r pa0kstx the acton free press acton ontario l tmwrsday dbcembba 8 mm s and ajrtktet irfin heltons nhmlarxh and farm organiiaticns pelletterfo new president of halton milk producers the annuai tneetlnn of thr hal- ton milk producers association was held in the stewarttown hull on saturday novnnber 9b in our opinion it was not only the bcit attended but resulted in the mat frank and oiprrt discussion of any meeting held b the hnltnn wutr- iatioit in tin ast 21 years w fr roie president of uie ah socittion fip the past two yours who acted as chuii milt of the da along with sretir john m bird received mam bouquets foi their initiative nd leaderatap wm holies president of the onl who milk league bi ought u bm message tfroni has aooiation drop stabilisation plan ftefei ring to the proposed stabil izalion fund lie slttedthe stabil ization plan was dropped bvcaum legislation was not available to celved at he plant varied from low of 3000 skuirmtr ipor day to a tilgh of 187000 pounds in eight hnurs snoh variations make it impossible for us to operate oflftc- imtly andd show n profit it waii also mported iby mi boer that some of blie- diiti lbutots l least ate definitely out to put the surplus milk pliant out of blls- llloss to tills olid il tll oiisc ot chip huge distnluitoi at least 15 more per cwt is tiiing offoiod foi swondni milk aiivilftiuiuttion of tin- turpi us milk plnnr v itlh the toronto jvtilk pi niurors ssocinl urn under one nvuiutgoment is tin only solution united we itaikl du ided we fall com hided mi boer fteot nfw ottflrem the election of uie new duect- ornte ifor uie next 12 months le make it oomjuilsorj mr holies suited as follows pi osident geo also staled we are going tovhajo j polletterio vicetprnsident r c a test cm made on our provincial alevandei secretary treasurei marketing legislation to see if it john m bird toronto director f will stand up o hunter irwin martlej president of the director trif ulgar c mnrsh- toronto milk producers associal- all e ford f peacock h benty ion also spoke briefly trie num- 1 w pickering e pell nelson b ber of shippers to the toronto t harris c reid c bell esqueslns market is down from former years with increased production per sltlpper stated mr hartley sh rdferrlnc to bulk hauling ir urged caution but also admitted tfnt manj oandensenes and heese s3ianks welllnglon factory shippers rfho have been re j reid c davis j celvmfs around 130 per rwt for ttmur milk 256 per cwt at pres ent would ktailj gc t and bor- issw the mono to put in a bulk cooler in other words thev aie the opinion tho couldn t be or osf than the i- at the pent tinit mi haues il intimated that at the peso t time thoe nn no rerulati i u rvein tmk hauhnc dr how speaks k buigham m bind g graftiam jim reid i devncs stan morri son nassagawcya r burren j tonadale wnv majioo east went- wortsi fred mqpartney sid e moore j mbmplne g derty auditor j e whitelock dr h o ut deimt tmeiit of aoicu tiral et nomie it the out ario jrrieulturil college roported o- a s5u e niadt recentk relativi to bulk haul ute in t us lrrtroduct on remarks dr how pointed out there is a graduil increase in th cost d domp ork b hand hence the move b the distributors towards bulk hauling as e interpreted dr hows re marks most at the advantages of hulk hauling would arppear to be from the milk diitributors stand point in an event he stated tstera is n evidence of a hirher butter fat test resulting ifrom bulk hauling according to their survey the overhead from the standpoint of thte eight can ship per is approximately 10 cents per can more in the case of the three caii sjiroper the overhead amounts to about i cents more per can while the bulk tank does offer the pocibilit of producing a lug er quality of product comments mr mccorquodale check tester with he toronto association and others would indicate that the qualit of the product produied still depended on uie calibre of fit shipper rather than on w hettier he had a bulk tank or shipped can wm wilmot secretary manager of the torunto association uvlim nted