spotlight on the district news paoe huoht the acton frfe press acton ontario tiiuusday nbobmubil is iw hems of interest gleaned from the newspaper of the district haltqn natural gas co seeks gas franchise in georgetown planning engineer for trafalgar hired safety films approved j roberts a former planner- ftrt designer in erttflttitd tviia ixfn named trafalffw 4 lunrdn engi neer mr irobeits who hud heeii oper ation a u tvsate arohihvturul depict budnc- in cimtksville prior ta le- ins accepled n the townships plan ning engineer will receive un un- riiml sulni of 5 300 caunnt decided to tt a report on die oust ot installation if flash iiuj thknnlh nt fiho c jst r tracks on the fourth line fmin the board of transport thf nmtim wils earned afti councillor murttn cuitchei told council the fom lh line sviis becem livk quite heavily travelled mid that hlknul litfhu sseie needed council gave- it- police doimrt debate surcharge for new hospital at ti meeting of the ih11u1i of dirthlurt of thf milton nwtuct hos pital 011 wodnesduy novombei 2ut tllv suemiou of miiohaut tot tiet lim ipuliunb discussed til uncut anieoiiient ssun iinioliiit on ii division to mike no surchiuke im us pities lisiiyy in tin tow ushtpn isf ksipifftiy jsusmigasscsu n lsmi hi tiafilisii if these tossiishliis uic issuing delienluii s to iu 1 liminir the- bull iuik of title ness liilhal tin- dis isuiii will k- of 4e iil mtt rest u peim wih i nit iuiis ouliked to jm iu h sin tti tithfl iiiihlcii itwwvt 250 to tireiwre aafely- liimb lo ctarca thk- mound to townsliip school to v ap ahost vvhd childre shonldn t luumu uux msuruu ha ii il hiiiltuih d itu in fore n dvrtsinrr lit in nil on the oliout of awhile k when 4iii to and fnvin school i helieve mm- police doiiartniciit wants to take pictutes of tounsluo children ntnihik out of school to slum tu ii sifot mistakes and point these out li inking the film mound to tht s hools said cloik sheldon fciithei stone council authorized the pmciieu of 1000 sqirait feet cf land frvn v kingston on ui upper muldle road iitar ule second ltite for tn idit imirptvses itoid upei mtendeiit jink on was kl veil hrmismon tt find buitaule land tot a new und fill dump site council decided to extent the no bhootmc area not ch to tlie hpihm middle irtvtd fiom one uml of tote tovvnahkj to the othor as a result if boveral complaint fioni uie ceiitril trufulfiar hutepoert aasttciitlliui and individual furinen miinlmj llu iiusliiih tu john vvlltlll ililll in in ot th 1mui it minili un pitsidtnt h 11 nils etletllll mis leltxil lviw ns mis iho it i st i lie and kilil mutiill mid iolue sei vitt uuo of ti if lufiii aiui nns sijaiwi itsptstixeh th nitstual ummmltti ni inpu enled in full l hi t k sttiensoii ohiiiiiian in id iv s j mcliiuheon i k fvu ot milton inl oi 11 k mi ivmuld of kdhi uti in tjhe first t itit tnionlh- if tiii icsii unpoi us of kods into canut i itaehtht uie all tune nsoid huli fur that pel nvl of j 01 t 71hi ihio i xceediuj oxihii til foi the jei uhi l 41 vuhit of m dim khi ku- t ij i mac sjivts who ownis shot deer decisions date back to days of early rome the deer hunting seanon brought nxl fair pla piovide all uie an w 1u1 it the usual iuuiuhm of duiput a to who mi lis uie dtni once it lb allot in some cases hunters shot dhm wlviuh were ihiiij drrvon by other pal ties or to ouiei parties dogs in ouiei caslv disputes aroie wv4ion ii hunter killtyl a deer which had been wounded bv ti monihei of itottur pirrty often conervtiiui of cicvrs of uie ontai to vhtmii tment of ljiiuw and forests are willed in to sottle such disputes and mit quicvk judirnient on matters uhicli tuive exorcised loid minds tor ten tunes wuio owns uie panic the quest ion oes so fir tkick into lusuiri that uie roniin i ule us quoted in juhtmum sthxifies uiut lid aiiuii- als bocomp uie propcrtx tf him msho reduce them to possetsiou until their are redoctvi u hiswuk ion howovoi the inloni to no one duti ict f n estei dtnwrlas n om qnd explains foi mans eils m england ill wild kime was held to be tilt propert of the so ereijin w ho could hunt hiuvself i delegate the riht to hunt to cert un people us lulls landowners blackstone mlus comment iries take this interpn-t- ution subsequent usea in etigland however shiiw that only eerunn pecies of jianie mid fish are actual ly rosal prohrt notabli swan bturgeoii and whales the ruling english case on uie subject now recokniztng the right of parliament to legislate