Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1955, p. 2

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1 v itv i jvjcfjm tfts eightyftrst year no 18 acton ontario thursday november olh 1955 ten pages six cents sequel to argument on water use betweenglenleasubdividerpllc a sequel ti lait months rilc argument- with the glenlea suhiliv- iders was added in the rcgilai -ei- aion lost thursdny when rtemlwr confirming that at no lime was water unavailable to the builder from town hydrants rescinded the previous motion which woud equalize two water emuniptum billing to houmholders involved in the dispute the commusion contending i the differences would have to he resolved by iht- siilxiivuler and the consumers pail a resolution th it the motion wsseti at the last meeting be rescinded in lis enliret and thomas and thomas and the householders affected be notified that the consumption will have to be paid for at the regular billmij rotes thus actum the motion add ed is due tu inform it ion received lleportedh six consumers involv ed complained of high consumption wntn was apiurentiv ting con mimed for othpi nun tirursenitcl use with thi huienln kiiiwlct- work out ui agreement on mil- point mil with othei in ftirmation received the aimniisshiu ruled the uiiimimit and the siili dividers would have to wink out an agreement it was noted ut thebeitinnuik tiie meeting thai a copy lias been ient to the ileardmore co of the letter of agreement for water u- bate made l the commission un a previous years consumption the secretary said that the build ers had been notified of the leak ing roof at uu- disposal plant following a letter of resignation from k maphall hydro employee it was learned the commission has advertised for an experienced line man mr melhall who recentl was burned in i line mishap at the park said he regretted severing connection with the commission and ins fellow employees the commission accepted a job fpiouitloii of 655 from j b mack enzn- nul sons ltd to build an extvnslun to the hvdro shed this extension i ti house the lift ladder truck llvdio siiiertntendcifct f musau was authonzed to purchpsa a uscl post hole tliggai from the hell taw phone co foe 250 in view of tin continued on page tlireei new christian education room dedicated at 99th anniversary county rescinds motion to set up factfinding committee on north halton high school area kden mills united church cele brated its 09th anniversary on sun- din novenibei tl with services in tiie morning mid evening tin new christian kihicntion itoom was dedicated in lilt- rvtiimi the speakei foi tiie morning sei vice was mi bennett he krnest k huskier of dublin stieet lulled church iuelpl und chairman of the ouelph lifslivter of the unit ed chin cli of gimndii off iciutail at thi dedication tcremon and de livcred the sermon in thi evening 1egiirdmg tlti hislorv of this church whosi building is tiie oldest chinch in tin village mr huskier stressed thi nettl foi people to re memhei 0111 pim anil not forget 01 aliusi it b ikiiuruig history it is a great tniged in said to lose iuii past he brought with him gieetiuks from the cuelph pieshvta i hi the congi egation in eden mills he it leu attention to hc exceljont win k ot the jmiui ami his wife ml and mrs william slum the lyosbvtii weii awari of thin sincere efforts in the com- munit he laut the hillsbiiicli quartet sane at the morning saiwca ami in thc ewnmg ebcnevri llnlteil church chon supplied the nuisic with a special song in mrs john mcintosh and mrs williini slinii mow lovclx arc thv duellings the neat stone building thai w ill soon be 100 vears old has been re dccoiatcd in the interior in soft pastel colois thill are pleasing to the eve the christian education room is attractive and equipped with a kitchenette as well 2000 copies pre mark hit in thiii week the free the largest circulation hiatory press run