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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1955, p. 14

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n page fourtbbn the acton free presstctpinirtsntarlo r tl ii mtlaai5ermkh i ot ii c fm sr chronicles of ginger farm written specially tor the acfo kree prei by gwendoline l clark i worytci- luw mimy facnir il how nuitvv tarni hmuw isisf stilus ttt w late with llioiv elmns r olse hiiiiyiiik i ttuvtij- dimic tihowl it time so ax to lv ill hie hoiwtfti wiifili v lisleit us the grey cup finals ivisoimlly i nm not mtrivstoil u tilto kami- llifclf ml uiiuvrsuiiiliiik the lv like most jhhiic i was very inter wumi i uir final hvtv n1 only dint hut it is n uv u know many people are enumsiastlo over imh- incwt inlerst partner ami llol were following the xaiiv with ellvse at tention joy unrl i fountl it wm isjsivtry snfc to jtprtik so wvihyl nnotliei riwm where we snill uilk in fiee it was surely a tfivut la fi vnoeotiwr visitors obviously eiv well eittecliiintvl an i must have boon quite impi-os- witlli clw west ern tyi of hospitality kveiy year canada is iiuiviismi her rtjhitalioii us a sportnmmiuvl eounlry wliuli includes the faiinnik ihtpulalioti front east to west no lutt nulla luiji iiiihhi tv r-m- wtis mterel and now television has alll to it i wonder if icole were as ihler- tvitod in the nominations for mun icipal office hint were held in many centres the nikit ihefore ieitaiulv tilt city vieis lid nl niiow too linioh concern fr out of tow u news there were nomination in several iwirts of our manly ti it siune ntffht- we wen- vvry aniois to know lite tvult ttiill 11 im ally exihtsl to find m on jnoiit ill vaer pnre waoil a lin- v bought two tnn oip-r- iiii- them did mentim t fat thai i the county twu woman was nn inatisl for conn il hoyoiil thai il a word thank vins we haw oltr wtekly lahi to lhk lrwil to wiulmit tt how avnuld wr ever ket oui- lxval news which rauvk a vimstion wh it xaclly is ihvii nouj at om- lulu- 1 was mistly a column leveled tuiths marrttvnes ml deatlus or 1 detailoi writeup of ohurvh -on- certi bazaars and the annual ele-t- ton of fficeis of vartoiu oiatual 10ns durinfi iivumioapal iirovtiwtal or federal cvmvjxiiktis thoro won loivcwindext letters ustially far from ovwxplimentaiy from piillic- siurited citizens now local news is much wider in scope it concerns suvorhgjluvnys larg- jand deals llvr uiunu an1 general news is il huh rime club trophy winners at the third 1irimj1l i h awrtnh night held ol milton hijh sihl fiilay ore shown lett o uglit don mottrtt holdiiuj llie kithnne aetly liophy which lie wi toi hciiuj the onlsliiidinii exhibitor in the beet and ouil purpose club wiiy liwieiwe hillinj ll wolhti uulliay i11phy tot holstein exhibition and the ideil hoist mi stiloelle tieouje lvieeitle with thr hnlloit ctwiiisey c1ii club trophy n011 realty with the nackendiiik leisey trophy and lire ideal jeisey slikii1te lynne loultei with the piennei 4 h club hophy whtih was won by tlii swtn iluh 7 v il uuib oftm reports loans deposits n that is if he i sxuemeit highest in history- iitire eist f ins avuleut lu th fiiimer litnvlf is uxv tilent albout all it cvit tf hiismtaliation is txalth tnuratuc like jtviirh nrt like an octopus wtth tentacles 1h1t s sttunr on the fence nure eist f ins avuleut il evense of extra help wthile he liild tip for litis reason we eeitam l- lmi dial if and when a health plan i- oianizsl the farmei- vxlll not he the korkomcn man jv foiv it is ls late hie volvo ot the kirntet stihtr1 t htvird acrkss ilnl- i iiio uirouifh an orisauted ihi 01 ity t whuh it ts a member and now supomn w 0111111111 m ii lighter vein 1 wondeij how uiiiu i vou read an ailule a fe livr m in a toronto pper w 1 a ten by a wynan who 1h nil ui a uutun set lust in -a- on missed it the writer allcl oil nmie fi i-nl- ai iiiiktn tn niul lie of a tv program thex ree vi iter m a hushed xoicenuotioii lt to a h ill find ihere vhe sal 11114 to ilk ul the jim ol tin- pliy one ditimi followed iintii tut then the news with an inle lul- of conversation tin iiik the ad v erllmin the juest hul lo leave tarl early an i said ier farewlu w tth her hostess lvxknis sideways at thi t vteii tlier hat been no elm nee for the cues to talk ovr thi ttvain purihvst of iht visit it is that sort of thin that makes me ilnbious about us jetting a set it v ihild le tusy to hwnv s en- thtid over a program one wuli forget to be courteous and yet tv nuist jh- very nice to watch in lynir own home wrhen yui are tco i ttnvi to te lotlteris1 with aityttiinj else and there is much that is ro- i lcxmi and ahlucational as for i pirlnor 1 know- he would no fiir the we are shall the ihovidliid tioiij vllrii w lleprvut participation ol bl anhes iii the tlevoliimoiil ot ialiallali busmes from ioit cast tihe hank l mmlial iiii fr lite hikhesi figures in it- lisi loi ltans jmmr and kn est melil- toi iheta mouths ended oclollel iii last lieout s ha e lnlil lo luarter ol a billion dillors i iii- unpr figure ot 27ikitllht ihiil uvoidtlli lo tin- laittll 011111 il statement issiusl ihu w tk bs 11 ol m man oi w l ivo maintaining its iridilioiiallv ill hiiil patti 11 lli- it ol at i- pel led puck issu f tvoil nillliol which is tsptil lo ti1 pel lit i ill ll put i- iittllltl i nil ilvolii hn il i tin p io11 l the lue lli iniiii 11 pillli valued ill jtml nilllioil w iii il not w llhstitkt uik the ehuiled 1- manl for ciedtl slmiw on inrei of 41 million over hie total lor m vestments i oai an the er siibstantial n lease in loans is noteworthy inasmuch as lolal advances have na pasil the billion dollar mark oatimiercia nd other loans rvse iu inillini and moi iitae loans under the n ii a vviiv up from 10 hi 51 million dal- lals while til 1 lulls lofefllllk le-i- siioi acllvilx iii mie m- in ii lea