rokard- ing uie uikmc of rame does not place all came tn the cntofiorj of royal propert since most cahid- lan law ts denied from engliih cunmkin law it is safe to state hat the actual killing of a wild 0une animal is what decides its uvters needesl ui setth disputes ol tins kind mi onuind points on i nelson ignores planning board nelson council at ii nicctlnc last week chose to ignore statements from the burlington and suburban planning hoard billing the tovtn- sliip for its shine of the planning i budget instead on motion of councillors walter chudwick and lnon idling it wits decided tn notifv the a111 noaid that the 3r left on irtdit to nt ison township for 1054 j be usts to pn for wink performed j oi ntlson planning roaid during j lli tn full of atcount the motion passed w ithout a moid of loniment although the mattt r had bnti the subject for niuoh dtshate nt ficquctil tmits tiur- mg the ear another break w ith the past 1 come w hen the same councillors ii esented a motion uiat the clerk ull foi tendeis on all insurance for i the township it too passed with out comiiieiit although members i tut iter in committee had discussed i the tunehonored practice of spht- titig i premiums among various ukenu in ule- township announce christmas decorations prize theie lu an extia unexpected chi istmas present uwultlng some lucki and indiistiioiis resident of riiillngton tuidlts lminediat out- skills ttrf chamber of commerce havi unnounced a 1s pi ize tor the liest outside on istmus dtsoi utlori homes iu the uien will be judged bv n speelul panel of judgja rlioawn bv the ohuniber the content will close at a p m on tluiraduy evening oeeenibei 22nd announcement for the a wauling of the pi lice will be niatlt intel it is hoped thut thla will lu un milled incentive to innke tilt lljl tstnuis splllt mole tmdtllt ti outslttt llghtillg decoiutlons in tin i oikiiiiuniti ringing opens fourth munns the fom lh public school in tiij litfitu to bear the nnmi itoms was opined offn mill lo the i igu oils i lilting of the n liinil tieti it llu hand of o seal ohl mis mix 1 1 htggai git at geiiuldauglil i of 11 mill miiiiii s ho don it tl tin lolul on is huh ti iftlgai fust s lioil sii- tulll uti urns iko thst piesent un liutetl stanlis hill mp1 foi 11 tit n tiiuiil nsip robeit muuiall k j lanus iluiii- nuili of tiafalgu si hool iliiiil iin1 pilmiisil c ciant illn ipnl sunkei f the eviiiliit sns ti a ivirsoit chief siiierln teiident of onuu to eltmiioiiuu s sohokls who said that ontai lo now had 52 000 moif vuhlic s hool u- ils tluui fom imirsiifia blinking uie total of uitist undi 15 to r75mht a juicki d auditoi nun watchisl linls of uie school give a lilsloi n il sketch depu ting ti afalgai a pio- neei tnfi da8 mm blggiti mrs pearson and tlie w ivtis of til it stiluhi txiald iilsms ttirs e itsli u vfhnl a bsitiiet of eliiyiii- tlusinimis and numbers of tlie tshlurm staff of uie new bchool sseio ultiskliictsi lbs principal c a grant tlie nunnbei of traitors in ils mi cmadian ftunms ini reicstsi from 1511752 v liuar m mi um1 1951 pel lod complain trustees not cooperating claiming trustees of school aien no 1 sviare not eoopei iitlng with us councllloi walter w ciiad- wick usked nelson council foi fur- tliei infoi mutton befoie cut tying out a veibul piomlse to supply funds foi the pin chase of a new school site councllloi chudwick l lunged tlie school bo id had delibeiately tg- noietl council for the official open ing ot claiksdale hchool although incnihfis hud been invited to other iu iilngs be said wilt ii otliei nitiiiheis ugiifd with count illoi cbudwitk clei k wil liam k slnis wus instituted to sviiie mis million ktins school bouid stcitlaii letpiesting in foi motion al ul the state of uit tioaitls f unmet s ss ttll leguid to the salt of old st bonis in the last three siuis tinning ovei of tht nccca- sui funds h toiintll it posted in a boaid lot it i wus held up pending leciipl of lh lutni matlon i loss t sei kts ilai old c ad- ktns juiil it t loin tlie council wua not iciitguig on oiii eibul pio- mise to stippls funds for the piu- rhust nt u silt wiill le coining to council in jiinuary to seek vuu coiisldfi atlon foi tlllid leading of n byluw to glso llnllon naluiul oos co a ilia- intuition fianchitic w h llesley told ofiigftosvn touncll last whk willi mi hiooks of the mime ooiiipiuiv lie inppiuitsl to leaf firm tlie timupanv s inloiest in solving lioi telow 11 us wou us milton