for thin issue is 0m nils includes regular cir rulation and ttpecial mailing list copiett yssy ii st t ir deer runs into car is killed hubert hlaki cjuelph got a mii heevc a it hcrvm- ml tin all prise whlh driving south on no 25 was started lo establish thrai i luiol lughwav neal spevsidi saluiilav a i areas in the nortlierii pirl ot tin acton and twps lead resolution to crush comm after a heated ilicuaion t in which chares wert huticd t vi i lou nuiiml-liaulltle- hultnl count i council bv u 12 to a vott rtmiuitd ait october retaliation to mi up ji fact finding cunnuuj lu wv lew uw north hultoii high school aim tht discussion w luuktml hii rttuiliuii iviir tahhl from vrl niauca and uitiu n mi tht establishment of luli j i omnuttif itecvt a it sri vict ami ieputv-revt- waluv iliiiham -miii- mred uu motion to itwcuul tin i involution i warden it h shannon tpunnd i vunoiis jmrls of th vhonl tt t t empjluiijililk tin mattei nlfi u itji count imkimeil aiut that wluittvci tin findings tkf tin ruiuiiiilui wnuitl lit it wi tll up tn tilt juuulclp alittci ami cumt loinicil to niak tin final dtrimoii keevt stanhi alien iiii pointed citit that winle til munu ipaiilv liai requested mh u cmn r nut tee in esublljiel it was not ine intention to split uu 11 ea hut we r mtereilecl to knt tin fact eorielowti kervr i or if thet councils who an op- xkmd hav selfish motiv in not wlsliin to kiimv uie facts it should not tn- aiiel hei jit till council nieotnik iteevt allt n e claimed wi ihtuld u happ to know all tin facus hut lhei seeins to in mium rtnuht k t know w i- thei tills the lem wa to leun of the facu i don t wint to i n arevi changed if it is kotu to create a hiritshtp on an inuni tp alit hut i urjt onmni to cstah llsh tli ls hoard ht said 1 usiliil nuj uufffl ii proposed civic centre shown here in at m lnte skclch l tt nit to the ratepdyei elef tion finy iet initei ur n ye 01 110 i ml lot nirifr i slimiu ui the builciuiq li s 1 jo 0jo hut ititr question will he rtsked on ixim of o000o to allow foi oniiiigericie ctrid lt at itt aiij qahft 1 1 j uk i lose il lie sw in in i t iltr i mil li lit- f mi it i tlio ot it l ill 1 li 1 1 ntiu hulltf iriy ol let i while nl 1 kjht i i fit- itojomi hhf at y i ttmmte and it ntrttivr ploiit wcre fiio it- hy jtndjn onn aifittt tf lijioiilo gatin wf cbunciltownshfps feartihhsd bd by end of year may break up if committee formed 300 pthintl buck ran into the side of his eai caiisiiit 150 damakt tin eai and killing the deer a car driven by karl mccov mil ton ei ashed intti the kuanhails on no 2ft luihvva one mile north of milton siiiula mm nine causing an sliiniled 1100 damage to hi- car m mccin who works in acton slated to police that the rlkht front tin jin the cm went flat as he head ed toward milton when he ap plied the brakes ik was drawn into tin uuiidiiils lie said kliiht kuaid i ills ueic knikkt d out h the un- p irl kiiiiiik asleep at the wheel re sulted in a caieless driving charkc tin meredith craik toronto when hi reporteillv fell asleep und crash ed into a hydro pole on n 7 hiith- ua two miles east of acton last katurda population building soar as subdivisions open up actons population was announced thi week as 3337 the increase more than 300 over jf the firiire at this time last year is due nain to risidcn in new nl homes at the glenlea subdivision wheiv about 55 hmims are occupied k a th timilation f inure iv published it is likelv out of date as new residents are moving in almost dail at llenki huiutiin in in duruik october shot skwini ikim aftl a slide to 16000 in septojiibei last month 2s1 permits weie issued to the lako- v lew subdiv isun cuntracturs for house bnildnik vilued at 290000 to octobei 31 195ss building in acton totals 1703150 b the end of the year cxmstruction may pass the two million mark to iccord the kifatest buildnu itrowth year in acton s mstorj albans guild comm count