thuhsuay april 5th719st the actonfree pre atgr-gntarie- paqe ipirks dctomasmg x s electric don lindsay drops it baskets of game acton ys basketball team award- ed march 34s match to the visiting team kitchener mayfair with- hospitably wide score of 32 to 66 here for the icltchener team this was the last warmup game before the canadian finals when they will be meeting teams from woodstock brantford and toronto dropping the most baskets for acton was don lindsay with 11 other top men were stewart mc- donald with six don price with five peter lawson and peter new ton with three each wayne wilson and brian mccrlstall with two each bill shannon and dave fleming set up most of the plays for acton and frank mariscak did the rebounding wolfgang lorenz and dave flem ing did a good job defensively six district highway deaths during february opp report the ontario provincialpolice re whats all this talk about low prices we extend an m- v italian 4a every ana to pay as a visit tan wtn be eanvtncea that toa aaeana low puces dat alas the meanly ealjr that is kitly florida new crop firm rib tomatoes california urge compact heads cauliflower ea 29c cuban large sic 12 each pineapples 25 c california naw crop asparagus lb 29c california sunkist largo six 2201 or anges doz 45c new brunswick no 1 table 16 ox jar 49c 15 oz queensway choice dessert pears 2 for 25c potatoes 10 39c fancy vacuumpacked kernel corn kelloggs corn flakes treeswe pure grapefruit juice 14 ox tins 2 for 27c 12 oz pkg 23c 48 oz tin 25c double saving contains 15c coupon nescafe sss ss 179 ca cclntftt tpfciais imf of white breeze with 2 fuse cannon face cloths lxix 2 271 liquid detergent giant tin 73c a quality meats new seasons milkfed veal shank end 3 to 4 lb average veal leg roast ib 45c full cut knuckle bon out ib veal rump roast 55c blue surf tender and meaty veal sirloin roast freshly minced veal patties lean marrow pork back ib 55c ib 29c lb 59c get entry forms 4 your ga learn freshly ground minced beef lb 27 you can win a naw 1956 chevrolet sedan golden voice ebony finish 25 motorola radios phantom 60 gauge 15 denief 300 pairs nylons come in for full details and free entry forms i iga port on highway traffic statistic for the month of february shows a to tal of 1058 motor vehicle accidents in which 51 persons lost their lives figures shown on the chart for halton dufferln wentworth and norfolk counties called district 3 indicates 244 accidents six of them ratal in this district which includ es both the local and district police six persons lost their lives while another 65 were injured of the 9175 vehicles given a safe ty check in these four counties there were 2030 warnings issued 1311 charges laid and the rest 5834 received safety stickers interesting to note is the fact that there were 742 speeding charges laid during the month as well as 195 for defective equipment and 136 for rules of the road south halton schools hold music festival fourteen urban schools in south halton vied with one another for top honors when the first of three festival competitions was held in oakvillc early in the week elimina tion contests were participated in by glenwood nelson brantwood westwood oakwood and central schools at oakwood public school and by munns lome skuce lin- brook maple grove palermo and w h mordcn schools at linbrook public school adjudicator for the eliminations was miss glenn daw son supervisor of music at hamil ton knox group decides to decorate vestry the monthly meeting of knox ladies aid was held last week at the home of mrs r r parker park ave program convener mrs j a robinson pre sided and was assisted by mrs r h armstrong in tfte devotional period the business was conducted by airs f j mccutcheen the nom inating committee was reported for by mrs r l davidson who announced all offices were now filled with mrs mccutcheon con senting to carry on as advisory leader mrs w mclod first vice- president and mrs a m mcphcr- soil second vicepresident a mot- wednesday evening magistrates court has six convictions six convictions two remands and one dismissal were registered tat magistrate c a thoburns court here last week a local man was fined a total of 20 and costs on two charges under the ldquor control act another local man convicted of driving while license was under suspens ion was fined iso and costs a fergus district youth was fined atotal of 19 plus costs on two charges under the highway traffic act while a toronto man was con victed on a count of having liquor in an jllegat place pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 water st north gait telephone m4s ion was carried that no president be expected to act lor more than two year period unless she so desired the indies dccidel to decorate the ministers vestry with new floor covering nnd otlicr necessary improvements following the business session mrs a robinson gave a reading the old fashioned apron accom panied by nn action skit presented by mrs s matthews mrs done mason and mrs r- l davidson mrs d mason also conducted n sour title contest with mrs par ker and mrs g somervillc being the winners easter hymns were sung nnd the mizpah benediction closed the mooting dainty refreshments were served by the committee of mrs peter murray mrs james smith mrs doug mason and mrs robinson an invltntion to mrs a m mc phersons was accepted for the next meetnig the expression of thanks was given by mrs f anderson to the hostess and those who had con tributed to the afternoons pleas ure on learning thnt mrs peter murray had recently celebrated a birthday greetings were expressed and all joined in the birthday song to her a very desirable residence this modern one and onehalf storey dwelling contains every thing that could be desired large well landscaped lot with hedge trees bulbs and shrubs three bedrooms with mas ter bedroom on first floor large living room and dining room full sie cellar waterproofed with oil garwood warm air conditioning bathroom closets riot water on tap has many extras such as illuminated front door insulated garage and breezeway water softener awnings clothes line stand arid everything for good living and easy housekeeping that all pertains to nappiness and comfort all in all comparable with other properties sold at the same price this js an excel lent investment good workmanship and materials through out owner moving if interested phone for an appointment to view f l wright realtor 20 wilbur st appraisor insuror hone 95 programs of music at friendly circle the march meeting of the friendly circle was held in the school room of the united church march 21 mrs vernn with the president bean presiding items of interest in the business session included an invitation by miss jean rowe to the circle to enter for the explorers mother and daughter banquet to be held in may the business session closed with enstcr hymns group two then took charge mrs helen watcrhouse and mrs mary ikcnzie heading the group dur ing the devotional period mrs ii watcrhousc read a chapter entitled