mark i liwl a leiue i 2i million a- a ulklle lilll i se 111 uullioii i a totol s n h4imii mu1 noldl ol iii the items maloik- up sheet i- llle i isi- ill 1 million up itiiu j eii ao 3t- c our home for the holidays whatever the job re- i modelling revampintt t repair ing j h mackenzie itcrinittntttd can supply youwith the quality i materials you need and our advice is always at your dis posal i mow is the time of i year to tile the kitchen i or bathroom or odd j those cupboards youve needed call us today i our j stocks of tile and materials provide you with a wide selection to choose from youll be glad you consulted us first ckenzie t b on cqrulumberm building supplies a gift for the home is a gift for the whole family i l uuiujhr- in lit- itil in mmi t4 jrnh itirv iikiutoii a uto ufe t three your available through state farm insurance agent k w h denny 38 brock st phone 455 acton every village al farm s uwit kencrai news inevitab- ly becrus to a irceat extent kcil news for this reason farm folk i now notvi an awareness of initdu- affairs tluit wiis not actually iuvcs- nani a divcade affo vtnless we cul- tivatc tius awikreness we may find imirselves left out in schemes in which we should b- included referring imam to the recently siiksestisd health insurance delet ntes of uie provincial federation ef lalxir are puttinj on the hear fn the early formation f seme kuid ufi hivilth plan and remember labor usually gets what it wants so if n health plan ccwns intt being for organized latmr where does- thai leave the tarmer lsnt this- some thing that should be investigated by the federation of agriculture bv the womens institute and by farm forums across ontario who needs to toe included in a govern ment sponsored health insurance plan more shan the farmer farming is a hazardous occupat ion on very lew farms are farm employees insured under the work- mens compensation act and if the sisiris telecasts how ever ttmg on the shall w t not invsed asset peat as canadians we know little ilvmt peat as fuel less thin nothing iliout what is required to fit it to our needs and this despite the fact ttiiro are 3i1lvhlhtxi acres of it oinipared to 20lhkltnhi acres in the im ted states and less than 3000000 in ireland where peat is the main source if fuel pembroke lont standard observer for top rated fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at horn and sav to star under your christmas tree a pageant of smart gift suggestions from baxters cameras smokers supplies hair brushes razors etc bath powder pipes cigars perfumes fountain pens lighters boxed candy bill folds cosmetics o baby needs ftaying cards awsxsk christmas shop at v frwrraxier druggist phone 8 mill st save 6300 54dhlwroibinenink ony 6995 a akk buy t ofrty w jf 95 a mmn twi4runtkmr4 mom rwk 4 mni amiprtma mj 2 dniwi smiimmi for leaded tvitb star fwtemr youajtitown allccl qaalify 9 drsrtrs including lined cadcty dnwvt dimptwsrtnf cuntng board dclicfe fcninics and spraf 1 j tf guarantee sopcaif 4wahc 66 skdal camnet smk 4i srtcui catwn smk a il taftxy bi t w w 95 2oor root hardware piumbing and heating contractors phone 16 a rbckwood at the facts behind the figures no douht about it wc anadians have on the whole had a good year in 1955 ami although you may not think of it the facts show that you personally played a useful role in helping canada reach its great height of prosperity during the past year lor it is yttur money together with the savings of millions of other canadians across the country that helps tarn the wheels of our industries and our commerce the u of m puts your savings to work in the form of loans and investments so that canadian enterprise can have the daytoday financing if needs to build to employ and to produce only with such financial assistance are canadians able to enjoy the benefits of a high standard of living clearly the facts behind the figures in the u of ms 1v5s annual report show that the dollars you save work hard and long to secure not only your own future but alv the future of our nation the money you deposit at the end of the hanks year october 31 1955 over two million canadians had on deposit at the b of m the sum of 259132631 1 the highest yearend total on record although much of this money belongs to institu- tions and business firms more tfiarthalf of these deposits represent the personal sayings of canadians in every walk of life savings that are bringing bene fits to you and to canada the money we iend the money you save at the b of m is helping to ensure our countrys expansion and progress in the form of loans to canadian farmers miners fishermen oil men lumbermen and ranchers to industrial and business enterprises to provincial and munici pal governments and to salaried people my bank has just completed its 1 38th year with resources amounting to 2796174064 the highest figureln its history the b of ms growth is part of the growth of this community and of all canada and i am proud of the part my customers have in this story of progress in all walks of life as of october 31 hof m loans to talled 10571 11001 the highest in the hanks his tory in untold ways these dollars are contributing dynamically to the maintenance and improvement of our standard of living the money we invest at the close of the year the b of m had 975361319 invested in highgrade government bonds and other public securities which have a ready market this money is helping to finance gov ernment projects for the betterment of the country and the welfare of cana dians at large other securities held bjr the bank which include a diversified list of highquality shortterm indus trial issues bring total investments to1214559875 if if bank bm j w g davey niugr arton branch bank of montreal y wrak i isu -tw- idaaartagggmeas

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