i itin t think in iliui should in- mmlr v lun th thif opiosiii nituucimlilkv art pavnu v ell ovei sk mm cent of tin pi ent toct he vutl i dont hunk this ietjuel 1 m frimi uie north halton llih seio hoard hut tl uiliin lttail u ism out of the retiiesl of lat mill i iuhlic school hosiid wku writ anxious in purihit th miltm ilih sihool foi puhlil mtiool pu hivs ie- sihhi charged heevt wilfirtl mini kxpieini reatl an inv itatiun iicivtl from tiie milton 1nbhc school iloaid to aueiul i mietm which kstpnsini membens titclund to attend it w i callts to discuss the ah of uu school whith kiuemhk was opto ed to we had nt idea omwhm l s to he lioii2el the want i to sell the sclniol for tift0t0 ai l it ls in tirtti fir 250000 and that o- not krtxi business the reevt ud milton reevr speak for beew c a martin milton in jected i cannot unricrmaml how the opptteiiik mumcipahttt know all the facts even if it ls wjrkin sntisfactorih this are m et up 10 or 12 vvirs ao ami w a an e pcriment witli the thought of natural fa- will ti auihitl don test it antl mdiihtiiil u i in oakvllle lironh uiul miiiuh in 1 t a fallal township hv tin eiul of li cmlmi t i liilekiird ptnttal niaiiaif o united sutnii hn co ltrl annouiicetl tin- wtmk il i a xperml meeting f iiidu ti lali-t- niii chants and re pi tvtfiitativ s of tht thrit municipililifs i mi ilinknd ii u i iivii tlo pt l j fiw niojiths ntkulintioi htl in i i art iid on hrlucft i niaai a a ti an mi i ism n lad ami hi niiiiiii m in of fori lo obtain i siirjl y ol j uatuial ki foi tlii ai im thi eon itiait h w htn i otiiil litt itit j imteit liv o i priiuirtiii to h kin lonstruelioi of an fiht lint pipelitn fiorn lliniiltiiii lo oikvill untnetliitfu othim inh pnsiim lino will h hud l ji a din t iservut to th iniiustriil imi uf ti town and providt i ouiplet loop aiound tin exlriinitu uf tht rt- idntial art a hi said onkvilh ha im ii st r it i s wilii maiuifotum i kic from haimltnn sine ifkhi henry hosking tells of trip 1 ii hosking wiinilmi mem bei of pii li intent showed pirluris of hls trip to elirnp at iii nulir meeting of thi ulkcsllli tiaplei iode in tin lkin hall on tuc- iln exeniuj his shols of kmlind scotland cierman and krmn m cliifiistl some of war dximaki- mr hoskuih coninieiitd iixm tin pictures and on the peopli of tin unicef total rises heavy with coppers i in oinmlm i dim t liin- tht pio o lot tht inittd nation- ould 1 1 n s f und ut i fallow t t n has an torn in u 4i tin tht i inuini in th u thin hit livt niffidit i mun icipalutt- ut tht- noi tli halt n jlitn sehitnl i ist t h t hiid a ion k- ipifhliif hd nitwvt tififl motidi n n ij- in itpjoitiofi 1 tht pioptsid fin inatioi if a on i litivt i onm i it w tilth oiiltt ii wi- f i it c tl im iht if a t i unt t i tin hisli id i1mi tn t k ui- lolil tioli- ih this u 1 1 k i oiiui114 iii in- mini thai lo h tidipiai l t- ainlr at ii id t ill of t oypcts with othfi dona miit llnllowt vii w ill in tn will dd in mtawi nov this lot ludt- 4a h i yi inp church canvass aim 75000 mi i un v illi at which hai pi t vitiiibjv po il mill t i ill ul tt it pi i f litl t north i n uw n hip oppti it of to a to f a nit il t oitiiiiittt ai tin 1 m st sio ouni il f oi itti n mil toll lliltil fl 1 i l ht t ninriiil t t fit nn l-h- t matt d it i it in adtlt tl int t t fitli r ittnn 1 1 h- i d it iiiii r w l i- iilh ll acltm unitfti hirktd iiptin ait famll t uiva foi fund mmt ii nt hi- halt man t xp nd thai hm sli ol ould in i uolir t unpawn ii h ktnti w j w mckeiin w wi w licattv an i hut t h his in t xlllmx t ivi i a huilthi y is lit t 1 onf irhiit i f 7 imwi iv it ih htu dtiurti irifl i txtt utlvl the november meeting of st a i ba guild was jield iti the ptns hall with 33 members present ltni mrs lil cook preidtntf the et i eta i n ind treasurers report- w ei i e id nut i short bumes meetins followed final arrange ment for the bi7iar were made t w is deidcd