life story of mary the mother of jesus taken from i new book just published women of the bible by edith dean front the sunday school library a musical program followed miss ltnighlin played two piano selections nnd miss goodwin sang a solo mlss faye cnrner played nn the accordion the goup in charge sold home baked cookies at the meeting as their project the evening closed with ice cream cake and cookies served with coffee chronicles ginger farm trine specially for tm aetna ftm press by p clarke anniversary booklet published by legion twentyfive years of progress and activity arc reviewed in an at tractive booklet compiled by the afcton branch tio 197 canadian legion besl publication coin cides with the 25th anniversary of thb legion here ult was in 1931 one article ex plains when a group decided to 4 apply to the ontario provincial command for a charter to form a legion branch here a veteran of both the south african war and the first great war gunner billy gould was elected president and fred wright secretarytreas urer and service officer the present building was pur chased in 1945 the booklet recalls on ithc building committee were comrades j m bud mcdonald fred wright jim chalmers billy middlcton bill finlay bill coon and earl davidson additiorfs and renovations were on the legion program this anniversary year included in the book are pictures of special events such as the mag na carta week parade and decorat ion day the cenotaphs at acton rock wood and nassagawcyn and forrncr secretaries fred wright billy middleton jack chapman r m storey albert mills e e harrop gordon mccutcheon and w coles the 30pagc booklet with its blue white and gold cover is a lasting tribute to the lcgionnarics of the past and present the easter season has come and gone and whatever the weather be fore and hfter no one could pos sibly have asked for a better eas- tre sunday sun shining all day and reasonably warm for the first of april easter is such a happy occasion especially as its promise of spirit ual rebirth coincides with natures awakening to new life once again special church services easter flowers and lovely choral music in churches and by radio and televis ion all contribute so much every thing cheerful and full of promise if we dont feel n lift in our hearts vre must indeed he dull and unrec- eptive no doubt old country people will agree with me that nt easter our thoughts are apt to drift homewards more than at any other time of the year not neces sarily with regret but rather in krateful remembrance it makes us happy to recall the lovely shaded country lanes banks yellowdotted with primroses and the air sweetscented from the shy violets in woods nnd lanes no wonder robert browning wrote oh to be in england now that aprils here if one had the time the opportunity nnd the money wouldnt it be wonderful to fly over to the old country just to see the primroses and violets in bloom once again however if that isnt possible we at least have our memories the philosophy that it is better to have jotcd and lost than never to have loved at all applies to more than human relations it applies equally well to places and things that have brought us happiness in days gone by and yet even as wc remember the past consciously or uncon sciously we are building up new memories to treasure in the days to come for the present will event ually become the past as we move day by day into the future jaflctnvmy more recent memories is shopping with grandson davel by special request i went to tor onto to help daughter with a days shopping dave had to be taken along too as he needed to be fit ted for shoes and a few other things believe me we had a most interesting and energetic day dave was really quite rood but of course staying very long in one place was not to be expected however we coped with that by having a har ness on our young man so while wummy shopped for drapes and shirts grandma took charge of dave who was constantly finding new worlds to explore the world of moving staircases elevators to ride in and toys that might be seen but not touched when we came to anything that moved dave had one request i go too which meant that grandma follow ed when our shopping was done it lasted four hours we went over to his dads office and that was an unexpected thrill needless to say dave dropped off to sleep in the streetcar coming home and stay ed asleep while being transported from streetcar to stroller and from the stroller to his crib the little st el co history began with incorporation in 1910 then steico has in the 46 years since made 28000000 tons of steel paid 71 7000000 to employees paid 179000000 to government in taxes spent 1365000000 for materials and services j invested 232000000 in plants the above figures show how steico has contributed to the wealth and progress of canada the steel company of canada limited montreal gahamoque hamiitoh brantfoto toronto man had had quite a day but oh dear what a bitter cold wind we had to contend with i was really klad to be back home and out of the weather on good friday although it was a miserable day the family drove out here with dave none the worse for wear they had stopped at oakvillc on the way up intend ing to visit bob and joy but changed their minds when they found the street where they live practically impassable mud and ruts almost axle deep due to storm sewer operations it hasbeen like that for weeks even though bob manages to struggle in and out with his car it cant be very good for the motor saturday before they could get out to come up here bob had to jack up the car and put stone down in the ruts justone of the joys of suburb life looks as if horse and buggy conditions are sometimes with us yet but without the horse and buggy to help us out the motor traffic over the week end must have been terrificwe noticed it in rather a peculiar way on this road one time in particular i was working in the kitchen of course the doors and windows were closed and yet al though we are quite a piece in from the road i soon became con scious of a steady incessant rumbl ing due to atmospheric conditions and traffic on the road what will it be when highway 401 goes through saturday night we had unexpect- jed callers about nine oclock our jgood watchdog was making a i great todo there wasnt a car in sight but amid the bedlam we j heard a knock at the door a middleaged couple claimed to j have come off the hamilton bus and were looking for a family of whom we had jiever heard but who apparently liyed about five i miles southeast of here the story j may have been true but it sounded a little suspicious partner suggest ed they go back to the gas station and call a taxi they were-certain- ly taking chances by walking on a strange road on a dark night and in dark clothes and by walk ing up to a farm house without knowing what dogs were around and if i had been aloner- and with out a dog i wouldnt have been too happy when oils strange couple appeared on our doorstep sunday we had more unexpected callers sv 1