwtlil oy oir in fou r at u rnlion flr pull fr lull ami hartl moiiik h jim j luirrt m tiitt into a linn unly win n cxtrii itowtr la rttjirtl miw lonofrlastino vatvisi nw tfttliijitt joitl ttshaumt vmivim in llntvy iluty v h eiikiiuii run uj l jiu itlt r than nolll ult in valvto imi liittl ft ltjiif r l nilgai n oimiii vitlv hiiiiitf uihi cfalui tiiikbi4 n colwilt alloy mtxt iifcw rlach fy w ar miw 12volt flictrical systim i htntmliirtl in alt tm mtlt u mw 1 1 volt u t tritul hyatt in fivi uitirt mihvf mrt t if it it ni toiiihuatujii at higlur tiiifiiwi amvl iiitkir cll wtallut atartinjc rt at r rm rvc tum ily uj hantllif tfxlaya heavur tletritjtl litatlm 7 nfw oup6lock yb cnginfs with up to 26 mo i powftf announc ford trucks cpi aumtottt 1 new leadership styling makes the 56 ford truck a standout ntuwa wmdshiaot ford trucka 1 hh ftraturu nra wraparound il- htrlda with alnxjat 1000 ai in f viailnlny niw lnjiltun tittxr vaaxr finks dnvin aafcr and mort juraaant btandard rar window ia more than 4 fet wdf miw ufkmjard dcsmwtl nrw dp crnf itimn wheal ia doifnad u atirt inipect in tht tvtnt of an accvlrnt it cuali vjna tlw dnvvr protta hirn frrm mnlid with the auring poat nm aafrty hold door loclu have apcoal rotor oovera tliat prevent doora from aprincinf open on impact new alltimehigh capacities carry more payload per trip i ovw batmosl new g v wa hiw rowit omoml automatic trim- for ail aenea from p2s0 up booat pay- linaaup m now avauablr on all uftiuluty load capaouea to an ail tune luch new modrla indudumj 73a0 with duala and g c w mean more pro6table tractor- p600 pared delivery power 8tarin at trmder hauling lean riagferi chaaaai now atandard on awiy ntodela and iliangli redueea ton mile haulmf eoata armilahle oa all bag joba t dtfustl the ford fio0 ow uwimm u nauil new senea for s6 featuraa a brandnew 8ft thtraar brake hmnfi oa many modela kxpreaa thja loweoat hauler ia adami for attaad aaliioa ufa as to u reduce lightbulky loada with wbeelbaae of maintenance ooata ah ford truck rear 118 in load capaoty a 664 en ft brakea have aiilf aafama action to tahtwtsbuoinwt760er build hi brk praaaurt the f round out the ceaoua ford tandem axle line thai auwbei fail takvea 10- to 19ft bod we baa load capaoty of 2665 ibe iriitn tiwrtfr4 w wal ja aee see yourfommorjarch dealer 56 monxa run co t new hifbrr taraa atandard oa ab ave aaore auie- aad bfcinnuu phone 69 thompson motors fordmonarchsales and service adon ontario t

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