to hold the elect ion of officer at the decern be i meotinp axd t nominating com mittee was chosen consist inn of mtltje rowles alice new ton and eileen taylor the meeting closed with the m pah benediction and lun w erved by the committee in charge jlliudm ilcliutl at 2pymle wow j different countries ft it would appear reaonable to re uued b mrs wdla view the situation ui see if thet ed h mr- k sim wa a better wa to econom i wa- premn d ui tiie was mtrod and thank loinmitttt hfli lt pan uu tan 1s om of tht hihhfht ff th in tetisivi tainjxujin will tit i liilt diniiti lo whifh every metntit fannk ha- ht en invited mrs a lou mr- it liewii m- f cha and mi b h burns art m charut of arrankeinents a canvass office has been open ed on mill st and k k beat i ht adinj t commit tet respmimbh for dist hf inforrnalnin i j f l antf fijui t vi hit h wtiult n fit i l ii dm h miitolhv of i ft i in tht ho tii tht motion t nnoj hi not wilhdtil vot il oppo ition t-u- a im hiiesiiii iiid nisj v i iilll i tilllv t ah three oppord pit- imiiljlv milton and f i nt toan wiril stpjtalt hiti i fiool districts tt up mttiifhiy iiijihl pi ioi t- tu lay ntjveinhir ntijiit i ium i mvmi thf thrt t ntirthein inunieipil jm lrttfi t mut hiothifl- ffipti till the ftirnuitifjii f tht i ji uita ivt tomrnittt it w a riiphsit i etiunty iim il mernht l t whom volt on iht niitlt r dt- pitt onl fivt tji-in- part of thi niuis ob alimild b iinptemd itn tht fact that arfm naf ohiivoa jr l kstpnirj ity fiioit t an uu r t nt of t fa ti i s ik j se anient slaiuhl i iitot inn to 1 1 no the u loh i det isuit fii tht thiee iteieeti tt pot ftirui n resolution dial riifinh is if iht oiiilii lilt t- fs front otilbjtlt th hieli t hfl uiea enlllt y jii t vent tin ftiotlttfl it on id fil loo il a a- plinntd fo- t ti muiiit ipulily to hivt i airit i fully lo prop- j j ti ouiiiiitttt 4 ru4i 11 or alird siiiit tliit iii4fi a- i 1 al on the at 1 until i wliu l da lliin lv ik1 litslmit lloiiti a tt op ifaj ref- tielut iliath in uie tliia it would tak to diolvt tli hoiff t it pai tint nt 41 kdut ulion it wa tjf ft rt t wtjujtl ttnl it- tt jjitul liv- oi tf siieft i ntfvt njsui a t yi itt t vt a s rvn e uied tht t tiiiuuilivt tinuriiltee t t iu i t i uslil tii jlint ht ad a ilh v it dot mi t htr tvtf iff heid f iiul toitl flittllhtf t maytw k tvl i said a a p r turhin to a ton mjumi tfat ks- tju hit and nakiafa at t had tlt ihteit inforro 1 frmi lh fust of ui inovt ut t up i oniiltai vt tfjffi- millet ttu township t tiufo it or agreed i tlial tht fjim ut y nit r t own of tin rntvt wa froir pu leitjrtt- tia y rleroitj i jaiin njli ut toufj- ly 4ouiail y miluin jt ev c a marliri viitl tht lowrishipr- had been mipd lo irattin u iif tis vtitb utj r to fiaetaii ks jetatif lit t v w bird insjsu d reading letter it j provt ln point had iien culled tj dirmuh- sale of the milton high whthil buudiiiie lo ua- milun pubic st hil two land development problems i m lrs jiuiii crvo the vducitiimil ntod m th northern nna tin- 011u wi v- will find thi- out is to form thu committor durinr dbciimoi member frm the southern aren felt the boirri jurisdiction should include the whole of thr count others felt i should bo held oer until niwrtne- meeting until all school birds ant councils were informed of council deliberation on the high school question reeve martin further explained mr h iskmi rrnr i u jwi u -aa- iiusbls v jims-c-i- vsrf j continued on page five flowv and notetiok charlev i ict led on the pino b hi- i pln ed cornet olu the ireenuition vf tibl wis nude tn mf on behalf of the chnpta c le ihh man during the biim-io- is on ri ptirt from bazau cunveier riven and finil pljlb iti mad for th annual event to be hed i tni5 month roft c ciuded the meeting th zz tell responsibility otchurch members uaiiigiitfrs of knox held their liafun cnunr i dailt aith tu matter vi demuitiin ijiaaura i iktb rfjarbrin