that while consumption wa- up six per cent production had jumptsd 10 or 12 per cont he fur ther stated that while the 1966 bao totalled around 35 million pounds the last two weeks of august saw 43 million pounds being shipped dally into the toronto market the some speaker also intimated that 31 small shippers to the toronto market had received notice from the distributors that their product would not bo accepted after dec ember 1 b s beer a director of the re cently established surplus milk flanl roported that shipments re- halton debaters defeat waterloo wednesd i evening of lust week saw halton junior faimors go in to ution on ruo do i ting fionts tlt eutii of liu provincial junioi ftiimei ssik intion is ti v- iii out nn innovation this ear in tin debating f u id eiu h county nterinc the debating competition must have two teams one to up hold the affirmnttvi side of the quiition and tin other to take the negative consequently while halton s af firmative team of george green- lees and mac sprout was deoating up near gait against waterloo negative team down at the traf algar township hall haltons neg ative team of roy ford and lloyd vivian debated against waterloos affirmative here john w picket president of the halton juniors was the afble chairman of the ev ening the subject by the way at both points was resolved that a policy designed to encourage the establishment of larger farms would be in the best inteiests of ontario farmers at trafalgar waterloos affirm ative team members were newton gmserich and arbhur woods while up near gait their negative teim members were bob steckle and margaret brown dr norman high directoi of tin asinciau course at the onuiiio agncultur il college was tin neutiil judge at trafalgar with genige e elliott q c of milton unci mnc coutts of thi gland river valley authoi itv as the two additional jiulgts oil the panel up neir gait glen warlovv of the public relations depart- ment at the oac was the neu tral judge and the assisting judges were w e breckon of aippleby and george murray of gait at both points the halton debat ers jgot the unanimous vote of the adjudicating panel it ts our under standing that halton debaters will now meet the lincoln county de baters who recently defeated hur on county incidentally our read ers may be interested to learn that rt is reported thatj lincoln county had their scouts out at both points orrwednesday evening last siting uj thfli- noxit opponents coftve what may halton may well be proud of the effort of the four yoiirur men who repreeontod the county on wednosday evcrvliu of inst week the date for the next round has not oh yet ibeen set but it will be hiimotlme dui ing the errent month e dr norman high growing old di noiiiiuin iliifh dliectoi of uie associate ccuusi lit the onl alio agi leultiuul college was the snecliu npeukei at uhi joint itieet- ing of tihe illlitiiu and mllum luiuoi fin mi r guutps on wihiihii da evening of lust week in the tiiiifnlgnr towiislup hall this yell iiluiided nteetiing wia piesidecl ovll jay bob imantliafju piesident of palcimo junioi fanm- eis idi ihigih wln was inliikluced by don johnson of milton took us his topic growing old jn his ven pluuinib luldress di higih stated one oif the greatest tragikiios is when ifolk whetltr young or old ome to a point wtheie thoyi lose truui 7est and see nothing uliead nf uiom tlif e consists of the fibre of tihe mom ent jiow you react to the chal lenge af life let us take our les- ponsibilities us they face us think of n team otf horses hauling a load mp the barn dump ipresslng up the grade steadily moving forward all in all dr highs address coupled with some very lovely musical numbers by the campbell sisters and sylvia shepherd and finally the dabate previously re ferred to made it a ipiogram wthioh those pnvileged to attend will not forget for many a day norval heads juniors league milton actorf on losing end auto life 1 three available through your state farm insurance agent joo w h denny 38 brock st phone 455 acton mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway open daily from 8 00 am to 300 am o breakfasts o lunches dinners special lunches daily o steaks and chops a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver acton players milled too lato in the third evening of junior farmer hockey monday nov 20 in milton arena they lost to palenmo 04 pallonmo liad ncoied foiu goalh btifore mnokenvie on u shot from g wiheoler put in u woi d f m a ton palermos reply was four molt rtuiklns the acore 11 acton uneooiyllnnted nt the be ginning and playing without their coach finally became a scoring ng grugoiuoli and began hai k ehivking ibjt tm bite theli late uiui goals jlllis tuiothel fol llleimo concluded the matdh with tin siori 114 aetoijs lute tallies wen ilul ittyl to imiukeiile from j wlniui ngiiln whe ler finni scuutivillf ami lnwson fiom mu isjuoul playing foi arlno hui liusoi coon footllt 1 tiiiiiiiii imiotnipsoii miu ki iiic m spt hv 1 c spiowl j mii shall diiiioia siunei illi anil oiiiaiul ipalt nmo line up ku haidso i priet gn ei lit xigiliton d vi lan h vivian hill mu hall bb m hhall dllmen unwnnet alnutsl all i of them v el i ill on tin teams s u ing tupree with eluui gnals ti os i slsts pemiltius in tti fust ganu win ftiw comqioiied to tho- in th si t- ond this ganu also saw n siiao however witli somerville andpiui each meud a major penilty foi fighting price linsiived another foi boarding richardson one for ti ip- plng and mackcnic one for dip ping inoi val now heads the league w ith thre wins palermo has tvyo wins milton one and acton none a quick goal at 20 seconds in the first period of the second game be tween milton and norval got thi game off to a fast start a slightly rouher second period reuiltod n norval acoring four gnnla hy the cunninghamrichardson lino mil tons lone talry wan arornd hy mc dowell the thlid period was trying foi the rfer0h but exciting for tin xiorlatoiti rofores boyd arid mnr- khall luiniled out 12 ihnaltlis lu ll lull nj foitt majora aiul a ntutrh mlxcondiwt oime agulri the miuxith pigwinu line of jamie and ross tlin- niii i rtchaulaon provol iilglibmnie foi the uppouiiig goallii luvoiintliik foi lluei iiiiik gtfuilh iiuiklui u uiual of eight mellowi 11 was mltins ittm iiiii ksuiaii oiin kliul siun noiil 10 milton twn firot teriod n itkiliaiilsin il ciiiiiiuif ham it fiiiiiiiiighun i ik second period m mi dii ii cillh si i xi n huh i id ii lit 11111 mj ihami 2iki n 1 citiininli tin iltitluird sun it iiniungiiain i urf n r iiniuiigh on iltldiald son i 1101 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph 1924 58 st georges squara imimicicicikn christmas baking yes your christmas baking will taste better with quality dairy products from acton jersey dairy phone 242 don timmings prop ieixteitsieeiciiceiceiiceewic n r oimnlnttham richard arm r in 00 j rthlrll rarloe n e wluon illariii ii fki n j lka it ia nlngham nujiardaoni l7iki n rlcluirdium j cumilnff ham ift hi m mdowu ki hthm johrimfril ififk n rtahiirvlnon ri fiiioilrig tuuii it ciiririlnicluird lait n jtanum k wllwni 24 so iimiiiaiiiaeaiiiiejiaiiieiiiiiiauae pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials mfmorial engraving 42 wafer st north oat notice acton is being invaded i the bishops gra y clljb announces operation popbottle saturday december 10 9 00 m 1 1 am have your empty pop bottles ready for the boy with the gray arm band to 1 8 help us help others i5ffifiw5ermei m mini kiafeuapuas i imummiim if i can be of further service to the citizens of acton in the office of deputyreeve for 19s5 i will appreciate your vote and influence on monday december 12 ray thompson five years on acton council two years as deputyreeve j the one drink your holiday guests will welcome cocacola it step f ffte kitchen of your dreams -m- kstival save 63 now mio modem convenient features make this a wxmderful btqr hares what you get youngitown allsteel quality 1 drawers including hoed cutltry drswer e disa cutting board e deluxe fittings aad spray 5year guarantee soapchip basket root hardware phone 1 6 rock vood i i pyv tjw-