ac ton und ouelpli wheie siitiilai pro- liositlom ait hding tonsideiod mi lltslei si il that building of the tiuiim canada pipeline between tin unto und montieul next year has fctmii his cninpmi which lb iniinuled wtth the likulalid com- inu in tht tlsa a chance to pro- side i ales wliu ii will be more fm tn utile than aits othti tompany ikcmiisc of a tmlk pin chase ar- iiiiititiitt nt qtusliniied sslulhei his company would hi iisiuh m fmin the local aimnirts coupons he sanl hnlton lias has ssilttn to ullion offer ing injpiuclitum hit ii gas nt the pie- sjiilini muiket pi lee suburbanite by winter tiro goodvear itsft biting da -uae-holit- boost you along any winter road loose unow 1 packed snow even ice and of course mud drop in soon i thompson motors phone 69 ford sales 4 service tjwnvrshkp and tin only f its- tierr killing involves ho infraction of existing law pursuit of an atiunal does not- constttute possession nor superfic ial wounding the man who kills it nd takes possession of the carcass is the owner tor most people of course the unwritten laws of sportsmanship rv pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 wator st north oalt tuphon 20m television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 54 comwt located at watsons music store fwun9ttivrhe want ads llobtlfthamilton fred a- hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph 1924 58 st georges square flynns nursing home good food kindly care op patients 20 week nia rvriints n skml invalids 4 ay on no 25 highway 1 mile south of acton phone 124w4 your holiday wearing apparel will look the best when cleaned with sanitone and pressed by our experts free pickup and delivery phone 128 acton cash n carry at 5 mill w phone ixo acton b q w l o w l i drop in anytime for coffee i fou ii amaze yourself at liow much fun qood sport and healthful recreo bon there is in bowling s open bowling fridays and saturdays acton bowling lanes phone 697 10 main st christmas store hours the following acton merchants will be open on the evenings of dec 16 to 23 until 9 pm holland shop watsons music store manning electric don s bexton acton home furnishings symon hardware bonnie wee hat shop mildred beu bob ridsdale coopers drug store family outfitters braida shoe store the kaye shoppe eisens clothing store hintons deft store hintons 5cl store gord mccutcheon baxter drugs gordons hardware rachlin jewellers the following merchants will be open dec 5 t6r 17 and 23 until 9 pm bradleys meat market ruddkics grocery george benton marks grocery franks grocery loveus meat market ledgers iga carroils grand union ovenette bakery consult tho abov merchants for christmas eva hours most merchants will be closed dec 26 27 druej stores opon doc 27 for ptpsrs open all day rvednesday december 28 this notice is published for your shopping convenience by the chamber of commerce there is nothing more personal than a gift of food youve made yourself and what could contribute mora to the success of such a gift than the choice in gredients purchased at your iga market for an ideal christmas giftl presswoods fullycooked readytoeat fully glazed and garnished in holiday boxes pineapple hams and fruited butts lb 77c lb 73c prices on turkeys and recasting chickens are ef fective from monday de cember 19th to saturday december 24th inclusive top quality young plump tender grade a birds i carefully selected government inspected predressed ovenready no waste 10 to 16 lbs average lb lb 59 53 grade a redressed 4 to 41 lb average roasting chickens 59 fresh ontario genuine spring j or whole maple loaf country style lamb legs lh 5vt s i lb pkg 39c florida no j marsh seedless grapefruit 10 size 96s 49 new crop fancy quality 1 lb pkgt mixed nuts 45c iga delicious rich christmas 1 lb sal fruit cake 59c peek freans mrs peeks christmas 1 lb iga brand selected quality mb beg cranberries 25c california red emperor grapes 2 lbs 29c florida selected firm ripe cello pkg tomatoes 15c california kebercjt crisp sotic jurhlso hfl lettuce 19c florida now crop green pascal ig sriks celery 2 for 19c puddings 49c favorite brands ctnof 209 cigarettes 299 for holiday pictures westinghouse no 5 ctn of ix flash bulbs 17ft monarch fruit 16 ox patg cakjkr-mx- 49c iga choice halves ripe n ragged 2 20 ox tins peaches 39c swiffi jewel 1 ri pkg shortening 25c aylnser swoot 16 os jar gherkins 29c iga family pack assorted 4 h on biscuits 99c l e d g 3 iii lilihjmh