lad dvelaaprra ri firaiblems but with to cxtnrrja ta ui a oil co 1a1 mr lynun rlnd i plnriayj that mr lirwjialo who lias erjtrrtyj iritaa an ugnra nt t wll a larga i1 v a tnwty xu uia iil ctnpan un uia i ciia y aijt- imni ugh- pa- widi r i mr th ragiiar munthlv m ating in the sun- di si hool roami on mondav u ith tba piiiident mrs cliff ashley presiding th uorship parion a is taker b mrs hi rn van fleet s griup th- thama tjing tii mphasui tha r sponsibilitv of church membership till- ecreta t traisuar and group leader- annua reprls a e a laad mrs h kobinson jr ind companed b mrs fyfe somerv ille tom iirikii w la qua tionad v town unlajiding pip- pr a ta d tv luat but jrla r fil jricdur- expraapr ictr t ri alsa objateai t thi path t ui prprrd rond irta- t iara- a suuiii in mavir tir chargid ui tu jl just rem ged agn o agreed to that rout orira m bratik i t7 exoliirrasd f road- snould go ir sr gh r bj the present stikes mstr siiaj tfi anar- i ifoahnl would not jibjac b tne court ad r ton urgular aru rer u- id un agra rraiit frjiu a tlwn that two triangular kii lay- ligl t i nlruriria ta o prosd fsaad bicia u as prop la raver a turlt upon ton puririar v a i- or pra rent or another xrwla intered tiaa invosval discuios ajt 1- locd r gaxding munaeip arj de- paruiant rahjurvrriirj ol a pln ajf aufdiviso- proviorif for rod ac- apiante and alluvidmis iriliirrftajy it d ttait ht tr- pojoaetl nucleus of town grou glenlea residents form ratepayers assoc the acton ratepayers asciat- j comers to the town it i hopd it ion its nucleus compiled of glen- will grow to embrace taxpayers in lea subdivision householders wis the older portion of the communitv formed last week at a meeting of future residents of the lakeview cttixens in the town hall where subdivision and householders in the over 40 men and women gathered to cobble hill development adopt guiding rules outline purpoe i it should be made known ho and hear mayor e tyler clanf said that all taxpayers in acton questions on municipal works and are welcome to join thi associat- expenditure ion toe association to be subtitled- a set of regulations governing olenlea division has walter the glenlea dvision was drawi cook as its first president ana a up and endorsed these peruined ives s vicepresident ronald htl- to committee- and street warden tier is ecretotresurer streer duties and responsibilities fees wardens are yet to be named l elections general meetings reprea- formed to primarily keep abreast entation at council meetingi re- c s es the mayor congratulated the cit- flic explained the appeal proced izens present and those responsible ure and suggested the assessor for the organization of jhe assoc- invited to a future meeting four or five years acton nas be acquired some small industria es- i tablishments- should taki nis objections to hh road eitrarc- from the hgirway lawyer mr brankievvcz delarad being povad counjcil ao pontedl he wouldnt go to hls lawyc rarj aaut te defignatd poron wn be shouted tiut the town would have ourrl as tret area a ham th u thrxit him before he d alio a tha plan u registered aisirica- ut oad tu gj f roog he ief- c ic tre dayhgrat entririresv wo id nev- shouting er be built upon a dariiad uo- the other deputation included e necewary rut oar department of bratdat toiat c e jk91lj hirirway woud rot jow thm erland ad mr coujter of ls sr anyway itwa mid of municipal affairs as they affect regional and communitywide in- terests t chai emplwisizel the importance of organization among ratepayer for representat ion and protection he expresed latum which he termed would be an asset to the community and i real value to its members turning to municipal matters the major touched on difficulties note- being borne by gleniea res idents due to tha unsettled state of the roads road work would be settled as soon as service installat ions are completed he indicated he also referred to the preen councils policy of gradual perm anent paving an expensive bus iness which has been undertaken and wl take time mayor tyler later outlined ttt council procedure of rate striking emoodyjng fine budgeting and bow the rate finally set determines tft tax payable on basi of household ers assessment while council has a margin of control over tre rate it has no junsdictiori over the as sessment method he said concern over residentialin dustrial imbalance and its effect of nigher taxes on the househoder was the gist of a question by on citizen who wondered if tne tow was doing anything about bringing new industry here mayor tyler assured him that the councils industrial committee one man asked about tne dela the highway facing property ontre front of glenlea this property a held by thomas and thorna- the mayor answered that he understood the subdivider had asked 100 per beardmbre co w regarding re surprise that acton has not already had a ratepayers association mr cook stressed that although ue association was born in glen lea where most residents are new- to speak and answer questions ports et cetera the chairman further explainea that the organization is strictly- questioned regarding the method nonpolitical and that it was pro- of assessment the mayor explained posed to have members reguarly that the afsesor here operates un informed of matters within their der manuals followed by the eour- and other civic officials are worif interest ty assessormmi the department of irigconstantly tp interest mdustral prior to the regulations resume municipal affairs the town has ro contacts in locating here he after officers had been elected and control over the assessor he added stressed that an industry doesrt installed mayqr tyler was invited but noted that the ratepayer or the move overnight it takes time he j j council has the right to appeal added reflecting that in thelasi foot for this lane wien an inaqury was made one car understand he commented why trerej no activ ity on tnat land several other points wec touched on briefly by- true mayo- before he left chairman cok lauded mayor tylers answers- fair and honest and tne gr ip at the meeting accorded w ith a plause before the meeting adjourned a few comments were made en the proposed civic centre expenditure no genera opniqbpro or con was registered on this matter tne chairman also asked the group to keep in mind the nomination date here november 25 rebates drainage and planning at the ouvet of monday ngrt cover the glenlea subdiv ajon u its meeting clek j mcgeache told entirety council of the p ujc s aftter to th r mrs w robert asked council if the town would clean the drainaae tiie under their house on main st n when the buetaent floor i op ened drainage trouble under this house which borders the creek was reviewed and c wa pointed out ttie town vouid do everything possible to see the ojuet of this tile is cleaned council filed a letter from the duke of devonshire chapter of the iobi here thanking for co-op- erauoo received in concectaoc with the chapters tag jelling on acton fair day clerk mcgeac reported jo council on the proceedirgj of ttts- coveryai which he wa a witnea oate or the water bill for 1863 i was pointed ovt in the original et- ter that thi agreement held for 196s only however council als learned that the company woud like the tebate recondered for ttis year no acti- r was taken a rebate of 162 representing pd 1956 licerse fee was sought t kenny billiards which is going out of business trie town dfureced that the s51 intead of being refca- ed be credited to unpaid basines tax for 196s w cook president of the actor ratepayers association igleniea division introduced the officers of the association to a question he was told that new town tiytewss jl cootnucd on paige four r- j ll j i mil ii i

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